Tuition Time Ch. 07

Story Info
Reese, David and Mac In the Bedroom; young stud older ladies.
6.4k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 07/08/2007
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"I'm back!" The booming deep voice came echoing from the direction of the front door.

MacKenzie and I both practically jumped out of our respective skins.

I stood and turned to see David walking in to my living room. ""Wow! I thought you wouldn't be back until later this evening. Needless to say you took us both by surprise. Still feel my heart fluttering."

"Oh hell, Reese," Mac teased, "that's not because of being surprised half to death. That's because your hunky boy toy is back." She swatted my denim covered butt.

"Well, should I go and come back later?" David, my new found young lover asked.

"No!" I responded way too quickly and loudly. I tried to calm myself inside. "I mean, no, its fine. I was just being silly." I somewhat regained my more mature posture. Indeed I was the more mature one in the room, at least by age, David being twenty-one and a college senior and my girlfriend MacKenzie in her mid-thirties. They may have been acting more mature than me, the almost forty-two year old, at the moment.

"Come on over here David," Mac patted the empty cushion next to her on the couch where I had been sitting. "Come tell us abut your sweaty manly day at wrestling practice. Oh wait, you need to take that shower you were going to take when you got back? I know you enjoyed that shower with us this morning."

"Naw, I actually forgot I was going to wait and take one here again. I took one at the school gym like I always do right after a practice. Sorry." David spoke almost bashfully and shrugged his shoulders.

"Sorry! You ought to be sorry, young man. You've deprived us old women of another peek at your naked body." Mac fell back into the couch and feigned a disappointed swoon by putting the back of her hand to her forehead, "But thoughts of all those male bodies in the showers at the same time. Oh my, my. What a fantasy for a woman of our ages, huh Ree?"

"Speak for yourself, you horny broad." I rebutted. "I only need one naked male body to satisfy my fantasies." The words came out before I could think about them. I found myself staring right up at David, into those gorgeous eyes. He continued to stare back at me in silence.

"Hmmm, I see," I heard Mac's voice but continued to stare at the young man before us. "Well, I don't know about you two, but I'm hungry. How about a pizza and beer? What do you think David, pizza and beer sound good? Oh, I forgot that is a staple diet for guys that live in a college dorm, isn't it?"

I knew I heard Mac rambling, but I could only focus on David and his face, his handsome face, and that sexy grin that was forming on his sexy lips.

Then he blinked. I blinked. We came back to this world.

"Uh, yea, I mean..." David stammered. "Sure. Pizza sounds good. I never actually drank a lot of beer, what with needing to make weight for wrestling. But I could make an exception this evening." His eyes never left mine.

"Ree, where are your numbers for the pizza places around here?" I heard Mac's voice just as I was drifting off into those dreamy eyes of this young man again.

But she caught me in time, as I felt a slap against my forearm. "Reese?"

"Huh? What?" I stammered myself now.

"The pizza places, phone numbers?"

"Oh, yea, they're in the kitchen on the desk by the phone."


We sat down in the living room around the coffee table to dinner. The conversation went from simple summer weather to school and our favorite foods.

"Of course I like a good steak," David said, "but I like my salads, too. In the last year or so I've even come to like Caesar salad."

"Mmm, yea, I love a Caesar, and I like to add a grilled chicken breast." I added.

"Oh, Reese, you shouldn't have said that." Mac chimed in.

"What?" I asked, honestly wondering what she meant.

"No, dear," she said, and put her hand to her face blocking her lips from David's view and whispered, "You said 'breast'. You know your boyfriend here can't keep that bad boy in those pants of his as it is. He doesn't need any more stimulation. Then you go and talk about breasts." She winked. Of course, too, the whisper was intentionally plenty loud enough for David to hear.

"I resemble that remark." David put in his own quip just before he took another bite of pizza.

"Honestly, David, I've never seen a guy be able to keep it up and as active as you." Mac commented as she reached across in front of him for another slice of pizza. Not unintentionally I'm sure her right boob brushed across his knee. She sat back up and before the point of the triangle slice made it to her open mouth, she added, "I know you are only twenty-one but I remember my ex-husband at that age and he was never that virile."

I stared hard at Mac and she looked back at me over the slice her eyes wide and a slight shrug of her shoulders. She knew what she was doing. I gave her an evil look back.

But it was David that turned the subject back on her. "Speaking of your ex-husband Mac, if you don't mind me asking, how long were you guys together?"

"I married him when I was twenty-four." Mac initially answered, took a bite then continued on with a dab of tomato sauce hanging at the corner of her mouth. "He was a young hotshot lawyer, destined to be a partner in the firm. So I admit I originally dated him for status and he later admitted he dated me for only the great sex." Mac slinked her tongue out and licked at the red sauce on her lips. Damn, if she could only stop being sexy even eating. "Throughout all of our sexually playful years, we knew we would eventually not stay with one another. So when I turned thirty we discontinued our playing ways."

"Oh, I'm sorry." David replied, I could tell he was sincere from the almost concerned look on his face.

"Oh, don't be. He was completely focused and deeply involved in advancing his career." Mac again went on. "So it was almost three years before I was ready to date again. But after almost a year of disastrous liaisons I gave up on all men. At the same time I knew I did need a little more in my life than being a hopefully a good parent."

"Mac, you are a wonderful parent." I now added my two cents worth. "She has the most wonderfully behaved children, David. And they are a teacher's dream, too. Both so smart and they love to read."

"So you two met at school I understand." David said.

"Yes, and Reese was also the sexiest of my children's teachers I had ever met. Man or woman. Reese was so bright and professional. I remember when she and I sat down at the first PTA meeting. We sat down and talked about my Jimmy."

"Jimmy is such a handsome little boy." I added.

"So how did you two, you know, realize you both wanted a woman? You know, wanted one another?" David then asked just before he put the bottle of beer to his lips. I watched as he just held it there, hesitating, as if wondering whether he should have just asked that last question.

"Oh, I knew I didn't have time for a man anymore. No, I didn't need any more of that drama. All I wanted was for things to stay uncomplicated for a while, that and have a stress relieving orgasm now and then." Mac now had her beer to her lips and was watching David as I was.

We both saw David nearly dribble his beer on that one.

Mac eyed me over her bottle as she tipped it up. She knew what she was doing and she I knew too. She took her swig and lowered the bottle. "But where is a girl going to find that without it being with a buzzing vibrator. And no matter how good that may be, it gets old after awhile, screaming by myself in pure orgasmic delight."

David nearly spat that mouthful of beer back into the bottle at that one. But trying to look unfazed, he wiped his mouth with his forearm and swallowed. "So you found Reese." David said more than asked Mac, but he looked into my eyes.

"By then I was already feeling more comfortable being solely around women. Okay, I had been with a couple girls in college, so Reese wasn't my first adventure sexually with a woman." I caught that comment and she grinned at me. We both chuckled. "But seriously, look at her, with that long auburn hair and those dreamy hazel eyes how could I not melt into her arms the first night we were in bed together."

"Oh, shut up." I responded bashfully to her overly blatant compliment.

"What? What indeed. Just look at you." Mac, said and then reached across the coffee table to where I sat on the floor and grabbed my hand. "David, Reese here is forever playing some sport or working out, so she keeps her figure slim and very firm. Of course I don't have to tell you that I suppose, but look she may be forty-two but she can easily pass for twenty-nine."

"Oh, now you really better shut up." I smacked her hand.

"It's true. You always look good and eat anything you want. Me, I even look at food and I gain one pound after another. I'll be a blob now after all this pizza."

"Maybe a pound here and a pound there is what make you so ideal, my dear." I smiled over at David. "What do you think David? I think those scrumptious pounds have settled in just the right places like those generous breasts I'm so jealous of and, mmm mmm, that nice round sexy bottom of hers." I reached up and pinched her shorts.

"Yea, I can see that." David said just before he took another bite of his fourth slice of pizza.

I smiled at him. "Yes, that thick black hair and those dark green eyes complete a perfectly attractive package. I was seduced from that first night." I winked at Mac myself now, in fond remembrance.

"You seemed to favor my thick black hair down elsewhere if I remember right on our first night together."

"Yes, dear, I was absolutely turned on with your bushy sex." I batted my eyes my girlfriend.

"So as it came to pass, Reese and I started going out one night a week without children in tow." Mac puckered up and blew me a kiss.

"So it did." I blew her a kiss back.


We finished our meal. David had eaten half of the large pizza, while Mac and I barely made it through the other half between us. When we were done I asked my girlfriend to come with me to the kitchen.

"I'll check out Sports Center while you two are gone." David said reaching for the TV remote and relaxing back into my sofa.

Mac and I walked together to the kitchen, but I didn't get two steps into the other room when I stopped and grabbed her by the arm. "Mac, what is going on with us today?" I stopped and asked my friend and lover.

"I don't know, baby, but I do want it too. Can we just enjoy it -- just for tonight?" Mac's face was one of hesitation and desire. I knew I felt the same way, confused, curious, also downright sexy and very, very horny. Mac stretched up and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. Her lips were soft and tender as they moved over mine.

She broke away and then matter of factly crunched up the pizza box and tossed it in the trash.

"C'mon, your new boyfriend is waiting for us. Grab three more beers and let's get back in there before he turns into one of those men I used to hate dating and gets hooked on that remote in his hand. We need to give him something better to wrap his hands around besides himself."

"Stop that! You are such a slut." I said it but I also loved it and her. I went to the refrigerator and pulled out three brown bottles and walked back to her. "Here take a beer and get drunker and slutier than you already are."

Mac grabbed one of the beers with one hand then took my hand in her other. We both turned to walk back into the living room.

We both froze immediately. We found David now standing shirtless in the doorway.

"I thought you two were in here playing without me." David stood with his arms stretched up high to the top of the door frame. His long, muscular body looked even more imposing and sexy in this light.

"Don't look now, Ree, but our peeping tom is back," Mac said as she looked up at David.

"Mmm," I responded, "he seems to be dropping by rather often this weekend."

"I wonder if he's the one that's been stealing all those poor coed's panties on campus recently." Mac was on a roll with her fantasy.

"Yes, maybe it is him. I lost a very good pair of my favorite black panties recently myself. I bet you it was him." I said, trying to play along with this scene Mac was setting and be as serious sounding and looking as I could. It was tough. "Apparently he's going to keep on stealing poor girl's undies unless something is done about it."

"So what are we going to do about it?" Mac asked, keeping her straight face.

I paused and thought before answering. "I don't think it will do to call the campus police. He must need something really badly to have such a panty fetish. I think it might be best to take 'it', I mean matters into our own hands." I broke into a grin at my own obvious slutty reference.

"Sounds okay to me," Mac agreed, still holding that perfectly straight expression. "But how do we do that? After all, he's really big, uh, I mean bigger than either of us. We might have a hard time handling it, uh, I mean him."

Mac finally cracked a smile.

"I don't know, but I think if we work together, we can handle him. Four hands might be able to tame his monster, I mean this young man." I was losing the battle now with keeping a straight face and bit my cheek to keep from laughing.

"I don't know, Ree. You really think we can take it, I mean him?"

"I bet we can if we use some of our feminine wiles along with our hands, lips, tongues and oh maybe another part or two of our bodies."

"I, uh, I..." Suddenly David got tongue tied and just a bit nervous and finally lowered his arms.

"The sooner we do something, the better. He's looking like he may not last until we get our little hands on him."

"Oh hell. If you can take your shirt off I think we can too." With that Mac put her bottle of beer on the counter and crossed her arms over in front of her and yanked her t-shirt over her head. She shook her thick dark hair out and fluffed the bangs back out of her face.

Of course, David's eyes were glued to the nicely shaped big breasts exposed to his view.

"That does feel much more comfy." Mac flexed her shoulders back and her boobs lifted up ever more full and inviting. At this point I'm not sure who was drooling more, David or I.

"Okay then, your turn Reese." Mac didn't wait for me to think about it. She reached over and took the hem of my t-shirt and lifted it up over my head. "Now isn't that better?" She commented as she reached up to cup my exposed, less impressive breasts, and rubbed my nipples lightly with her thumbs.

"Mac!" I abruptly pushed her hands away.

"What? I just can't help admiring your cute nipples." Mac poked her fingertips at my extended peaks. "Don't you think they are the cutest looking things ever David?"

"Uh, yea, sure. Definitely." David still stood in his same place in the doorway, his arms awkwardly crossed n front of his stomach now, looking down at my breasts. This only caused the already tingling sensation in my aroused nipples to warm.

"I think they only rival the cute look of her pubes, as neatly trimmed as they are." With that remark, Mac abruptly reached for the snap on my shorts. She had the most devilish grin on her face and a knowing wink as she made easy work of my zipper.

"Okay lover boy," Mac said as she stood back from me and looked back at David, "they're all yours now. Get 'em down her pretty legs."

David only hesitated a moment as he looked from where my shorts were opened then back to my face. He gave me the cutest grin then stepped forward. I stumbled backwards until I leaned against my kitchen table. Now smiling down at me as I lay stretched back, he grabbed the legs of my shorts and yanked them off my hips and down my legs.

Once they had removed my pants Mac announced, "Come on, young man, you need to get comfortable, too." I watched David look first down at Mac and then over at me. Before he could react, Mac grabbed at his shorts and had him undressed, boxers and all.

Mac then stood up and held her arms open, beautifully naked. "Come here, lover," she said.

"Which one?" I quipped feely comfortable in my nakedness.

Mac came over to me and we kissed as she wrapped her leg up around my thigh. Our initial soft, gentle kisses soon became wet and noisy. I'm sure David could hear us moaning into each other's mouths.

I finally raised my head and looked down at this woman's face. "You are so beautiful," I honestly said.

"Mmmm," Mac whispered, "and this is really turning me on."

"It is huh?" I giggled.

"Yea, I've never thought of doing it with you while a guy was watching. Have you?"

"No," I said, shaking my head and leaned in to kiss her again, but still keeping one eye on David.

"Neither have I, but I'm enjoying what I'm seeing so far." With one eye opened I looked over at David saw what had to be the cheesiest big smile formed on his lips.

"Would you like to make love to the both of us now, you know together?" I heard Mac say without even looking back over her shoulder at our young male friend.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest as the thought of being with David was nearly overwhelming. It was strange, but my body was quickly reacting to the experiences I had already had with him, but it was also burning as deep in places I had not felt for some time. For a man, for a man like David. For David.

David finally spoke. "I've never actually fantasized about being with two women. I know it's hard to believe maybe, but I've always wanted to know one girl really well." I saw David looking directly into my eyes at that very moment. I could swear he was trying to tell me something.

Before I had much time to think further, Mac pressed her naked body into mine and did look over her shoulder at young David this time. "So do you not want more of a show young man? We are just getting warmed up here, stud. Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" Mac said and kissed me again as she raked her fingers up through my long hair and groaned into my mouth. She turned and bent over to grab David's boxers.

"Come on lover, let's get David worked up." And she ran down the hall.

Then everything seemed to happen so quickly and easily, as we all moved together effortlessly to my bedroom and onto my bed. The two of us girls were giggling like teenagers as we rubbed our hands up and down over one another's bodies and David's. Soon the giggles turned to moans of sexual heat, filling the room.

David sat up for a moment, his breath coming in fits already. "I, wow, I don't know what I was expecting being with two women. But I do know of all the years I've fantasized about the sight of my teacher laying naked in bed I had not thought of her with another woman. It's a beautiful picture though, seeing it in your faces, looking into each other's eyes, knowing just what the other wants. I want that."

I tore my lips from Mac's and saw David looking over at me. His face and neck was glistening with the exhilaration of his heated efforts. I could feel the moisture on my own brow and the wetness on my lips. The latter was the mixture of saliva between us two women. I'm sure I looked as if I was drooling. For once in a long time I knew I was drooling for man though. I looked David up and down. He was gorgeous.

What was this young man doing to me?

"I never thought I'd be caught in my bedroom with another woman and a student in bed with us." I said.

"Isn't that hot, David, in bed with your gorgeous former teacher and her beautiful woman lover?"

David's look, his expression, was as intense as I had seen since last night. Here both Mac and I practically had our legs spread inviting me in. In fact, about then, Mac did just that.

"Come here lover." Mac lay back on a pillow and opened her knees wide. "Come for a little dip."

David moved forward, but he kept his eyes on me instead of my longtime female lover. I could feel my heart beating so hard. Maybe I was feeling jealous for once. I could swear David could see it pounding against my chest. Something in that very moment made the act of making love to my beautiful girlfriend as incredibly sexy as it was, start to pale to the fascination and heat I felt as my young male lover made feel this morning and now in anticipation of him with me again. My head spun with this fresh excitement.