The Walking Dead: Sister's In Heat

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Can Maggie fend off her sibling’s hormones?
6.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 03/13/2014
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Late on a hot summer night in Georgia, Maggie Greene finally vowed to deal with her problem; once and for all.

In that very moment, the brunette lay awake in almost pitch-blackness, staring upwards; listening intently. In that very moment, Maggie was unaware that she would start a chain of events that would change her relationship with her sister forever.

It was happening again and she only wished she knew why. It always began in the same way; her own body caught in the sway of the cot above her own, rocking her awake. Blinking, she watched the offending mattress undulate, the frame of the bunk creaking rhythmically in time. Maggie sighed deeply; it wouldn't be the walkers that kept her awake tonight.

Surprisingly, sleep in the apocalypse sleep came very easily: when your days are a living nightmare rest is a hard won reward. After all, Maggie's imagination, no matter how bad, could not trump the horrors of reality. On an undisturbed night she could simply close her eyes and retreat to the numbing security that only unconsciousness could now bring. For a farmer's daughter turned dead girl walking, life didn't get any better. However, increasingly being able to rest was not so easy.

The bunk bed groaned yet again, it's rusty bars struggling to flex, even when supporting the minimal weight of two girls. The brunette frowned, propping herself on her elbows, a grimace clear in the light of the moon, illuminated through the bars of her cell. Like in most cases, the source of her frustration could easily be found; even in the apocalypse her younger sister-in-laws could still be annoying.

Increasingly Beth remained awake long into the night; while everyone else slept like logs, the 18-year-old girl would gradually begin to toss and turn, muttering in a seemingly semi-conscious haze. Originally, when the group had come across the prison and cleared it, the girls had ended up together, in-spite of several cells remaining vacant. Maggie chose to stick to her sister like glue; nobody slept alone these days. The brunette had hoped her presence in the room would help ease the blonde into sleep, to deal with their frightening day to day. Lately however, it seemed all her presence in the cell meant was that two Greene sisters wouldn't get any sleep, instead of just one.

Turning onto her side beneath the thin, prison issue blanket, the brunette frowned, curling into a ball in an attempt to get more comfortable; At temperatures of over 38 degrees Fahrenheit even in the night, nobody ever got cold and most of the time the Greene girls wore as little as possible to bed. So when Maggie heard her sister's shiver, the bunk shuddering in time, the brunette was left perplexed; could Beth be ill?


The next day Maggie emerged into blinding light, the heat of the summer sun beating down on her, eyes struggling to adjust as she searched for the source of her exhaustion. The brunette had elected not to bother the young blonde that night, hoping that they could discuss their sleeping arrangements in the light of day. Upon waking however, Maggie found that her cellmate was nowhere to be seen.

Stomping down the steps Maggie strode across the yard; the brunette scouring the prison for her sister, worn leather boots crunching in loose gravel as she searched the crumbling complex, nodding to Rick and the others she met as she passed.

The brunette had learnt a lot about the world since it had ended. Out in the wilderness she had gained a fiery determination to survive, no matter the cost; Maggie wasn't a traditional girly girl anymore. It was kill or be killed and she had chosen the latter, gladly shirking off her old lifestyle. Disposing with reanimated corpses wasn't anyone's idea of fun, but she had found the process kind of cathartic. No more quiet country daughter; Maggie would do anything to get by.

Beth however, had struggled with this apocalyptic transition, still a kid in so many ways. The blonde could be naïve and sensitive; avoiding the fight whenever possible. No one could afford to be useless in a walker filled world though and so she contributed to the group by maintaining their shelter; while Maggie defended her from anything that would try to take it away from them. For the older sister this meant being ready to do anything. When it came down to it the two were closely bonded; Maggie protected her own.

Coming across the perimeter sheds, she heard a familiar girly grunt coming from within. Ducking into the ramshackle building, she spotted her baby sister bent over the prison's ancient water pump and watched as the girl exerted herself, using all her strength to work the worn out mechanism.

While Beth was still young she certainly wasn't a child anymore, her curves made especially obvious as she bent over the waterspout. The pale girl was lean; hell, everyone in the apocalypse was, but she was also distinctly feminine and pert, like a china doll or a Disney Princess; still so full of youth and warmth. Maggie treasured that, grim times called for bright people.

Maggie whistled, impressed by the girl's determination; at this time of day manual labor was hard work, but her sister kept at it, her tight clothes clinging to her body, now drenched in sweat.

"Hey," Beth grunted in her adorable southern drawl, glancing up from her work briefly as her sister joined her at the pump, only stopping to wipe beads of sweat from her forehead before she returned to flexing the handle up and down: "I thought y'all were on fence duty this morning?"

"I know," Maggie responded, somewhat defensively, "I just wanted to check on you before I went, seemed like you had trouble sleeping last night?"

Beth paused, dropping the bucket and twisting on her knee to look up at her sister. Maggie raised an eyebrow, surprised by her little sister's sudden attention. The blonde responded carefully, avoiding her eye:

"So you, you heard me?..."

"Well, yeah.." Maggie replied, looking the nervous girl up and down:

"Sounded like you had a fever or somethin', you kept fidgeting all night. Are you alright?"

Beth seemed to lower her guard, nodding slowly in her response: "Ohh, yeah... I'm just, restless is all."

"Restless?" Maggie responded pointedly: "this place is practically a work camp! You must be exhausted!"

Beth looked down at her feet, twisting her toe in the dirt, her pale face turning red. Maggie just watched the young girl quizzically; she was acting like she had when they were kids, forever the naughty farm girl.

"I thought you were ill or somethin'," Maggie proposed, eying her sister tenderly: "Ya know if your sick you should tell me, I can help you."

Beth turned back to the pump, grabbing the handle once more, looking away from her sister: "I'm just fine, don't worry yourself alright?"

Maggie, blinked, a little hurt; Beth seemed off, not her usual chirpy self, more like how she became during her lowest times, back near the end of their time at the farm. So she continued to pry:

"Your not fine Beth. Your always shivering at night and I can't catch a wink of sleep! Just take some medicine somethin' or get some rest. You'd be doing us both a favor!"

Beth countered sharply "I'm not sick Maggie, just drop it already!"

Maggie crossed her arms over her chest, becoming frustrated once more: "No! Your being difficult and I need to know why. This is about what's best for all of us, what bothers you bothers me!"

Beth whipped around, glaring at her older sister: "You caught me masturbatin', okay? I'm not sick, I'm just... horny."

Maggie's jaw dropped, her own response dying in her throat. Her sweet little sister... In heat?

"Your, your..." Maggie gulped, her stance loosening, stepping back awkwardly.

Beth stood up, finally looking at her older sister properly:

"I'm going stir crazy in this place," Beth responded, her own eyes now becoming wide and desperate, "You and daddy treatin' me like a kid, actin' like I'm all sweetness and inno-cence. But I'm nearly nineteen Maggie!" The Blonde paused brushing hair from her eyes before continuing bravely:

"Before the apocalypse you drove away all my boyfriends and now I haven't seen an eligible living guy in months! Your always so, smotherin'... So now nothin's twixted my nethers that weren't run on batteries... An they ran out weeks ago!"

This time it was Maggie's turn to blush, shocked by her sister's tirade: "Oh god Beth! I can't know that!"

Beth rolled her eyes, exasperated:

"Why not?! It's your fault! Every other night you go over to Glenn's cell to get your fill and I'm left to deal with a baby. Treatin' me like a goddam china doll while you guys rut like animals! Your such a hypocrite."

The blonde stopped for breath, her full anger and hurt finally spilling out uncontrollably:

"Do you know what it's like to be so defenseless in this place, while you lot go out and relieve your frustration everyday?! Sex, killin' walkers, those are the only ways to deal with life like this and I can't do either."

Beth finally ebbed out, practically breathless, while Maggie stared back at her young sister-in-law, now also speechless. Had she actually stopped her sister from gaining the relief she so often sought from Glenn? It was true that since all this started she had actively sought out sex, pouncing on the first eligible guy she found, even killing just to release her pent up frustration.

"I-I, I'm sorry Beth..." Maggie stuttered back slowly, just as the blonde cut her off:

"Look, I've got other stuff to do, so if you want to help me just fill the bucket and leave it in the canteen."

Beth closed her eyes, taking another deep breath, attempting to steady herself:

"I can take care of myself Maggie, get off my back, okay? And maybe... Just give me some time to take care of myself every now and again."

Maggie nodded slowly and watched, stunned as her baby sister trudged out into the bright light. The brunette raised shaky hands to her face, running long fingers through her short grimy hair; that had been an unfortunate eye opener.

Looking back up, Maggie set her jaw and eyed the space where the young woman had exited:

Maybe Beth was right and she was an adult now, but she was wrong about one thing; she clearly did need help.


The following night Maggie retreated to their cell warily, having thought about her sister's predicament all day. Beth needed sex, but they were alone out here, and the thought of her sister asking one of the guys at the prison to 'help her out', frankly made the brunette nauseous.

Yet every night the poor girl went without proper relief she became more desperate, more moody, her hormones controlling her like they would every other horny teenager; provided there were any others still standing out there.

Maggie leant against their cell door, plucking up the courage to enter and do what she knew had to be done. The brunette breathed in deeply. She would have to be quick; no explanation would make what she was about to do okay. Grabbing the handle she steeled herself, clenching her free fist; tensed like she were about to fend off a walker, not her sister's hormones.

A loud clank surprised Beth and she turned to see a determined Maggie cross the threshold of their small room, watching as she closed the heavy metal door behind her.

"Hey, Maggie look, I'm so sorry I snapped at you earlier, I-I just... What are you doing?"

The brunette looked almost angry, eyes sharp and determined. For several seconds they stared back at one another, before Maggie finally strode across the cell, ignoring her sister's initial question as she crossed the gap between them.

Beth gasped as the older girl grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her against the cold cement of the prison wall, momentarily winding the blonde. The younger sibling didn't struggled, caught off guard, even as Maggie pressed against the shorter girl, holding her in place.

"Maggie! What's wrong?! Your acting crazy, get off of me!!"

The brunette caught her sister's frightened eyes and held them, staring back at her almost guiltily. As the blonde began to wriggle against her she grabbed the girl's hip, allowing her other hand to slip between their firm bellies, brushing Beth's sheer tank top and finally reaching her sister's belt.

Beth gasped as she felt the grip of her dirty jeans suddenly loosen around her waist and stared back at her sister incredulously; surely Maggie couldn't possibly be thinking of doing what she thought she was?

The blonde gasped shrilly as Maggie forced the clasp of her jeans open and slipped her hand into the tight gap created, fingers tangling in the waistband of worn panties. Biting her tongue, the brunette allowed herself to run nails through soft downy hair, finally reaching their destination:

Maggie winced as her sister groaned, lightly touching her swollen pussy. Bravely the brunette cupped the younger girl's snatch, amazed to find her so wet and ready, leaning into her sister and talking frantically into an available ear:

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you be deflowered by one of the brutes that live in this world and I can't watch you suffer; Let me do this for you! I promise it will help."

Beth's knees practically gave as the brunette stroked her most private place, shuddering, eyes rolling. Braced against the concrete the blonde squirmed in her sister's hands, panting for breath as she was gently invaded:

"Don't! Don't... Stop! Don't stop... Pleaseee, unnggh!" Beth whined, unable to choose her position, clawing at the wall as two fingers slipped between her pussy's soft folds, her whole body going rigid instantly.

Maggie took note of her reaction; slowly, gently rubbing the hard nub of the girl's clit as she swooned, still pressing her tight against the wall, using a tensed thigh to keep the blonde upright and in place.

Beth yelped, her shoes scrabbling uselessly on the tough floor as her sister delved deeper; pistoning her long, warm digits into her growing warmth, now gasping and twitching in time with every twist and turn of her fingers.

'This...this is so wrongggg..." Beth whined, looking up into Maggie determined face, eyes wide and fearful.

"We all have to make sacrifices now," the brunette mumbled, hiding her trepidation by gently running her free hand through her sister's loose, wavy blonde fringe, gently caressing her cheek with the pad of her thumb.

"SHHHhhhh, just let it all go, okay? Your safe with me; It's alright to just cum."

Beth shook her head, inhaling shakily, her hips rolling in time with her sister' thrusts, eyelids flickering as she lost control of her own body.

Maggie flinched, feeling Beth's breasts rise against her, the hard nubs of the girl's nipples sliding against her own chest. Attempting to remain calm, the brunette pressed her fingers harder into her sister's drooling slot, curling against her g-spot.

Grabbing Maggie tightly around her waist, Beth convulsed, finally letting go; releasing a choked sob as she came hard in her sister's grip, collapsing into their awkward embrace.

Maggie winced, a torrent of warm cream running through her fingers, feeling the girl go limp in her arms; head lolling against her shoulder. Now holding up the blonde's full weight, she blinked; realizing Beth seemed to have mercifully passed out.

Finding purchase under a firm round ass cheek, Maggie half lifted, half dragged her unconscious sibling over to the bunk bed, lowering her carefully onto its tough mattress.

Checking the pale girl was alive and breathing, Maggie slid to the floor, gasping for breath. Leaning against the lower cot she sprawled carelessly, the weight of her actions finally getting to her. For minutes she stared at the opposite wall, attempting to justify this incestuous move. She had just helped her sister get off. The brunette gulped, slowly attempting to tidy herself up. Do sins count when you live in hell?? ....

That night Beth slept soundlessly for the first time in weeks, even snoring lightly as she laid still, dead to the world.

While her sister slept Maggie paced the confined space, struggling with her guilt, afraid she had gone too far in her attempts to help the other girl.

And so for the next few days they barely spoke, instead getting on with their individual duties. Even in the canteen block they sat apart, Maggie with Glenn, Beth watching over the kids. Occasionally the brunette would glance over at her sister, only to catch her gaze and turn away.

At first she thought it was anger, still afraid the girl wouldn't forgive her. Later she got the impression Beth was also nervous, jumping when the brunette entered a room, or leaving quickly when she arrived. Then finally the blonde changed again, beginning to gravitate toward Maggie, lingering near her in meetings, watching the brunette, staying behind her. Now when Maggie caught her eye, Beth would barely notice; enjoying her older sister's presence, or even checking out her body, transfixed. Maggie found this latest stage even more unnerving.

A few nights after their ill-advised session, Maggie returned to their cell alone. Having finished her routine early the brunette found herself a bible and attempted to become re-acquainted, furiously skimming passages in the naïve hope she could somehow find justification for her actions. Sitting on her lower bunk, the brunette leant against the cold, unforgiving wall.

Some time later she looked up, only to blanche in surprise, finding that Beth was now in the doorway, staring back at her with that same hopeful expression lingering on her face. This time however, Maggie's attention was elsewhere, fixated on her sister's distinct lack of clothing.

Beth appeared to have just run her hair through the prison's makeshift shower hose, which they had rigged to use the undrinkable water from the nearby slow running river. The blonde's waves were damp and she toweled her shoulders carelessly. Maggie took a shallow breath; at least this explained the girl's missing outer garments.

This meant however, that the young girl now wore nothing but that threadbare towel around her shoulders and her own pale blue underwear. Many times Beth had arrived like this, never ashamed to be half-naked in front of her sister before. This time it was awkward.

"Hey," Beth muttered bravely, attempting a smile as the brunette acknowledged her:

"Hey," Maggie responded weakly, watching her sister saunter into the cell's confines, before turning abruptly back towards Maggie:

"I think we should do 'it' again," Beth blurted out into the silence, shocking her older sister.

"What?" Maggie squeaked, dropping her bible again like a wasp had stung her.

Beth averted her gaze downward, looking sheepish yet still somewhat hopeful.

"I just think you should, you know, give me another orgasm..."

"WHY?" Maggie choked out, now sitting fully upright and to attention, feeling trapped with the suddenly more assertive blonde girl that was advancing toward her.

"Well my frustration isn't goin' anywhere; I told you, I'm horny and I need your help, you know, gettin' off..." Beth mumbled, her wide blue eyes looking hopeful once more.

Maggie was flabbergasted, how could she respond?; sure she knew a woman needs plenty of sexual satisfaction, but she had been hoping the horny teenager would be sated, at least until the right guy came along. Hell, any living guy would do. But she couldn't 'do' her sister again, once was wrong enough! Clearly the blonde had gotten the wrong idea.

"Beth, you know it wouldn't be right..."

"Not right?" Beth responded, cutting the brunette off sharply: "You took my virginity remember!? Nothing else matters surely?"

"I-I, I just gave you some help, I didn't you know, have real sex with you..." Maggie interjected, praying the younger girl would buy this.

"I know! So, just do it for me again. But this time lets really go for it!" Beth said excitedly, climbing onto the bed beside the brunette.