Trilogy of Tits and Terror Ch. 03


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Jeff glanced at his wife, again assuring her that this demon's proclamations were ridiculous. But Kelsey wasn't done yet.

"Your little wife will be forever haunted by what happens tonight. She'll never be the same. And you..." she said, looking at Sister Marie. "You're fate will be far worse, hahaha..." she said, smiling evilly at the nun.

"Quiet, demon," Marie said, her voice shaky as she gulped.

"Yeah, the Church sent a tough one, here," Kelsey mocked. Even Jeff was slightly let down by how timid and unprepared Marie seemed. "You know what, I'm done with you for now. Let me focus on this one..." she said, looking at Alice across the room. Alice looked up at her in unison, but for a different reason.

"You're Darnessa. Demon seductress." Alice offered, trying to establish the demoness's identity. Kelsey simply rolled her eyes.

"I'm offended that you'd even confuse me with her," Kelsey said, voice dripping with teenage condescension. "Darnessa plays for the other team, if you know what I mean. You'd be more likely to find her in some bar, trying to convince straight married women to rim her asshole. You got the wrong girl. Keep trying, idiot." Kelsey mocked.

"Be quiet!" Jeff said again. He looked back at Alice, but she wasn't exactly offended. If anything, she was happy to gain new information about a demon, or, specifically a demoness in this case, so she simply shrugged her shoulders and added notes to her journal.

"Is that your big plan?" Kelsey said to Jeff. "To keep telling me to be quiet? If that's the case, I have a good idea on how to keep my mouth busy," she said with a smirk.

"Quiet!" Jeff repeated, annoyed with her lazy come-ons. But unfortunately, it was necessary.

Their main plan of attack was to figure out which demoness possessed this girl. Jeff and Alice had taken extensive notes on every demon, ghost, or specter they could find research on. And they were hoping that, by examining their notes, they could narrow it down to figure out the demon's identity. A lot of times that entailed getting the demon to keep talking and reveal more information about themselves. Luckily, most of the demons they dealt with were quite vain, so with the right push, they would happily give away their identities. So that was the couple's plan. Play along as much as they could while slowly convincing the demoness to open up, and eventually identify herself.

They'd had good luck doing this, and different approaches had worked. The one that came to mind first was this one demon who just hated women. So, the couple goaded this demon along as it spewed pure filth about Alice, running her down savagely. Eventually, once his identity was revealed, they turned the tables on that beast and conquered it, sending it back to hell. It was an encounter that had proven their strength as a couple, and Alice's strength and confidence as a woman, to withstand such vicious treatment.

This particular demon seemed very sexually driven, so the plan, in Jeff's mind, was to just let her talk, spew her filth, and expose more about her true desires. She might say some awful things, but both of them could take it, and if it meant vanquishing this evil demoness, then it would all be worth it.

"Oh, c'mon, lover. Don't be so dense. I see your wife. Does she really keep you satisfied? After a long day of fighting against the unending wave of evil, don't you just want to take your mind off things and feel good? Don't you want to rip off your clothes and just...FUCK? I know I would. And I'm not talking about that making love bullshit that your slow, dull, disgusting wife offers. I'm talking real down and dirty, nasty fucking! The kind that I could provide. This teenage body looks delicious, doesn't it? Don't you want a taste?" Kelsey asked. She again pushed her chest outward, and despite himself, he couldn't help but notice her boobs. He could swear they looked a cup size bigger than they had before. He looked away, hoping no one noticed, and as he did, a boiling anger rose up inside him.

"You are a demon from hell!" Jeff called out. "You disrespect the body you inhabit by speaking this way. By taking her body and using it for your own dark devices."

"Please, Jeffrey," Kelsey said, mocking. "This is the body of an 18-year-old girl. Even though she might act all innocent, you can't see her mind. You can't see her thoughts, like I can. She's no innocent. She just hides it well. She acts all nice and sweet, but deep down, she wants, no... she NEEDS... dirty, nasty fucking. She's an 18-year-old girl! You want nasty? You want evil? You want me to show you a place where not even Hell's worst demons would dare venture? I show you a group of 18-year-old girls."

"No... not this one! Kelsey is one of the good ones. She goes to church! She helps the community. She's pure!" Jeff affirmed.

"She's not even a virgin, hon," Kelsey stated. "If she were as pure as you say, she'd still have that oh so precious v-card. No... she couldn't wait. She, ugh... she 'made love' with the pastor's son, right after one of those church events. Like I said, there's a slut deep inside her... I'm only bringing it to the surface. She may be inexperienced, but me... well... let's just say I'm VERY experienced. I've taught her SO much already!"

"Quiet your forked tongue, demon," Marie called out, holding up her cross.

"SILENCE!" Kelsey roared, her voice purely demonic and amplified throughout the room. A dark wave of energy knocked them all back. Jeff fell to the ground, as did Alice. Marie fell against the wall, her cross falling from her hand. Her eyes were widened, absolutely petrified. "YOU ARE NOTHING! I WILL NOT BE STOPPED BY TRINKETS OF A FALSE GOD!" Kelsey screamed, her body rising from the bed slightly, held in place by the thick ropes, her eyes blazing with red light, her mouth twisted as she spoke these unholy words. The demon was closer to the surface, and it was as if they could see her red eyes. Her fanged teeth. Her forked tongue.

Her voice was beyond compare, possessing a volume and power that none of them had ever experienced. The house shook beneath her voice. Even though Jeff was normally calm, he couldn't hide the slight glimmer of nervousness as he glanced back at his wife, ensuring she was unhurt. Kelsey fell back to the bad, taking a breath and staring at the people in her room. Her chest was rising and falling, causing her now even larger looking breasts to press out against her thin nightdress. As Jeff rose to his feet and helped his wife and the nun to their feet, Kelsey spoke up again.

"Ha ha ha... you have no idea what you're against," she began, her voice dripping with malice, even though it was back to sounding more like Kelsey's own voice. "You think you do, but you don't. The fight against evil is an unending one. You take out one demon, and more simply rise up and take their place. This world is descending into sin, and you know it. You can't stop what's coming. All you can do is give in to it. Succumb to evil, embrace it, pledge your loyalty to it while you still can. Because when you fail... your fate will be far worse," she said, her voice a sinewy evil. All eyes were on her at this point as she explained how futile their fight was. But Jeff was undeterred. Picking up the discarded cross, he approached the bed.

"Be gone, demon. Go back to hell where you belong!" he yelled out, moving in close. Kelsey looked more confused than anything, giving him an odd, unafraid look as he approached. He leaned over her and pushed the cross in close to her. She looked past the cross up into his eyes.

"But you don't even know my name," she whispered, holding his gaze with hers. Before he could react, she summoned some sort of dark, demonic strength, stretching the thick ropes binding her to the bed enough to reach around his back and grab him. Before he could react, she yanked him down and jammed her tongue down his throat.

Jeff was completely taken by surprise. It happened too quickly, so he couldn't do anything to stop her, allowing her tongue entrance into his mouth. It slid against his, quickly overwhelming him, dueling with his married tongue and winning. Her plump lips slid against his as they kissed deeply, sending a thrill through him, despite everything. The whole kiss was affecting him to be honest, and he found it a struggle to pull away, both physically and mentally. Her spit slid into his mouth, mixing with his as her open mouth attacked him. It was as if her saliva was filled with dark energy, as if it was pure concentrated sin, and she was forcing him to take it. To swallow that sin and let it course through his veins. And all that sin had a curious effect on him.

It made his cock rock hard.

For a moment, he went along with this, as he was taken too off guard to react immediately, too surprised by the pleasurable kiss to realize how wrong it was. But eventually, he realized what he was doing and tried to pull away. Her grip was too tight, though, holding him in place, still forcing the kiss on him. He couldn't get away, until finally, he felt a tug on his shoulders, two separate pairs of hands trying to pull him back, to help escape the demonesses' grip. It took a few moments, but they were finally successful, pulling the husband out of the tight clinch he was in. Him, Alice and Marie fell back to the floor as Kelsey's arms returned to their place over her shoulders, held in place by the ropes that she shouldn't have been able to stretch that far

Jeff was in a daze, his head spinning. It was as if he had taken his first sip of a stiff drink, and his head was already spinning. His thoughts were a mess, he couldn't think straight. That kiss had affected him beyond just surprise, and he could practically hear the demoness's laughter in his head at how easily she had lured him in.

He ran his hand over his face, trying to clear his head. His mouth was slightly swollen from the harsh kiss, and he could still taste the sweet flavor of Kelsey's saliva.

"Are you okay?" Alice said, looking down at him. Her face was spinning in his vision, but he shook his head to clear it.

"Yeah... yeah," Jeff said, sitting up. "I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he stammered.

"No. It's not your fault! Don't worry about it. It's hers..." Alice said, glancing back at Kelsey. She was smiling smugly as she stretched like a kitten on the bed.

"Yummy," she purred. "That was every bit as good as I thought it'd be."

Alice was normally calm and reserved, even in the most dangerous of circumstances, but this made her blood boil. Not only was this an evil demoness possessing this innocent young woman, this was a woman forcing herself on her husband. She saw red.

"You will get out of that girl, and you will stay away from my husband, and me, and anyone that is good and true!" Alice called out. "We will send you back to Hell where you belong!"

"Hahaha... none of you are pure." Kelsey began. "Not one of you. That nun, that dull, weak little bitch... she's a coward. She's afraid, in way over her head, and her and her little church are liars who spread lies and false promises. Who act based on fear and deny the truth of this world! She will turn her back on everyone if it saves her own skin. And you... Alice... you're ruled by fear as well. Fear and... jealousy. You know you don't belong with him. You know Jeff's too good for you. You know you're not good enough for a man like him. You're not pretty enough, and trust me, girl-to-girl, you are definitely not. Plus, you have a flabby ass and no tits. You await the day when he realizes this. When he lets you know that what you have isn't enough for him. That he wants a girl with a killer ass. That he wants a girl with huge, jiggling tits! When you catch him in bed with a woman far more worthy of a man of his stature. When he enjoys her way more than he ever enjoyed you..."

Despite Alice's inner strength and her strong bond with Jeff, these words hit home, hitting in the deepest recesses of her self-conscience.

"And you, lover," Kelsey said, directed at Jeff. "You find yourself tempted in the way your wife fears. You find yourself drawn to these other women, despite what you tell your wife. Prettier women. Sexier women. Women with juicy, mouth-watering asses and big, soft breasts. You feel lust for these women, and you don't want your wife to know it. And you know someday, you're gonna give in. You're gonna succumb. Admit it!"

"No!" Jeff groaned, still shaken and dizzy. "It's not true!" he added, leaning against the dresser in an attempt to hide his stiff cock, still throbbing from that sinful kiss.

"Oh, your wife does have tits? Are they hiding, because I can't see them," Kelsey said, mockingly.

"Be quiet!" Jeff said firmly as Alice looked down shamefully.

"You enjoy that flabby, pathetic ass? Well, I guess I don't blame you after looking at her face..." Kelsey began.

"QUIET!" Jeff screamed, his normally calm, controlled demeanor breaking for a moment. The heat and the pressure of the dim, dark bedroom felt overwhelming. Jeff was starting to sweat. He still felt slightly off, ever since that kiss. He still felt slightly dizzy, and it seemed like his blood was just boiling. Like he was highly combustible, fit to burst. Both Alice and Marie looked at him, startled.

"Starting to hit close to home, aren't I?" Kelsey replied. Jeff glanced at his wife and shook his head, letting her know that wasn't the case. And then he looked at Kelsey, and her smug, smirking face. Even though Kelsey had stopped talking, he could still hear her smug laughter at how much she had affected him. She looked content, unafraid. As if she was fearless of what him and Alice and Marie could do to her. As if she didn't need to go anywhere. As if she was exactly where she needed to be.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" Jeff asked, through his slight daze. Kelsey studied him for a moment before replying.

"Oh, Hell's so boring," she said with a smirk. "Sometimes, all a simple demoness like myself wants... is a good man."

"Bull," Jeff replied simply. "Tell me what you're doing here." She looked at him, her large, expressive eyes looking up at his. His still showed some of that daze he was in. Hers blazed due to the demoness's presence.

"There's a war coming, Jeffrey," she began. "The corrupt have walked this Earth and proclaimed their righteousness for too long. Banished out those they didn't agree with. Those who would call them out on their bullshit. Their lies! People who upset their precious order and control. I'm a soldier... a warrior... one of many... and it's an army that won't be stopped..."

Her eyes burned with heat, and despite how crazy it sounded, Jeff could feel the truth in her words. Kelsey, or the demoness inside her, believed the words she was saying. And for a moment, Jeff could sense the gravity of what she was saying. For a moment, he felt small, like he wandered into somewhere he didn't belong. He felt insignificant, as if suddenly realizing how little he mattered in the grand scheme of things. The moment was left behind quickly, but what was left behind was a small bit of existential dread.

"Join me, Jeff," she stated softly, and for one crazy, fleeting moment, his mind flashed to an image of him and Kelsey in bed, naked, rutting like animals as she spat out pure, hellish filth that only made him fuck her harder. He had no idea where this image came from, but he couldn't shake it. He couldn't help but imagine her naked. Her lithe, teen body. Her gorgeous face. Her large, firm, succulent boobs.


Her large breasts?

With a jolt, he turned back to face his wife, who together with Marie, was consulting through their various books and journals, trying to figure out a plan of attack.

Looking around, he found what he was looking for. The photos Mrs. Cooper had given them. Holding it up and comparing it to the girl on the bed, his answer was confirmed.

"Look!" he said excitedly, pointing to the picture, showing it to the other two women. "Look at this, look at her, and tell me the difference." The two women studied it for a moment.

"I don't see anything..." Marie said, frustrating Jeff. Alice was about to speak when she stopped herself, noticing something.

"Her... boobs?" Alice asked.

"Yes. They were not as big as that when we walked in here," he whispered. "They've grown, like, three sizes since we got in here." Alice looked up at him, gauging whether to ask why her husband noticed such things. He simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Just... I mean... we all would have noticed those when we walked in," he stated.

It was true.

As all three looked at the girl on the bed, her suddenly large breasts were very noticeable. She had gone from having a flat chest to having what looked like D-cups. They strained against the thin nightdress she had on, their perfectly round, smooth flesh molding against it.

"She can transform her body! Oh, that limits it down!" Alice called out, too excited to contain herself, allowing Kelsey to catch on.

"UHHH! Finally, you noticed!" she said with a smirk. "At least I don't have to be subtle about it anymore." Then, with all three of them watching, her boobs inflated more, like balloons connected to tanks of helium. They expanded outward to obscene proportions, still full and firm, way too large for her frame, jiggling lusciously with every small shift she made. Her stiff nipples were evident beneath the thin material, which was stretched to a point where it was dangerously close to being threadbare. Her boobs were obscenely massive now, and despite everything, both the nun and the married couple were transfixed, watching this inhuman yet erotic act.

"There we go," Kelsey muttered to herself, looking down at her now massive tits. The dress had been conservative on her once slim frame, but now, with her sinfully enhanced frame, it looked indecent, showing off a cavern of luscious cleavage as her fleshy breasts poured out from beneath. Kelsey smiled, satisfied, before looking at the shocked people in front of her. "I've worked wonders on her ass as well, but that's hard to see right now. If you want to check out the handiwork, you'd have to toss me around, flip up my dress, and take a peek," she teased, raising her eyebrows.

"Here! Here!" Alice said, excitedly pointing. "Mergelin! Demoness tease with body altering properties! That's it! That's who she is!" All of them turned to look at Kelsey, but she seemed unaffected.

"Mergelin alters her hosts because she's a fat-ass, and the bodies have to alter themselves to contain all that blubber. Keep trying, you fucking moron!" Kelsey called out. Alice scowled and kept searching for an answer.

"Marie, my dear..." Kelsey began, turning her attention back to the nun, her tone sickly sweet. "Would you mind loosening these silly ropes? I would like to sex up the handsome man over there, and it would really help if I could get rid of these little ropes first..."

"W-w-what?" Sister Marie stammered. "Why would I do that, demon?" Kelsey rolled her eyes.

"Because you know your side is losing, and you're too weak to go down with a sinking ship." Kelsey stated. "You're a coward, Marie. You are weak. You are nothing. You can't stop what's coming. You see what I can do, now. You see how powerful I am. If you help me now, this can end well for you. So... how about it? Help me now, and you will be spared. I can give you so much, everything you ever wanted..."

"Q-q-quiet, demon," Marie replied, weakly.

"How about you, baby?" Kelsey asked, turning back to Jeff. "Do you mind?" she asked, gesturing towards her tied wrists.

"No!" he replied simply. For a moment, he just looked at her as she looked back at him. It felt wrong, it was wrong, but... God, Kelsey looked sexy right now. Stretched out, her lithe body in that tight, sweat-soaked dress. Most of her long, firm legs exposed. Her pretty, innocent face, now tinged with evil, a look that really worked for her. Her knowing, evil smirk was a look that was both terrifying and ball-churningly sexy. And those boobs. God, you could lose yourself in those tits. They looked so massive! And soft. That cleavage was mouth-watering. They were way better than Alice's unimpressive pair. She was better looking than his wife too.
