The Witch and the Dragon Ch. 02

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Angel or demon?
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 21 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/19/2012
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Alluna disconnected the charging cable from Rayne's glass enclosure. The raven-haired doll laid motionless, as she had for the past moon cycles. Mama had threatened to violently thrash Alluna's hide if she ever allowed Rayne's power to deplete itself.

Alluna peered closer at her. Long sooty lashes rested against rose-kissed cheeks. Rayne's lips were parted slightly, showing a hint of white teeth. The doll's body was swathed in a pale blue cloth as she floated within the glass case with her long black hair flowing like liquid satin around her.

Alluna had seen her eyes open once. She'd forgotten to hook the doll up one time in the very first days mama had left her in Alluna's care. When she'd remembered, Alluna had rushed to the top of the tower. Rayne had opened her eyes. The sparkling blue orbs leaked tears and her mouth worked soundlessly. The doll looked terrified, looked as if she were gasping for breath. Alluna knew a moment of sheer panic and took the thick cord that ran from a glowing metal box in the corner of the tower room. She attached it to a metal plate on the side of the glass case and watched the doll's mouth slacken, her eyes flutter and soon she was still again, her chest rising and falling as though she slumbered.

She sighed loudly, her breath misting the top of the glass case. Using the hem of her green gown, she rubbed the glass until it shimmered again.

When would mama come back? Days had gone by since the golden angel appeared in her tower room. Was mama still upset that her flute had been lost? Alluna was certain the song she'd played lured the angel to her. If she only knew where the flute was, she'd play again for him.

"Dreaming about that fair faced demon again?"

Alluna spun to face the only other human that ever spoke to her—mama.

"Y-you frightened me," she panted, her hand going up to her chest. Dismay filled her as mama's frown deepened. Alluna had forgotten to wear her chest brace. Her cheeks flamed with shame as she crossed her arms over her deformed chest.

Mama snorted, her eyes narrowing. "Could it be possible? You crave the golden-haired demon's touch?"

Alluna flinched when mama stalked closer. Touch? "W-why would I do that?"

Mama laughed, her eyes raking Alluna's trembling form with disdain. "Aye. The seeds of lust are growing in you, my girl. The demon will see your filthy udders and crave them. He'll clip painful chains on your nipples and tug just to hear you scream and beg for mercy.

Alluna shrank back, quivering. Mama's green eyes glowed, her dark face looming in Alluna's vision, and then it wasn't mama anymore.

Alluna saw herself standing in a chamber with dusky grey walls and a gleaming black floor. Her hands were chained up over her head and her nipples hurt. To her horror, when she looked down, two metal clips were attached to her erect nipples, a chain dangling between.

"Feel the pain, Alluna," a deep voice hissed behind her. A very large hand slid over her hip from behind to cup her between the legs. "Feel the pleasure."

Alluna moaned, her eyes darting to a glass wall before her. It wasn't the vast darkness of a star-speckled void that had her eyes gaping, but the reflection of a golden horned creature with demonic wings standing behind her that had her screaming in terror.

Mama's arms engulfed her as she sobbed, her whole body shaking.

"There-there, my girl," mama cooed. "Don't be afraid. Mama is here now. The demon won't ravish you."

"R-ravish?" Alluna sniffed.

She pulled back to look into mama's sullen face.

Mama's hand smoothed down Alluna's hair. "All males have an evil snake between their thighs." Alluna shivered with revulsion. How she hated snakes, feared them terribly. "They'll strike at you with their snake, cause you pain, make you bleed and fill you with their poison over and over until you become addicted to it, crave it, beg for it."

Alluna stared wide-eyed at mama, her fingers clutching mama's purple robes. Visions of the golden-haired one coming at her with a writhing snake between his thighs filled her mind. Alluna bit her lower lip with a whimper, shaking her head to dispel the disturbing thoughts.

Mama cocked her head to the side as her hand stroked down Alluna's hair. "The poison will make you sick, make you swell up until you explode and die."

Alluna's heart raced with terror. She shook her head. "No, mama. I won't let the snake near me."

Mama pouted, "But you already crave the demon, my girl. He's cast a spell on you."

Alluna gaped. He occupied her every thought. It was true. Mama was right. Alluna's hand came up to her throat as she shook her head emphatically. "I-I'll fight it, mama. I won't let it happen."

Mama cupped her face and leaned down, her green eyes blazing into Alluna's. "What you need to do is trap him."

Alluna's jaw dropped. "T-trap? B-but..."

Mama removed a delicate chain from around her neck and placed it around Alluna's. From the chain hung a pendant of a golden dragon with a tiny sapphire for its eye. "Sing to him the Dragon's Lullaby and place this around his neck. He will be enslaved to you and do your bidding. Then call to me. I will take care of the rest, my sweet girl."

"Y-you'll kill him?" Alluna swallowed, feeling something within her twist painfully at the thought of the golden creature dying.

"No, darling," mama shook her head, her brows furrowed. "I want to add him to my collection."

Alluna remembered mama's collection in the dungeon. She had a sleeping golden dragon, a vampire, and a reaper. They were all under her sleeping spell, except the vampire who'd turned to stone from lack of nourishment.

"Why do you need them, mama?"

Mama grinned. "I am going to unleash Leiravad from the realm of reflections."

Alluna blinked, confused. Mama had never told her this before. "Who?"

Mama's grin widened as well as her eyes, making a shiver of fear slide up Alluna's spine. "The Angel of destruction's reflection. His other self."


Zak downed another bottle of Black Death. The whiskey no longer burned his throat, and he could barely see straight anymore. Hands groped his body, the sound of frustrated female whining filled his ears. He was more pathetic than ever. Not only was he failing to get a full erection, but he didn't even have the urge to satisfy the horde of females surrounding him, seeking his attentions. He was just not interested in losing himself in sex tonight.

Someone shoot me, please.

Seth, on the other hand, was roaring for the fourth time somewhere to Zak's left. The wereling had become a full-fledged male slut in Zak's estimation. Zak grimaced, although he suspected Seth's descent into becoming a rake had much to do with being spurned by the pretty red-haired reaper they'd met while on the Angel of Retribution tour.

Zak felt more than saw Seth crawling up next to him. Seth's hand gripped the bottle of Black Death and he tilted his head back to drink.

Zak broke into a giddy fit of laughter when Seth frowned and gave him a bleary-eyed glare.

"You drank it all...again." The bottle slammed onto the bar with a little too much force. Zak knew it wasn't from Seth being enraged, but rather that the wereling was as shitfaced as he was.

With a scowl, Seth raised his hand and tried to snap his fingers at the bartender. He swayed against the bar, his fingers tangling with each other, failing to make the snapping sound much as he tried. One of the females he'd been fucking curled herself around him, groping his crotch with her blue hand.

Zak snorted and put his fingers into his mouth to set loose a shrill whistle. All eyes snapped to him, a hush falling over the entire barroom for a few seconds. Seth winced and glanced back at Zak with a frown.

"Geez, Zak. That is so rude, man. I think you fucking broke my eardrums."

The blue girl trying to crawl into Seth's lap stuck her tongue into his ear and purred.

Zak chuckled. "That Gruesh will fix your ears, boy-o. Not to worry."

Seth shivered and blinked down at the blue-skinned girl with the four breasts.

"My saliva can repair damaged tissues, cutie." She grinned up at him.

Zak leaned over and whispered into his ear, "Her saliva also helps keep your dick hard, bro. But let her keep it up for too long and your dick will be sore as hell tomorrow morning. You'll be in so much pain you'll want to cut it off yourself."

Seth's mouth dropped open and he pulled the girl's hand away from his crotch. "Later, baby." He apologized to her pouting face before turning to Zak. "What's up with you? I haven't seen you stick either your dick, tongue or finger into anything. Half of the girls here are ready to slit their wrists."

"Half?" Zak scoffed.

Seth grinned. "Yeah. The other half I've already fucked. Trying to leave something for you in case you decide to get it up."

They both looked down at Zak lap. He could get hard if he wanted to. He just wasn't interested right now.

Pathetic, Zak-o—he thought to himself.

Zak scrubbed his face with his hands as if in doing so he could erase the images of the Arborian girl from his brain—as well as her obvious hold over him. "I'm just tired from all that touring I did. Got so much pussy then, it was unreal."

Seth scoffed. "She's got you under her spell."

Zak slammed his hand on the bar, feeling anger surge through him. Curling his fist and taking a deep breath, he controlled his temper at the first stirrings beneath his skin. "I'm not under any spell, Sethaliel."

Seth's eyes narrowed. "Then give me the flute back. Let me break it."

Zak felt his hackles rise again. The flute was his only link with the Arborian witch. He'd never relinquish it to Seth. Never.


"It's the only way to break the spell."

Zak rose. "Alright. I'll trade it for the black feather you have hidden away in your quarters.

Seth's face paled. "What black feather?"

"Amaranth's feather. You have one of her secondary feathers."

Seth's expression went blank. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Zak snorted. "Right."

Seth scowled. "I'm not the one under a spell."

Zak turned on his heel and would have stalked away, but fell instead. Everything spun around him and his stomach threatened to heave.

A pair of black boots stomped to a stop a few inches from his face. One foot began to tap impatiently.

Zak groaned as the scent of female assaulted his senses. "Baby, take a number. I am wiped out for the night."

"As if, Zachariel Wilder," Annie's angry tone snapped. "Look at you. What kind of an example is this for Seth?"

Zak wanted to cover his head and cower. There goes my big bad Dom image. He wasn't stupid and knew how over-protective the girls were of Seth.

"Remi, you grab Seth, Rowie and I will haul Goliath up here."

Zak heard Seth hiss and growl as four hands gripped him around the arms.

He smiled sheepishly into Annie's angry countenance. Rowie just looked at him with...pity. Zak grimaced. Yes. He was definitely very pathetic.


Alluna stared at all the beautiful flowers that grew in the field. She wiggled her toes in the tall grass marveling at the crisp, wet feel of the soil. Raising her face up to the warmth of the sun, she giggled and skipped forward, her arms raised to embrace the feeling of freedom racing through her. Blue sky and rose-hued clouds filled her vision until a shadow crossed making her frown.

Raising her hand against the glare of the Arborian sun, Alluna strained to see what was flying in the sky. Her heart skipped a beat and she turned with a gasp at the sound of a heavy thump behind her. Fiery light blinded her for a moment, dulling down to a golden glow. Wings, forty paces wide shimmered like liquid gold, reflecting the light of the sun. It blinded her. Still, Alluna blinked until she just made out a human form.

The golden angel.

He stood tall and proud, waist deep in the swaying deep green blades of wild Arborian grass, his deeply tanned skin offsetting his sapphire eyes. The breeze stroked through the wavy strands of gold that spilled over his bulging shoulders and pectorals. She remembered that hair fell down to his ass.

Alluna walked slowly toward him when he extended his hand to her. His full lips curved into a gentle smile, dimples creasing his cheeks to either side of his mouth. It made him seem almost innocent, those dimples. When Alluna stood close enough to touch him, she had to crane her neck back just to gaze into his beautiful face.

"Are you an angel?" She had to ask.

He regarded her a moment, his head tilting to the side. His smile widened as he nodded slowly, the breeze blowing a swath of gold across his face. Gold-dusted, white wings spread open behind him, made of downy feathers now. She was almost certain they were different before. Carefully, she reached out and placed both her palms on his hard chest. He was magnificent—massive in breadth and stature.

The feel of something winding around her legs and waist diverted her attention from his enticing chest.

Alluna gasped, her terror so great, her scream wedged in her throat at the sight of a thick snake made of gold winding around her. Her eyes followed the long serpentine form winding around her and discovered that it was not a snake, but the tail of a...

"Dragon," she finally screamed, jumping up in her bed.

Her heart thumped hard, her breathing rapid as her eyes darted around the gloom. The first rays of morning sunlight were already filtering in through the cracks of the shutters. Alluna clutched the frayed bed coverings to her chin and looked around. Except for her grinning dolls, she was alone.


Zak laced his fingers behind his head and crossed his feet beneath the golden satin sheet draped over his body. Billions of stars twinkled on the other side of the thick glass fifteen paces from his pedestal bed. He studied the view, pinpointing immediately which ones were in the Arborian sector. Unbidden came the image of the girl with the raven hair and golden eyes.

Zak's body tightened, and then he snarled, turning over abruptly and wincing at the feel of his arousal.

"Damn-it." He sat up and ran a hand over his unbound hair. "Can't sleep."

"Warm milk?"

Zak jolted upright, ready to kick ass. He stared at his commander's smiling face. Devon sat at the edge of his bed, a glass of milk in his outstretched hand.

"Fuck," Zak grumbled, "you scared the crap out of me."

Devon's smile wavered and wilted. "I'm sorry."

Those eerie bioluminescent eyes blinked before turning away. Devon's dejection washed over Zak.

"Hey," Zak called. "I just wasn't expecting you to pop in, bro. Don't take it personal."

Devon hesitated half way off the bed. "Oh." With a shrug and grin, he sat back down, offering Zak the milk again.

Zak recoiled, his stomach churning uncomfortably with the after effects of over-indulging in alcohol. He wrinkled his nose and shook his head. "Thanks, but I think I'll pass on that."

Devon peered back down at the milk, one inky brow raised. "I heard it was an Earth custom to ingest warm milk for insomnia."

"Not after a night of heavy drinking," Zak smirked.

Fiery blue eyes flicked back at Zak, a slight smile tilting up one corner of Devon's lips. "Heavy drinking? And lot's of women I suppose." He sighed, his eyes looking out through the glass. "I remember those days. We'd all go hang out at Heaven's Pearly Gates and get wasted."

"And laid," Zak chuckled.

Devon turned back to Zak. "Don't really miss those days now that I've got Angel."

Zak sobered. "What does it feel like?"

"What?" Devon frowned.


Devon's eyes lit up brighter, his grin spreading across his inhumanly perfect face. "It's the most beautiful feeling." His gaze darted away briefly as he shook his head, midnight hair spilling over broad shoulders before he looked Zak in the eyes again. "I just can't describe it. There aren't words for it, Zak."

Zak nodded. "Angel is gorgeous, but I don't get how she went from hating you and wanting to kill you, thinking you were responsible for what happened to her planet and people, to loving you as fiercely as she does."

Devon laughed and shrugged. "Guess she found me irresistible."

Zak chuckled and then grew somber remembering the vision Seth projected into his mind. Devon's face was exactly as the injured angel's in the vision.

"What's wrong?"

Zak blinked at Devon's unsmiling face. "What..." Zak hesitated, hoping Devon wouldn't feel uncomfortable with what he wanted to ask. "What do you know about your father?"

Devon looked down, his pale fingers tapping softly against the glass. Zak was about to apologize and tell him he didn't have to answer, but Devon began to speak. "Ashriel told me he was different from other reapers... one of a kind." Devon looked back up at Zak. "They found him abandoned at the front gates of the holy city. He'd just been born and still had the placenta attached. The person who left him there wrapped him in dirty old rags, and it was raining."

Zak felt appalled someone would leave a newborn that way.

"All reapers have bright, silver-grey eyes, but Davariel's eyes were an intense shade of blue. He also had a strange effect on most humanoids who came in contact with him. It's said he might have been Cambion."

Zak knew Cambions were a mix of succubus or incubus with humanoid and had the ability to enthrall to the point of insanity.

"Angel struck," Zak murmured.

Devon nodded. "Those that saw him became angel struck. The need to hold and touch him would drive the person into hysteria."

"I heard throngs of aliens would go to Seraphia and literally worship him."

"Davariel was revered as somewhat of a god," Devon said in a soft voice, his gaze dropping down to his hands. "Unfortunately, the reality was somewhat different. Ashriel told me he couldn't leave the holy city, Angeloria, because the beings would mob him."


"And..." Devon looked back up at Zak, his expression one of anger although his voice came out as smooth as always, "one of the high priests was sexually molesting him."

Shock tore through Zak. "What the fuck? I thought they were supposed to be celibate. How'd you ever find that out?"

"Ashriel told me."

Zak frowned, remembering all too well the seven-foot reaper. The Seraphian death angel, as they were sometimes referred to other than reaper, never smiled. "How did he find out?"

"My father, Davariel, told him."

Now Zak's jaw dropped. "Ashriel knew your father?" he frowned, scratching his head. "That must've been well over three hundred years ago. Ash looks young."

"He is young," Devon said. "Seraphians life span is about two millennia. Ashriel hasn't even reached the first quarter of his life span. He's still considered an extremely young adult by Seraphian standards. My father was little more than a boy according to Ashriel. He'd just come into full bloom before turning demonic."

"Full bloom?" Zak arched a brow.

Devon gave a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "It's what they say when a young Seraphian loses the last of their baby feathers and show full adult plumage."

Zak absorbed all Devon had said. Davariel had been sexually molested as a child and was barely coming out of boyhood when he fathered Devon and Lucien.

"He was supposed to sacrifice my mother while she was still a virgin. She was supposed to kill him."

Zak grinned. "Guess that didn't exactly happen, eh?"

Devon smirked. "No." His smile withered. "According to legend, he comes back. He opens the gates of hell and sets Lucifer free."

Zak remembered the vision Seth pushed into his mind, and what Seth said concerning Devon and Angel's baby. "The legends never name the angel, Devon. How can you be so sure it's your father who sets Lucifer free?"