The Seducer: Mission Impossible Ch. 02

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The seduction of Jennifer Chancey.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 09/26/2009
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Note: Thanks to all of you who left those wonderful comments on the first part! Except for that weird guy who wanted to sleep with my mom. Believe me dude, you can have her. So with no more ado, I present to you the next chapter of The Seducer. Be forewarned: This is the set-up chapter with lots of slow seduction build-up to increase the anticipation and thus, increase the eroticism. Hope you enjoy it!

James sat in his car, chewing silently on his sandwich as he watched Jennifer walk to her car. She was right on time, as usual. He watched as she pulled out of the gym's parking lot and took off toward home.

James swallowed the last bite of his sandwich and started his car. He was careful not to follow too close. Years of experience had taught him how to follow someone, so he had no worries about being spotted. Besides, most people wouldn't think they were being followed even if James wasn't so careful. But he took no chances. That's how he earned his reputation.

As he followed her, James contemplated this new case. Mr. Wombert had been very thorough in answering the questions in the packet. Jennifer Chancey was married to Mike Chancey, a software engineer. They have been married for 12 years and have a 10 year old son named Mike Jr. Jennifer was a Kindergarten teacher and loved kids. She was tall, about 5 feet 8 inches. She was in excellent shape and had a nicely tanned body. Her deep brown hair was cut short at the shoulders.

More importantly, she was very much in love with her husband. James had been following her over the past week and found that she had no dirty secrets. She went to the gym every Monday and Thursday after work for 2 hours. And then she drove straight home, except for one time when she picked up dinner from the grocery store. She went on a date with her husband one night and James had secretly observed them in the restaurant. They were very loving toward each other.

All in all, she was a pretty boring person. And James loved it.

Maybe she can resist. There is something about her...a quiet strength. Love can endure right? We aren't all just lustful animals. Love exists. I know it does. James found himself constantly thinking these thoughts over the past week. Of course, these thoughts always plagued him at the beginning of every case.

James followed her until she predictably pulled into her driveway. He drove past without slowing down and glanced out of his rear view mirror. She was getting out of the car and walking inside.

Ok, that's it. It's time to start. James had seen enough. Now it was just time to formulate a strategy.


James sat dozing in his armchair. Several pages of notes laid scattered on his lap. He stirred suddenly and started rifling through the pages on his lap, as though his sleeping mind had been working a particularly hard problem.

With a smile of satisfaction, he held up one particular page to the light. As part of his process, James would formulate several different plans and then let his mind absorb the different combinations. And then after a while he would just instinctively know which plan to go with.

James examined the page he selected. The gym would be the point of contact. He would join and then make sure he worked out close to her. He would adopt the persona of a person who likes to talk to someone while working out, but would not flirt or make any blatant attempts at seduction. This would have to be a subtle job.

He would also use the inside information he obtained from Mr. Wombert to appear as though he has a lot in common with her. After much thought, he decided that he was going to be a volunteer who liked to entertain terminally ill children at local hospitals. She was a Kindergarten teacher who loved children. This should warm her heart towards him.

Of course, it wouldn't all be show. James planned on developing a friendship with her and then he would take her with him one day to a hospital to entertain the children. It was a risk, because it would reveal a real part of himself, but sometimes in life you had to brave the dangers.

At least, that was what he hoped to do. She could very well break sooner than he expected. It happened before. There was many times where he had spent several hours researching only to have his target break in a matter of hours. Those were cock hungry whores. Jennifer would be different. She had to be.

So with his plan firmly set, he got up and got dressed.


Jennifer slowly opened her eyes, blinking at the pale morning sunshine pouring in through the lace curtains on her bedroom window. With a tired sigh, she rolled over and nudged her husband Mike.

"Mmmm," he mumbled.

"Wake up sweetie. It's morning."

"Mmmm are you sure?"

She laughed softly. "Yes honey. We have to get up for work. Come on, get your lazy butt up."

With a groan, Mike rolled over and sat on the side of the bed. With a giant yawn, he stood up and stretched his arms over his head. He put on his slippers and started shuffling toward the bathroom.

Jennifer watched him with a big smile on her face. He looked so cute buck-naked and with slippers on. What made it even more hilarious was that his sleep-addled brain didn't realize he had put on her fluffy bunny slippers. She hid her laughter behind her hand as his head swiveled toward her.

"What?" he grunted.

"Nothing." She had to bite her hand to keep from exploding with laughter.

He shook his head at the strange humors of women and shuffled into the bathroom. He was looking in the mirror and brushing his teeth, trying to wake all the way up, when he saw in the reflection of the mirror his fully naked wife walk into the bathroom. She walked up behind him and hugged him.

"I love you," she told him, resting her head on his back.

Sleepy or not, the sight of his beautiful wife naked was more than enough to make his cock spring up instantly. He patted her hand. "I love you, too."

He twisted in her grip and turned around to face her. She continued to hug him but now his hard cock was pressed up against her pussy. She rested her head on his chest.

"Do we have to go to work today?" she asked softly, her voice muffled by his hairy chest.

He kissed the top of her head. "Sorry sweetie but we have to pay the bills. Besides, I have a big meeting today. But you know, I think we might have 5 minutes to ourselves right now..."

She glanced up at him and saw the mischievous look in his eyes. She couldn't help but smile. "Mike is about to get up for school." She wasn't really arguing. She was feeling horny this morning but the fact that their son was about to get up needed to be said.

"Like I said, I think we have 5 minutes." He kissed her. "What do you say?" He kissed her again. "Do you want this fine hunk of a man or not?" This time his kiss deepened, his lips devouring hers while their tongues engaged in a dance of their own.

His cock was achingly hard and pushing up against her pussy. She felt a tingle of pleasure run through her body, giving her goosebumps. He lowered his head and started kissing her chest.

He brought his lips to her nipple and sucked on it. He quickly worked the other nipple, going back and forward. Soon both of her nipples were fully erect and her pussy was dripping juices down the inside of her thighs.

He kissed her mouth now as his hand worked expertly on her clit. "No time for foreplay this morning," she told him, her voice husky with lust.

He spun her around, and pressed her down against the counter. She always loved how he handled her. He knew her inside and out. She loved him so much.

She gasped as she felt his cock enter her from behind. She glanced up at the mirror and saw him behind her, a look of pure pleasure and concentration on his face.

It always made her hot to see how much he concentrated. He always wanted to make sure she came first before he finally exploded. If she had no other reason to love him, that would be enough.

They were both silent as the sound of his balls slapping against her ass filled the room. Having a child in the house over the past 10 years had forced them into a kind of silent love making. So attuned where they to each other, that they had gone past the need for vocal exclamations. Instead, each movement of their bodies was like words spoken. A shift here, a nudge there, spoke volumes to them.

Her whole body tingled with the electric surges of pleasure that were so familiar in her love making with her husband. He was grunting quietly now, his tempo increasing. They were both getting close. His hands tighten on her hips. Her hands were grabbing onto whatever was available on the counter. There were both moaning now, but quietly.

"Uuuuuhhhhhhh," was the sound that escaped her lips. It was a bare whisper, but was a sound that translated as "Fuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkk!!!"

His hands tighten painfully around her hips as she felt his cum hitting the walls of her uterus. That set her off. Her toes curled up on the floor as her pussy convulsed against his cock. Shivers wracked her body, making various areas of her body twitch spasmodically. He leaned down over here, panting as though he had just run a mile.

A knock on their bedroom door snapped them out of their post orgasm reverie. "Mommy, where is breakfast?"

"Shit!" her husband whispered, and she giggled. She put on her robe as her husband ran back into the bedroom to throw on clothes. She opened her bedroom door and closed it behind her. Her son stood in the hallway, rubbing at his eyes.

"Come on baby, let's get you some breakfast. Go put on your school uniform. Brush your hair."

Her son went back into his room as she went into the kitchen. She had to hurry up and cook breakfast so she can get ready to go to school with her son. It was nice that he went to the same school she taught at. It saved time in the morning. She reminded herself not to forget her gym clothes, as today was Monday.

She stood at the stove, humming to herself, feeling her husband's warm cum trickle down her thigh.


It was Monday afternoon and James was dressing silently in the men's locker room of the gym Jennifer frequented. He was going over the plan in his head. He knew she would be here by now. It was 4 o'clock. She usually arrived at this time and stayed until 6 o'clock.

He examined himself in the mirror. He was tall and good looking. He had a well defined physique. Every muscle on his arms stood out. He could bounce a quarter off his six-pack. He knew many of his cases were successful based solely on the fact that he was very good looking. But he wasn't conceited. His good looks were just a tool, nothing more.

With a deep breath to let his mind adapt to the persona that he wanted to exude, he walked out of the locker room.

He walked around the various areas of the gym, careful not to appear like he was looking for someone. He was just examining the different weights and activities going on, nothing more.

He finally spotted her on the treadmill. She was staring straight ahead and was already in a good sweat. Today she was wearing a sports shirt that left her midriff bare and shorts that were modest but still showed off a good amount of tanned leg. James quickly glanced around the machines closest to her. He examined all his choices in a nanosecond and decided.

He walked over to the bench press equipment, which just happened to be located right in front of the treadmills. He began putting several 45 pound weights on the bar. It was apparent that his workout wasn't going to be a light one. Someone lifting this amount of weight really needed a spotter. Somebody that would stand behind him to make sure he didn't kill himself with all that weight.


Jennifer was broken out of her thoughts when she finally realized that the poor man in front of her needed help. He looked desperately lost. He had way too much weight on that bar and was beginning to realize it. He looked around the gym, as though searching for somebody that could spot him. He laid down on the bench, was about to pick up the bar, thought better of it, and sat up. He glanced at her, smiled awkwardly, and continued to look around the gym. He looked lonely.

With a sigh, Jennifer slowed down on the treadmill and stepped off. She walked over to him. He noticed her coming and stood up quickly. He looked down at his feet, embarrassed.

She couldn't help but smile at his obvious discomfort. "Hi, I couldn't help but notice that you look like you need some help."

He looked up at her, blushing. "No ma'am, I don't want to bother you. I am an idiot to think I can do my intense workout without someone coming along with me."

Jennifer studied him as he talked. He was a very good looking man. He gave off a sense that he was unaware of his good looks. He really seemed down to earth. That was rare in a man with his looks. "No, it's no problem. Truth be told, I need a break from the treadmill. For some reason, I don't have as much energy today as I usually do."

He looked hesitant. "Well...are you sure I am not bothering you?"

She waved her hand dismissively. "No, no, let me help you. I insist."

His face broke out in relief. The effect was startling. He was really good looking. Walking over to the bench gave her an excuse to hide the sudden blush in her cheeks. You are a married woman Jennifer! Stop admiring this man's looks and help the poor fellow out.

Of course, there was nothing wrong in admiring another man's looks. She would never cheat on Mike. Her heart belonged to him without question. Feeling better in control of herself, she stood behind the bar.

"Thank you so much. I promise you I won't take up too much of your time. I am just doing 3 sets of 10."

"No problem," she told him. She watched as he layed down on the bench and grabbed the bar. She looked down at realized with a start that in order to spot him, she would have to stand almost directly over his head. And she was wearing shorts. They weren't short shorts but they weren't tight against her skin either. If he wanted to, he could see up the shorts.

But he appeared to be a gentleman as his eyes were focused on the bar. Puffing his cheeks out, he strained to pick up the weight. He held it over him, his arms quivering. Slowly, he brought it down to his chest and pushed back up.

Jennifer placed her hands under the bar in case it dropped, but he managed to do a set of 10 without needing her help. His face was beet red with the effort.

She smiled at him. "You don't have to try to impress me, by the way. There is no shame in needing my help."

He smiled back at her, which for some reason made her heart skip a beat. Damn this man is too beautiful!

"What kind of man would I be if I couldn't lift this weight without a beautiful woman's help?"

The compliment made her cheeks blush. The fact that he was manly reminded her of her husband. She loved manly men. Thinking about her husband made her remember their love making this morning, which made her cheeks blush even more.

"I'm James, by the way." He held out his hand.

"Jennifer," she told him, shaking his hand.

"Jennifer," he repeated slowly, as though caressing her name. "Nice to meet you. This is my first time here so it's nice to meet a friendly face."

"Well, on behalf of all us gym rats, welcome!" She realized he was still holding onto her hand. "I'm married," she blurted, and then blushed deeper than she previously did. Jesus, this man is not hitting on you! Get a hold of yourself Jennifer!

He let go of her hand with a small smile. "Well, thanks for sharing that. I am not looking to date right now, anyways. Not that I wouldn't date you of course."

An awkward silence fell between them. Well, it was very awkward for Jennifer. He just sat there looking amused.

"Well," he finally said, and she was grateful that he broke the silence, "how about we forget about the bench press? I could use a cardiovascular workout. Would you mind if I joined you on the treadmills?"

"Sure," Jennifer replied, still feeling deeply embarrassed. Together they walked back to the treadmills. He took the one next to hers.

The spent a couple of minutes in silence while they adjusted to the speed they wanted. Jennifer felt her embarrassment slowly drain away. She was just caught off guard by suddenly running into the most beautiful man she had ever seen. She meant no disrespect to her husband. Mike was, in her mind and heart, very good looking.

But pretending that he was better looking than this man next to her would be an out and out lie. Jennifer could admire him for that, as one would admire a Van Gough painting.

But she had no inclination to sleep with a Van Gough painting, let alone a flesh and blood man. Love for her husband burst through her heart, creating an effective barrier against the charms of any man.

"Sorry about our awkward meeting back there," Jennifer finally said. "I didn't mean to imply that you were hitting on me. I was just caught off guard. I daresay you know exactly what kind of effects your looks have on women."

He laughed. "All to well believe me. In fact, that is something of a constant embarrassment to me. I find it hard to communicate normally with women. As a result, I have terrible luck. That's why I told you I am not looking to date right now."

Jennifer frowned thoughtfully. "You know, I never thought about it that way. I guess beauty can almost be as much a curse as ugliness."

"I am willing to bet that you know this all too well." He gave her another dazzling smile.

Jennifer felt a slight flush but the love for her husband was still standing guard on her emotions. The compliment from this man still managed to penetrate just a little. "Oh, I think you do me too much justice." Ok time to change the subject Jennifer. "So what do you do for a living?"

He gave her a knowing smile but answered her question anyways. "For a living, I do nothing. I inherited money from my father. So with all my needs taken care of, I find that volunteering calls to me."

"Oh really? What kind of volunteer work do you do?"

"Mostly I volunteer at hospitals, entertaining terminally ill children."

Jennifer felt a rush of sympathy. "You are a good man."

He laughed. "Don't make that judgment without knowing me. But I love what I do. I really love kids."

She looked over at him and raised an eyebrow at his choice of words.

He almost stumbled on the treadmill, caught his balance, and hurriedly said, "No, no, not like that! I mean I love helping children, them..." he trailed off looking very embarrassed.

She laughed at his embarrassment. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me for my cruel prank. But it's nice to see you off balance for once."

He glanced sideways at her and gave her another smile. Jennifer felt the walls around her heart start to crack. I love Mike! The thought settled her emotions and firmed the wall again. God, but that man can light up a room with that smile!

"What do you do for a living?" he asked, finally breaking up the silence.

"Funnily enough, I love kids too. I am a kindergarten teacher."

"Well, how do you like that? The first friend I make here has a lot in common with me." He blushed for some reason. "Sorry, I made the assumption that we have become friends. Um...what I mean is I will be coming here a lot and I was hoping that if we see each other we could keep each other company while we worked out."

Jennifer felt slightly uneasy. This man was almost too good. He was kind, charming, friendly, and utterly beautiful. Something about this situation was making her uncomfortable. But it would be nice to have someone to talk to. She had been coming here for a year and had yet to make any friends.

"Sure," she finally said. "I would like that."