Torgan Wine Ch. 56

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Second arrival in Oyeth Lothlaeri.
8.7k words

Part 56 of the 60 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/03/2017
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Thanks to Nthusiastic for her help in editing, beta reading, and asking good questions!


Possibly due to the tea that her Daga had insisted she drink, Isonei was very much awake during the carriage ride to Oyeth Lothlaeri. Hesh, however, had fallen asleep slumped against the side next to Onsh-Velarith. Keeping their voices low, she and Daga Liadith were looking at the book of drawings her sister Yarmina had sent.

The few things that Xagorath and Ximesra had been able to bring with them had been removed from the boxes after breakfast and the Lerians Hesh had arrived with were sent on their way with the remaining goods and a surprising amount of money. Some would be traveling to Oyeth Lothlaeri but the rest would be returning to Daga Velarith.

Isonei brushed her opal ring with her thumb as Daga Liadith studied the image of Udnerath's fountain. Ximesra had stolen it out of its box and hidden it in the cloth that protected the glass wreath; she hadn't taken the note, there hadn't been time. The Munian woman hadn't been surprised when Draeseth had ordered it sent to the Kroscur, but Isonei was. She'd expected Draeseth to give it to Ximesra as payment.

"It's beautiful but I can't understand why you would build such a stunning fountain in honor of a God who steals away your people and kills sailors."

"How can you love someone if you don't embrace their flaws as well? He's beautiful and mad. A great deal of what we love comes from him, from the sea, like foods and pearls, but he's unpredictable sometimes. There's a story about the party he threw to celebrate his Arrangement with Obris, whom he loves." Isonei took the book and looked down at the image feeling her own heart ache.

"Tell me, Isonei. I've always enjoyed your stories." The Daga put an arm around her and pulled her close to his side.

"He and Obris spent months preparing. The island it was to be held on was decorated with glass and gems to make the light ripple as it does beneath the waves. Gifts for the guests were gathered and arrayed but as they began to arrive, Udnerath and his brother Iemith began to quarrel. The island was battered and everything on it was washed into the sea.

"Aulla, Obris' sister was furious, but Obris made apologies to the guests and began to wade into the rough water. Aulla stopped her and asked why she would follow him after he ruined the party. The story goes that Obris smiled like the sun and said she knew whom she loved and she wouldn't expect him to change who he was for her convenience.

"That was when he rose from the water with the largest pearl that had ever been seen before or since and offered it to her joyously, with the promise that he would try with all his being to be certain of her happiness. It's why Aran sailors keep a piece of sea glass with them and when the sea is too rough or becalmed, they pray to Obris and one of them will cast their piece of glass back into the sea."

"But..." Onsh-Velarith frowned, "why cast them into the sea if they're praying to this Obris? Is she a sea Goddess? And what did Udnerath fight about with his brother?"

"The sea glass is a reminder of his promise. It's considered to be blessed. Obris, the Goddess of love, spends some of her time in the sea with him and some with his brother Iemith. They were fighting about her."

Daga Liadith sucked his lips against his teeth, "That explains the Aran insistence that you never bed two of the same House because it causes discord."

Covering her face she sighed, "No, my Daga. They were fighting about her not because they both wanted her but because Iemith was jealous that his brother was spending so much time with her. Udnerath and Iemith love to dance together and they're inseparable. She eventually took Iemith as a lover as well to settle the issue." Isonei glanced up at the two stunned Lerians and Onsh began to blush furiously.

"You're saying, now the three of them can... spend time together."

Inclining her head slightly, she danced around the question just a bit. "Iemith came to love her because she loves his brother as he does, and while Iemith can be biting and cold, he can also be warm and gentle. Obris seems to prefer men who are difficult to love but are loving."

Onsh narrowed his eyes and leaned back before glancing to Daga Liadith.

"All Aran Gods are brother and sister, Onsh-Velarith. The entire religion is incestuous but if you can ignore that it's fascinating." The Daga shrugged slightly. "And Aran men do take male lovers, almost as often as they take female lovers."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Onsh closed his eyes. "And they see nothing wrong with-with any of it?"

"It's different for Gods. It isn't incest for them," Isonei folded her arms, "all the priests I've spoken to have said so. And if both people are of age who does it harm if a man takes a man as a lover or a woman takes a woman? Our Houses grow, we're happy, our Gods are happy..."

"She'll be difficult to match." Onsh-Velarith ran his hand over his face and looked at her as if he wished to ask a question but was biting his tongue.

"I'll be difficult to match because, like Obris, I seem to have a fondness for difficult men." Isonei arched an eyebrow at him.

There was a glint of amusement in Onsh's eye as he inquired, "And you don't think having a number of lovers, male and female, would give your match pause?"

"No, I don't. Anyone who chooses to be with me should understand that desire is a choice. If I choose to give my desire to just one person I am perfectly capable of it. And my match would benefit from the things I've learned with those other lovers."

"Arissa has been delighting in showing me how much she learned from you." Daga Liadith squeezed her against his side. "I understand why the Torgan was so adamant about keeping you."

"I taught his second Duchess to do some of the things he enjoys. Unlike with Arissa, I had to get into bed with them to do it. Draeseth-"

Onsh made a strangled sound and she glanced over to see him covering his eyes with one hand and biting his other fist.

"Draeseth seemed to enjoy it, but Lislora wasn't happy about sharing. I think her jealousy may have heightened his pleasure."

"You enjoyed his, if I remember..." Daga Liadith smiled faintly.

"At first his jealousy was exciting and exotic. I'd never been with a jealous man so I didn't know any better. It gets tiring very quickly." She tilted her head, "But some of the things he did I intend to teach my next lover, he was magnificent in bed, despite everything else."

"You're not," Onsh hesitated, "embarrassed to talk about it?"

"Why would I be?" Isonei looked at him curiously.

"She's Aran, Onsh. They're very open." Daga Liadith glanced out of the window for a moment.

"How open?" Onsh leaned forward slightly.

"Open enough that I'd be happy to give you a few pages of positions and instructions when you take a match, but not so open that I'd offer you intimate descriptions of Draeseth's finer parts." She gave him an impish grin as he flushed again.

"Instructions for me or for her?" Onsh leaned back and tilted his chin up as if he were accepting a challenge.

"For both of you! I drew some serviceable pictures for Arissa and my Daga and pointed out the places that a teasing tongue-" Isonei broke into laughter as he blushed furiously and covered his face. "You're so much fun now that we're older, Onsh-Velarith! You blush so adorably."

His eyes flickered between shades as he lowered his hands, still flushed. "You're needling me."

"I do it with affection and no ill intent." She beamed at him. "I had to teach Draeseth how to take his brother's sharp jests more gracefully, I can help you with that if you'd like. You have a quicker wit and a sharper tongue than he does, but you never learned to choose not to take offense or to jest back with just enough bite to show your cleverness and not enough to show your anger.

"When they've made you angry, they've won. Nothing you do after letting them see your anger can change that, even if you provoke them to anger as well."

"My father tried to tell me something similar once. It's more difficult than you or he can understand."

"Of course," Isonei inclined her head and put on a bright smile, "It was easy for me not to show anger when the gifts that my father sent were divided up in front of me without my permission. And it was easy for me to show no anger when I spent time in the same room as the woman who helped the Phaethian Princess hold me down and poison me, murdering my unborn child and nearly killing me." She let the smile fade. "It was as easy as showing no anger as Draeseth broke his word to me over and over.

"If you ask any Torgan, even those who dislike me, you will hear of how gentle and forgiving I am. I did show my temper in Torga, and each time people were taken aback, yet still what they remember is my kindness. You are not a man without discipline, Onsh-Velarith. I have faith that you're at least as strong as I am. This is not beyond you."

He bowed his head, placing his hand over his heart. "Daughter of Liadith... I will remember your words."

"Deceptively sweet," Daga Liaidth murmured and pulled her head to the side to kiss it. "Do you plan to teach your tricks to all of the other Dagas?"

"Anyone who expects to find thornless flowers in either Leria or Ara is a fool who deserves to be pricked. Besides, Velarith is a friend." She fluttered her lashes and was rewarded with a smile that reminded her strongly of his father.

"If she and Daga Lothlaerith are ill-suited I would be truly surprised." Onsh eyed her ruefully. "I would have enjoyed having the chance to persuade you to stay with me."

Isonei looked at her hands for a moment and shook her head, "He wants a Lerian woman who will never leave. I won't stay with anyone who would keep me from my home, or who would ask me to be something other than what I am."

"If it means he would lose you otherwise, I think he would change his expectations." Onsh-Velarith leaned to take hold of her hands and his serious tone changed slightly, "Give him the opportunity to disappoint you instead of making a hasty decision. You did give the Torgan a chance, it's only fair."

The words brought a laugh out of her despite her mood and she gave him a look of mock annoyance, "You're horrible." Holding onto his hand to keep him from pulling away, she came out of her seat to kiss his cheek. "I'm glad we're friends now."

As she settled back into her seat Hesh-Caeridith stirred, "After your forced stay in Torga, can you blame him for wanting you to stay safe in Leria?" His eyes seemed peculiarly unfocused.

"Ara is much different than Torga. I was born and raised in Ara."

"You were kept in Ara. Your Aran family kept you away from your Daga." Hesh's frown made her think of Lothlaerith.

"It wasn't entirely their fault. I was chided until I no longer wanted to go back, for fear of doing something to earn another chiding, that's true. But I could have gone back to my Daga, he never chided me."

"Why didn't you?" Daga Liadith asked quietly as he took hold of her hand.

Isonei took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "As much as I missed your father, I didn't want to be anywhere near where you were. What you said hurt me deeply and I didn't... I didn't take the heartbreak well."

"All of your brothers behaved poorly." Liadith sighed and pulled her close again. "Father should have claimed you and allowed you to travel with your father. It would have been strange to find our affections changed at first but it would have been better for us to know."

"Perhaps. I think we were confused because we could feel that we belonged together but we didn't understand how, exactly."

"Why did your father allow it? The," Onsh made a gesture at them both, "relationship if he knew it was wrong?"

"We never did anything together that I hadn't done with my sisters. We learned to kiss, that was all." Isonei shrugged and Onsh looked slightly ill.

"I never bathed with her as her Aran brothers do." Daga Liadith curled his lip slightly and she elbowed him.

"There is nothing wrong with bathing together. It's not like I'm having sex with them, they're my brothers. It's perfectly innocent."

"It's incestuous." The voice that came from Hesh's mouth was unmistakably Lothlaerith's.

"And what was it when I bathed with you? Was it not perfectly innocent when your father asked me to wash him?" Her tone was sharper than she intended it to be but before she could apologize for it Hesh's eyes cleared and came back into focus.

"Every time he tries to grasp you he gets a handful of thorns."

"I'm not ready to be grasped, and I won't be until he can see that Arans are not Torgans or Phaethians."

"Why does he have to embrace Arans for you to..." Hesh rubbed his head, "Forgive me."

"He doesn't have to embrace all Arans, Hesh. He has to see the difference. For him to look at my father with so much distrust he won't allow him under his roof while he's ill, and to have my brothers bathe with the ignorant and unwashed... Can't you see why that's hurtful? Can you see why I'm upset? I'm Aran. If he has such a low opinion of us he'll try to change me, as Draeseth did, into something less objectionable to him."

Daga Liadith sucked his lips against his teeth, "Arissa faults him for his lack of hospitality as well. I didn't know your brothers were made to visit the same baths as the Torgans. I will go with them this time to be certain they are permitted in the clean pools."

"Thank you."

"Do you wash before bathing in Ara?" Onsh-Velarith eyed her dubiously.

"No. In Ara, we wash in the pools, but they're emptied after each use and the servants clean them. That doesn't mean we don't follow the customs when we visit Leria. My father was always very clear about that. In Leria, you bathe as the Lerians do."

"Which do you prefer?" Hesh inquired with a frown.

"Returning to Ara was always... an adjustment. I prefer the Lerian way of bathing, it feels cleaner to me, but Arans aren't dirty. We bathe daily and our baths are clean."

"You refill a pool daily?"

"More than once a day. Father never bathes in the same water as I do or as my brothers do."

Hesh blinked and then smiled faintly, "And for guests, the water would be drawn freshly?"

"Of course. When you arrive at an Aran home as a guest you'll be greeted with a hot bath in the guest quarters. The family bath is separate."

"Like the Daga's private bath in Oyeth Lothlaeri?" Hesh's smile grew slightly.

"Something like that yes, but the guest baths are always more lavish. The royal palace has baths upstairs for their most important guests. Do you have any idea how expensive it is to have pools well above ground? I don't know if the Torgans appreciated it-"

Hesh interrupted her, "As poorly as they wash... If a stripe of dirt would scare away an Aran woman, how did the Torgan seduce you?"

"He was very clean in Ara! It never occurred to me that there were people who didn't wash every day. I didn't learn about his aversion to warm water and soap until I'd already chosen to spend the year with him. Learning to be less impulsive is one of the more useful lessons I've learned from my time with Draeseth."

"What was it you used to say? Some lessons are more pleasant than others?" Daga Liadith brushed her cheek.

"It's true." The memory of some of the more bitter lessons made her feel tired.

"You also learned that you are never alone, daughter of Liadith." He tilted her face up so that she could look into his eyes, bright and clear green.

"That is also true, my Daga." When he released her face she wrapped her arms around him and clung to his side curling her feet beneath her.

"We will be in the city soon. I'll take you to the inn first." The Daga rested a hand on her back. "You may stay with your father and I'll go to see Daga Lothlaerith. Someone should chide him for his impatience and using the connection Daga Caeridith allowed us to Hesh frivolously."

Smiling faintly, Hesh inclined his head.

"Thank you, my Daga." She nibbled on her lip for a moment before she added, "I didn't mean to be so sharp with him."

"I'll tell him. He may be pleased to hear it. He neglected to mention that he bathed with you. His father was present?"

"His father came in while we were soaking and talking. He asked me to wash him and I did, he was a very sweet man." Isonei smiled remembering the evening and the memory of learning a new word popped into her mind, "Oh! And Daga Lothlaerith taught me a new word while I was washing him, uhhmm, unshaven. I'd never heard it before."

"The elder Daga taught you that word?" Daga Liadith sighed.

"Yes. He was very amused I'd never heard it."

"What do Arans do with their hair?" Onsh snorted. "How could you not know that word?"

"Arans have very little hair except for on their heads and around their finer parts, perhaps a little under the arms." She adjusted herself to look at him. "It isn't a topic I've heard come up in conversation in Leria."

"The amount of hair a man has and whether or not he shaves it is very intimate, Isonei. Don't-" Daga Liadith's words were cut off as someone rapped on the door of the moving carriage.

Onsh-Velarith opened it slightly and then called to the driver, "Stop the carriage." Pushing the door open completely once it had come to a halt, he inclined his head, "Commander Valothe, it's rare to see you outside the city."

"I was sent to see to it the carriage comes directly to Daga Lothlaerith. The Arans may go where they wish." The voice sounded deeply displeased and from the way he said the word 'Arans', Isonei was glad she couldn't see his face.

"I'll go ride with my brother." Isonei put her feet down as she began to unwrap her arms from her Daga.

"That robs us of your company," Onsh frowned, "wait until we reach the city."

"We're nearly there and the carriage is stopped. Let her ride with Ivorith." Daga Liadith rubbed her arm and then gestured to the open door.

"Thank you, my Daga."

Xagorath was closest as she tried to step out unassisted. The Son of Mun was off of his horse and helping her down in an instant.

"Thank you. Where is Ivorith? I'll ride with him to go see father."

"You are intended to see the Daga," Valothe's annoyed voice came from the front of the carriage.

"You said the Arans may go where they wish, and this Aran wishes to see her father." She tried to keep her tone firm but light.

"Had you showed him your rudeness before you left with the Torgan-" He stopped himself and looked away staring ahead.

"I didn't 'leave with the Torgan', Commander Valothe." Isonei took a breath and composed herself, "It seems no one relayed my apology to you. I am sorry that I didn't listen to you, it would have saved everyone a great deal of pain. And I don't know what Draeseth did to you or your men, but I know what he did to me. If you were treated as poorly, I am truly sorry. I will understand if you cannot forgive me."
