Two of a Kind Ch. 01-05


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Kainen walked proudly beside Cailan as she accompanied him to the strategy meeting. She had clad herself in armor specially made to accommodate her ever growing belly which bore the Cousland coat of arms proudly upon the breastplate. She smiled as she caught sight of Kaeden standing beside Duncan and Alistair, remembering that Cailan had informed her that he had requested their presence.

She caught Loghain's look of malcontent and matched it with the sweetest smile she could muster. Then she turned her attention to her brother, ignoring the snide tone of Loghain's voice as he greeted Cailan. She hugged Kaeden, congratulating him before greeting Duncan and introducing herself to Alistair.

"So you're the twin Kaeden's been talking about, eh? I never would've thought he'd have such a pretty sister, considering his ugly mug," Alistair cajoled, garnering a dark look from Cailan.

Kaeden guffawed loudly, "She'd chew you up and spit you out, friend. None of her suitors ever lasted all that long. So I guess you'll have to be content with my ugly mug."

Kainen blushed prettily, pretending to be a coy maiden, "Dear brother, you do me no justice. You make me sound worse than Rascal, your blasted mabari. See what torment I'm subjected to just by having a brother like him." She winked at Cailan covertly. "Besides you wouldn't want your comrade-in-arms to get the wrong idea about me."

Kaeden affectionately hugged his sister, dwarfing her as he embraced her within his spectacular physique. He stood more than two heads taller than she, making him look more akin to a qunari than anything else. His broad shoulders and barrel chest tapered to a lean waist, slender hips and powerfully sculpted thighs while his tree trunk sized legs completed him magnificently. Mirth sparkled in his blue eyes. He pulled her away from everyone else, leaned down then whispered in her ear, "Sis, if you are here with Cailan, then who is guarding the twins?"

She chuckled, "Rascal is, of course. Haven't you noticed the absence of your faithful hound? No one will get near the boys with that mabari guarding them. Plus I won't be away from them for that long. I just wanted to make sure Loghain doesn't try to strong arm Cailan again into thinking he can send me away," she murmured quietly. She turned back when she realized Cailan's voice had raised an octave.

"Loghain, my decision is final. I will stand by the Grey Wardens in this assault," Cailan waved his arms before in a motion of finality.

Loghain shook his head, "You risk too much, Cailan! The darkspawn horde is too dangerous for you to be playing hero on the front lines."

"If that's the case, perhaps we should wait for the Orlesian forces to join us, after all," the golden haired king retorted. He'd just about had enough of Loghain making certain decisions for him. He wasn't about to back down this time, not with Kainen and the Grey Wardens watching.

"I must repeat my protest to your fool notion that we need the Orlesians to defend ourselves! Besides we both know they're not coming and that horde is breathing down our very necks."

"They are coming. They are simply delayed. I have the reassurance from Empress Celene. It's not a 'fool notion.' Our arguments with the Orlesians are a thing of the past... and you will remember who is king." Cailan returned Loghain's glare while pacing back and forth before the large table set aside for this strategy session.

"How fortunate Maric did not live to see his son ready to hand Ferelden over to those who enslaved us for a century! Maric would never stand for this."

"Then our current forces will have to suffice, won't they? Duncan, are your men ready for battle?" Cailan turned to Duncan, noticing how Kainen watched intently with her brow furrowed. She stood between her brother and Alistair.

"They are, your Majesty," Duncan replied, nodding at the young king.

"I see you brought Kaeden and Alistair as I requested. Congratulations are in order for making it through your Joining, Kaeden. Bryce would be proud of you."

"Thank you, King Cailan," Kaeden smiled widely before he pulled his sister to his side in a half hug.

"Every Grey Warden is needed now. You should be honored to join their ranks," Cailan smiled at the show of affection between the siblings.

Loghain rolled his eyes, "Your fascination with glory and legends will be your undoing, Cailan. We must attend to reality."

Cailan shook his head at Loghain's tirade, "Fine. Speak your strategy. The Grey Wardens and I draw the darkspawn into charging our lines and then...?"

"You will alert the tower to light the beacon, signaling my men to charge from cover," Loghain added.

Cailan pointed to the map of the ruins before him, "To flank the darkspawn, I remember. This is the Tower of Ishal in the ruins, yes? Who shall light this beacon?"

"I have a few men stationed there. It's not a dangerous task, but it is vital." Loghain offered as his eyes flashed wildly. Kainen noticed the look upon the teyrn's face. Something struck a chord within her. She knew Loghain was planning something and she didn't like it. She had to warn Cailan. She had to do something.

"Then we should send our best. Duncan, let's send Alistair and Kaeden to make sure it's done."

"You mean I'm not going to be in the battle?" Alistair spoke up, unable to keep the whine of discontent out of his voice.

"We should be in the battle," Kaeden echoed Alistair's sentiment, but without the whine.

Duncan scowled at them both. "That is not your choice. If King Cailan wishes Grey Wardens to ensure the beacon is lit, then Grey Wardens will be there. We need the beacon. Without it, Loghain's men won't know when to charge. We must do whatever it takes to destroy the darkspawn... exciting or no. "

Alistair made a face, "I get it. I get it. Just so you know, if the king ever asks me to put on a dress and dance the Remigold, I'm drawing the line. Darkspawn or no," he rolled his eyes.

Alistair's heard Cailan's chuckle before Kaeden and Kainen injected their mirthful comments, "I don't know. That could be a great distraction."

"I, for one, would like to see that." Kainen winked saucily.

Alistair flashed a winning smile at her, "For you, maybe, but it has to be a pretty dress. As for your great distraction, my brother in arms, can you imagine me shimmying down the darkspawn line? Sure, we could kill them while they roll around laughing."

Duncan sighed while Cailan laughed at the antics of Alistair and the Cousland twins and Loghain cleared his throat, "You rely on these Grey Wardens too much. Is that truly wise?"

Cailan threw a dark look at Loghain, "Enough of your conspiracy theories, Loghain. Grey Wardens battle the Blight, no matter what the command might be."

"Your Majesty, you should consider the possibility of the archdemon appearing," Duncan spoke again.

"There have been no signs of any dragons in the Wilds," Loghain added.

"Isn't that what your men are here for, Duncan?" Cailan countered effectively, ignoring his father-in-law's scowling countenance.

"I... yes, your Majesty," Duncan nodded as a muscle in his cheek twitched.

A mage standing off to the side took that moment, "Your Majesty, the tower and its beacon are unnecessary. The Circle of Magi--," The grand cleric cut him off promptly with her snide remark. "We will not trust any lives to your spells, mage! Save them for the darkspawn!"

A growl came from Loghain, silencing everyone around him, "Enough! This plan will suffice. The Grey Wardens will light the beacon."

Cailan flashed his golden smile, cajoling everyone around him. Images of triumphant victory danced in his head, "Thank you, Loghain. I cannot wait for that glorious moment! The Grey Wardens battle beside the king of Ferelden to stem the tide of evil!"

Loghain turned his back to the table and the people gathered. A secretive smile graced his face, "Yes, Cailan... a glorious moment for us all. Now I must get my men ready for the battle." He walked away, seething and determined to put the young glory-hound in his place.


Kainen dragged Cailan back to the royal enclave. Ill feelings washed over her, screaming at her that something was wrong. She knew that something didn't feel right. Her gut instinct told her Loghain wasn't about to follow the battle plan. She had to make Cailan see that. Somehow she had to keep him out of the battle. Different possibilities on how to make that happen zoomed through her mind. She had to make sure he was seen on the battlefield, but wasn't actually there.

As much as she wanted to express her fears, she didn't want to let him know what she was up to. She grabbed the bottle of his favorite brandy, poured it into a snifter then added a small vial of a sleeping draught she occasionally used to help her before she handed it to him, "To victory!" She toasted him before taking a sip of the amber liquid, feeling it burn as it slid down her throat.

She watched Cailan drink his before setting the glass aside. He embraced her tightly, flashing his devil-may-care smile before placing a tender kiss upon her lips, "To victory," he echoed.

"Perhaps you should rest for a few minutes before the battle," she suggested. "Lay here with me. Let me take care of you." Kainen coaxed him to the bed, drawing him in with a wink and the alluring wiggle of her hips.

Cailan followed, crawling in beside her, "Temptress, how can I resist such an offer?"

Kainen's heart fluttered wildly in her breast as he pulled her into his embrace, dipping his head to capture her lips with his. For a moment, she drowned in his golden eyes, and then very gently he began to kiss her, tenderly at first, then as she responded, he plied her with a firmer kiss, warm and sweet, long and skillful. Kainen slipped hers hands free, allowed them to brush upwards, tracking the contours of his armored arms and shoulders until she could wrap her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss even more. She flicked her tongue against his, and was rewarded by the feel of his arms tightening around her back, pulling her body against him, making her more aware than ever how potent her desire for him was.

"Have you any idea what I'd do to you if there wasn't a darkspawn horde ready to wipe us all of the face of Thedas?" Cailan grinned before resting his head against her chest. He closed his eyes, relishing the feel of her beside him. Never was there a luckier man than he.

Kainen pushed her hands up into his hair, softly stroking, knowing the draught was taking effect. Soon he'd be out cold and she could put her plan into motion. She doubted he'd wake up before dawn and by that time she'd be able to convince him that what she'd done had been for the best. It all hitched on one simple aspect, though. She had to make the gathered army think that Cailan was indeed leading then. She didn't know how easily someone like Duncan would be fooled, but she hoped her plan would work.

Judging that Cailan had dropped off into a deep sleep, she stripped him of the golden mail he wore, leaving him wearing his smallclothes. Then she poked her head outside of the tent, sizing up a few of the guard stationed outside. Focusing on a young man whose height and build was very similar to Cailan's, she called him to her, letting him into the tent.

"What's your name, soldier?" Kainen asked, looking him up and down intently.

He flashed an odd look at her, noticing a passed out Cailan on the bed. "My name is Ser Garel, my lady."

"Garel, I need you to do a great service for your king and country. I also need you to trust me in this matter," Kainen stated. "How competent are you with a large sword?"

"I'm a knight in His Majesty's service, my lady. I've trained with many weapons. Wielding a sword like that one would be of no consequence to me. What is this about?"

"I need you to don Cailan's armor and take his place on the battlefield. Wear his helm and make sure no one sees who you are. Trust me when I ask this great honor of you." Kainen told him handing the golden breastplate to him.

Ser Garel blanched, "That's treason you're talking about. If I'm discovered, I'll--."

Kainen cut him off, "You have nothing to fear. I will take the blame for it all. I'm doing this to uphold Cailan's honor. He is your king and I fear someone has done something to him. He came back from that meeting with Loghain and sought his bed. I haven't been able to wake him. You must help me. Please, there's no one I can trust besides his personal guard. All I need you to do is make an appearance before the troops. Don't talk too much and never raise your helm. When you do speak, make sure it's short commands. I'd do it myself, but there's no way anyone would believe I'm the king."

Ser Garel stroked his chin before taking hold of the armor piece she held out to him, "Very well, my lady. It would be my honor to serve in his highness's stead."

Kainen turned away as he stripped off his massive silverite armor, donning the golden mail which was synonymous with Cailan. She helped with buckles he could not reach. She gave a nod of approval before he placed the golden helm with its flowing purple plume on his head, covering his face completely. "You look like the real deal. Now say something. Don't lift the visor, though."

Ser Garel deepened his voice a tad to match the timbre Cailan's had, "To glorious battle!"

"To glorious battle," she echoed, winking at him approvingly. "Now go kick some darkspawn ass!"

Kainen all but pushed him out of the pavilion tent, "Be safe, and know that I'll be waiting for you to come back to me." She noticed Duncan walking toward them. "Duncan, do take care of my darling Cailan. Try to keep him focused. He told me he's too focused on defeating this epic evil to make any speeches."

Duncan chuckled, finding it hard to believe that the impetuous Cailan Theirin would be focused. A muscle in his cheek ticked, "I'll do my best, Lady Cousland."

"My sincerest regards concerning your safety go with you as well, Duncan."

Duncan chuckled, "You are too kind, my lady." Then Duncan and 'Cailan' walked away, heading for the battlefield down in the valley. Kainen took a deep breath in attempt to calm her frazzled nerves. She quietly beseeched the Maker to forgive her trespasses against Cailan and Ser Garel. Somehow she knew she'd never see either Ser Garel or Duncan again and knew her decision had been the right one. If it saved Cailan's life, she would risk everything.


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jonnar01jonnar01over 13 years ago
Interesting Twist, Well Written

Nice re-take on the Dragon Age story with interesting new character (or two!), and plot twist on an established one. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this!

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