The Vassal Academy Ch. 32


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Dominique had some doubts about the trainers apprenticeship program when Devon had proposed it. The idea that you must have gone through the training yourself, and conquered it, before you could be a trainer was chiseled in the stone of Dominique's mind. However, from what she'd seen of Ann, and the reports on her performance, it would appear that the program was a success.

At the Academy, dinner was ready as the Trainers sat to discuss the day's activities, and future plans. Devon began, as usual. "OK, Sarah's going to be here next week, and Dominique tells me that Theo should be ready to begin training in another couple weeks."

"We're going to graduate Diane aren't we?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, she's about ready. When do you want to start?"

Thomas hesitated, and Rebecca filled the gap. "Devon, we have another problem with graduation."

"What problem?" Devon asked.

"How do you wear out Crystal?" Andre asked.

Devon blinked and said. "Shit."

"Yeah. We were discussing it and we can't figure out how to do it. We'll kill her before she passed out from the activity." Thomas said.

Devon sighed. "Damn it, I was focused on the next one up, and not considering it as a standard for the others."

"OK, so what do we do about it?" Ann asked.

Devon looked from one to another and said. "OK, let me hear what you all have thought up."

"I have no idea." Andre admitted.

"Beat's the shit out of me." Thomas admitted.

"That's where we're stuck Devon, what can we do to Diane, that would both test her, and show she'd graduated that would also be a good test for the others?" Rebecca admitted.

Devon poked at his food as he considered. His face started to show a scowl and he finally leaned back shaking his head. "I don't know either."

"OK, let's back up." Ann suggested. "The final tests are to wear her out, and make sure her training is so much a part of her that she doesn't give any sign she's not a slave at heart right?"

"Yeah." Thomas said distractedly.

"So test her." Ann said.

"What do you mean?" Devon asked.

"In school, you have final exams right?" Ann looked at them as she asked the obvious. "Test her."

Devon blinked and then glanced at the others before saying. "You mean in each subject?"

"Yes. Ballet with all of us watching, taking notes on things she does well, and mistakes. Massage on you Devon, since you're the Lead, and Oral Arts, stations eleven and twelve for time." Ann said throwing her ideas out there.

"Arousal test against the clock, can she get ready in two minutes?" Andre offered.

"So test her, but to a standard." Devon summarized.

"Objections anyone?" Rebecca asked.

"Ann, I want the four of you to come up with the standards for a fully qualified slave. Let's keep it at a four-sensor probe for cunt training. Let's make that adjustable of course, individual ability should not make it impossible to pass." Devon said.

Ann nodded. "No one but Jeannette, and you all, can come on command yet. So instead of that, can we say, the ability to resist for ten minutes?"

"Keeping them right on the edge, ready to go over, and judge her ability to resist until given permission." Andre said nodding his head. "I like it."

"Instead of a Marathon, a gang bang, all of us, and her as the centerpiece." Thomas offered.

Devon nodded. "We have some good ideas, Ann, you're in charge of coming up with the testing standards, and organizing all of our ideas into a series of tests. Plan on three days of tests, culminating in the new Marathon test."

Ann nodded. "OK." She turned to the others. "Plan on spending some time in discussion gang, we're going to be busy planning our finals for the staff."

After dinner, Devon found Ann waiting for him in his office. "Yes Ann?'

Ann seemed to be searching for the words. Finally she spit it out. "What do I have to do, to be tested, to get qualified."

Devon walked to his cabinet, and poured a drink for himself, and one for Ann. He handed her a Brandy and sat in the other guest chair, closer to her, more informal than the desk would be. He took a sip of the Brandy and then said. "Ann, you realize that there is little more we can teach you, skill wise. Now, it's experience, learning to fully apply what you've learned to date."

"There are lots of things I haven't done yet." Ann pointed out.

Devon shrugged. "You can't ripple, unless you've been training yourself for that."

Ann shook her head. "No, but I can squeeze the Klegal muscle with no problem."

Devon sipped again and said. "Your skills in Oral Arts are more than good enough to teach, same with Ballet. You can give, and receive a Massage without problems. You've got experience with a whip, both ends. You're knowledge of Bondage and the techniques is a little weak, but improving."

Ann grit her teeth. There were times when Devon could be infuriating. Ann knew he did it on purpose. He loved to torment people. He took a perverse and obvious pleasure in the discomfort of others. "Damn it Devon, you know what I'm asking."

"Yes Ann. Anal. As I recall, I said I would allow you to veto it when, or if, we reached that point. So I haven't mentioned it." Devon said with a thin smile. "You don't need it to be considered fully qualified."

"You know, there are times when you are infuriating." Ann said.

Devon smiled. "Joking aside." He shifted and leaned forward, signaling to Ann who knew his gestures, and his mannerisms that he was serious now. "Ann, you have reached the Golden Gate Bridge, It's about time for you to decide."

"Yeah, I know." Ann said with a tension in her voice.

Devon nodded. "If it helps your decision, You will be considered fully qualified without it."

Ann looked at him for a moment. "Mother told me I wasn't allowed to hate something until I'd tried it."

Devon nodded his understanding. Ann felt she was ready to try it, and was asking without asking. He noted her sense of pride that prevented her from coming out and asking for it. If she had a personality flaw, it was this. She was unable to request things for herself easily.

Devon suddenly started to blink rapidly, he'd just had a sudden insight into Ann. He was running his mind over their entire experience. Daily contact, for the entire day sometimes, for more than six months. A frown came over his face as he concentrated hard on the problem. He saw it now, and spent an uncomfortable minute checking his conclusions, and came to the answer, he saw Ann's one flaw more clearly now.

"Devon?" Ann asked. She recognized his mannerisms well now. She knew he was thinking hard, he'd just had something click in his mind, and he was spinning it around and looking at it from every angle.

"Ann, forgive me." Devon started. Then he stopped, and then started again. "I've just realized something important."

"OK, what is that?" Ann asked. "Something about Sarah? Diane?"

"No, you." Devon said softly.

"Me?" Ann asked surprised.

"Yes." Devon said. "I've just realized that you hate to do things for yourself, or I should say, have others do things for you."


"Ann. You have no idea what it's like being the center of attention do you?" Devon asked.

"What?" Ann repeated.

Devon smiled. "This will take some time." He closed his eyes and considered. "A few days at least."

"I don't understand." Ann admitted.

"Forgive me Ann, but I've just figured out how to Graduate you, and it's something I think you need." Devon said. "I'll explain more later, please understand, this will take some time to arrange."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ann asked with an edge of anger to her voice.

"Ann, in six months, you've taken about all of four days off, and on one of those, you were working anyway, you went to New York." Devon explained.

"So? You don't take time off either." Ann said accusingly.

"All my friends are here. All my family is here too." Devon said. "You have friends, and family out there, right out there in the community."

"We have work to do." Ann said simply.

Devon nodded. "I know." He smiled disarmingly. "Please believe me when I say that I admire your dedication, and your determination."

Ann interrupted him. "What the hell does any of this have to do with anal?"

"Nothing, and everything." Devon said. "I have to get to work now Ann, preparing your Graduation. If you'll excuse me." He rose and walked to the desk. He picked up the phone handset and tapped one of the buttons on the phone.

Ann watched him for a moment feeling very confused. She was about to ask, had practically asked Devon to take her ass, and now he was talking in riddles. She frowned and then got up and walked out feeling rejected, and a little hurt. She could hear Devon speaking on the phone. "Dominique, forgive me for interrupting your evening, but I need something from you."

Ann listened, hoping something that would explain this would be forthcoming. Devon spoke again in a moment. "Do you remember the Ambrosia we had twenty years ago?" After a pause he said. "Do you think you could find the Recipe without too much difficulty?"

Ann shook her head and wondered off towards the staff wing. Perhaps Rebecca would have some insight into this. Ambrosia? What the hell is that about.

"Ambrosia?" Rebecca asked in just as much confusion after listening to Ann.

Ann nodded. "What the hell is he up to now?"

"I have no idea." Rebecca admitted. "I've never heard about an Ambrosia." Then she got a blank look on her face. She suddenly shook her head and then frowned. "You said he called Dominique?"

"Yeah." Ann said watching her friend carefully for clues. "What the hell does he mean by Ambrosia?"

Rebecca had a look on her face that Ann hadn't seen before. It was a strange mixture of sadness, and confusion. There was also a tinge of fear around her eyes unless Ann was very mistaken. "But whatever he's up to, you can bet it will work." Rebecca didn't sound as convincing as she usually did.

Devon was done on the phone and in his office. He struggled to remember clearly the sequence of events that had shown him the effectiveness of the Ambrosia.

After learning how to be a slave at the hands of Dominique, and learning the basics of being a trainer under her instruction, Devon had followed the normal procedures of the group, and been transferred to another farm to be finalized.

This was to confirm that Dominique's estimate of his abilities was correct. It was also to expose the new trainer to another Lead, and give the trainer another example of how things were done. The second Trainer had been ancient, nearly seventy. Ivan had been in the group for half a century, and it was that farm, and that group that Devon had taken over when Ivan had passed away on the job.

Devon had been shown the Ambrosia by Ivan, when they had a trainee who was allergic to the mind altering drugs of the day. Science had progressed in the twenty years since, and additional drugs were available today. If the trainee showed an aversion to, or allergic reaction to, one of the drugs, another was substituted. Twenty years ago, there weren't too many alternates that could be used.

Ivan had taken the case over, and starved the woman for a day, no food, no water. Then given her food, with the Ambrosia. It was a Brandy, with almost two dozen ingredients mixed in slowly, carefully. Ivan had explained that it was an old recipe when he'd been Devon's age, almost out of use then.

Devon had tasted, and felt the effects of the drink. It wasn't a mind-altering substance by strict definition. What it did was suppress the negative emotional responses, and make the drinker feel extremely positive about whatever what going on. It was in other words, a way to get someone very happily drunk.

Never having a subject who was allergic to the drugs available over his experience, Devon hadn't used the Ambrosia, but hadn't forgotten it either. Ann needed something to become more complete as a Trainer, and that something could be given to her in a day, with the help of the Ambrosia. Ann needed to feel what it was like to be the center of attention.

Dominique hung up her cell phone and returned to her conversation with Carlos Mendoza. She'd considered mentioning to Devon that this client could be a problem, but instead decided to address the issue with him when she was more familiar with Carlos.

Ann returned to her own room, still confused and not sure what the hell was going on. She used the Internet to look up the definition of Ambrosia, and was not surprised that it meant what she remembered. It was considered to be the food of the gods, something with an especially delicious flavor. What the hell did that have to do with anything?

As Ann lay down on her bed to get some sleep, she was struck with another thought. There were times when she wanted to choke the living shit out of Devon. She supposed that was a good sign, it meant she wasn't some boot licking lackey. An ass kisser wouldn't want to throttle the smug bastard from time to time would they?

The next morning, Ann and the rest of the trainers started to discuss the standards of the upcoming Graduation for Diane during Breakfast, and it was agreed that the subject matter experts would have the most sway in the test. For Ballet, it would be Rebecca obviously. For Arousal and Cunt Control, it would be Andre. For Oral Arts and Massage, it would be Thomas. The rest of the subjects were put on hold while two of the trainers went to teach classes.

Dominique walked into the office looking well rested despite a night that was far too short on sleep. She didn't look at the documents on her desk before she dialed the number for Devon.

Jeannette stuck her head into Devon's office and said. "Master, Mistress Dominique is on the phone for you."

"Thank you Jeannette." Devon said. He lifted the handset and said. "That was fast boss, I figured it would take you a couple days to get the recipe."

"It probably will. I'm going to send the request today, but that's not why I'm calling. Can you come to town today?"

"Today? Or tonight?" Devon asked.

"Today, as in this morning. We need to talk." Dominique said.

"Boss, I'm up to my ears right now. We're trying to graduate Diane, and Ann. We're trying to get Geneva up, she's got a serious issue with Oral Arts phase three delicacies. We have Crystal up to mid phase three."

"Devon, we have a potential client, and one that could well be a problem." Dominique said. Then she described the problem.

Devon frowned. "Boss." He began and then stopped. He inhaled deeply and considered. "How much do we know?"

Dominique grit her teeth. "Not much, which is why I want you to get your ass down here and talk to him."

Devon hesitated for a moment. He considered. "Boss, I'd like to bring someone, either Ann, or Rebecca."

"Not Jeannette?"

"No." Devon said firmly. "I want a second opinion, and they both have a good feel of how the slaves view things. They'll probably have some good suggestions too."

"Bring them both." Dominique said and hung up.

Devon blinked and sighed. "I only wanted one of them." He shrugged and hung his own phone up. He considered for a moment. Then he stood and walked to the Trainers area and waved at Andre to follow him.

"Yes Devon?" Andre asked as he joined the march across the central area.

Devon said. "You are taking over Rebecca's class, and she and Ann are joining me in a trip to the city to see Dominique."

"Right." Andre said.

Rebecca looked up in surprise as Devon and Andre entered her class and quickly composed herself. "Slave kneel."

Diane knelt and waited. Devon spoke. "Mistress Rebecca, we have been summoned to the presence of our dear leader Dominique, and Master Andre will be taking over the class with Diane."

"Certainly Devon." Rebecca answered without hesitation.

As they walked from the class Devon said. "Get Ann, and get whatever you need to lunch in the city. We're meeting a potential client, and I'll fill you in on the way."

"OK." Rebecca said turning towards the stairs.

In Admin Devon said. "Jeannette, we've been called to the city to visit with Mistress Dominique, Master Andre will handle any unexpected problems, and I have my cell phone if you need to reach me. Don't hesitate to call me for anything."

"Yes Master." Jeannette said.

Devon entered his office and checked the email that had arrived. He opened the attachments and began to print them out. Ann walked into his office with Rebecca, both holding bags in their hands and looking somewhat confused.

Devon took the sheets from the printer and said. "Dominique has summoned me, and I requested one of you two, as your opinions in the matter would be valuable. She instructed me to bring both of you to the meeting."

"What the hell is going on?" Ann asked no more enlightened than she was a moment before.

"I'll explain on the train. Come on ladies, we have a train to catch, and a meeting with a potential client." Devon said as he walked around the desk and headed for the Kitchen.

Geneva was joking with Josh when the Masters entered, and she stopped immediately and looked as if she'd been caught doing something wrong. Devon stopped and looked at her for a moment. He turned to Josh. "How is your room downstairs Josh?"

"It's fine Master Devon. Chef said I should get a TV or a stereo or something for it. He said it's a little Spartan for a cook."

Devon nodded. "I agree, and I'll go half way on that with you. I'll pay half is what I mean."

"Thank you Master." Josh said uncomfortably.

Devon glanced at Geneva before continuing. "I wanted to mention to you, that the offer I made before, about your status as a guest and now as an employee means that you can have visitors, and invite other members of the staff to join you Josh."

Josh swallowed hard as he understood what was being said. "Uh." He stammered for a moment. "Thank you Master."

He turned to Geneva. "I'm on my way out. Please let Jeannette know that Josh is the equal to a level three slave, he may enjoy the company of the house slaves as equals, providing that the slave in question is not on restriction."

"Yes Master." Geneva said smiling.

"Geneva, he's not a Master, and can not command the slaves. Make sure Jeannette knows that." Devon said.

"Yes Master."

Josh looked embarrassed as he glanced at Rebecca and Ann. Devon turned and headed out the door with Ann and Rebecca grinning at his back.

Geneva waited until they were out the door before she started giggling. "I guess you're really part of the family now huh?"

Josh sighed. "Why do I feel like a teenager who was caught making out and my Father told me to make sure I had protection?"

Geneva giggled again and turned towards the door that the Masters had entered the Kitchen by. "I have to give Jeannette a message, I'll be back in a minute."

"Josh's room is liable to be very important in a short while." Devon said. "It's a place away from us, where the slaves are equal, and with his soon to be procured TV and Stereo, it will be a party room from time to time." He turned onto the Highway and headed for the train station as he explained.

"So they can get away from it all, while hanging out with Josh?" Ann asked.

Devon nodded. "I'm also thinking about giving them a day off now and then, but that's later."

"So other than Josh getting laid, I presume there was something for us?" Rebecca said with a small note of annoyance in her tone.

Devon nodded. "There is." Then he filled them in on the conversation with Dominique.

"Shit." Ann summarized.

"Yeah." Rebecca agreed. "Shit."

Devon chuckled. "Yeah. That just about covers it."

They boarded the train and started to town. Devon read the papers he'd printed out and then passed them on. Ann finished first and stared out the window. "So the question is, when he beat the woman that badly, was it a mistake, and he's trying to learn, or was it his true nature coming out, and he wants more of it?"