Torgan Wine Ch. 34


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Her response was a flutter of her lashes as she took a bite.

"Your Duchess should never have been kept hidden away in the Kroscur. Had you brought her to Court you would have been properly married by now." King Orgath gave him a smug smile. "I seduced a postulant from her prayers. As much as she adores you, with a little guidance you could have her securely married. After that she can be allowed back to Ara safely enough."

Before she could swallow enough to protest, Draeseth made a loud displeased sound in his throat. "I cannot cross under the Great Gate and I will not allow her so far from me."

His father switched to Torgan saying something dismissively and Isonei thought she understood the meaning without needing to know the words. He wouldn't have to keep his word once he'd gotten what he wanted. The icy certainty that Draeseth had never intended to bring her back to Ara and that every promise he'd made had been only to get what he wanted settled on her. She finished the bowl in front of her in silence not looking at the King or at Draeseth.

Contemplating the benefits of feigning a headache, Isonei was surprised to hear Draeseth make excuses to leave the table with her. A half-hearted smile to the King and she was being escorted by the large Torgan back to their rooms.

Once inside he followed her to the bedroom. "You understood my father. I saw the way your face changed, my jewel."

"You never intended to keep your word. None of the promises you've made to me were in good faith." She couldn't make herself meet his eyes.

"You have already punished me for breaking them." Draeseth tried to unfasten her overdress and she pushed his hands away feeling sick.

"No! There's a difference between making a promise in good faith and failing to keep it and making promises you never intended to keep!" Isonei forced herself to look up into his bitter glare. "If you have no regard for yourself, for your own word, how can you have any regard for me? For anyone?"

"That I would do anything to-" He began angrily and she spun on her heel , moving away from him and grabbing one of the carved wooden brushes from the vanity to hurl at him. Draeseth caught it easily and began cursing in Torgan breaking it in half and throwing the pieces down, "It proves I love you!"

"It proves you don't! It proves you only want to please yourself! If you loved me you would hold the promises made to me dear!" She realized she was shouting after him as he stormed from the room.

Retreating to the far corner of the room she sank onto the floor and cradled her face in her hands. The sound of Draeseth and Krouth speaking carried through the open door and she began to whisper to herself, "Maeralya, mother of all, your foolish child is so lost, so alone." Keeping herself from breaking into sobs was more than she could manage. Tyhnoth's name came out between sobs again and again as she tried to plead to him for comfort or to be taken.

Cold water splashed down on her bowed head, making her look up in shock. Krouth stood over her holding a pitcher.

"Your Grace, you will pray to Ganas or not at all if you intend to adopt a Torgan child."

Isonei drew a juddering breath as she looked up at his cold face and remained silent.

The slim Torgan stepped away fetching a fresh gown and gesturing brusquely for her to come and change. He dried her face and changed the cloth covering part of her hair, blotting it as well, after she changed into the plain dry overdress meant for travelling.

She followed him into the other room, grateful that it was empty, and watched as he pulled out the prayer book and stand. Kneeling, he pointed to the place next to himself wordlessly. Her mind felt clouded and numb as she obediently knelt next to him. The Torgan words held no meaning as he intoned them, closing her eyes she tried to find some clarity in her murky sluggish thoughts.

There was no one to help her make her way back home. But her Daga had said she was not alone. Who could she rely on? Who could she... The Queen hated Draeseth, she couldn't be trusted to help any more than anyone else here, but her hate and ambition could be used. Rely on the brothers and sisters around you. If no one was here, she could have someone brought. The Queen could summon Andnaeuth, if there was anyone clever enough to bring her home it would be him. Cool peace settled over her at the thought.

The droning of Krouth's voice came to an end and she opened her eyes.

Draeseth's voice was hushed, "Thank you, Krouth." He stood behind her nearly touching her, she could feel it. After a moment he knelt on the other side of her. Krouth resumed his recitations.


Climbing into the royal carriage, Isonei felt utterly drained and exhausted. She had been told she would have it to herself for a time. The King and Princes wished to enjoy the mild weather and sunshine so she curled on one of the seats as she had in Leria, pulling her heavy cloak over her.

Sleep came quickly and easily, waking was harder. The low rumble of Torgan voices began to rouse her from a dream of drowsing in her Daga's garden. She tried to roll and press her face into her Daga's mantle. He murmured to her, "Don't wake yet. Let me listen to them."

Isonei took a deep breath, getting comfortable and staying in the strange place between sleep and waking. Allowing herself to be pulled up to sitting and cradled, her Daga stroked her cheek as the Torgans got louder. "Get away from him, daughter of Liadith, as soon as you can. He isn't trustworthy."

She jerked awake, looking around in bleary startlement. "Hm?"

"Go back to sleep, wife." Draeseth shifted her in his lap and kissed her head. "I had forgotten you quarrel when you need to rest. I did not realize how tired you were."

"She is a very charming creature, brother. You should take better care of her." Hearing Burgath's wry tone she blinked across the carriage at him and rubbed her eyes.

"I try. You of all people should know how poorly my Duchess travels." Draeseth stroked her cheek as her Daga had done in her dream.

"She looks like a sullen, sleepy child, not like a Duchess." Ougath tilted his head at her.

"Not even Ror looks that sullen when you wake her and she is the image of Kresh." The King sounded amused, peering around Draeseth's arm.

Isonei buried her face in Draeseth's tunic in response and the four of them began to laugh. He squeezed her and kissed her hair. "My wife does not wake well. She whines and burrows into my side."

"You sleep in the same bed?" King Orgath sounded surprised.

"I insist on it. My Duchess enjoys being close to me and it saves on wood for the fire. She freezes if the room has the slightest chill."

"You mentioned it was expensive to house her in Shprayt."

Draeseth gave a growling grunt, "I was made to sleep apart from her for a time. Lislora could not bear to be clung to in such a warm room and she is not large enough to warm the bed as thoroughly as my Duchess requires."

"I am amazed the priests refrained from warming her bed themselves if you allowed them to dictate where your wife slept."

Draeseth stiffened under her. "Their argument was persuasive. If I desire her to be reclaimed I must also submit to Ganas' will."

"Why you desire her to be reclaimed I cannot understand. Your Duchess is lovely, affectionate, and playful. Bringing her to your religion will make her cold and distant. The more your mother visited the Kamrus at Court the more unhappy she became."

Unthinkingly, Isonei stroked Draeseth's arm, soothing him had become a habit and she didn't need to see his face to know he was ready to speak harshly to his father. It felt as if she were sitting on a statue.

Turning her head to be able to join the conversation, she half opened her eyes, "Was it the same Kamrus?" Her words ended in a yawn.

The King snorted, "No Duchess, my cousin was a Halloc at the time. He attended the previous Kamrus but the man was as sour and vocal in his disapproval as Gillaugrim."

"How do they stay at Court if you don't approve of them? In Ara I've heard my brothers say you can't even find a room at a peasant's tavern twenty miles from the King if he's made it clear he's unhappy with you."

"I envy Tamnaeuth in some ways," King Orgath sounded cheerful. "Politics are somewhat different here in Torga. I cannot banish the Kamrus, but he cannot overrule me as the priests in Ara overruled him."

"It was a consensus of the priests of the different Gods, and the courts made the final decision."

"The courts are controlled by priests, I thought?" Burgath inquired curiously.

"Tyhnoth's priests, yes. But they're very impartial. They spend their lives studying the laws and upholding our customs. It's very rare to have enough agreement to overrule the King."

"But the courts could overrule him?" Burgath leaned slightly toward her as he studied her face. "If he did something they disapproved of?"

"He would have to break the law or break with custom for that."

"The King makes the laws," King Orgath sounded smug.

"Not on his own!" Isonei straightened and moved her head to better look at the Torgan King, "For something to become law the King can have it written and if two thirds of the Lords approve of it it becomes law. Or, if two thirds of the Lords bring a law they wish to have made to the King he may choose to approve of it and it would become law."

"In Torga, my jewel," Draeseth adjusted her in his lap getting her attention, "the King makes the laws. He may... adjust them, at his leisure."

"Diplomatically spoken, brother." Ougath looked deeply amused. "I think the priests of Ganas might like to have the same sort of power as the Aran priests."

"You only have one God." Isonei yawned again turning her face into Draeseth's chest and covering her mouth for a moment. "We have many, and they have to have a consensus to make the attempt. It's too much power for just one group of priests to have."

"Aran wives might bring their Gods with them." The King sounded speculative, "That could break some of the power the priesthood holds."

"And the celebrations are..." Burgath offered a wicked grin, "thrilling."

"I had forgotten you attended the Festival." Isonei tilted her head. "Did you drink and dance?"

"We all did." Burgath leaned back in his seat again with a smile. "Aran women have a well earned reputation for being skilled and insatiable."

"We're very satiable, Burgath, it simply has to be done well." At his glower she gave him an impish smile. "I recall you being baffled when Draeseth and I were speaking in the carriage in Leria. If you don't know what to do with your hands you can't please an Aran woman the way she expects to be pleased."

"Wife, this is not an appropriate conversation." Draeseth growled and adjusted her on his lap with a jerk.

"If they want Aran wives they need to know what Aran women expect. If you would prefer you could discuss technique with them and I can go back to sleep." Isonei frowned at the wall of the carriage, not lifting her face to look at him.

Letting them spend some time discussing sex might keep them from provoking him too badly. The conversation shifted to Torgan immediately and Draeseth pulled her tightly against him. She couldn't tell if he was trying to protect her or hide himself.

The tone lightened the longer they spoke and Draeseth began to sound smug and proud. She recognized words here and there, though she wasn't trying to listen. 'Cock' was spoken several times. She was half drowsing when Draeseth began rubbing her arm to rouse her.

"We have nearly arrived at our lodging, my Duchess. You should be awake to walk in."

"Mm." Isonei rubbed her eyes.

"Was there a reason you suggested we discuss sex on our journey?" King Orgath sounded cheerful and teasing.

"Draeseth was getting upset; I thought that if he could discuss something he was good at-"

She was nearly jostled off of his lap as Draeseth began to laugh with his father and brothers; the sound of raucous Torgan laughter filled the carriage.

Ougath wiped his eyes as he composed himself, "When I think of things my brother excels at, fighting springs to mind not fucking."

The carriage rolled to a stop and Isonei straightened and stretched before the door opened. The King exited first and the Princes gestured for her to go second. She was helped down by a waiting servant and she stepped away to smooth her dress beneath her cloak and wait for Draeseth. The sight of the scowling Kamrus made her blink in surprise.

Draeseth was there in a brief moment to offer his arm and she took it gratefully, walking with him toward where the King and Kamrus were standing with another man their age and several younger men and women. The men looked proud and nervous, and the women looked almost terrified keeping their eyes glued to the flagstones.

"Ah, there she is, Lord Vigrim, this is the reason for our visit. Duchess Isonei of the Kroscur does not travel well and the healers have permitted her only a half day's travel at a time. My son, Prince Draeseth, is a solicitous husband as any man with such a charming wife would be."

"Your Majesty is too kind!" Isonei smiled warmly at him before turning her smile on the Lord. "I hope it isn't too much of an imposition, Lord Vigrim. Arriving at someone's home without making arrangements well in advance is frowned on in Ara."

"In Torga as well." Kamrus Gillaugrim coolly interjected.

Lord Vigrim snapped his head to look at him with a wide eyed, stunned expression as silence descended.

Isonei stepped forward and placed her hand on the Lord's wrist lightly. "Your kindness in allowing us to stay is greatly appreciated." She offered him a reassuring smile as he looked down at her nervously. "I know we're imposing, more greatly because you already have guests, but in Ara such generosity would be rewarded with gifts for our gracious host. There was some admiration for Aran ways spoken of on our journey," she turned a bright smile on the King as she stepped back to take Draeseth's arm again, "perhaps I might use the charm his Majesty spoke so warmly of to spread the imposition and make the burden lighter on our host?"

The King's eyes sparkled. "You may, Duchess. I will have a suitable gift arranged for Lord Vigrim. You do still hunt, Vigrim?"

The silent Torgan blinked as if he had expected much different reactions. "I- yes, your Majesty."

One of the frightened looking Torgan women yelped in startlement and a dark-haired boy of perhaps eight peered out from behind her speaking peevishly in their language.

"And who is this?" Isonei smiled and beckoned him forward.

"Braeth, my..." Lord Vigrim made a peculiar gesture and then spoke a Torgan word.

"Grandson," Draeseth translated.

"Braeth is a handsome name." She offered her hand to the child who looked very skeptical.

"Thank you, Duchess." One of the men spoke quietly. "He is mine." He spoke in a firm tone to the boy in their tongue, receiving an annoyed look and a muttered response before the child darted away.

Lord Vigrim paled and the child's father stiffened and closed his eyes. Isonei couldn't understand the frosty words the King spoke but the Kamrus replied to him in Aran.

"The boy must have overheard me speaking to my priests. I expressed some concerns that her influence may be demonic."

Fixing the man with a gelid look Isonei spoke quietly, "I am very grateful that I met Halloc Aurim and his priests before I met you, Kamrus Gillaugrim, or I would have a very different view of my husband's religion. They are stern but kind, you have been nothing but cruel from the moment you entered my chambers uninvited. I can't imagine a Torgan woman would have been as tolerant of your poor behavior as I have been."

"So she can speak sharply." The King smiled mirthlessly.

Isonei opened her mouth to apologize but Draeseth squeezed her arm against his side and spoke for her, "My wife is rarely sharp tongued; it seems to happen most when she needs to rest."

"But she slept so much in the carriage!" King Orgath gave Draeseth an amused look.

"Please," Lord Vigrim made a gesture toward the house, "If the Duchess needs to rest..."

"Thank you, Lord Vigrim." Isonei inclined her head and followed him, still holding Draeseth's arm as the Lord spoke to the King with what seemed a conciliatory tone in Torgan.

One of the women who had been there to greet them guided her and Draeseth upstairs once inside and to what looked like one of the family rooms. It was comfortable but not lavish; the furniture was sturdy and well cared for but clearly had been in use for a long time. The lace draped over the bed posters was the most decadent thing in it.

Giving the woman a smile as she stood hesitantly in the doorway, Isonei gestured to the room, "Thank you. I adore the lace. Whose room is this?"

She looked to Draeseth who translated. The woman smiled and bobbed a curtsy answering him.

"This is her room, she is Lady Brisnora."

"A lovely name." Isonei stifled a yawn and the large Torgan laughed in his throat.

He spoke again to Brisnora and she bobbed another curtsy before leaving, closing the door behind her. His hands immediately began to unfasten her overdress. "I have never enjoyed my father's company as much as I have today." Draeseth let the outer gown fall and began working on the shirt and underdress. "You are my joy, woman. Bringing you to Torga was the wisest thing I have ever done." Stripping her to her chemise he gave her an ardent kiss.

Gently, she tried to pull away, arguing again would be foolish but despite her efforts to make the carriage ride more pleasant, her opinions hadn't changed. "You give me too much credit."

"I know you, wife. I can see you still cannot forgive me." He lifted her off of her feet and cradled her, carrying her to the bed. "But you will, you are incapable of remaining angry." Placing her carefully on the bed he settled himself on top of her. "You stroke me and soothe me, charm my father and brothers because it will please me. I am not afraid of your affections fading, I do not want to be patient, but I will be."

The sound of the door opening took his attention away from her. A maid averted her eyes and clutched at her skirt as she stuttered something in Torgan. Draeseth answered with a resigned tone and turned back to her. "I have been asked for. Rest until dinner."

"Uhhmm, Koustinde? I will?" Isonei offered him a faint smile.

Laughing in his throat, he covered her face in kisses before rising. "Perhaps tonight you will feel rested enough to apologize as you teased me with this morning."

Isonei watched him leave the room as the maid came in to shake out her discarded clothes and drape them across the foot of the bed. The woman also helped her under the covers before bustling out.

Lying in bed, she stared up at the lace trying to will herself to sleep. After what felt like a long while, she sat up and took another look around the room. There was no writing desk, nothing was meant to be done in this room except sleep and dress.

Curling on the bed again she sighed and rubbed her face. Time away from Draeseth to think would be good for her. She wished desperately she had someone to talk to, someone to confide in who could advise her. Someone like Andnaeuth or Zenaethe. They were clever and sharp, she was sure they could cut through her confusion and doubt with only a few words. Burying her face in the pillow she drew a juddering breath, she felt so alone.

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew her face was pressed into Lothlaerith's mantle and he was stroking her hair.

"Something weighs on you, daughter of Liadith?" He gently turned her face to look up at him.
