Trilogy of Tits and Terror Ch. 02


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"It's been so long... don't you recognize me?" she asked before kissing his ear, her voice breathy. He winced in confusion as she stepped back slightly before speaking again. "Cause I can help you remember..."

Regaining his words, he stood up a bit taller and spoke.

"Where's my wife?" he called out. She rolled her eyes.

"She's fine..." she answered, looking up at him with an almost teenage snottiness. Confused, Dave responded.

"I want her back... now!" Dave said, putting his foot down. The ghost rolled her eyes again.

"No..." the ghost said simply. "I've waited too long to let such... trash... stand in my way."

"Give me back my wife!" Dave said angrily. But the ghost seemed unaffected.

"You don't need her anymore..." she said. "You have me. Can you help me?"

"No..." Dave replied, confused. "She's my wife. You're a... ghost."

"I'm Elizabeth..." she replied, sauntering towards him again. He moved away to the side, backing away, trying to escape her, but she just kept approaching. "Can you help me? Don't you remember?"

"What... no!" Dave announced, confused and irritated. Then, with a flash of insight, a flash of memory from his wife's excited explanation, he had a thought. "Wait... that guy in the picture. No! I'm not him! You have it wrong! I know I look like him, but I'm not. I'm Dave!" She smiled a sinister, knowing smirk.

"Haha... by the time I'm through with you, you'll be whoever I want you to be..." this ghost, Elizabeth, said, her voice dripping with malice. "You're better than him..." she replied, her blue eyes unblinking as she kept coming. Dave did his best not to stare at her jiggling boobs as she walked, but it was a struggle. "You're him, reborn. Better. You've left behind all that weakness. The indecision. You're smarter than him. You'll make up your mind long before he did. Unlike him, you'll know your true feelings long before it's too late. You should have seen him... how angry he was after I died. How he only realized then that he cared for me more than he ever did for my sister, just because of the pleasure I could give him. He spent the rest of his life searching me out. Left behind his entire life... his family fortune... just to see me naked one more time. And you'd do the same... wouldn't you? Don't you want to see me naked? Don't you want to give up everything for me? Can you help me?"

"What?" Dave said again. "No! No... I just... please... I just want my wife back."

"Yeah, I got that..." she said, biting her lip and looking away. "But first, what do you think of my ass?" With that, she spun in place in front of him, pointing her butt at him. The white material clung to her there too, and like on the rest of her, it was see-through, exposing the full round shape of her juicy, heart-shaped rear. Each cheek was delightfully firm and round, standing out from her slim frame. The material molded to her ass, showcasing its perfect shape and the divine cleft in between the cheeks. It looked nice, but now was SO not the time to be noticing such things.

"I... don't... care," he stammered, beyond confused. "Listen... I don't know what you want... I don't know what you are... but please! Bring Sarah back!"

"What I want to know is WHAT YOU THINK OF MY ASS!" Elizabeth yelled out, the room shaking from the power of her voice. Dave jumped in fear and backed up a step. He realized that angering her probably wasn't for the best. Maybe if he just went along with this weird line of questioning, he could eventually convince her to listen to him, to bring Sarah back to him.

"It's... uh... it's fine. It's a nice ass," Dave said, gulping.

"Nice?" she questioned, looking over her shoulder, staring him down, daring him not to agree.

"You, uh... fine... it's a great ass! You have a great ass!" he said, nodding, hoping to assuage her. A small smile crossed her black lips before regaining that natural sneer.

"Is it better than your wife's?" she asked, making him pause. "It's okay... you can tell me the truth..." Not wanting to make her mad, he again went along.

"Yeah, fine, it's, uh... it's better than my wife's ass," Dave agreed, without really thinking about it whether or not it was true, which it was.

"Would you have sex with an ass like mine?" Elizabeth asked bluntly, reaching back to pull up the back of the dress ever so slightly, revealing the lower portions of her round, pale, juicy ass-cheeks. "Michael loved my ass too. He couldn't get enough of it." Her ass did look REALLY good, but this was feeling more and more like a betrayal to Dave with each word he said. As a man, as a married man, this felt like he was crossing a line. But he had no choice... right?

"Uh... yeah, yeah," he stated. "I'd uh... I'd have sex with an ass like that," he said flatly, but he couldn't bring himself to fake any real passion in his words.

"How about you prove it?" the ghost woman said, dropping the garment and spinning back around, walking towards him, her big boobs jiggling lusciously beneath her water-soaked clothing. Dave's eyes were locked on her hard nipples, still clearly visible. "Let's me and you have sex... right here and now," she offered bluntly.

"Listen... I'm married," he said, holding up his hand, showing off his wedding ring. She looked right at it, eyes flashing with lust. Despite everything, this strange, aggressive encounter had him uncomfortably hard in his pants, but his mind was still very loyal.

"You have no idea how much better that makes it..." she sighed, stepping closer to him. She held up her slim, pale fingers, decorated with dozens of rings. "These were married too... each of these rings were given to women by their loving husbands. And when it came down to it, those same men realized I was far more worthy of these rings instead. You'll do the same..." she warned, and her dark confidence sent an odd thrill through his crotch. "Now, can you help me?"

What was going on? Why was this affecting him so? Yeah, she certainly had her physical appeal, but this was such a crazy situation. That kinda stuff was the last thing he should be caring about. But, with Sarah, what drew him to her was that edge in her. That darker quality that made her exciting. And this one... this ghost, this thing, whatever she was, darkness was leaking from her pores. And, despite knowing better, it had him as hard as a rock.

"Can you help me?" Elizabeth asked yet again.

"What are you?" he asked. She looked away for a moment, standing a few feet in front of him, before meeting his gaze again.

"Death came too soon for me..." she explained. "My life stolen by my jealous little sister. A full life... a pack of children... a good man, and his fortune... all of it was rightfully mine! I earned it! So... I did not accept death. No! Never! I had too much life left to live! I would not accept death's unfair deal! No... never! I've spent years in limbo, biding my time, slowly regaining my life, striking when I can, slowly getting my revenge, waiting for the right moment. Waiting for the right man. And when I find him, and we join our lives together... with his help, I could return to this place fully. To finally live the life that was stolen from me. And I think I've found that man..." she purred, looking right at him. Dave shook his head.

"I'm not that guy! I'm not! This is some mistake!" Dave stated again. "Now please... give my wife back to me."

"No..." she said firmly, sauntering closer to him. His back hit another wall, this time in the dining room. "Your wife stays put until I get what I want!" she warned him. "Now... can you help me?" She stepped up to him again, spinning so her back was pressed into his front. He winced slightly at this intimate contact. Her round, juicy ass nestled snugly into his crotch, his throbbing shaft pressing into her ass-crack. He was so stunned that he couldn't move, and she reached up and wrapped her hands around his neck, arching her back, jutting out her massive breasts in the process. Her mop of black hair was just under his nose as she looked up at him. "Doesn't this feel good? Doesn't this feel right?"

"I... I... I..." Dave stammered.

"Just give in..." she urged him. She leaned up and kissed his chin, sending an uncomfortable shiver through him. She ground her butt into his crotch, taking the words right out of him. "Don't pretend you don't like it..." she teased, pressing her ass into his rock-hard prick. "Just help me..."

Dave was completely gob smacked. This female ghost had trapped his wife within a TV before crawling out herself, and now, that same ghost was trying to seduce him. What the fuck? And it wasn't like she was an ethereal spirit. She felt like a real person. That was a real, hot ass pressing into his cock right now.

Despite himself, his head began to sway from the pressure her ass was putting on his dick. It felt really, really good. Too good.

She spun around in front of him, her huge boobs pressing into his chest as his cock pressed into her belly.

"I'll change your mind, baby..." she whispered. "And all it will take is a kiss."

Dave winced as she pressed her stomach into his bulge. All the stimulus was making him react, keeping him stiff. It was clouding his judgment, not allowing him to think straight. Those big, soft, heavy tits pressing into his chest were quickly changing his mind.

"Just one kiss... that's all I want... and then if you still want to have me free your wife, we can talk," Elizabeth offered. Obviously, this wasn't right, but on the scale of things he might have to do to change this thing's mind, this might be the most objectionable.

"Are you gonna help me?" she asked softly, looking up at him, sensing his weakening resolve. Looking away from her unyielding face for just a moment, he gave her an almost imperceptible nod of acceptance, making her bite her lip with excitement. He looked back at her as she smiled wickedly.

Eyes closed, lips pursed, his head started leaning forward slowly, for this kiss he did not want. He was hoping for just a small peck and be done with all this.

But that's not what he got.

His eyes were jarred open as he felt her roughly grab him by the sides of his head and pull him forward. The shock made his mouth open in surprise, allowing her to savagely shove her tongue into his mouth. He was taken by surprise as he was forced backwards by the rough kiss, his back slamming into the wall as she pressed herself into him roughly.

Her tongue was easily overwhelming his, working its magic. And it did feel like magic as he fell into the kiss from sheer passion, the energy of the nasty kiss sending a base thrill through the married man's body. Sarah was a fun kisser, but it was nothing like this. This was savage. This was rough. This was dark.

This was lust.

Her tongue slid along his as they kissed, sharing spit as their tongues dueled. Her aggressive kiss forced his mouth open fully as they made out, their open mouths attacking each other as they kissed like horny teenagers. He took her heated breath into his mouth as they Frenched, their lips mashed together as they fiercely went at it.

Dave fell into the kiss more and more, losing himself in the heat of the moment. His head fell down as he kissed a girl in a way he hadn't since college, savagely and lustily. His hands fell onto her hips, resting at the top of her ass as she ground her pussy against his straining bulge. And despite what he had seen before, how tempting the sight was, he couldn't bring himself to lower his hands even more. To give those round, juicy cheeks a firm squeeze. He was trying to resist the urge to do just that, but he felt his hands slipping. Sliding down, ready to feel her ass, ready to just finally give in to the lust of the moment.

With a jolt, realizing what he was doing, he grabbed her hips and pushed her back, forcing their swollen mouths to part, saliva connecting their gasping mouths. Looking up at him with lustful victory, she licked her lips. Dave stumbled away, every nerve on his body on fire with lust, energized by that filthy kiss.

"Uh... whuh... no," he panted, stumbling away from her, unable to get over that lusty kiss. His cock was harder than it had ever been before, straining for release. Begging for pleasure. Dying for pussy. He looked up at Elizabeth, fearful of her. "My wife..." he gasped out weakly.

"She isn't hear now..." Elizabeth finished. "But I am. So let's talk about me."

"No... Sarah..." he begged, backing up into his living room.

"You might be able to resist my perfect ass..." she began, stepping towards him. "But I can just tell you're a man who loves girls with big tits! Tits like mine. So tell me... do you LOVE my big tits?" she asked, sauntering towards him confidently, adding a bit of shimmy to her step, shaking her big, heavy breasts for him.

Summoning all the loyalty and love felt for his wife, Dave found his voice, ready to deny her claim.

"Yes," he admitted. "I love your big tits."

Wait... what? Dave shook his head. Where did that come from? He meant to deny her, honest. The words he spoke weren't the words he was going to say. But those were the words that came out. What the hell? He looked up at her, confused, only to see her smile.

"Like I said..." she began. "Just one kiss to change your mind."

"No!" Dave replied. "I... that wasn't me. That's not what I meant to say. You... you did something to me!"

"No, those were the words you meant to say," she replied. "My kiss just gave you a little nudge. It removed all the veils in your mind that protect you from yourself. Everything you say now is the truth. It's your heart's true desire."

"What?" He replied. It couldn't be... right? Had her kiss been some sort of otherworldly truth serum?

"So..." she began, licking her lips, turned on by the situation in front of her, knowing she could force honesty out of this married man. "You LOVE my hot body, right? You might be scared of me, and afraid for your wife, but you've already admitted how much you loved my tits, and you couldn't stop gushing about my hot ass, so it's okay to be honest now."

"Yes..." he gasped out as he shook his head no. "I love your hot body!" What was going on? This couldn't be what he really thought. It had to be some kind of trick. It was either that, or he was deeply turned on by this ghost's presence, despite her evil intentions. But which was it?

"You just want to rip off my clothes and fuck me, don't you?" Elizabeth demanded.

"Yes!" Dave admitted. He kept backing away from this evil spirit as his voice betrayed his innermost thoughts. His body hadn't been conquered yet, and he could still hold her off this way.

"You're terrified of me, but the only thing that scares you more is how fucking hot you find me... right?" she demanded.

"Yes..." he gasped out, in disbelief of himself. Was this how he really felt? He hoped not, but his throbbing prick said otherwise. His back hit another wall, this time in the living room, but he didn't move away.

"I've been doing this for years... trapping married women in the hell I've been trapped in... stealing their strength... fucking their men... and knowing that doesn't change anything for you. You're still hot for me?" she asked, moving closer.

"Yes..." he gasped out. As she got closer, he couldn't stop staring at her mostly exposed tits through her wet clothing. They looked so good! So round... so smooth... so perfect!

"The only way your wife gets out of that prison is through me..." Elizabeth admitted, stepping in close to him. "And the only way I'll be convinced is if you slide every fat inch of that married dick deep inside me and my pound my wicked cunt till I scream! Does that sound good to you?"

"Yes..." he admitted softly, still staring at her jiggling tits. Being so close to her had him going crazy. His cock was so hard it could hammer nails at this point, but the only thing it wanted to hammer was this evil spirit's tight cunt. His mind was beginning to fight back as this got more and more serious, but his body was taking over now. His raw physical desire was overwhelming logic and reason. This was so wrong but... it was starting to sound right.

"I'm a twisted little bitch! I've done a lot of bad things, and if I get back here for good, I've got some fucked up shit planned..." she admitted, stepping in close again, pushing her boobs into his chest once more. "But that doesn't matter. It only makes you want me more. It only makes you want to fill my cunt full of all that married sperm even more, doesn't it?"

"Yes..." he sighed again, wincing in pleasure due to her closeness. All her wicked words were only turning him on more, and she knew it.

"I can read you like a book," she said, grabbing his chin between her thin fingers. "Beneath this façade is a beast! You've felt it all your life..." She paused, using her other hand to grab his throbbing prick, squeezing it lightly, making him wince. "All those women you were secretly hot for, those nasty, skanky, fucking EVIL girls that you knew in high school and college. The ones that would say and do all that fucked up shit and tortured everyone who got in their way. Who fucking destroyed anyone who got in their way, for pure sport. You knew better to get close to them... but you wanted to give in, didn't you? Submit to their evil and do whatever they say. Enter their world and see what it's like on the other side. See what they're made of."

"Ugh..." Dave groaned as she rubbed his straining cock. There was dark urges inside him for sure. He had always been the good guy, the straight arrow, and part of him always wished he could just unleash and give in to the dark, sinful desires that had always been inside him. The allure of the darkness had always been there.

"Those girls..." Elizabeth began, stroking his dick through his pants. "They toyed with guys, and tortured lesser women, saying and doing stuff that would make me blush. You always defended people against them, but you just wanted to give in to them. You wanted those girls more than any other. You didn't want to fight back against them. You worshipped them! You wanted to cum on their perfect tits! To get revenge for all the fucked up shit they put people through, you wanted to fuck their tight pussies and make them scream in pleasure. Do all the fucked up shit only girls like them know how to do. If only they knew how twisted you truly are...but I know. And I bet little Miss Sarah does too. A guy like you wouldn't be hot for a girl like her unless she knows he has a dark side inside him. But she has no idea how deep it goes."

Dave's head rolled with pleasure. It was true. All of it. He had always felt that lure towards the bad girls. The bitchy, loud, evil, twisted girls who all other girls hated. The truly evil ones who sneered and scowled, whose bedroom antics were legendary. Those were the ones that occupied his fantasies. Those were the ones that filled his balls with cum.

"And that wife of yours..." Elizabeth purred, squeezing his throbbing weapon. "You think she has a dark side...haha, no. She's nothing. A pale imitation of what you truly crave. You need much more."

Again, this was true. While he did enjoy the fact that Sarah had a bit of a dark edge, she was still inherently good. And nice. Curious and friendly. And even though their sex life was very active and healthy, it lacked that sizzle of dark lust that he needed. That he craved. One failed attempt at anal does not a bad girl make. She was good, but she could never fuck him roughly into submission in the way he always fantasized about. Only a bad girl could live up to those standards.

Elizabeth leaned up and gave him a soft kiss, which he returned without thought. She kept stroking his cock through his pants wearing him down.

"But I'm all dark side, baby...and you know that..." she said, kissing him again. "So give me what I want, because it's what you want too. Hot, filthy, nasty sex, right here. And once we're done, you can have your wife back."
