Three Way Love or Sex Pt. 01


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"Can I have one of those?" Katrice asked, surprising Jayne who didn't know she smoked; not that Jayne did much, mainly feeling the urge after dinner or sex or when under pressure as she felt now.

"Of course."

They sipped their tea and smoked their Marlboro Lights.

"I know you've been seeing him you know," Katrice said looking at Jayne.

"What are you saying?"

"I know."

"What you mean you know?"

"I just know it's you."

"What's me?"

"The bitch Nick has been fucking, it's you, isn't it?"

Jayne was thinking furiously trying to work out the best way to handle this. She had a quick mind and was more intelligent than Katrice, who was very much a girly woman and was shrewd and street smart but not bright or educated.

"Why do you think he's been with anyone."

"I know, wives just know that sort of thing."

"Yeah, tell me about it," Jayne said thinking back to her wreck of marriage, which had failed due to both of them screwing around.

"And I know it's you, you bitch and I thought we were friends."

"We are friends," Jayne said limply as she stared at Katrice, lost for words.

"Friends? We aren't friends. Friends don't fuck each other's husbands."

Jayne didn't reply, after all what could she say? Nick and she had been seeing each other for the past few weeks and they had been having sex at every opportunity. They went well together. He was an excellent lover spending ample time on foreplay arousing her before slowly or urgently screwing her dependent on their mood and the circumstances. She thought she may be falling in love with him.

"But then you don't sleep with him, do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just that, you lead separate lives, don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

Jayne realised that she was giving the game away, that she was admitting she had been with her friend's husband. She didn't reply.

"Why did you say that? What made you say that?" Kat asked.

"I don't know."

"Don't be daft, you said we lead separate lives, why?"

"I saw Nick, he mentioned it."

"He what?"

"Just that, he said you were leading separate lives."

"How do you mean?"

"Well that you didn't sleep together and that you both sort of did your own thing."

"He's a fucking liar then," Katrice replied.

"Really?" Jayne muttered, hoping against hope that she wouldn't hear what she knew deep down she was going to hear.

"Yes really, we sleep together and our sex life has never been better. We have sex most nights."

Jayne's heart sunk. The man she thought she was falling for, no not thought, was falling for had misled her, lied to her and had conned her.

"Anyway," Katrice went on. "Why would he tell you that if, as you say, you haven't been fucking each other?"

Jayne couldn't reply; she didn't have one.

Belying her rather slow mind, Katrice pressed on. "You have been seeing him, haven't you?"


He had collected Jayne at the station and they had kissed round the corner from her house. Neither of them had expected much to happen as they had spent the previous afternoon making long, languid and thoroughly satisfying love in a hotel in n Covent Garden, close to where Jayne worked. Somehow, though, as they kissed in his car their passion built up. He had undone her blouse, slipped her boobs out of her bra and had slid his hand up her skirt. He had pressed his fingers right on the top of her thighs inviting her to open them. She did and he pushed further so that his fingers found her clit inside her panties.

"Drop me, park the car somewhere then walk to the house," she whispered doing up her blouse, rearranging her skirt down and getting out of the car. "Give me ten minutes."

He knocked on the door and was amazed when she opened it naked. Jayne hadn't planned it and had not expected to be so lucky to have Nick two days in a row so she had forgotten to remove her Chanel.

They had spent the next two hours in bed their bodies entwined.


"You're joking," Jayne said incredulously when Katrice told her how she had smelt the perfume on him especially when she added that she recognised the smell as Chanel Paris.

Jayne had to admit that she had been seeing Nick, but claimed it had only happened after he had said that he and she were leading separate lives. Katrice had told her what a bastard he was and that she, Jayne, was the third woman he'd had an affair with in the last couple of years. She went on.

"God knows how many before that?" making Jayne feel terrible.

They talked for a long time, both admitting to thinking they were in love with him, despite him being a bastard.

"Do you still want him?" Jayne asked Katrice.

"Yes, I think so, do you?"

"I don't like to say it and I don't really want to, but yes I do."

"What do we do then?"

It took them a couple of hours, a whole pack of Marlboro lights, a complete pot of tea and a bottle of red wine to agree what they should do.

"So, he was with you, came home and then had sex with me an hour later," Katrice said.

"So, it seems, quite an active sod isn't he?"

"Well as you know I'm really his third longish term partner."

"Yes, I know and he was setting me up to be his fourth."

They were discussing this as they got near to the dregs in the bottom of the bottle of red wine.

"But in the end result he really is something special, isn't he?"

"Yes, and I don't want to lose him," Katrice said.

"And I don't want to take him from you luv," Jayne said.



"You heard," Katrice said.

"I heard, but don't believe it," Nick said, genuinely shocked.

"Well, you should," Jayne added.

"So, when was all this agreed?" He asked.

"That doesn't really matter does it, all that matters is that we have agreed what's going to happen and really it's out of your hands," Jayne said curtly.

"You are both fucking joking aren't you?" Nick said in amazement.

He had come home from work around nine and was surprised, but not that worried, to see Jayne there. After all she and his wife were friends.

He was amazed, though at the news they delivered. They told him that they knew he had been double dealing both of them, but that they both still wanted him. Then they dropped the bombshell.

"No Nick, we are not fucking joking, we are deadly serious, we actually see relationships as being important," Jayne told him. "That's why we are suggesting that we live together, that I move in with the pair of you and that we have a real ménage a trois."

It was easier than any of them imagined.

Within a week, Jayne had moved in. She had her own bedroom as did Katrice. Nick had his own small room, his dressing room effectively and he would undress there and sleep with each of them on alternate nights. They had sat down and discussed the arrangements and had agreed that there would be no more subterfuge. It all had to be up front. There was to be no sneaking off by either couple. There must not be any cheating and they explained all that to him. Not surprisingly, Nick agreed.

It worked surprisingly well, not only sexually, but in most other ways as well.

Whilst 'resting' as an actress, Katrice had trained to be a cordon bleu chef and she and her first husband had opened a high-class restaurant in East London. It was there that she had met Nick who was also married at the time to his 'childhood sweetheart,' a rather plain looking woman who was, even in her early thirties after having two children, letting herself go. Katrice and Nick had a brief affair and they both left their partners and set up home together.

Despite her background in acting and modelling Katrice was at heart an 'earth mother' and was brilliant at looking after a house and, of course the cooking. So, she did all of that whilst Nick and Jayne went to work. He often gave Jayne a lift to the station and sometimes collected her in the evening as well; both of them relished the innocence with which they could now do that and they never stopped in a car park!

It was rare for Jayne and Katrice to be alone together, but when they were they chatted about how things were going and both expressed their broad agreement that it was far better to the alternative of splitting up.

"We've all been there and know what a mess that is," Katrice said as she was preparing dinner.

"Yes, some more than others," Jayne smiled.

"Hmmm I think Nick is a bit of a professional at it," Katrice replied making both of them laugh.

"Well perhaps with both of us available all the time he'll find he has no need to go elsewhere," Jayne replied.

"I wouldn't bet on it."

"No, neither would I."


They fell into a routine. Jayne and Nick would go off to work, singly or together. Katrice would clean the house and do the washing and ironing, well actually supervise the paid help that did those chores for them. She would do the food and luxuries shopping and prepare dinner. Unless Jayne was away on business, which she was a few days each month, they would have a drink before dinner, which they tried to eat around eight. They would usually drink at least a bottle of wine, watch a little TV then go to bed with Nick joining whoever's turn it was that night.

It really was a cake and eat it situation for Nick, who revelled in being able to sleep with both his mistress and his wife on alternate nights. Although something sexual went on between him and his partner pretty much every night, he didn't and probably couldn't have managed full sex seven nights a week. He did though manage to give each of them some form of sexual stimulation nearly every night, even if it was just with his fingers.

What really appealed to him was the variety of the sex he was able to experience with the two very different, both emotionally and physically, women.

He loved Jayne's breasts and adored Katrice's arse. He liked his mistresses more dominant manner, but also loved the way that his wife was submissive to him. He gained enormous pleasure from Jayne letting him cum in her mouth and swallowing it and from fucking his wife's arse. Regrettably neither would do both!

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goodwabgoodwababout 2 months ago

How come calling my date "you sexy cow" never works for me!?!?!?

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusalmost 2 years ago

It's a pity this got downgraded out of impatience and obtuseness. No excuse.

westjayne495westjayne495almost 2 years agoAuthor

Keep reading and you'll see why it is in the lesbian category.

Wiz1002Wiz1002almost 2 years ago

I presume Jayne and Katrice are going to end up fucking each other and get rid of Nick(?) hence this is in the lesbian category?

Otherwise it’s wrongly categorised

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why is this in lesbian sex catagory?

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