Training Rebecca Ch. 10

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Can she cum for the camera?
9.1k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 06/23/2005
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Rebecca looked at herself in the mirror and didn't even know the woman who returned her stare. The nipple studs oozed eroticism, but the padlocks bespoke something smoldering underneath. Her breasts were mottled black and blue and she felt the remnants of Maria's discipline when they so much as swayed.

She breakfasted with the boys in her robe, then dressed to meet her husband. She wanted to look attractive but had to wear a couple of layers of clothing so she wouldn't be too obvious since wearing a bra was out of the question. She sighed, wishing the nipple studs didn't show against her bandeau so. The boys were excited to see their father. She had mixed feelings though, and a shiver went down her spine. A sense of foreboding, which had nagged at the back of her mind, now surfaced as the time to leave approached.

Then they were at the airport and she and the boys were smiling and waving at John as he appeared. He hugged her and the boys and they headed for home after retrieving his luggage. Everyone had something to say as they sat to a late lunch prepared by Maria, and John spent time afterwards in the boys' rooms catching up with what he had missed. Rebecca's mind was filled with thoughts of the past couple of weeks and the sea change it had meant for her. She had a hard time remembering what she had been before that time. She held off as long as possible then went to find relief from Maria. The maid seemed a little pissed at having to do it, but held the glass as Rebecca, humiliation washing over her, began to pee.

"Stop," the command startled Rebecca out of her reverie. She struggled to comply, knowing that her maid was only following orders, like she was. But it still galled her, nonetheless.

"Piss poor muscle control today, I see," she smiled at her own joke. "I'll have to make a note for Mr. Kyle."

Rebecca ground her teeth in anger, but didn't dare let it show. Maria made her start and stop 10 times to "work the underused sex muscles", as she called them.

The family spent the evening together. John regaled them with stories of his travels. His wife didn't have much to tell about their weeks apart, although she had taken quite a journey all her own. The boys were excited about the end of the school year. Their talk about school brought back memories of her sons' schoolmates she had met in the park. She shivered at the thought, and hoped Maria was right when she said they would keep quiet about their adventures with her. It wasn't like teenagers to keep something like that to themselves. She couldn't imagine what would happen if word of it got out among the school community. But the whole incident was so bizarre, even in retrospect, she didn't think anyone would believe it without Maria's confirmation. Maria. There was another puzzle. She couldn't understand the change in her behavior from the maid she had once known.

That night, Rebecca changed in the bathroom and came to bed wearing a long flannel nightgown. She had put adhesive tape over the studs in her nipples to cover them up and moved carefully so the padlocks wouldn't click together. John had already stripped and frowned from the bed as he saw her. He reached for her as she slipped under the covers, and slid inside his reach as he tried to caress a breast.

"It's that time of the month, sorry," she told him. "I know it's been a long time for this but it will have to wait." The lie came easier than she thought it would. She had gotten good at excuses and after all, this mess was a result of him trying to avoid paying taxes. "It's so good to have you home again, hon." She kissed him and rolled over to go to sleep. John's day had started very early in Europe, but he lay awake for a while, puzzling at the lack of his usual reception, before finally dozing off.

The morning found Rebecca up early. She hesitated, deciding whether she could take the humiliation, then went in search of Maria, did her daily exercises, and ate breakfast. She pulled clothes from her walk-in closet and went into the bathroom to shower, locking the door. There she examined her sore breasts as the water cascaded over her and decided it would be days yet before the telltale signs of her beating were gone. She shivered as she remembered it, and knew she would do anything rather than go through that agony again. A few minutes later, John tried the door, and finding it locked, knocked on it. She heard him, but ignored his knocking. Minutes later she emerged, dried and semi-dressed to find him sitting on the bed.

"You have never locked the door before," he frowned. "What gives?"

"I...I started doing it when you were gone. Maria came in with towels unexpectedly one day and I didn't like my privacy invaded," she lied. "What do you have on for today," she said changing the subject. "Contacts to make here in the U.S. mostly." She finished dressing and put on her face for the day as he talked.

"Your new look suits you," her secretary said as she came into the office. "The guys around the company have all commented on it."

"Oh?" She stiffened.

"And, if you don't mind me saying it, you seem somehow happier."

She relaxed, "Thank you, Mrs. Davis".

Rebecca's morning went well in spite of the discomfort of sitting on the bigger butt plug. She felt confident again in her own territory. After what she had faced, she could handle anything. It was almost as though she was finally at ease with who and what she really was. Her secretary came in and reminded her that she had an appointment to meet with Betty in the afternoon. Rebecca frowned, then she remembered it was Monday and this was her weekly waxing appointment. How her secretary knew she had this meeting was beyond her, but she decided not to ask.

After a few phone calls and e-mails, she had a meeting with a couple of her executives. Her vice President, Peter, glanced at her appreciatively when he entered her office. She had already seated herself on the chair so she would be following Rule #2 without being obvious when she sat down. As he bent down to shake her hand, she saw his gaze lower to her bra less breast. She looked down following his eyes, and saw the front of her blazer had sagged open. Her right nipple was pushing against the blouse material, and, of course, standing at attention.

"Wow," he stopped and checked himself, his eyes wide, "you look very nice today." She blushed at the thought of what he must be thinking. He noticed her short skirt and parted legs and took a seat on the couch directly opposite her. She had always seemed so professional there at the office, but he noticed she only tried to turn her legs a little to the left instead of closing them as he smiled across at her. Maybe she wasn't the cold bitch everyone took her for.

They were soon joined by the head of Marketing, Jim Thomas who she remembered from her show at the strip club. He also sat opposite on the couch, but didn't have a good a view as Peter did. The head of sales, Ed Jones, was last. He shook hands with her and smiled the broad salesman smile. She kept her shoulders back to tighten the blazer across the front as he looked down. He sat in the chair to her left, and she shifted her legs back to the right between the chair and the couch. Their appreciative stare made her blush, but she was pretty sure they wouldn't be able to see all the way up her legs. She pulled herself together and was again in command as the meeting shifted to details of her new initiatives.

She worked through lunch and 20 minutes before her appointment, left the office and went straight to the beauty shop. There she was taken in the room where she stripped, had the butt plug and locks removed and the wax was applied. The hair removal wasn't very painful now that there was almost nothing to take off but she definitely had sore spots there from Maria.

"Your lips are very puffy. You haven't been diddling yourself, have you?" asked Betty.

Rebecca could feel the color rise in her chest at the humiliating question. She wanted desperately to ignore the unwanted question, but smiled and said, "No, Dear." Afterward, the lotion felt good, too good perhaps, as it was rubbed in and her lips pulled together as the locks were reapplied. Her usual butt plug replaced the bigger one and as it beeped, she was thankful for some slight bit of comfort.

Back at the office, she hiked up her skirt before sitting down as was HIS rule, and went to work with her legs apart. It proved harder to concentrate in the afternoon. She called home and told Maria she would be working late. She did not want to have to face John yet and sat and thought about her "new" life. She had struggled against it, but now, the word "Master" took on a whole different meaning than any she had ever imagined, and made her instantly wet. "My God, what will become of me?" she asked herself.

The next days flew by. She avoided contact with John as much as possible and found excuses to go to bed late. This was difficult as John generally went to bed late, and got up similarly. After the first morning, she showered in the downstairs bathroom after exercising. Rebecca had not heard from Kyle in days and realized she was on edge from it since she jumped whenever the phone rang. The excitement though was still there every time she did something that reflected an order he had given her. His presence permeated her day and it was as though he was a part of every action.

John, on the other hand, found all this very frustrating. He and his wife had grown apart the past few years, even he had to admit that. He had numerous women waiting in his various ports of call as he traveled, and found the variety and spontaneity to be exciting. But he also valued his family and deep down still loved his wife. He knew their sex life had petered off with his traveling, but sex before he left or when he returned was always a part of their marital ritual. He had tried a couple of time to initiate sex, but been rebuffed each time.

Thursday afternoon her secretary buzzed her that she had a call from Mr. Laughlin.

"Hello, Sir."

"Hello, Slut. Are you behaving yourself?"

"Yes, Master."

"You will come here this evening."

Her pulse rate quickened, and her voice dropped, "Yes, Master."

"Six o'clock sharp."

"I will be there, Master."

"I would like you to bring something with you, however."

There was a sharp intake in hear breath. "Yes, Master?"

"I would like some erotic pictures of you."

"You have seen all there is of me, Master," she said thinking of how she had displayed herself at various times for him.

"Be that as it may. You will bring still pictures and movies of you. They will be taken in your office. You will ask the photographer to direct your poses to be as erotic as possible. You DO know what I find erotic?"

"Yes, I think so, Master," she replied, wondering how she was going to pull this one off.

"And you may cum twice, but not until you have asked and received permission from the photographer."

"My God, Master. Right here in my own office?"

"Is there a problem?"

"I...No, Master. Yes, Master. I have padlocks on, and...."

"Oh, yes. Ask Mrs. Davis to give the envelope she has to the photographer when he arrives. How you arrange it, I don't care. But I had better be impressed with the results. Ask him for the raw tapes and memory sticks from the digital camera. An hour shoot should do it, I think."

Click. She put the receiver down harder than usual, thinking of what the evening would bring, then asked Mrs. Davis to bring in a phone book, and call Maria to tell her she would be home late. The phone book yielded a variety of photographers, a few advertising erotic photo shoots. She concentrated on them first.

She called "Fantasy Photos" and asked the owner for an erotic shoot. He would do one in his studio next week, but didn't shoot in people's homes, he said. The second asked if it was a lingerie shoot, and declined when she told him it would involve less clothing than that. She blushed when he said he took photographs, not pornography. She looked at the clock and saw it was 3:45. She had to hurry to be at Kyle's at 6:00. Her sixth call yielded a hit. He could put together his gear and come right over and take the pictures and movies, but he would charge her $500 on such short notice. She gave him the address and breathed a sigh of relief.

She alerted Mrs. Davis to his arrival, and told her that she could leave for the day as soon as he arrived.

Ian MacGregor was a tall, broad, Scotsman, with sideburns clear down to his jawbones. He pulled a suitcase on wheels behind him, carried one case by the handle, and a third was tucked under his arm.

"Good afternoon, M'dear," he said striding up to Mrs. Davis. "MacGregor Studios at your service. I have some photographing to do for Mrs. Dunbar."

"Mrs. Dunbar is expecting you. And, I am to give you this," she handed him an envelope.

"Thank ye, Lassie," he tucked it under his arm noting the strange inscription "FOR OPENING CLOSED HOLES". He nodded toward the office door with raised eyebrows and she waved him in.

"Mrs. Dunbar?" he asked opening the door.

"Come in Mr. MacGregor" He put down his cases and sat in the seat she indicated.

"We'll need tae get a few things in order, Lassie. This is a most unusual request. I nae ken precisely wha' ye want." He looked around at the large, plush office, and the be-suited Corporate President staring back at him wondering if he had only imagined her requirements.

"As I said on the phone, I would like you to take ss...," she blushed and had a hard time getting the words out, "sexy pictures of me, uh, for a friend."

"Lingerie? Swimsuit?"

"Nnnno. Even more sexy than that."

"Scandalous sexy, you mean?"

"Yes, I suppose so."

"I'll set up 3 movie cameras and tae stills with my Nikon. Here is ma contract: $500 as I said on the phone. You are to hae the tapes and memory cards when I'm finished. It also absolves me from any sort of suit for sexual harassment. Can't be too careful these days. Ur youse agreeable?"

Rebecca took the offered document, scanned the legalese, and signed it.

"I suppose you know the poses ye want taken," he said as he busied himself setting up tripods and affixing cameras and lights.

"No. I'm supposed to leave that up to you." He popped in a tape, adjusted the image in the viewfinder, and started the camera running. Two cameras were focused on the desk, one from his right and a second from his left, while the third was set way back to the left to take in the whole scene. He picked up his Nikon.

"Where do you want me?"

"Tell me about this friend of yours? What sort of photography would he like?" he asked eying her wedding ring.

"Very erotic."

"How erotic?"

"He will be most displeased if these pictures don't excite him. Maybe I should get undressed?" she asked blushing.

"No. Let's start with you seated at your desk, like it was a typical work day. Slowly unbutton your coat." Click. Click. Click. "Now yer blouse." More clicks as she complied thinking it would have been easier to just strip and get it over with. "Lean to the left so your blouse will gap open." Her nipple, forced out through the front of her tip less bra, was unveiled as she leaned her elbow on the desk. Her nipple studs glinted in the lights as he shot several pics.

"Now pull your coat and blouse to the sides of your, uh, to the sides of your bra and pick up a pen and pretend to write a memo." He clicked pictures as she parted her clothing and began writing. "No, that's nae good. Remove your bra, please." He adjusted the closest video camera for a better angle as she complied. "Wha...What happened to you, Lassie? They must gowp." as he looked at the black and blue breasts the bra had exposed.

She hesitated, knowing that the cameras were rolling and would pick up her required answer. Her shoulders sagged and she hung her head. "I...I...I was punished," was all she could get out.

"Well no matter now Lass." He tried gallantly to brush it off. "Let's get a view of your delicious legs. Put them up on the desk."

She thought to herself, Kyle is not going to be very happy with just a look at my nips. "In a minute. Let me do my nipples for the camera." She pinched and rolled them until they were as hard as rocks noting that her nipples weren't the only things hard in the room. She was ashamed that she had to do this in front of a stranger, but still she wanted HIM to be proud of her obedience. Then, pinching as hard as she could, she pulled them out as far as she could, trying to keep a smile on her face through the pain. He was there for close-ups through the whole thing.

"When she released them, he asked, "Now the legs?"

"Not quite." she reached into her drawer and pulled out a ruler. He looked on incredulous at first as she hit first one then the other, finally bringing the camera into action again as he came to his senses.

"Ah, Lass. I see your friend is a man of refined tastes." Her nipples were pushed in violently with each stroke of the ruler, only to spring back out reddened, but harder than before.

Rebecca had been irritated at having to call and set up the appointment, but it had gotten horny thinking about it and waiting for him to arrive. She squirmed in her seat willing the fire in her loins to erupt and give her some much-needed relief.

"Lean back in your chair with hands behind your head, blouse open. OK. Legs crossed on the desk."

"I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to close my legs." Would HIS torment of her never end? She swung her legs up on the desk, feet wide apart, then leaned back, knowing he could see everything. He marveled as her stocking tops came into view. Most women these days didn't give a hoot for what they looked like in that part of their anatomy. This one obviously did. At first, he thought she just had jewelry on her bald fud, but as she pulled up her skirt at his urging, they came into full view. What was that peeking out down below?

"Beautiful," was all her could manage at first, clicking off pics right between her legs. "Look up at the ceiling as though you were thinking about your latest deal." He enjoyed the juxtaposition between the stuffy corporate executive and the wanton woman he now saw beneath her exterior.

"Let's keep the locks on for now. You can take them off in a few minutes."

"I...I'm sorry. I don't have the key for them."

"Yer all locked up and can't open them? Yer kidding?"

"No." Her countenance fell.

"Yer husband..."

Damn, she wanted to fudge it but this was going on the camera for HIM to see. "He doesn't have the key either." Shame rushed over causing her to shiver.

"Then how..." the question was left hanging. His eyebrows went up as realization set in.

"My friend said he would take care of it for the shoot, but I don't know how."

The answer now obvious, he shut his gaping mouth and moved to continue the shoot. "Reach down and toy with the locks." His concentration on his work didn't detract from the constriction that had developed in his pants. He was forced to adjust himself for comfort, a move not lost on his model. He picked up a flash and zoomed in as she played with the padlocks. The moisture oozing from her slit was proof positive of the effect this was having on her.

He decided to play with her a little. He moved the tripod to a position directly in front of her spread legs. Focusing on her bald cunny, he said, "squeeze yer cunt muscles, Lassie. Again. Keep doing it." A moan escaped from her lips before she could squelch it. Click. Click.

"And what is that in yer doup?" he asked looking underneath her.

"My butt plug."

"I see," he really didn't. "Pull it out a little for the camera," he wanted to see what the thing really did look like. She pulled and pushed it as he took a series of pictures.

"Good. Now a few natural light pictures at the window. Wonderful." What a natural beauty, he thought, as he snapped away. "Now over to the daven wi ye."