Trials of a Planeswalker Ch. 01: Rising


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"Prisoner, you're to go in front of the grand arbiter today." A soldier said, tabbing on the bars with the pummel of his sword.

"Oh damn it." Blayne groaned, sitting up.

The last few weeks had seemed so far away suddenly. Those weeks had been worry-free because Blayne had convinced himself he wouldn't be executed, he would manage to escape by now. However, it hadn't happened and he was out of time. He wasn't afraid of dying so much as he was afraid of dying without knowing how and why.

The soldier opened the cell and stepped inside. He was wearing heavy silver armor that covered him from head to toe. A flowing blue and gold cape encircled his shoulders and fluttered behind him. A heavy gold-etched sword and sheath hung from his waist.

"Hold up your hands." He ordered.

"I suppose this is my death, isn't it?" Blayne mumbled before downing his drink and standing up.

"For murder, you will be tried and most likely executed." The soldier said coldly, "Maybe you should've thought before you ruthlessly unleashed your magic on unsuspecting innocents."

"One would think a civilization so proud of it's justice would find a more reliable way to see that I didn't do it! I can't even do magic!" Blayne yelled, lunging forward.

A fist of magic slammed Blayne in the gut and he crumpled to the floor. Pain erupted through his body as the magic coursed through him and faded away slowly. The soldier stood over him, the glow around his fist diminishing.

"You will be obedient and polite before the Grand Arbiter." The soldier warned, "Do not further your dishonor by acting out."

He pulled Blayne to his feet and grabbed both his wrists tightly. White magic poured forth from his hands and encircled Blayne's wrists. The magic slowly took shape, changing into two sharp-edged golden triangles. Strange writing covered the golden magic and Blayne felt his wrists lock tightly together from it. The soldier released him and then he waved his hand over the chains. They broke from him and clattered to the ground. The soldier clasped his shoulder tightly and walked him out of the cell. The magical cuffs held his wrists tightly and he knew there was no escape from bonds such as these.

The soldier walked him through twisting marble halls, past other guards and cells. They walked into a large room with a sunken floor. The steps led them down into a magical symbol etched into the floor. It started to glow as they strode to the middle of the vast carving, six men standing at each of the six point star that filled the floor. They started to chant and powerful magic swirled around their feet like a lightning-blue wind. The glow intensified and the men raised their hands. The magic surged upward around them and a bright flash took the room from Blayne's vision. He was in darkness for a split second and then the world rushed back around him again.

He was standing alone in a completely new place, a place of great magnificence. He stood on a floating marble platform suspended over a bottomless pit. In front of him, a great sphinx sat atop a balcony built into the side of the room. Water ran down the walls all around him. On both his right and left were two other balconies, both containing a bench full of normal-looking people. One of the men on his right stood and held a hand towards the sphinx.

"May I present Isperia, Azorius Grand Arbiter."

"Thank you. Prisoner! What is your name?" The Sphinx asked.

"My name is Blayne." Blayne called, biting his tongue from saying anything else.

Something about the sphinx Isperia was so regal and astounding that it made Blayne feel humbled. She had a mix of light blue and golden fur with great grey-feathered wings. Her eyes were piercing and made him feel like she could see through him. She wore shining armor and gems. He stared intently at her, steeling himself to keep from averting his eyes from hers.

"And Blayne, you are accused of murdering seven innocents in the Azorius Trade District as well as causing a substantial amount of damage to property and injuring dozens others. How do you plead?" Isperia asked, staring down at him.

The way she looked at him made him feel as though he should admit to everything she said. Her presence made him feel as though everything she said had to be true. He gritted his teeth, glancing down and then back up.

"Not guilty. I do not even recollect these events, let alone have the capacity to commit them." Blayne said, clenching his fists.

"So you claim. How do we know you do not lie in the face of justice. Any criminal would do so to save themselves." Isperia said, her eyes glaring at him.

"I do not lie Grand Arbiter, I tell you the whole truth as I know it. You know I do not lie."

"I can tell when man lies, but I cannot tell when they have spelled themselves to change their own memories and thoughts. It is possible you are even convinced that you did not do these things, when in reality, you may well have and simply cast a complex memory modification spell."

"I...I..." Blayne cringed hung his head, "I cannot fault your logic Grand Arbiter. I may have done this, but if I have done it, I wouldn't know it. Whoever I was before I could've cast such a spell, I don't believe I am still them. So I do find it unfair you are treating me as such now."

"Your proper mindset or not, each man is responsible for their actions. Justice is not halted by forgetfulness. May we hear the first witness?" Isperia asked, her great lion-like woman's face looking about.

"Whoa!" Blayne cried as his platform started to move sideways of it's own accord.

There was a rushing of air and a second large marble platform floated up out of nowhere and it stopped level with and, ten feet away from, Blayne's platform. There was a bright blink of light and a kindly old woman stood there. She took a deep breath as she was deposited by magic in this new location.

"Madam, can you tell us of what you remember in the evening of the tenth day of spring in the marketplace?" Isperia asked softly.

"Of course Grand Arbiter. I was shopping and out of nowhere, there was a bright flash of light and a deafening explosion. It knocked me off my feet even though I was a dozen paces away. Fire filled the area and lightning flashed in the air. In a second, dozens were lying out cold or dead all over the street. The closest storefront was destroyed and all the fruit carts were blasted apart." The old woman described in shuddering detail.

"Dangerous magic and fiery explosives in a crowded market. Amnesia or no, this is a horrific crime worthy of the most final of punishments." Isperia narrated, "You may go."

The old woman bowed her head and disappeared in a blink.

"Grand Arbiter Isperia! I demand an audience on behalf of my fellow Izzet mage you have captured!" A man called behind them.

Blayne turned and saw a strange looking man walking out onto a fourth balcony. He wore heavy clothing that was brightly colored with a mixture of red and blue. Heavy leather shoulder pads and cuirass obscured the shape of his body, a large brass and glass canister backpack and a heavy-looking brass gauntlet on his right fist. He reached up and adjusted his coal-black hat. The man's face was sharp angled and he wore face-obscuring large brass goggles. Thick brass boots covered his feet and went up to his knees.

"What're you doing? Get out of here, this is a private hearing!" The man who had introduced the Grand Arbiter snapped loudly as he leapt to his feet.

"No, quiet yourself sir. I take it you are also a mage of Izzet. Please state what you will. This is a private hearing, but Izzet does have a right to speak on behalf of their members." Isperia said calmly.

"I have been assigned to come here to retrieve this man for Izzet justice. If it is true and he has killed innocents, the Izzet demand the right to give it to him." The Izzet man said, "I understand this is unusual, but we had no conflict with Azorius and we don't wish any undue troubles with your guild. That is why we wish to deliver justice ourselves, for besmirching the Izzet name."

"A noble wish, if we could know it to be true. How do we know that you are not simply this man's co-hort sent here to retrieve him for Izzet justice and then the Izzet will simply claim him not guilty."

"We are not here to rescue one of our own, but to deliver righteous revenge on one who thinks himself worthy of Izzet only to dirty our honor with his murder." The Izzet man said coldly, "In all likelihood, he will die, but it should be by our hand."

"Grand Arbiter, if I may?" A man in a long blue cloak and hood said, standing up on the opposite balcony.

"Jace Beleren, you are a trusted and skilled adviser. Please speak your mind." Isperia nodded to him.

"It is true, this man does deserve justice. But I believe the Izzet are not wrong in their wanting to deliver justice themselves. This man has brought murder to the Izzet guild name and only the Izzet League deserve to clean their besmirching. Let them take him, but simply ask for proof of justice being delivered." Jace said thoughtfully.

"You speak truth Jace. I agree with your suggestions. The Izzet League will be granted rights of passing judgement on this man." Isperia nodded to him, "You may go with your fellow Izzet, Blayne, and you will be allowed to leave. Our agreement in this manner is that proof of judgement must be sent within the next month."

"Thank you Grand Arbiter." The Izzet nodded and took a step back.

The platform under Blayne rose and lifted him to the edge of the Balcony, he stepped off it and up next to the strange looking Izzet. The Izzet nodded and turned, walking away quickly. Blayne rushed after him, following the jingling sound of the man's pack and gauntlet.

"Who did my executioner just become?" Blayne called, hurrying awkwardly with his hands bound in front of him.

"Nobody. The man who spoke for you, Jace Beleren?" The Izzet started.

'Do not speak my name aloud. The Azorius have listeners in the courthouse.' A voice sounded inside Blayne's mind.

"Ahh! There you are. Thank you for..." The Izzet started.

'Don't even speak of it! They mustn't know I helped twist people's thoughts in your favor. Blayne, you have much to learn about who you are. The Izzet League is not the best, but they are smart and resourceful. You will find their magic quite like your own. Do not worry about the Izzet delivering proof of justice, they will forget about you two soon. Blayne, we will speak again.' Jace spoke into their minds, 'But for now, escape.'

"So what's your name?" Blayne asked as they hurried.

"I am Tazzex."

"Blayne. Thanks for this."

"No problem. Let's hurry, our escape is just outside the courthouse."

They rushed through clean marble halls and past dozens of robed men. Through a small wooden door, they found themselves in a dirty alleyway. Tazzex led them to the end of the alleyway and up close to the brick wall.

"It's a dead end." Blayne said.

"No, it's a mana pocket. A spot where the fabric of existence is a slim bit thinner and more mana seeps into our world in greater amount. Stand close to me." Tazzex said, holding up his brass gauntlet.

A jerking lighting and swirling fire erupted forth from the large gem in the palm of Tazzex's gauntlet. It burst forth and swirled around them wildly. The spinning light raced faster and faster. More mana poured out of the gauntlet and there was a bright tower of light above them. It felt like when Blayne had gotten moved into the courtroom by magic, only this was more chaotic and seemingly more dangerous.

Something burst and a blinding light exploded forth. Blayne could only see Twzzex's blurred form. It felt as if he was beeping pulled and thrown at intense speeds, lunging and racing all about. It made him bristle with fear and excitement at the same time. Then, all at once, it stopped. It felt like he had never moved at all, the mana disappeared in a flurry. Their surroundings had changed thoroughly, leaving them standing in a fire-lit metal and stone room.

On the other side of the room, an incredibly strange creature stood behind a desk. A long and crooked nose was the first thing Blayne had noticed, the creature had gnarled green skin and long ears sticking out from wavy brown hair.

"Crixzix, I brought the one that you wanted."

"Good, thank you." Crixzix said.

"Oh good lord, you're a woman!" Blayne said in surprise.

"Of course I am. I'm the second in command of Izzet League." The goblin snorted, standing up and walking around the desk, "Crixzix, master goblin inventor."

"Sorry, I've just never actually seen a goblin before." Blayne scratched his head with his free hand as he shook Crixzix's hand.

"So then the knowledge imparted to me by The Firemind was true. You aren't from Ravnica." Crixzix said.

She was considerably shorter than Blayne, only coming up to his navel. Her hands were large and she wore frayed crimson and navy robes.

"You're also not good at spotting women in general." Tazzex chuckled, reaching up.

Blayne watched the goggles and hat come free of Tazzex's head and his jaw dropped. Short, fluffy brown hair fell free of the hat and cool green eyes looked at Blayne. She ran her fingers through her hair and then drew a finger along her throat.

"In your defense, I was using magic to lower the tone of my voice. Even though Isperia rules the Azorius court, they still look down on women of any other guild. I thought it would be easier to portray myself as a man." Tazzex's voice was considerably more feminine and Blayne found himself instantly attracted.

"Well hello, I'm Blayne." Blayne smiled, holding his hand out to Tazzex.

"There will be time to flirt and fuck later, for now I've got to give you a quick introduction of Izzet and of Ravnica in general." Crixzix said in annoyance, "Come this way."

"What? I...I didn't mean...I just..." Blayne stammered at Crixzix's comment.

"She has a point, we can talk later." Tazzex smiled sweetly and pointed at the large iron bulk-head door that Crixzix was walking through.

"The Izzet League is a guild of ingenuity and science. We spend our time discovering new magics and new technology, we are on the cutting edge. Our Parun, Niv-Mizzet is the smartest being in all existence. His omniscience is the greatest there is and he lives only to learn and experiment." Crixzix narrated as they walked down a greasy iron hallway that looked like the inside of a submarine.

"Who is he? Will I ever meet him?" Blayne asked.

"Niv-Mizzet hasn't been seen in thousands of years. He is in intellectual seclusion, devoting his entire being to thinking on Ravnica's problems and solutions." Crixzix explained, "So no, you will never meet him. I've only met him a handful of times myself."

"So then how do you still know him to be your guild leader? What if he's dead?" Blayne pointed out.

"The Firemind remains and therefore he remains. The Firemind is a connection with his omniscience. Few experience it and even fewer survive it. To bathe in the omniscience of Niv-Mizzet is to bathe in the knowledge of all of creation." Crixzix said, "I am one of the few surviving guild members who can withstand the force of The Firemind."

"No ego on him, is there?" Blayne snorted.

"Here is our invention hall. The greatest inventions of Izzet are stored here, at least the ones that fit. Storm generating technology. Invisibilty signets. Boots of super-sonic flight. Those are dangerous, ripped the skin off the last poor bugger who thought he could use them." Crixzix said as she led them through a large room.

Blayne looked around, taking in all that was around him. The room was tall and huge, a heavy metal floor beneath them and darkened brick walls all around. Pedestals and tables were covered in all manner of odd machinery. Blayne's vision, however, was drawn powerfully to a large glass orb in the middle of the room. Nearly three feet across, it swirled with red and blue smoke. He walked towards it as Crixzix narrated the history of The Izzet League and specifically Niv-Mizzet.

"What's this?" Blayne asked, reaching towards the glass orb.

"Don't touch that!" Crixzix cried as Blayne's fingers brushed the glass.

Power erupted through Blayne's body, locking his muscles tight and making him shudder uncontrollably. A glow spread up his arms and his eyes started to shine.

"Fuck. That's not good." Crixzix groaned.

"He really has never known anything in Ravnica. Even the most secluded citizens know not to touch Izzet technology without at least some foreknowledge of what it is." Tazzex sighed, "You think you can save him?"

"No, it's already too late. That orb contains magic to forge a direct connection to The Firemind. Even I don't dare touch it. When I focus and meditate on The Firemind, I see glimpses and catch words or sounds from it. Each one of these is as powerful as the most dangerous Izzet explosions." Crixzix ran a hand down her face, "A direct connection to the Firemind would overwhelm and destroy any normal person's mind."

Lightning crackled across Blayne's fingers and throughout his hair. Fire spontaneously burst into existence and burned out around him. An aura of bright mana was rippling around him and Crixzix turned her head in interest.

"But that's not supposed to happen." She said, scratching her head, "He should be dead by now."

"You don't suppose Niv-Mizzet actually took an interest and saved him, do you?" Tazzex said, crossing her arms and looking down at Crixzix.

"Impossible. Niv-Mizzet has no interest in anyone who doesn't impress him. Dying under the swirling glory of The Firemind does not impress."

"So what is happening then?" Tazzex asked as they watched a the gentle glow start to brighten around Blayne.



Blayne could see all of Ravnica around him. It wasn't like he was floating above the world so much as he was everyone in the world at once. It wasn't really how he imagined it. It had been described as one great city world to him, but it was more like half or two-thirds city. A great city spread in a thick band over the north and south poles of the world. A large circle on the equator of the world was still wilds. There were also pieces and bits of wilds spread all around the world.

The Azorius, where Blayne had been held prisoner, had built a grand portion of the city either floating in or above a huge ocean on the northern pole. It was an impressive construction. Going south from it, opposite the wilds, was a portion of Ravnica held by the Izzet, a grand steam works of both magic and technology. Other guild sections were spread all about the planet. The Selesnya were amid a great forest. The Gruul were in a dangerous jungle. The Rakdos resided in great mountain ranges and powerful volcanoes. The Simic lived in a great oceanic area. The Golgari held a swamp and dirty section of Ravnica. The Orzhov had a glittering and grand portion. The Boros held a heavily fortified, powerfully constructed district. Somewhere beneath all of it, Blayne felt like there was another guild, one shadowy presence beneath everything. He couldn't pin-point it, but he knew it to be there somehow.

"Who dares bathe in my glory." A god-like voice echoed around Blayne.

"I am Blayne." Blayne returned in a similar echo.

"So you are the new one to this world. Most interesting."

"I don't know how I got here either. Although I am starting to realize the truth the longer I am...wherever I am."

"You are nowhere. You are in my consciousness, seeing the world through my eyes and feeling your thoughts through my own. I am Niv-Mizzet the grand omniscient dragon."

"Why am I here?"

"You touched the orb of The Firemind. A constructed spell contained within an orb that allows it's users to forge a connection with my mind. You must've touched the orb. How do you live and still see through my mind?"