The Walking Dead: Primal Desires

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The Greene Girls run wild.
11.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 03/13/2014
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This is a continuation of 'The Walking Dead: Sister's in Heat'.


Cold bodies gasped and shuffled in the field below; hungry, decaying, ragged and monstrous. The walkers cared for nothing and consumed everything.

Barbed wire held corpses back like an umbrella holds back rain; a minor defense against an endless onslaught; and the girls knew in the prison new it.

Hot bodies twisted and turned in the watchtower above; hungry, sweating, primal. Desperate fingers tugged at worn clothing, ecstatic whines barely escaped gasping lips.

It wasn't that they knew they were safe; nobody was ever safe anymore. It wasn't that they had given up; they were survivors and they had fought for this respite. On this hot Georgia night the two siblings were blissfully distracted by one another. And for once, the consequences meant nothing.

Head to toe, the girls rolled over and over, faces buried between each other's thighs. Shaking, shuddering, muscles tensing and un-tensing. One sister experienced but guilty, the other innocent but free.

The younger gasped as agile fingers dove deep into her nethers, the elder wept as soft lips wrapped around her swollen peach. A sheen of sweat glistened on their naked bodies, mingling on slick skin as they writhed against one another. Wide eyes, incredulous, pleasure stricken faces, blonde and brunette hair tangling between desperate mouths: So wrong but so, so right.

In the light of day the Greene girls would have to face their unforgiving reality. In the pitch black of night they could indulge their innermost cravings.


Maggie Greene descended the spiraling metal steps two at a time, heart racing as she stumbled down from the prison's watch tower. Shoving through the heavy door at its base, the brunette burst into morning light; only to turn away from the harsh orange glow of sunrise.

Blinking, Maggie surveyed the yard cautiously, glad to find it empty and silent still. Only the brunette herself had gone without sleep; just another perk of her latest survival mistake. Maggie cursed under her breath: This could not keep happening.

Hearing the clunk of small feet in heavy cowboy boots descending behind her, Maggie awoke from her daze. Looking down the brunette blanched; Having rushed out of the tower she'd had no time to dress, top crumpled up above her bra. Cursing, Maggie tugged it down, stretching the worn fabric taught over her breasts and down her abdomen, hurriedly pawing at its creases. Being flustered would only give her sister the advantage.

Behind her the door creaked open once more and Maggie twisted on the spot, dust churning in her wake.

Beth Greene stepped out of the watchtower; barely affected by the hard rays of dawn. Unlike her older sister the blonde was far more presentable; her own appearance giving no suggestion of the sins they had just committed.

"Hey," Beth began, big blue eyes confused and inquisitive:

"Where're ya rushin' off to?"

Maggie crossed her arms over her chest defensively, devising an excuse on the spot before getting cold feet. For a few precious seconds they stood facing each other, both sisters at a loss. The brunette bit her lip; better just get it over with:

"We ain't doin' that no'more," Maggie blurted out, southern accent hitching, arms still crossed. For another second there was an agonizing pause, time quietly stretching out.

Beth blinked, crestfallen:


"I-its wrong." Maggie replied, hoping her tone conveyed more conviction then she felt:

"An' yuh know it is."

"What does that even mean?" Beth replied, her voice cracking as agitation flared across her porcelain features.

Maggie stepped forward carefully; still unsure how to approach the girl with whom she had foolishly crossed so many personal boundaries. She responded curtly, anxious green eyes growing wide:

"I- I can be there for you, but not, not like that. It ain't right!"

"Seriously?" Beth muttered, attempting to keep her anger at bay:

"An' what does right an' wrong even mean anymore?"

Maggie grimaced, bracing herself: "it has to mean somethin'! We ain't trailer trash Beth! We 'ave to go back to normal, like it never happened!"

Beth glared at the brunette, her pretty face contorting between anger and fear:

"So back to good, God fearin' farm-gurls, right?" the blonde glowered, big blue eyes indignant: "Things ain't like they were before Maggie, an' they never will be!"

Hearing her sister's hurt, the brunette stared down at her worn boots, unable to reply:

"Fine!" Beth replied bitterly, "We live in hell, remember?"

Turning from the taller brunette, she trudged toward the Prison entrance:

"Who cares about sin?"


She'd made the right decision.

In the darkness Maggie squirmed, turning over on her creaky bunk for what felt like the millionth time. Why was it always so damn hot? Why did security in this messed up world require a total lack of comfort? Why couldn't she just sleep?!

Rolling over, the brunette's hair spread out beneath her head; frustrated eyes turning apprehensive as she stared up at the vacant cot, rationalising the choice she had made.

She'd made the right decision.

3 weeks had passed, not that she could really tell in a world without basic time keeping. In all that time they had barely spoken, the blonde girl either avoiding or ignoring her older sister during the day whilst watching over Judith at night.

She'd made the right decision.

Maggie had known it wouldn't be easy but she had never realised the truth; it actually physically hurt to be separated from her younger sister. For most of their lives the Greene's had been together, sharing clothes, food, even a bedroom on the farm. It wasn't just that she was lonely; on her list of problems that was less than insignificant. Maggie felt dislocated, like she had rejected her only true reminder of the old world.

But she'd made the right decision...

Rolling away from the cell wall, the brunette closed her eyes, attempting to forget the girl that was now almost constantly on her mind. When Beth had become... needy, Maggie had indulged her cravings; that had been difficult, stressful and so, so wrong. At the time she had thought chaperoning her sister's urges would help safeguard her naivety. But things had gotten out of hand, kinky even! Maggie had never expected to succumb to something so... Primal.

So now what? Having ended their tryst, both of them were even more miserable than before and in a World where the dead walked, that was really something.

Knowing that either of them could die any day did nothing to improve Maggie's already peaked concern. When the two girls had been rutting nothing else had seemed to matter, except surviving until the next intense encounter. Yet, since she had given Beth up, something had changed in her. Shaking her head, the brunette tried to ignore her worrisome thoughts.

Ultimately without Maggie the blonde continued to survive; even taking on more responsibility at the prison. Ironically, without someone to care for, it was the elder sister whom now felt lost; like she was drifting. An endless number of unspecified days without relief; survival without purpose.

Squeezing hot, bare thighs together, the brunette slipped a hand into her panties. Maggie groaned into the darkness.

Had she made the right decision?


A wild animal ran between the trees, tearing through the undergrowth with reckless abandon. Making no attempt to conceal its journey, the creature leapt over a fallen branch before continuing forward, her ragged appearance and lack of composure revealing her ultimate fear.

Thudding against the trunk of a tree, the ex- farm girl caught her breath, pausing only to call out:

"Beth?! Betthh!!"

Turning to survey 360 degrees of dense forest, Maggie inhaled shakily; there was no response. Shaking short wet hair from her eyes, the brunette continued onward determinedly through the undergrowth, ground sodden and squelching underfoot. Having rained heavily, the air was humid and uncomfortable; droplets making unkempt nature gleam in the light of the dying sun.

Calling out again she continued forward, moving warily. Hitting that tree had knocked some sense into her: This desperation only put herself in danger too. That would not help save her sister.

When Beth had gone missing she had dropped everything; the world had gone to hell and the girl, for all her good qualities, was not a warrior. She had left their relative safety alone; God knows why. And so Maggie had decided to pursue the prison's most unlikely escape attempt on foot.

Continuing to yell for her sister, Maggie moved quickly; hoping her longer gait meant she would catch up to Beth before she lost the light. Cursing under her breath, the Georgian girl attempted to ignore the irony: as a teen Maggie had been constantly chasing after her younger half-sister. Even when everything else was gone, that annoying habit stayed the same.

How irrational could one girl be? There wasn't another person in the prison who was foolish enough to leave their sanctuary alone.

What if Beth had been overrun by walkers, or worse; found by other people?

Maggie came to an abrupt halt, hearing a sound above the patter of falling rain. Reaching for the back of her jeans, the brunette tugged her handgun free, leveling the cold metal at the nearest source of potential concealment; better safe than sorry.

Hearing the noise again she spun round, staring down the barrel, agitation scrawled across her beautiful features. It was definitely a voice; the sound had form, not a groan or a growl. That ruled out one potential threat. Seconds later, the voice itself ruled out the other:


The brunette flinched her stomach turning over; the voice was female, young, soft, southern and above all, afraid.

Crouching, gun now quivering ever so slightly, Maggie moved; ducking under a branch and moving through the overgrowth before emerging into a clearing. Sitting by a tree was the sight she'd been hoping for:

Beth Greene was in half an inch of mud, cursing under her breath adorably even as she struggled with her bindings.

Making eye contact with her sister, Beth attempted to move once more. Immediately her leg snagged painfully on the man-sized snare.

Greeted by this sorry sight, Maggie strode forward quickly:

"Beth! What happened?!" The brunette asked shakily, dropping onto a knee. Hearing a wet squelch she grimaced; realising how filthy the ground around them was.

"Are yuh hurt??"

Beth shook her head, but Maggie could tell she was lying; older siblings could always tell, even if the blonde was covered in muck. Face reddening slightly, the younger girl spoke through clenched teeth:

"It's just one of Darryl's stupid traps, it caught muh leg."

Maggie nodded, studying the noose that had tangled around the girl's bare shin, digging into the skin beneath her cut-off jeans. The rope was tight and coarse. There was evidence strewn across the ground that the blonde had been dragged to her current position; her path clawed into the dirt, berries scattered across the earth. Casting her eyes around the clearing Maggie spotted the counterweight; a smashed crate full of rocks, now spilt over the forest floor.

Shaking her head frustratedly, Maggie reached for her sister's caught limb, only for the blonde to pull away needlessly; her thigh still tied:

"Beth," The brunette gasped, her frustration mounting: "what's goin' on, why are yuh even out here??"

"I was just goin' on a supply run!" Beth responded guiltily, "You know, pickin' berries! It's not a big deal."

Maggie shook her head, biting back her temper:

"Seriously? You came out here alone! Didn't even tell anyone where you were goin'!"

Beth's nostrils flared. Propped up on her elbows and unable to storm away, the blonde pouted, her expression pained but fierce; visible beneath the layer of dirt that caked her cheeks.

Maggie grimaced; this was her fault, Beth's anger and her clear distraction. It was obvious: anguish scrawled across her porcelain features, child like resentment somehow trumping physical pain and fear.

"This was stupid Beth," The brunette said, trying to act maturely even as her resolve failed. Green eyes shimmering with agitation; she replaced the gun in the back of her tight pants, before pulling free the large knife she had on her belt, returning attention to the younger girl.

While Maggie was distracted, the blonde scooped a handful of berries off the forest floor, tucking the fruit into her torn shorts. Looking up at her sister, the blonde smiled weakly:

" 'Least you're touchin' me again," Beth responded sheepishly, eying the older girl as she leant over.

"That's not what's happenin'!" Maggie responded. Gripping the rope Maggie sawed away in earnest, praying she cut it before their conversation went much further down this road.

"Could be..." Beth responded suggestively.

Maggie looked up from her work, an incredulous frown creasing her nose as she tucked errant locks behind her ear:

"You could still do that to me??"

Beth nodded, continuing to stare at her sister expectantly. Maggie thought the blonde looked like a rabbit caught in a trap. So why did this feel like bait?

Maggie shook her head, biting her lip, tearing through the rope almost frantically now:

"Shut up!" The brunette's nostrils flared, anger spreading across her features: "Why're ya always such a brat-mmmphhh!!"

Maggie spluttered as the young blonde leant up and pressed their lips together. Just at that moment the rope snapped.

Indignant at first, the brunette was unresponsive, rage bubbling as Beth took advantage, slipping her tongue deep into her older silbing's mouth, determined to get what she wanted.

Scrabbling on the slippery surface, Maggie fell into Beth's waiting embrace. Not missing a beat, the small girl wrapped her arms around her sister even as she ran her probing tongue along the brunette's teeth.

Rolling, the two girls tumbled to their left. Falling into the mud, Maggie groaned, feeling water permeate through the back of her top and the seat of her ragged jeans. Ignoring her discomfort, Beth only redoubled her efforts, pressing against her and kissing the brunette with even greater insistence.

Frustration boiling over Maggie leant into the kiss as she reversed their positions, throwing the blonde back down into the dirt. Beth gasped as she was sprayed with muck; surprised by the brunette's sudden rougher exuberance. Unperturbed, Maggie took the girl in, almost sucking the air from her lunges as she released her pent up ferocity: the animal inside finally taking over once more.

Pulling away, Beth panted, eyes wide and unmistakably aroused:

"Uunnghmm! Maggie -ahhh! Mmmm-?"

Beth squealed as Maggie pressed a hand over her mouth, the brunette eying the treelike for signs of danger:

"Ssshhh! Just shut up! The others could be out here!!"

Beth nodded; struggling to comprehend this latest development, or even breath, as the bigger girl momentarily took control; The blonde wriggled underneath Maggie, hands reaching for the older girl's hip, anything that would giver some kind of traction. Sliding in the dirt, the younger sibling struggled, caught off guard; even as Maggie pressed against her.

The blonde caught her sister's agitated green eyes and held them, staring back at her almost hungrily. Maggie gasped; God she did want this. To see that lust directed at her, for Maggie it was instinctual, a familiar heat rising in her belly. Almost unconsciously Maggie reached for her sister's nethers, tugging at the thick leather strap of her belt.

Beth smiled into the hand as she felt her dirty shorts open around her waist, staring back at her sister encouragingly; She liked this feral Maggie. Was it wrong to bait an animal? The things she wanted to do with her sister... The girl blinked innocently; only time would tell.

The blonde gasped shrilly as Maggie forced the clasp open, cold water rushing into the seat of her pants even as fingers tore at the waistband of her worn panties.

Maggie growled instinctively as Beth groaned, immediately cupping her swollen pussy. Rubbing her forcefully, Maggie had the girl shuddering and mewling within seconds of grasping her nethers. Leaning into her sister, the brunette crushed their bodies together and spat cruelly into an available ear:

"You want this? You want your older sister to do this to you?!"

Beth nodded encouragingly, eyes rolling as the brunette stroked her pussy lips with strong, agile fingers, giving into the depravity of their situation.

Boots scrabbling in place as the brunette stroked Beth's most private areas, the girl gasped instinctively. Sprawled out on the forest floor the blonde squirmed in her sister's hands, panting for breath as she was invaded. Whining and unable to choose her position, Beth clawed at the grass as two fingers slipped up and down her pussy's soft folds, before roughly sliding between them; her whole body tensing. Maggie ignored this reaction; slowly, gently rubbing the hard nub of the girl's clit with her thumb as her digits tickled her moist insides.

Gently running her free fingers through her sister's loose, wavy blonde fringe, Maggie stroked her cheek. Beth whined loudly as long, warm digits delved further into her. Keeping the girl quiet, she was forced to replace her palm over gasping lips: "Then we're gonna purge every sin outta yuh till nothin's left!"

Maggie was captivated, her helpless sister gyrating unconsciously, oblivious to the mud all over her skin and hair; watching the determined blonde piston against the long fingers she had deep in her warm, sticky pussy; convulsing in time with every twist and turn of her digits. Beth was so responsive, her reaction so genuine; needy but honest. That was when the determined survivor realized the truth; in that moment Beth wasn't Beth, she was all adrenaline, hormones. Desperate for sex.

"Why do I always give yuh what you want?" Maggie croaked frustratedly, looking down at Beth's pleasure stricken face, blue eyes wide and joyful as she ran her thumb of the girl's waiting clit.

Beth inhaled shakily; unable to respond, or even get much oxygen through her older sister's sweaty palm, her hips still rolling in time with her thrusts, eyelids flickering as she lost control of her own body.

Maggie flinched, feeling Beth's tongue against her palm, seeing the hard nubs of the girl's nipples rising through her wet top. Attempting to calm herself, the brunette removed her free hand, using it to swipe at her messy hair, wiping sweat and dirt from her brow before pressed her fingers harder into her sister's drooling slot, curling insistently against her g-spot.

Grabbing her assailant's hips, Beth dug her nails into perfect flesh, luxuriating in every second before she came, in-spite of her long-standing desperation. Allowing the pleasure to rush over her, ignoring the pain in her leg, the blonde relaxed into the soil: finally giving in.

Maggie gulped in awe as a torrent of warm nectar ran through her fingers, feeling the girl shudder awkwardly before going limp in her arms; head lolling into the dirt.

For a few wonderful seconds, Beth was able to forget everything; at peace in the apocalypse. Meanwhile Maggie was less certain than ever, still in turmoil... Quickly slipping her hand free, the brunette wiped her fingers on the front of her ruined sweater.

And then she heard it; first one croaking, deathly groan, then rustling, followed by several more guttural growls.

"Maggie?" Within an instant her self-assured temptress was gone, replaced by the scared kid the brunette protected.

Pressing herself up, Maggie crouched low over Beth, eyes covering the trees around them. In that moment she realised how vulnerable they had become, both exposed and filthy, dirty water running off her skin.