Thickness Galore Next-door

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The thick Portuguese neighbor wanted a son and some cock.
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I have a thing for big bodied women with tiny breasts; that incongruity never fails to turn me on, especially if a pretty face comes with it. It all started, when I went out into the yard just at the break of dawn one morning and saw one of my new neighbors who had moved in next door only the day before, step out her back door, walk around to the side of the house, lean over and place a small garbage bag on the ground, spending a few seconds to properly knot it. My sleepy eyes popped open at the bent over luscious sight and I found my body responding in a way that was soon to become familiar as the weeks went by.

I'm certain she wasn't expecting anyone out and about at that early hour and was clearly startled out of her skin, or should I say out of her tiny, white vest, which is what she happened to be wearing, when she straightened up and saw me standing just a few feet away, looking at her. She jumped back so hard she almost fell over backwards, barely managing to steady herself. I felt instantly guilty and stepped forward to offer an apology over the fence. She put a hand to her chest, gave two or three hard breaths and then threw me an embarrassed half-smile that wriggled its way into my heart, and other body parts, as her juicy body shook under the pressure of a suppressed giggle.

As If pushed to talk, I stammered, "I'm sorry I startled you mam, I ... I didn't expect to meet anyone out this early ... and ... and this house has been empty for nearly a year. I ... left home early yesterday morning for classes. I ... attend university. I'm doing computer science. And I came home late last night after visiting my grandmother... I didn't even notice we had new neighbors."

That was more than a mouthful coming from me; back then you couldn't get me to say a dozen words to a stranger, especially a pretty woman. I was the definition of introvert and was shy to the bone, more so because of the permanent spread of pimples on my face which had been bothering me since I'd turned thirteen so I was surprised by the easy, though halting way I'd prattled off to this total stranger, surrendering without even being asked, info on myself and details of how I'd spent the day before.

Nevertheless, I felt the nervousness in my voice and body and the madly pumping heart as my eyes took in the vital statistics walking toward me. She seemed to be somewhere around two hundred, two hundred and ten pounds of big, solid ass, big, shapely thighs and legs, wide hips and high, pointed tiny tits which could be nothing more than A cup size, on a five foot nine or ten frame. I fell in love with those little pears right there and then. Some would call her fat or plump, others thick, chubby or chunky. Whichever, to me she was stunningly delicious. It felt like my afro hairdo was uncoiling into tingling spikes as she drew close.

If her breasts had been anywhere near huge or even of an average size they would have been all over the place through the wide arm holes of the vest. But being what they were, the tiny babies were completely covered; there was just a hint of them poking against the close-fitting soft cotton, standing straight out like two little ice-cream cones. I couldn't say the same for the rest of her because as she walked toward me I could clearly see her plump crotch barely covered in blue lace, fixed like a monument between thick thighs. I already knew that if she were to turn around I'd see a lot of ass cheeks hanging low. The plump mound was a joy to my hungry, virgin eyes.

She was of Portuguese descent with possibly just a drip of black blood, evident mostly in her long coarse-grained, shiny black hair that hung untidily down her cheeks to below her shoulders. In this country, a former Dutch/British slave colony, Portuguese are classified as a race separate from whites, probably because they came here as indentured labour after slavery and were not accepted as part of the European community. Her round face was nicely dimpled in both cheeks and her little nose was slightly upturned above fairly full lips on a small mouth. Her eyes were a bewitching, jolly looking and soft grey. She seemed to be in her mid-thirties.

"I didn't expect anyone either, we moved in yesterday around mid-morning and spent the rest of the day fixing up furniture and putting away stuff. We were so tired by nightfall that we all went to bed early, so you wouldn't have seen any lights when you came home," she explained.

She looked down the front of her body in an apologetic manner as she raised an outstretched hand over the fence. My eyes followed hers down the front of her body but didn't follow them back up and I only snapped out of my dazed admiration when I heard her say.

"I'm Naomi Waite. It's me, my husband Dennis, my mother-in-law Delores and my sister-in-law Shelly and her infant son Michael. We bought this property, so I guess you and I are going to be neighbors until death, marriage, migration or whatever do us part," she said laughing.

I shook the soft, warm, outstretched hand and as it clasped mine I felt a movement and pressure down below and realized I was fetching a hard-on. I did a quick downward glance and saw that my cock was tenting my pajamas. I could feel the blush in my light to mid-brown, pimply face, but she didn't appear to notice my hurried look down south. Falling quickly back into my usual, socially awkward self, I neglected to return info about the make-up of my family as she had done. I reluctantly released the soft hand but stored the sweet feel of it in my head.

"I have to go prepare for work. Say hi to your folks for me," she said pleasantly.

As she turned to walk away she quickly looked down below my waist and I thought that maybe she had seen me look there, but just as she had managed to do I gave no indication that I'd noticed her straying eyes. I stood rooted to the ground watching the vanilla sweetness retreat. Her fat ass cheeks, with much of the blue lace buried in their cleft, bounced delightfully with every step, the dimples looking like they were winking at me. I had to give it to her, she was bold. After the initial shock upon noticing my presence in the yard she had quickly recovered into calm acceptance of the situation - no sign of being particularly disturbed by the amount of juicy flesh she had on display.

When she entered the house and turned to close the door she saw me still standing there looking at her. She flashed me, what I interpreted as a knowing or understanding smile. And then she did a most unexpected thing, something one would only expect from someone one was familiar with. Still smiling she raised an index finger and pointed at my back door as if telling me to go and do what I had to do instead of standing there looking at her. She stood staring at me and it was only after I turned away that I heard her close the door.

From that day onward once Naomi and I were both at home which was mostly on weekends or briefly during the mornings or some evenings, my doting eyes tracked her every movement about the yard or indoors through an open door or window. I just couldn't get enough of her. My actions got so obvious that even my little sisters teased me and from the way my mom looked at me a couple of times I suspected she was aware of the attention I was paying to Mrs. Waite. I never saw her again in the little white vest but she did wear a lot of tight shorts, short dresses, little tank and tube tops about the yard. A couple of mornings I got brief glimpses of her in sheer nighties.

As the weeks went by I became increasingly bolder in the way I looked at her, though we rarely talked, and sometimes when she caught me she would stick her neck forward and open her grey eyes wide like a playful little girl and hold my gaze in a challenging way for a few seconds before looking away with a little smile. A couple of times she even mouthed the word 'what!'

One day, nearly two months into our little eye games, while she was in her kitchen with the door open, she stuck out her tongue at me and flicked it from side to side seductively. I got to thinking that there was something freaky and strange in Naomi's behaviour, it somehow didn't match her married status and the prim and proper way she dressed for work, but I didn't care, she was so fucking sexy, and that was all my mind dwelt on.

The next morning while I was picking grass seeds for my pet birds from a patch on the ground beside the fence, she strolled by with some stuff in her hand intended for the garbage bin at the front of the yard. With just a brief glance in my direction and just before walking past me I heard her whisper.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"Eighteen years three months," I blurted out quickly.

I started to stand up but she just kept on walking, not missing a step and not looking back. Anyone observing would have thought we'd just exchanged 'good-mornings'. I was still there gathering seeds when she passed back after disposing of the garbage.

"You're younger than I thought, I could be your mother," She whispered.

"I wish you were," was my surprisingly spontaneous reply.

She stopped a little past me and pointed to a spot of grass as if showing me seeds that I had missed.

"You'd stare at your mother the way you stare at me?" she said, quickly, her eyes on the grass.

Getting up and going to where she had pointed, I said.

"No, because I'd be seeing more of you every day and even get to touch you," I said, again surprising myself.

She had already walked away with a dry face but I knew she'd heard me. From that day onward I would say 'mommy' whenever I bade her good morning or good afternoon and she'd give a knowing smile and say 'son' in return. She was some freak for sure, I found myself often thinking.

The last semester school break started and I noticed that Naomi returned home the first morning after leaving with her sister-in-law and son in the car as usual. I was in the yard sunning my birds when she got out of the car and walked in my direction while the little boy ran into the house calling for his granny. She stopped near the fence and looked at me smiling. I walked forward, noting with hot interest the short sport grey spandex-blend tights she was wearing that accentuated the bump between her thighs and the light, almost sheer, pink, tube top that stopped short above her deep navel.

"Hi Quincy, are you as happy as I am with our two months of rest ahead. No more noisy classes and troublesome kids - Except for a day here and there to take in records, my days are all mine to do with as I please," she blurted out.

I looked at her, a bit puzzled, though pleased by the deeply meaningful info she had just given. She stretched and smiled broadly, her face reddening. She did seem very happy indeed. Her stretching move and the closeness of our bodies separated only by the wire fence caused my cock to do some stretching also and I felt like pulling her close and cupping her fat pussy in my hand.

"Mommy is on long leave," I said in a questioning voice.

"Yes, one of the few benefits of being a teacher. You didn't know mommy was a teacher, eh?" She said, laughing

She stuck out her chin and shook her head playfully, seemingly delighting in my obvious surprise. I'd noticed how soberly she dressed for work in contrast to when she was at home or going out on weekends, but I'd never have guessed she was a teacher.

"I plan on enjoying every bit of the holiday, especially the next two weeks when I'll be home alone all day. The old lady and the boy will be going into the countryside for a fortnight starting Saturday and of course Dennis and Shelly will be at work all day," she said, all bubbly.

She gave another joyful stretch, closing her eyes and smiling blissfully as if the days ahead were expected to be the best ever of her life. I couldn't help feeling her joy. I also felt my entire body become feverish-hot as my eyes settled on the clean-shaven, white armpits. I think she noticed the way my eyes latched on to them, and liked it, for she quickly glanced from one to the other as if checking on their condition and with a little smile on her lips kept them raised for about ten seconds before lowering them.

"Oooohh, I'm so happy I could kiss you," She said.

Those words stunned me and I felt like I was about to be overcome by vertigo. All I could do was stare at her lips. I couldn't even manage a smile.

"Hey, don't go getting any ideas. Don't jump over the fence, I was only kidding," she exclaimed with mock seriousness.

She abruptly turned and walked away, her fat ass bouncing loosely. After a few steps she turned and looked at me with a cheeky smile.

"You know mommy by now, don't you?" she whispered sweetly.

By the time she disappeared into the house, in spite of her warning, my head was overflowing with ideas for I knew that I was also going to be alone at home during most of the holidays, for my little sisters would be going to a one month summer music school starting next Monday.

By weekend I was a horny nervous wreck, jerking off every night as I lay in bed imaging doing all kinds of things to Naomi's big body and she doing things to mine. I even dreamt of fucking her armpits, one night.

Monday came around and the moment my family departed I went out into the yard and began slowly picking grass seeds with nervous fingers, my eyes looking over into Naomi's yard every couple of seconds, checking out the back door and every window I could see. There was no sign of my thick beauty and I grew restless. I walked along the side of the house to the front of the yard and looked over. She was nowhere in sight. I turned around and walked back to where I'd been picking seeds for my birds. She came out of the back door and walked to the exact spot where she'd placed the garbage bag that first morning I saw her.

It was now much later in the morning and the sun was fully out but she was wearing the same aggressively revealing, tiny white vest and the blue underwear that she had on that first day in the early morning semi darkness. Her face was made up as if she were going to work and I could smell her perfume. My cock, unharnessed by the lack of underwear under my athletic shorts leaped forward vulgarly, instantly tenting the front. I found myself hoping that no other neighbors were in a position to see my condition. Without saying a word Naomi turned around and walked back around to the side of the house placing her out of view to any but me. She stopped and turned to face me, smiling sweetly.

"You home alone son?" She asked.

"Yes mommy," I replied quickly.

"Good, me too."

She stood silent for a few seconds, just staring at me with a look of uncertainty on her pretty face. She seemed to be looking for something on my face while trying to make up her own mind. She finally give a little smile and her grey eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Sometimes we just have to take chances ... You're a computer student right?" she whispered.

"Yes mommy," I answered anxiously.

"I want you to check out my motherboard," she said.

"When?" I asked.

She didn't answer, she simply turned and walked into the house. Inside the kitchen she stood in the wide open doorway facing me. She raised her hands and taking hold of the hem of the vest slowly raised it up and over her head, exposing the shiny twin pears and lavish fleshy stomach. She threw the vest to the floor, then hooked her hands into the waist of the lacey, blue V cut panties and slowly wriggled out of them. She stood still holding the panties in her hand along her side. I'd never seen a more beautiful female figure; not in the movies, not in porn, not anywhere. I felt sweat running down my forehead and my sides from under my arm. I wasn't wearing a shirt. I hardly ever did at home.

Looking at me she raised the hand with the blue lace underwear and stretched it out. I read that as an offering to me. She turned and walked out of sight. I stood there for about thirty seconds, too emotional and nervous to move right away. I walked to the fence and hopped over it, entered the kitchen and locked the door behind me. I walked past the dining room and into the living room. She was in neither. I climbed the stairs. I saw two bedrooms on one side and one on the other side of a corridor. Two of the rooms had open doors. She was in neither of them.

I turned the knob on the closed door and pushed it in. Naomi was lying on the bed on her back, her thick legs spread wide. Between thick white thighs I got a clear view of her plump, hairless vulva sporting a little patch of jet black hair just above it. She got up and sat on the edge of the bed, her legs hung down. I walked over and she handed me the panties.

"You're sweating, wipe your face," She said.

I mopped my forehead and face letting the panties linger on my nose, enjoying the unfamiliar, rich feminine odor. On an impulse I licked the material. She gasped at my action and I saw her flashing eyes settle on my tented shorts.

"I see you've walked with your screwdriver to open up my computer and get to the motherboard," She said, licking her lips.

I started to speak but the attempt at speech failed, the words sticking in my throat, so I only nodded, knowing what she meant.

"Take off your pants son, and come to mommy."

I quickly did as she said and stepped to the side of the bed. She dragged forward on her big ass, to face me with legs spread wide and inviting. I was standing smack between those big, thick thighs.

"I have no children, I can't have any, but I've always wanted a son ... you'll be my son, Won't you?"

"Yes," I hurriedly said, finding my voice.

I was ready to be whatever she wanted me to be. I was ready to get on her fine pussy. I felt like my cock was going to burst.

"You won't do or say anything that would get mommy in trouble or make her lose her job?"

"No, never," I blurted out, meaning it.

"So you promise that whatever you and mommy do in here will remain our secret?" she asked.


She edged closer and put her hands on my hips. Her eyes had become glazed over with a doped up look. I'd seen enough porn and read enough stories to recognize the role play situation she was initiating - I was enjoying it and eager to play along; I felt myself becoming more aroused than I'd ever been in my life.

"You want to fuck mommy's pussy, don't you son ... you want to get between her thick thighs and pound her with your hard cock, eh ...?"

She was breathing hard as she spoke and her eyes were flashing twisted lust and passion.

"Yes mommy, I want to do that, very much!" I gushed out.

"What else would you like to do to mommy, boy,"

"I want to suck your nice little bubbies and ... and ... suck your fat pussy."

Breathlessly, she said, "You like these little titties, and you want to stick your tongue into mommy's fat pussy ... you wicked, dirty little boy ... don't you know that is incest ... what kind of son are you?" she said in a halting, trembling voice.

The pupils in her grey eyes had swollen large and round and she seemed to be experiencing difficulty breathing as her entire body glowed red with sexual heat.

"I am a good son and I want to please you mommy, that is why I want to suck you and fuck you ... I know daddy don't fuck you regularly," I said, myself burning up with passion as I played the part I knew she wanted me to play.

She quickly raised her hand and slapped me hard across my face.

"Shut your dirty, pervert mouth, boy," she said, eyes blazing.

Her body started to shake and I realized she was sobbing.

"Oh my god, Quincy baby ... mommy didn't mean to do that son ... I'm so sorry ... let me make it up to you baby? She cried out.

She grabbed my hard cock and pulled me close to her. She leaned over and stuck the cock into her mouth and bit it firmly before releasing the pressure slightly to allow her head to bob up and down the length of the hard shaft, causing her to gag. I reached down and grabbed one of the little cones I'd been fantasizing about over the last couple of months. I squeezed and rubbed it up in my hand and she cried out hoarsely through her stuffed mouth.