Trilogy of Tits and Terror Ch. 02


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Dave watched as it went over footage of a creepy lake. As the image cut, what could only be described as a female moan of pleasure resonated from the footage. Another load scream of pleasure rang out a few moments later.

Then the image cut to a whirling mass of female bodies. This image, to him, seemed strangely sexual. A jolt went down his dick as he his mind could pick out all the details. Long, bare legs. Flat bellies. Round, juicy, mouth-watering asses. Bare pussies. And, most notably, pair after pair of massive, round, firm tits, jiggling and bouncing hypnotically. Dave was both freaked out by these images and uncomfortably erect.

The fear side of things only returned when he heard women's voices, screaming out in pure fear, begging for help, begging to be freed.

Then, when the screen started flashing, Sarah again couldn't handle it, but for some reason, Dave could watch the footage just fine. He could see everything.

He could see a pair of pale, creamy legs spread savagely, exposing a tight, nearly bare cunt. He saw a pale, ring-clad set of fingers reach down as whoever the woman on-screen was played with herself.

He could see a round, bare ass, jiggling on screen, as now two hands reached back, rings adorning nine of her ten fingers, dig into the perky cheeks and peel it apart, exposing her asshole to the viewer. It looked clean, and tight, and devilishly sexy.

He could see an absolutely huge pair of tits on screen. Pale as the rest of her, but a perfect, sexy pale. Those same ringed fingers reached up to squeeze, the luscious, soft, mouth-watering flesh. Her pale, pink nipples were stiff, calling out to him.

Sarah's eyes were closed during all of this. Dave's were wide open.

Just as the flashing ended, words popped up on screen.

'In five days, I cum on your cock...'

Dave blinked and looked away, and when his eyes returned, he saw that some of the words had changed.

'In five days, I come for your soul...'

Dave was deeply scared in a way he couldn't explain. This video had him on edge. He wanted to stop watching, but he couldn't look away. Then, when that body rose from the lake inhumanly fast, he almost jumped out of his skin.

"JESUS CHRIST!" He called, jumping back. The body just stood there, clad in white, her long black hair covering her face. But he knew, he just knew, that this was the woman he saw earlier. The woman who had exposed herself. Finally, the video cut to black.

"I told you I don't like this kinda shit!" Dave yelled out, upset.

"Oh, c'mon," Sarah said, laughing. "It's fine!"

"That..." he began. "That's something! It ain't fine!" Well, it was 'fine', but not in the way he meant.

"Yeah, there's something there," Sarah admitted. "Something made our lights turn out. But like I said, I find it highly unlikely that our souls are in danger."

"Why?" he cried out. "If something can turn out the lights, why can't it steal my soul? Why aren't you taking this seriously?"

"Honey, I can turn out the lights... does that mean I can steal your soul, too?" Sarah asked with a raised eyebrow as she stood up.

"Well, my parents might make that argument," Dave replied, making her smile. She stepped towards him.

"I admit, I've seen some crazy shit! Stuff I can't fully explain," Sarah said. "But, I've seen plenty of warnings. And a lot of time, it's just bluster. Fear. Trying to keep you away. That's what they do." Sarah stepped up to her husband and wrapped her arms around him, rubbing his back. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I'm good at this. And I have a plan."

Dave looked down at her, still upset, but allowing himself a loving smile.

"You do?" he asked.

"Yeah, I've already linked this to another case, which has a lot of information. It's that one with the ring, and the guy that looks like you. Remember? If this is what I think it is, it's just a lost spirit lashing out. A spirit that needs to be put to rest. I'm gonna head to that lake tomorrow. I've already put out some feelers, and I've got a few ideas beyond that," she assured, leaning up to kiss him.

"Trust me... we'll be fine."


Bosley Lake was a good distance away, so Sarah got an early start. By the time she reached the area, it was around lunchtime. Eating lunch at a local diner allowed her to probe around a little bit. And yeah, the locals knew the story really well. The Ghost of Bosley Lake was a pretty well-known tale around this small, lakeside town. And what these people told her pretty much followed what she knew about the story already. This wronged girl gets killed by her jealous sister, and she haunts people to this day. Most of the hauntings and disappearances were centered on this area, but some of the rumored cases were from farther out, like her own. Some people seemed to take the story seriously, and some wrote it off as nonsense. Some spoke out about people that had actually seen the ghost, and some people were clearly telling tall tales. Some of the old-timers said they knew exactly what spot in the lake the girl drowned in, which they pointed out to Sarah.

She then went to Bosley mansion, and confirmed that it was very much blocked off by a thick, well put together fence. This sent a shiver through her, admittedly, as whoever did this did it for a good reason. As if something powerful was within. She tried not to let it affect her work, but it added a bit of seriousness to this thing, as if this whole thing might be a bit more legit than she wanted to let on. As she stood outside of it, the wind blew across the dilapidated mansion, making the supports whine and call out in an otherworldly moan.

Sarah had a handful of case files relevant to this case, about people who were rumored to have been affected by the ghost. Some were a bit of a drive away, some were close, so using this area as a home base seemed apt. There were three women who had disappeared around here that she had info on. One of them left behind nothing, no family, no stuff. Her house had been sold off, and the new buyers never met the previous owner. Her name was Joyce Wade, and by all accounts, she had fallen off the face of the Earth. The two other women had plenty in common. Both had been married, only to seemingly leave their husbands behind. They didn't live close by, and there didn't seem to be any connection between them other than the fact that they had disappeared. The husbands had been cleared of any wrong doing, and the cases were officially written off as women running away from their marriages.

But Sarah would get to the bottom of that.

"I don't know what questions you have," one of the husbands, Billy Tramone, said to her after Sarah knocked on the door. His wife had disappeared about ten years prior, and Sarah suspected the ghost. "My wife left me... that's it, really."

"Did she say or do anything odd?" Sarah asked. He shook his head.

"Where are you from, anyway?" he inquired. He was a handsome man, a little over forty, and he had probably been a huge stud in his younger years. He might have been a good guy in those younger years too, but Sarah got bad vibes from him now. She could feel him eyeing her up.

"I'm not from anywhere official," she said. "I'm investigating the Ghost of Bosley Lake, and I was looking into the possibility that your wife might have been affected." He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"My wife left me. I don't know where. That's it..." he stated firmly, on his way to getting upset. Sarah nodded, trying to soothe his anger.

"Okay, I understand. Can I just ask you one more question?" she asked.

"Look..." he began, suddenly impatient. "I've got stuff going on tonight. I don't have time for this."

"Okay. Well, then, I'm sorry to bother you then." Sarah stated, relenting. He rolled his eyes then shut the door in her face. But not before she noticed one thing.

He had a nice, big television screen.

Noting this fact, she went to drive over to the other man on file, Chase Harmon. He was a younger guy, and his wife had left him a couple years prior. Very handsome, very approachable. But when Sarah brought up his wife, he clammed up, not really interested in getting into it. He said the same thing as Billy. His wife had run off. Left him. And that was it. Nothing beyond that. He quickly shooed her away, and again, Sarah couldn't help but notice the massive flat screen TV in his front room.

Something was off here. Maybe... maybe the ghost had done something to the wife, and was sort of holding them hostage, always watching, preventing them from saying or doing anything. Sarah remembered how impatient Billy Tramone had seemed, and she wondered if something more was going on there.

Knowing it was on her way, Sarah made her way back to Billy's place as the sun began to set. She parked down the street from his place and crept up to his house. Looking through the blinds, all she could see was an eerie glow coming from the TV, lighting up the dim living room. She heard some noises coming from a back room, so she made her way around the house, peeking through the blinds into his bedroom.

On the bed was Billy, naked, and on top of him was a woman. A naked woman, with long, dark hair and pale skin. She was on top of him, riding him, bouncing roughly on him. She was moaning loudly, as was he.

"Oh God!" Billy moaned. "So fucking good!" he said, reaching up and groping the woman's massive tits. Sarah's eyes widened at their sheer size before looking away, embarrassed to have caught the fucking couple in such an intimate moment. Okay, he was trying to get Sarah away earlier so his booty call could come by. Clearly, he had very much moved on from his wife and he didn't want Sarah to know. That explains things.

She made her way back to the Bosley Lake area to her hotel to end her day. She had four days left till this countdown ended, where her soul was in danger. But that was okay. She had big plans for the next day.


Sarah pulled her car up to the lake front. People gave her odd looks as they looked at her outfit. It's not every day they see someone in a wetsuit. Opening up her trunk, she pulled out the rest of her gear. Flippers. Goggles. Air tanks.

Sarah was going for a swim.

A lot of exploring in these ghost stories involved delving into rivers and lakes, so Sarah eventually realized it might be for the best to get SCUBA certified. So... she did. And she was about to put it to good use.

Pulling up to the area that was pointed out to her the day before, she waded into the water, flashlight in hand, slipping below the surface to take a look around. The water was murky, making looking for anything difficult. It was a big lake, and it had decent depth in spots, so searching the lakebed was tricky.

And what was she looking for, you ask?

The body of Elizabeth Johannsen.

Being in the lake for this long probably meant the body had deteriorated greatly, but she had often found, in cases like this, that when the supernatural was involved, remains tended to last a bit longer than usual. So, she had some hope.

That being said, the work was pure drudgery. She found nothing in the area where she had been guided to, and she had to stop a few times out of pure exhaustion. She began expanding her search radius a bit more, exploring more of the lakebed. She was about to give up when she realized she was swimming near the area where the ghost had risen from the water in the video. Reenergized, she began searching the lakebed in this area. Still coming up empty, she was about to give up when she saw a glint of light as the beam of the flashlight bounced off of something. Swimming down and combing through the sand at the bottom of the lake, she uncovered something.

A ring.

It looked like a wedding ring. A shiny, metal bit of jewelry. It looked old, and fancy, and exceedingly expensive. Either someone had an engagement go awry, or this was something very important to her search. She gathered the ring into her palm, and was about to swim away when she saw something, making her jolt back in shock.

It was a hand.

A bony, skeletal, deteriorated hand, reaching out from underneath the lake bed. Shocked, Sarah swam up to the surface. Her head rising above the water, bobbing in the late afternoon sun, she looked around, stunned. Gathering her location in the lake, she again swam down, this time to plant a marker. After doing this, she swam towards the edge of the lake, stepping onto the shore.

Holy shit! Holy Shit!

She might have just found Elizabeth Johannsen!


Sarah reported her findings that night to the police. It took a while for a crew capable of dredging up the body to come into town, but by the next afternoon, the body had been removed and taken in for investigation.

There wasn't much to be done with it really. An examiner was brought in, and all they could really do was age the body. There was no way to identify it, but they were able to determine that it was about 120-130 years old, which lined it up right in the time frame when Elizabeth drowned. Sarah did as much as she could to move things along. Her goal was to get the body buried, to set the spirit to rest before the countdown ended. She knew a few people in high places, and they tried to influence things to get this case settled, and after the initial examination, they had nothing really left to accomplish.

With one day left on her five day danger period, the body of Elizabeth Johannsen was finally put to rest. The whole pomp and circumstance was done for her. A lot of people heard the rumor that the body they had found was Elizabeth's, and even though there was no official proof, everyone believed it, including Sarah.

And she knew it for sure.

And it was all due to that ring. When she returned to her room and cleaned it up, she was able to find an inscription on the inside of it.

'For Carrie, With Love,'

Carrie, Elizabeth's older sister. Elizabeth's killer.

So yeah, Sarah was sure that was Elizabeth.

She had solved the case of 'The Ghost of Bosley Lake.'

Sarah updated her website with everything she had found. People were responding with interest as she posted details and images of as much as she could, including the ring. Sarah liked collecting these little keepsakes, and this would be the one for this case. It was a really nice ring too. Probably worth a lot. But after going so far, and solving this case herself, she felt too connected with it to get rid of it.

Sarah called Dave and let him know the good news. He sounded very relieved that his soul was no longer in danger, and she told him that she would be back the next day.

She woke up in a good mood, and she danced around happily as she passed the point in the day where she had seen that video five days prior. Hooray! She did it. She still had her soul! She added a bit of a skip to her step at this. Her plan had worked, and she couldn't be happier.

She had won.

She was about to head out when she checked her email one last time. There, she found a message that made her stop in her tracks. A reply from an email she had sent years prior. A response from a familiar name.

Joyce Wade.

The woman who had disappeared, one who they suspected was a victim from the ghost. And the email response was from an address Sarah had contacted years back. Her email address was the same as the person who gave all those extra details about 'The Deadly Video'. She was the one who had seen everything. And now, she was contacting her.

'Please come to my house if you can. I'd like to discuss this case with you.

When you get here, please leave your phone in the car.

Joyce Wade

She left her address at the end, and finding it between Bosley Lake and home, she opted to make the drive.

Joyce's home was literally in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the forest. Sarah drove a few miles down twisty dirt roads before arriving at a small cabin. Stepping out and leaving her phone in the car, she moved towards the house.

The door opened and there appeared a woman. A little over forty, she looked a bit worn down. Cigarette hanging from her mouth, she looked over at the approaching woman.

"You Sarah?" she asked.

"Yeah!" Sarah chirped.

"You leave your phone in the car?" Joyce asked.

"Yes, of course," Sarah stated. Joyce paused for a minute, appraising her.

"Alright, come in," she said, walking inside, letting Sarah follow. The cabin was sparse. No TV. No computer. Nothing too technical. There was a kitchen. Furniture. A bookshelf. Some outdoor supplies. But that was really it.

"I heard about your story on the news at work," Joyce stated, answering her unsaid question. "I remembered an email I got sent awhile back. Wondered if it was you. Went to the computer at the library to reply. Guess I was right..."

Joyce looked like she had lived quite a bit. Sun worn, wrinkled skin, she looked older than she probably was. The smoking didn't help with that either.

"So... you started looking into this awhile back," Joyce began. "What brought you into this now?"

Sarah sat down and explained everything, how she saw the video and how she connected it with this case. Joyce eyes widened when she heard about her actually seeing the video, but she didn't speak up. Sarah explained how she found the body, and put that poor woman to rest, finally, seemingly putting an end to things. Joyce listened intently, and as Sarah finished up, Joyce snuffed out a cigarette in an ashtray and looked back at her coolly.

"Well, I think you found the right person but you've got your story backwards," Joyce stated. "You really don't know nothing at all."

"What do you mean?" Sarah asked, confused, her smile dipping slightly.

"Elizabeth was no innocent flower," Joyce began, shaking her head. "Quite the opposite. No... Carrie... that was the good one. She was the star. The apple of her parent's eye. Smart... pretty... kind... everything you could ever want. And Elizabeth... she was the opposite. Cruel. Impulsive. Evil. And, most importantly of all, she was a cheap fucking slut!" Sarah was taken aback by this, and Joyce continued. "All these were reasons why, when they had the chance to marry off a daughter to the son of the richest family in the state... they chose their youngest over their oldest."

Sarah stood in place, hanging on every word.

"Elizabeth didn't like that. Not one bit. She tried to act like everything was alright, but her intentions became clear. Six months after marrying her sister, Michael Bosley was seduced by Elizabeth. He was as nice and kind and loving as his wife, but that didn't matter to Elizabeth. And it didn't stop him from succumbing to her wiles, either." Joyce said, lighting up another cigarette. "When Carrie couldn't find her wedding ring, Michael confessed to everything. He felt regret for what he had done. He told her that in a fit of passion, Elizabeth had taken it for herself when Carrie had left it behind on her dresser. Carrie was furious, but she hid it well. She took her sister on a ride on the lake in a small boat, like they did when they were little girls."

"Carrie eventually got her to admit the truth. That Elizabeth had fucked her sister's husband. She made Elizabeth hand her back the ring, which she did. But when Carrie went to put the ring back on, Elizabeth stood up on the boat to take it back. To fight her. Her own sister. The boat overturned. They both went into the water, as did the ring. Problem was... Elizabeth didn't know how to swim. She called out to her sister for help when Carrie reached the shore, but she wasn't feeling too generous. Elizabeth drowned that day, and from that day on, Elizabeth has been a ghost, haunting people. She drove poor Carrie crazy, to the point where Michael had to leave her. They had reconciled things after his mistake, but he couldn't deal with it anymore. Couldn't deal with her. Some say he rejoined Elizabeth, in whatever way he could. Some say he died soon after. Some say he just disappeared, starting a new life, leaving it all behind. But don't get the story wrong... Elizabeth was a twisted little slut who got what was coming to her."
