The Solitary Arrow Ch. 21


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He looked down at the exceptional woman on his arm and at her deep green eyes. There was no duplicity there; all he saw was affection for him, and for Wendy, when Hyandai turned her eyes to the younger woman.

Wendy had been listening to their conversation and leaned in. "Will not the elven blood thin among us more numerous humans?" she asked.

"Somewhat," said Hyandai. "But not utterly. Elven blood is thick, indeed, and signs of it may appear far into the depths of even the most dispersed bloodline."

Tammer had finished his speech to a polite applause from the humans and elves about him. He stepped down from the table and put the green stone in his pocket. "What is that thing?" asked Harlen, looking at Wendy. "The glowing stone."

"It translates words into the native tongue of the hearer," replied Wendy. "I used it when we were moving alongside the traitor forces before the gates to speak with their commander's aide."

Harlen nodded. "I saw that," he said. "You would be the only human among the lot who could pass for an elf on sight."

"It is atana'yondo," said Hyandai. "A speaking stone." Then she giggled. "We used to sell those to humans, as well, like thecalyondos. They were quite dear, I am told."

After the speech, the festivities moved into gear again. Most of the underage participants, with the exception of a few of the eldest juveniles had departed for bed, and the revelries moved to a more mature level. Dance music was again played, and the clear patch of ground amid the glowing lamps filled with people moving with slow grace. A majority elven, but no few humans attempted the complex and rather demanding steps.

This entertained the elven folk a great deal, though the humans were quick studies, and the dance looked more complex than it, in actuality, was. Hyandai grabbed Wendy's hand and pulled her toward the dance area.

"You dance, too?" asked Harlen. This question was rewarded by a look from Hyandai and Wendy both of profound disbelief.

"Harlen," said Wendy, with infinite patience, "she's an elf."

Hyandai giggled. "Yes, Harlen, of course I dance," she said. "And you will too, very soon. For what man betrothed to an elf cannot dance?"

They ran into the dancing area and moved together, bodies held close and spinning about. Harlen soon figured out why this portion of the celebration had been saved for after the departure of the junior attendees. The moves were very sultry and some would have scandalized Morrovale society for weeks.

"If you hurt her, I will turn you into a fine stew," said the voice of Tammer from just behind Harlen.

The huntsman turned to regard his old mentor. "I would never consider it," he said. "Your granddaughter is as precious to me as Hyandai."

"I know," said Tammer. "That is the only reason I give you three my blessings." His old eyes were misty. "And even then, Harlen, it is not easy to say. My Oneian teachings scream that it is not quite right." He paused a moment, watching the two beautiful women dance. "She seems very happy, though, happier than since she returned from Ghant." His face took on a rather feeble stern look. "She moped for most of four months, since that day. I am gladdened to see her smiling and laughing, even if it means welcoming a lout into my family."

"And an elf," added Harlen.

"Yes, and an elf," repeated Tammer. "My poor family tree will be chock full of vagabonds and forest frolickers." His face took on a sudden look of hypothetical alarm. "Just how the hell does one represent a three-way arrangement in a family tree, tell me that, Master Harem?"

"More branches?" replied Harlen, shrugging. "Ask Hyandai, she's a scribe and an elf, and she says it's not all that rare in their communities."

"I'll do just that," said Tammer, his face now adopting a satisfied air, having been handed a quite sensible solution. "I only somewhat envy you, boy. You have heard the old saw about 'serving two masters'?" The elder huntsman chuckled. "You may find two Mistresses an even sorer trial," he concluded.

Wendy was fast approaching Harlen, and Hyandai was now twirling off with her brother leading, they seemed deep in discussion even while they executed the graceful motions of the dance.

"I cannot fault you, my sister, for your choice in a man," said Ceriandel. "He is a good man, from all I hear, and I will welcome him as a brother, should that be your choice." He dipped Hyandai with the grace and practice of two who learned to dance together.

Hyandai smiled. "Thank you, dear brother," she said. "He is a good man, and I love him, I will be wedding him after the year."

Ceriandel looked over at Harlen. "Why do you wish to wait?" he asked. "The year is a simple formality, one that is oft disregarded."

She spun away from him, then back, stopping with expert grace just short of slamming into him with her back. "There is much non formal in our relationship," said Hyandai. "I wish for as much to be 'by the rules' as I can manage."

Wendy took Harlen's hand and guided him onto the floor. "Now, your turn, lover," she said, giving him a toothy, predatory grin. Harlen was not much of a dancer, but he was agile enough and learned the mechanics within minutes. Soon, he was making passable, if not graceful, motions that resembled the dance steps to a large degree.

It helped a lot that Wendy was quite good, and had learned the dance well already. She was also quick-reflexed and avoided any missteps that Harlen committed that might have resulted in crushed feet. When Harlen spun her back in from the extended outward fling, he used a bit too much force, though, and they both went stumbling when she slammed into his chest at speed with her back and shoulders. This drew a smattering of applause from other dancers nearby and a few catcalls from other huntsmen declaring Harlen the 'night's most graceful moose'.

Harlen long ago learned that women responded quite well to the attempt of a man to dance, something most men were just not trained to do. If a man danced well, he would find himself at the end of a long line of women waiting to dance, and never be able to spend any time with any one of them. However, if he was JUST good enough, he would manage to keep a partner for several dances, and then resulting conversation and, with luck, companionship.

Most of the elven women seemed to have no compunction about dancing with one another, even the stimulating 'high contact' dances that were more intimate than some.

This led to much muttering among small knots of huntsmen. At least, until Tammer explained that it might just be better for one or two men to get in there and wedge themselves between the women before they get too interested in one another. Then the huntsmen find themselves keeping their wineskin company for the night.

Hyandai had managed to cut in on Wendy and was now facing Harlen. They moved over the soft grass. "My brother approves of you now," she said, smiling up at him.

"I'm glad. I was hoping I wouldn't have to tie him up for the wedding," replied Harlen, glancing over at Ceriandel, who was speaking to Maegan and Tessa again. He appeared to be unsuccessfully avoiding being fussed over by the two much-taller women.

She giggled. "I might pay good money to see that," admitted Hyandai.

The tempo of the gathering dropped down a notch. Many of the revelers broke off to watch the prisoners being escorted into a makeshift stockade by their huntsman guards. The added fifty humans among the gathering shifted the numbers where the human attendees outnumbered the elven now. Ten humans and ten elves were assigned to keep watch over the prisoners, and they rotated out every hour to ensure that everyone got a chance to enjoy most of the gathering.

The imprisoned Isolationists were beside themselves at the sight of humans and elves intermingling in a large group. They hurled curses and insults until a loyalist wizard silenced the lot of them with a well-placed spell that knocked them all unconscious. This drew cheers from all assembled for the somnamancer, who was given a hero's welcome back to the festivities.

By the time the moon was at the peak of its path, the number of celebrants was much reduced. Some were to be found scattered about the grounds, in various states of repose. More, it seemed, had wandered away from the main gathering in pairs.

Hyandai bit her lip while she guided Harlen and Wendy up the stairs toward her chamber.

"Something bothers you, beloved?" asked Harlen.

She gave a hesitant smile. "I was just doing some calculations in my head, dear," she replied. "I hope the village will not mind about half a dozen births in about nine months, perhaps more, given human fecundity."

Harlen blinked at her a moment.

"Humans get pregnant easier, or rather," corrected Hyandai, "make elves pregnant more readily than other elves would."

"A half dozen, half elven children?" asked Wendy.

Hyandai nodded, and smiled. "Only we call them half human."

"Perhaps that is one of the obstacles that needs to be overcome," Harlen said, his eyes distant. "They won't be half of anything. The name is misleading, from both sides."

Hyandai shrugged. "Things cannot be changed instantly, betrothed," she said, then kissed his neck.

They had reached her chamber, and Hyandai opened the door. She let Wendy and Harlen pass in, and looked about, and down at the remaining revelers and smiled before following them.

Harlen snatched her from behind when she passed him, causing her to emit a happy squeal. Wendy, for her part came at Hyandai from the front and pressed her own slender body to the elf's even slimmer form. They exchanged a soft kiss, but a thorough one, while Harlen kissed her long neck, running his hands down her sides. Wendy's hands were on Harlen's arms, feeling the motion of the muscles under the skin.

Hyandai sighed when she felt the younger woman's lips move to her throat. "So, this is what it felt like that first night?" she asked, watching Wendy.

Wendy nodded and smiled. Moving her small hands to the hem of Hyandai's silken dress and taking hold of it. She stood back up, lifting the dress and baring Hyandai's compact body as she did so. Wendy brushed her full lips over Hyandai's thigh, her hip, her belly, one breast, and to her shoulder, moving to each as it was bared.

Before Wendy could begin to kiss her way back downward, Hyandai took hold of the waist of the gown the younger woman was still wearing. As the girl kissed her way down Hyandai's body, this time, more thoroughly, the dress inched upward, until she reached Hyandai's navel, where the elf lifted her arms and the dress over Wendy's head.

Wendy then knelt and moved her head forward, between Hyandai's slender thighs, pressing her open mouth to the elf's entrance, and sliding her tongue inside.

Hyandai moved her legs apart and gasped, then felt Harlen's kisses on her neck. She reached up with both arms and each hand grabbed her other wrist upon wrapping them around his neck. "Stand up, beloved," whispered Hyandai.

Harlen stood, holding Hyandai by her slim waist. Hyandai's feet left the floor, and she moved her legs apart. She bent her knees back to wrap her shins around Harlen's powerful legs, and then turned her feet inward, to lock them behind his knees.

Wendy now had total access to Hyandai's innermost places, and made good use of that, burying her tongue inside the soft folds of flesh, then into the tight slit, opening her mouth wide and sucking as she ran her tongue over the moist entrance.

Hyandai groaned into Harlen's ear and kissed it, feeling his stiffening cock against her taut backside while he held her aloft for long moments without complaint. She could hear a soft, wet sound from below and looked down to see Wendy sliding two fingers into herself, then move her other hand to Hyandai's entrance, feeding Hyandai's opening two fingers, as well, even as Wendy continued to lap and kiss her.

Hyandai bucked against the intruding digits, and pushed outward from Harlen's body. She could feel Harlen's grip tighten and knew he would hold her through her impending climax.

Wendy kept at it, locking her lips to Hyandai as if she were feeding, her small, quick tongue moved faster and her fingers began to curl and move inward and back out inside the elf.

The tension in Hyandai's body built and mounted until she neither could, nor desired to constrain herself. Every muscle in her arms, legs, and back flexed with impressive power, causing Harlen to tighten his grip to avoid dropping Hyandai when her arms unlocked from his neck. She screamed, calling out some elven phrase she had not taught him yet.

A few seconds later, her body went limp in his hands, her legs let loose his knees and drooped together as Wendy moved back, with a self-satisfied grin on her pretty face, along with a glistening sheen of Hyandai's juices.

Hyandai gasped. "Spirits save me," she whispered. "I may have taken on one human too many."

Harlen walked over to her bed and, with reverence, placed Hyandai upon it, cradling her head onto the soft pillow.

She stroked his face with her fingertips while Harlen stood back up. "A moment only, beloved," she said, sinking into the pillow and sighing.

Harlen stood upright again, and Wendy's hands appeared around his waist, unfastening his belt. "We mere mortals can entertain ourselves for a nonce," said Wendy, lowering his trousers as Harlen kicked off the soft shoes the elves had given him.

Hyandai's eyes widened with interest. "I am going to be startled every time I see your manhood," she murmured, reaching out and stroking the upright member with a very soft touch. It twitched visibly at the contact.

The small, slim hands of Wendy then returned and lifted Harlen's tunic over his head, while she giggled. "Is that elf taking advantage of things I uncover?" she complained in a playful tone.

Harlen nodded and Hyandai smirked, leaning forward and licking the hard cock in her hand, running her tiny tongue over the round head.

Wendy moved around. "Ah-ha!" she exclaimed. "Unmouth that prick, temptress!" she said even while she was moving to sit beside Hyandai on the bed and using her mouth to kiss and lick the long shaft behind Hyandai's hand.

Hyandai pulled her mouth from around the wide head, with an audible pop. "I wager I can consume more than you," she said with an almost snide tone.

The human girl's eyes widened. "Bested by a tiny elf-girl on a contest of dimensions?" she scoffed. "I think not."

The elf held Harlen's cock toward Wendy. "Vanquished first," she said with half-lidded eyes and looking down her nose toward the human.

Harlen watched on with great interest registering in his blue eyes.

Wendy made great show of preparing herself for her attempt. She brushed her silken hair from her brow and behind her ears, which were somewhat extended from her head and made a handy place to wedge errant strands. She then examined his organ with an air of detachment, taking great care in measuring its girth and length.

"Here we go," she said in a hushed tone, moving forward and then opening her lips wide to take the thick pole in.

Her head moved forward for almost half the length of his member, then ran into the back of her palete. She forced more inward, lifting her body upward to straighten her neck, giving his cock a direct passage down her throat. Wendy moved forward another two inches, then coughed, pulling back with watering eyes. Wendy rocked back onto her heels and giggled amid more coughing.

"Mark my spot!" squealed Wendy, still giggling between coughs. "No cheating."

Hyandai assumed a very professional look as she took her quill from her desk and marked the side of Harlen's shaft with a narrow black line. She was very thorough, and moved the quill all the way around his shaft until it formed a black ring about his organ, only two inches from its base in the nest of dark curling hairs.

Wendy leaned back in. "Wow, I took that much?" she wondered.

"Indeed, a worthy attempt," complimented Hyandai, "for an amateur."

Harlen managed to keep a straight face throughout all this.

"Amateur?" shrieked Wendy. "Let's see you do better, with that willowy neck, you'll be lucky to take even half of him."

"We shall see," said Hyandai in a dismissive tone.

She took his stiff organ, giving it a few long, slow strokes to ensure fairness and full erection. Hyandai began taking him into her mouth, moving in one even, slow motion. When his swollen head pressed against her throat, she swallowed while she continued moving, and swallowed again and again, it slid down her stretched throat with slow certainty.

Wendy gasped. "By the One, Hyandai!" she said, amazed. His thick cock was causing her slender neck to distend a bit. However, she pressed on downward until his entire length was buried in her mouth and throat, his pubic hairs about her slender nose and his heavy testicles pressed to her chin. She then shoved her head forward, taking a remaining half-inch of 'nose room,' flattening her nose into his pelvis.

"I am bested." Wendy said, hanging her head down in mock shame.

Hyandai pulled back in another long even motion, his bulbous helmet popping out lastly, the entire length of the shaft glistening with moisture.

"Why could you not do it?" asked Hyandai. "I saw you do so that first night."

"His manhood curves upward, when he did it before we faced opposite directions, and it went down smoothly," explained Wendy. She showed Hyandai his curvature by gripping his cock in a fist and pulling on it and stroking the top with her free hand.

Hyandai nodded with a look of interest on her face, also reaching out to stroke Harlen's organ as they spoke.

"Well, I rather owe Harlen a release," Wendy said after they spoke a few moments. "He satisfied me quite thoroughly the other day prior to us deciding to wait for you."

Hyandai looked up at Harlen with accusative eyes. "Wait for me?" she asked. "I explicitly gave you two permission to make love in my absence."

Both shrugged. "We wanted you with us," said Harlen.

She giggled. "Well, then, I will watch you two now," said Hyandai. She scooted back onto the bed, sat with her back to the headboard, and crossed her arms over her knees. "Go on," she goaded, watching them with her large green eyes.

Wendy leaned forward with no hesitation. "This first, then," she said, taking Harlen into her warm mouth. Harlen groaned in time with Wendy's movements. Her lips formed a tight seal around the middle of his thick shaft. She then began to move back and forth, with enough speed and enthusiasm that her hair moved into disarray within seconds. Harlen groaned and put his hands upon Wendy's small skull, pulling her inward with a bit more force.

Hyandai smiled, and uncurled from the headboard and moved off the bed, behind Harlen. She reached between his thick legs and palmed his scrotum with her hand, squeezing his testicles in a soft grip, then rolling them around each other with her cool fingertips.

With a massive grunt, Harlen came into Wendy's pumping mouth, filling it with his seed, her eyes opened wide at the sheer volume of semen that flooded into her. She gave forth a small squeak before taking a long swallow, finally pulling back, and smiling up at Harlen. "Backlogged?" Wendy asked, gasping for air. "Or just making up for us waiting?"

Harlen wore a blank stare for a moment, then blinked. "Um. Yes?" he asked.


"You're certain?" asked Tammer, looking at the prisoners' paddock, and at the slumbering Isolationists.

Warrik nodded. "Yes, Master Tammer," he replied, "there were two-hundred and twelve at the traitor camp, and there are only two-hundred and three now."

A moment passed as the old huntsman thought. "But none of the escort is missing?" asked Tammer.