The Succubus


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Bits and pieces of the document had survived in scraps, but there was no complete intact original copy. Studying the bindings and the language, all Latin of course, Dr. Pincher assumed this book was written sometime in the early 1300s and if it could be validated, would be worth MILLIONS. For a scholar like himself, already wealthy and not needing the money, the real value was in the content, so much of the original text having been lost to history.

Apart from the obvious monetary and academic value, according to contemporary sources of that long ago day, those who possessed this book were able to conjure demons to do their bidding at will, thus giving them immense and almost Godlike power. It was these dark rumors about the book that caused the Pre-Reformation Church to order its complete destruction including every copy known to exist. Looking around to see if anyone was watching, Thomas took the book off the shelf and snuck back quietly upstairs to his room, his hands sweating and shaking as he quivered in giddy glee.

His hands were trembling as he read each page as for an academic like him, the Necromanticon was the find of a lifetime. Reading the text, his skills in languages being most useful now, was beyond his wildest expectations. There in pure Latin script on yellowed parchment everything he had read in the past about this book was now being proven true before his very eyes. There were spells for conjuring Demons for causing war, love, wealth, all sorts of commands touching on the weakness and desires of all humans. No base desire or need was left out and as he read he realized that IF this were true, the owner of this book would truly have the power of the universe in his hands. There was even a section on summoning Satan himself, which he no doubt would enjoy reading later.

Dr. Pincher had a big interest in these dark matters, but as a scientist, he was highly skeptical as to whether they were ACTUALLY true. As an academic however and a relatively open minded individual, he was very intrigued by black magic and hoped that some of these things he was reading might actually work. The fight between the rational and irrational raged continually in him and both sides fought harder as he continued to read into the night.

As he struggled to read by candlelight he kept searching the pages with increasing intensity wondering if he could find the particular section he wanted most. Having read every article published on this book, and being somewhat of an expert on the subject, there was one spell in particular he was looking for most. He was specifically looking for the spell used to conjure a Succubus.

This was the most sought of all as it was one of the parts of the original book that was so tantalizingly missing in the remaining remnants. You could probably recreate this whole original from surviving scraps scattered all over the world, but no one had been able to find the spell to summon the Succubus. References to the spell were everywhere throughout the manuscript, but no one had the original. Until now however.

Carefully turning the ancient pages, gingerly trying not to damage the precious parchment, he held his breath as he finally laid eyes on the section in question. Here it was, the secret incantation to conjure the demoness of Lust, the Succubus, and his balls tingled as he thought of the potential. Written entirely in Latin and with a very faint script, he used the light from his cell phone to read it, as he was afraid the candle might damage the manuscript.

He became quite aroused as he thought of the infinite erotic possibilities. Succubi were well known and both lusted after and feared throughout the whole of the Middle Ages, every culture knowing of their existence. These beautiful sexy supernatural creatures were the demon sisters of Lilith, the original Succubus, and were famous for visiting sleeping unsuspecting men in the night to harvest their seed with their wanton mouths and absolutely ball emptying beautiful bodies.

Usually they would materialize just after the man had fallen asleep and then freeze him in place, paralyzing his muscles before waking their male victim with their gorgeous body hovering over their bed. After their prey was secure, the beautiful Demoness would climb onto his face and ride it to pleasure while also harvesting his seed with her otherworldly talented mouth. Again and again all night the Succubus would collect her harvest, both through her mouth or her pussy until the unsuspecting poor man was either completely depleted of his essence or died. Their hunger for the lust and seed of males was insatiable and no Succubus, no matter how many times she orgasmed, could ever be sated in her tremendous sexual appetite.

The reason this conjuring spell was so desired was its purported ability to summon these gorgeous creatures and be able to use their own lusty powers for the summoners pleasure rather than the demon's. Most men, religious men especially, feared the Succubus but others obsessed over and lusted for their evil insatiable embrace.

Her potential nightly visit filled many a monk or priest with dread as he fought off the lustful thoughts he could not control any more than any other member of the male species. Legends were ripe that getting a woody at night, or having a wet dream called the Succubus forth and the sexually repressed monks lived in fear that their own perverted desires actually summoned the attack of the demoness, ironically made worse by their chaste lives making their fantasies more vivid and extreme as their cocks went unmilked. Necromancers and other black magicians however used their powers to harness the beauty and power of these dangerous creatures, and it was said that those who had this power enjoyed the company of the most beautiful and insatiable creatures on earth each night.

Succubi, amongst their many powers, had the ability to shapeshift into any form they wished, from a ferocious black wolf in the forest to the most beautiful bar wench in the local tavern. As they were primarily lust demons, they obviously usually transformed into the form most pleasing to their object of attack, or the master who controlled them. This power to conjure and then control the Succubus made this particular conjuring spell more desired than any other contained in the yellowed ancient Medieval document.

Thomas grew very hard at the thought of harnessing this power, and in the dark recess of his mind he wondered if this would be the answer to that itch that no amount of pussy ever seemed to scratch.

As he read the instructions for the spell, he was amazed at the complexity of the very bizarre ritual described on the pages and he hoped he had the materials required to the complete the incantations. The beginning of the rite involved the summoner having to draw a large pentagram in chalk in the middle of the room with the top of the star pointed dead east.

Dutifully rummaging through his bag Dr. Pincher exhaled loudly as he felt the white chalk in his luggage. Being an amateur artist, he always traveled with his paints, chalks and canvas and as he felt it in his hand, he laughed to himself as he thought that the art piece he would create tonight would be FAR superior to anything he would have normally created with this chalk. Rummaging further into his bag he felt his luck was holding as he had remembered to bring a compass and after some difficulty, was able to draw the star facing east as directed.

Standing in the middle of the room and looking down at the pentagram he took out the book and continued to read the rest of the instructions. On each arm of the pentagram the ritual instructed that he was to place one lit candle but before he could enter the sacred space he was to remove all of his clothes. The instructions were clear that he was to be "skyclad" in order for the ritual to work. Thomas giggled at the thought of a grown man naked in the middle of a pentagram with a bunch of candles but decided to continue.

Barely restraining his excitement, he ripped his clothes off, quickly stripping down as he approached the pentagram.

"What would the dean of St. Bridget's think if he saw this!" he thought to himself as his full cock and balls swung loose as he crossed the room to check the door. It certainly would be embarrassing if someone came into his room unexpectedly while he was kneeling nude in the middle of a pentagram so he double checked the lock and slightly blushed. As Thomas read on, he realized Nudity was NOT the most humiliating part of the ritual.

The summoner was to kneel in the center of the Pentagram and as he read the next section he had to read it twice to make sure he understood the instructions properly as it seemed unbelievable. Blinking repeatedly with his eyes growing increasingly wide he read that he was to slowly masturbate over 2 hours collecting all of his pre-cum into the center of the Pentagram. During the ritual he was NOT to cum as his lust and desperation were an integral part of the sacrifice to summon the demoness and the stronger his desire was the better it would work.

Reading the ritual over and over it was very specific as any longer or shorter than two hours of edging his cock and the spell would not work, so whatever else was going to happen now he knew he was in for a very long and quite horny night. Thomas gulped as he wondered how on earth he was going to pull this one off as edging oneself is not as easy as it seems and edging for two hours and then not being able to toss one off was going to be difficult. Luckily for him he had brought lots of KY which he now knew he was going to need in abundance.

Blushing as he checked the door once more, Thomas knelt in the middle of the Pentagram and oiled his meat up, laughing as he thought how stupid he must look. His natural curiosity overcoming his hesitation, within seconds he had a healthy chub and he dutifully began to stroke as he read the chant he had written out from the scroll, repeating the Mantra as instructed. It also had been written in Latin, and was a bit hard to translate, but he wrote it out phonetically so as to make sure to get the pronunciation just right. Translated it read:

"Oh great Demon Goddess Lilith I your humble servant implore thee accept this gift of my seed for the pleasure of your Succubi Sisters. Great Goddess, I humbly beg, send your sisters to be servants for my pleasure."

Seemed straight forward enough he thought and despite feeling silly jerking his pud as he chanted in Latin, Thomas dutifully began to perform the ritual. The first ten minutes were easy enough but as time drug on, he was sweating as the cum boiled in his balls, desperate to escape. It took all of his willpower (and quite a bit of lube) to keep stroking fast enough to stay hard but not so fast as to shoot for the next two hours. He had set his alarm on his phone to let him know when he had 10 seconds left and as the end of the ritual approached, Thomas felt his knees shake and buckle as he was moaning uncontrollably by his self-teasing ordeal.

He desperately wanted to spew badly as he had been teasing his own cock for 2 hours and his throat was hoarse from his chanting and uncontrollable moans. When the alarm finally went off he started his countdown wishing it could end in a giant deluge of his hot spooge, he would be happy now with just being able to stop.

After the ritual was complete he looked down at his dick, drooling and desperate, and at the large puddle of pre-cum pooled into a surprisingly large puddle right the center of the Pentagram. Happy to be able to stop teasing himself, he grinned as he saw that he had provided a fairly large deposit for the sacrifice.

"BULLSEYE!" he thought as he was intrigued by this arcane rite, but the scientist part of his brain still thought it all a bit silly. To his amazement though he noticed his pre-cum start to glow red and burn away in a puff of smoke, swirling up to the ceiling in a glowing red cloud. Thomas grinned and closed his eyes as he now waited for the Succubus to arrive. His arms outstretched and his desperate cock still hard and bobbing, he was waiting now for the delicious lips of a demoness to appear and wrap her forked tongue around his swollen glans.

Five minutes went by, then 10, and then an hour and finally he came to the realization that the whole thing had been a bust. Chuckling to himself as he cleaned up the mess he made still naked he collapsed on the bed. Thinking about the evening and wondering what had gone wrong, he could not help but think that perhaps the whole thing was just a legend after all. As he moved the book back to the plain pine table next to his bed, he turned over the page with the spell and to his shock saw that there were additional instructions for preparations to be done before the ritual written on the back of the page he had been reading.

He read the instructions with both interest and alarm as his eyes scanned the latin text. Most were dietary restrictions for the summoner for the week before the ritual as well as instructions for the best time of day to perform it, but when he got to the last part however his blood ran cold reading the text over and over.

"The summoner, in order to provide a proper sacrifice to the Demoness, must restrain from all emanations both by their hand or by woman for a period of 6 weeks prior to the ritual."

"SIX WEEKS! Jesus, that would be an ordeal!" he thought to himself laughing as he thought if he had read that first he would have spared himself a long horny night. Obviously he had not restrained from having sex or jacking off for six weeks, in fact, back in Bucharest just two nights ago he had had a delightful evening with two lovely Romanian ladies, so he obviously failed this preparation. Thinking back on it, he had rubbed one out just this morning in the shower at the hotel so it had not even been 12 hours since he had popped his cork. That must be why he was still alone in his room, naked and hard on his bed waiting for a demon to come that would never arrive.

"That is, assuming this whole thing is not bullshit." Thomas grinned to himself, thinking how ridiculous this whole thing would appear to his colleagues if they were ever to find out. He carefully placed the book on a table in the middle of the room, cleaned himself up and went straight to sleep, too sleepy to even take care of his significant pent up need to flood out some of his manjuice.

At 3 AM Thomas suddenly awoke. In his half asleep state his eyes struggled to adjust to the dark but then he spotted something standing in the doorway to his room. To his disbelief and delight it was the gorgeous girl from downstairs. Blinking repeatedly as he thought he still must be dreaming his overworked cock immediately tented his sheets. She was incredible!

She stood in the doorway in a sheer red nightgown that accentuated her every delectable rod stiffening curves. Her long black hair hung down loose and had that slightly tousled "fuck me now" look that always drove him wild. Still half thinking this was just the beginning of a delicious wet dream he unashamedly studied every inch of her glorious body and licked his lips at the sight. She had the most perfect figure he had ever seen and in his half dreamy state he imagined running his lips and tongue over every inch of her.

Curvy in the most delicious way possible her body hit every note on his erotic piano. With large womanly broad hips and huge full breasts, this girl was not fat, but she had all the right padding in all the right places and did not look like those far too skinny coeds back on campus.

As he licked his lips at the sight of this nocturnal visitor, he thought about how he wished American girls looked this good. If they only knew that most men, and he counted himself firmly in this camp, appreciated a female form that was soft and round and fleshy they would worry far less about fitting into a size zero and maybe eat a donut every once in a while. Still unconvinced she was not just a fantastically realistic erotic dream, he wanted to leap out of bed and bury his face in that gorgeous cleavage, drowning his lips in all of that soft full flesh. Smiling as he prepared to rise up and take this vision, he suddenly discovered he could not move.

The girl smiled slightly as she saw his first struggle and then slowly started walking across the room to his bed. As she walked, she casually removed the diaphanous gown and now stood at the foot of his bed completely glorious in her cock straightening nudity. Thomas felt he could not breathe, and was completely helpless both by the invisible bonds holding him down but also by the sight of her fully revealed majestic nude form. He struggled harder to move just a finger but could not even muster a wiggle. As he strained to get up and kiss this girl, one part of his body however was obviously not paralyzed, his cock. Despite the ordeal of the ritual earlier in the evening, it was standing completely erect and throbbing harder than it had ever been. Despite his growing panic at his predicament, little Dr. Pincher was wishing, hoping, and desperately praying that this Goddess would bend down and kiss it.

The girl now looked at him with a look on her face that almost had Thomas shoot his load right there. The unbridled almost frightening look of lust and desire on her face both frightened him and caused his cock to start to uncontrollably shake. Crawling onto the bed she sat down at the end of his mattress and spread her gorgeous thick and beautiful thighs wide exposing her whole ripe womanhood to his hungry eyes. He easily saw into her whole delicious looking pussy, so wet and inviting, glistening with her juices and obviously quite aroused. Taking her left foot, she slowly started walking up his frozen left leg.

Thomas tried desperately to open his mouth to moan but was stuck, only able to gurgle through his frozen lips. When her toes reached his cock, she brought both feet together and began to tickle and tease up one side and down the other of his deep purple shaft, swirling her big toe over his aching cockhead, now visibly weeping pre-cum. Dipping her toes in the pre-cum she continued walking her feet slowly up his stomach and over his chest. When her feet reached his mouth, he discovered suddenly he could move his jaws as the paralysis released. Reflexively opening his mouth wide she placed her delicious pre-cum dripping toes in his mouth, which he greedily began to lick and suck clean. The girl smiled and cooed in obvious enjoyment at the attention as he slavishly cleaned every toe she presented to his active tongue.

After a few minutes of this treatment she pulled her feet from his lips and got on all fours crawling up the bed to Thomas's head. Hovering right over his face, her mammoth and spectacular breasts swung right out of reach which with his newly freed mouth he tried desperately to catch. Grabbing his neck, she pulled his face up and eagerly fed her left nipple into his mouth.

Thomas was in heaven as he lightly sucked and nibbled on her nipple, her whole body squirming in obvious pleasure as he enthusiastically nursed. Now taking both of her hands she placed them on each side of his face. Looking deeply into his eyes she bent down and kissed his lips deeply, his breath literally sucked from his body as she devoured his cum soaked tongue in her hot sweet mouth. She tasted sweet, like fresh honey, or strawberries that had just been picked in a mountain field.

Still thinking he was sleeping, Thomas was convinced that this was the best dream he had ever had, and he just hoped his alarm didn't go off in the next five minutes to end it.

"Thomas!" the girl whispered. "This is not a dream, this is real. I know you think that this is a dream, a dream about the young peasant girl downstairs, but I assure you it is not. You should not be surprised by my presence since you summoned me here after all."
