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"Tainted one."

She crawled slowly to the other room. I can't bear it, she told herself. I can't look at it. I don't want it to look at me. I can't...

When she was in the study she felt her stomach loosen slowly. She tried to catch her breath over and over. She wanted to cry again. Something was wrong. The bar. The trip. Something. She could hear whispering around her. A hundred voices whispering to her.

She pulled herself up on the large desk dominating the room. The charred wood in the fireplace behind the desk took her breath away. The dream. The bar. The man with no face. She remembered.


On their last trip, on the way back to the hotel from the bar, she stopped beside a small run-down building. An old man sat outside on a stool, smoking a cigarette with stained hands. He watched her stop while he took a drag from his cigarette. Something about him bothered Elizabeth but she couldn't figure it out and she was too drunk to think hard enough. Her friends took no notice and kept walking.

The old man blew out a cloud of blue smoke toward Elizabeth. "Help you?" He asked her.

"No. No, I doubt it." She told him.

He tilted his head slightly and blew another puff of smoke. Slowly, he stood and walked toward the door of his building. He turned to her and motioned. "Come." He said. He was even shorter than she was.

Elizabeth swayed for a second and placed her hand on the wall next to her. The old man left the door open for her and she could see a flickering flame inside. She turned to look for her friends but they were already gone. She turned unsteadily back to the old building and took a step. Shrugging, she walked inside and closed the door.

The old man sat at a plain wooden table. There were shelves around him with jars of different shapes and sizes. The flickering light made it look like some of the jars had living, moving things in them. In front of the old man was a small saucer full of a thick copper liquid. He was slowly stirring the liquid with the index finger of his right hand. There were no other places to sit and the floor was made of packed dirt. The old man stared at her and she hugged her chest, shivering. The open fire in the corner of the room was not warming her up. The smoke was thick and only a small hole in the roof helped to lessen it.

She found she was more sober than she'd like but couldn't understand why she was in here.

"Because I told you come." The man said. She blinked stupidly at him. Did she talk out loud?

The man stood and walked around the table to stand in front of her. She took a step back and stopped. She was 5'4" but he was at least three inches shorter than her. A single drop of that thick liquid dripped from his finger to the ground, congealing in the dirt.

He slapped her with his left hand. It was so sudden and unexpected that she opened her mouth in shock. Automatically her hands went to her face but he grabbed her left hand and pulled her down hard. He was small but so strong. She fell to her knees in front of him.

"You mine." He told her as he drove the sharp point of his right index fingernail through her left hand, pining her to the ground. Elizabeth screamed and beat at this small man but couldn't move him. Her left hand and arm were on fire. She convulsed with the pain.

With his left hand the man reached behind and grabbed her short, black hair pulling her head up.

"Pretty little stupid bitch." He told her. "You make yourself mine." She couldn't breathe. She tried and tried again but she couldn't breathe. Now her chest was on fire. She looked down with her eyes and saw the veins of her left hand turning black and tracing up her arm. She couldn't even feel the left side of her body any more.

A thin "Eeeeeeeeee..." sound escaped her lips before the man slammed her face into the ground. He pushed her onto her back with his left hand while keeping her pinned with his right. She tasted dirt, blood and death in her mouth.

"Now I make new." He told her in his strange accent. She couldn't move her body. She couldn't feel anything except the pain in her face. Her vision blurred. One look and the man had no face. Another look and he was covered in tattoos. A third and he was the old man again. The man took his left hand and she saw how sharp the nails were - like no normal fingernails. He placed his index finger near her neck and drew it down. Her clothes separated easily down the middle.

She was in pain and ashamed of her nakedness but he wasn't interested in her that way. He took his left hand again to just below her neck. This time, he pushed into her skin. Blood welled around the fingernail, thick and red. She wanted to scream but her mouth wouldn't work. She could move her eyes and she watched as he dragged that finger down her chest to her cunt. The flesh separated like paper, blood pouring out of the cut.

The last thing she remembered before passing out was his hand going into her chest and a sudden bright flare of pain.


No. No, no, no, no. She told herself, over and over. This can't...

Her left hand was twitching. She stared at it. At the small hole in the middle of her hand. The hole that wasn't there before. She grabbed the edge of the desk and cried out. The veins in her left hand were turning black. Her body shook and a wave of heat passed over her. Hot, so hot. After feeling too cold all day she suddenly felt like she was standing at the edge of a furnace. She wanted to rip her clothes off but she dared not let go of the desk.

Sweat beaded on her forehead. Two drops ran down and found their way into her eye. She blinked and cursed as it stung. The hair on her arms were standing at attention. She watched the sweat well up from hands and arms, making little rivers as they rolled down and dripped on the desk and carpet.

Her chest was on fire and she heard a roaring in her ears. The white blouse turned damp and heavy on her small frame, her sweat soaking it until drops leaked from the fabric any time she moved. Her chest heaved and she heard the whine of fabric stretching. She couldn't breathe. Couldn't breathe. She reached for the top button of the blouse and fumbled, pulling down. It was so tight against her. The button pinged and shot across the desk. She still couldn't breathe. The next button came off more readily and the three after it. She threw the blouse off of her and heard it splat against the wall, sweat flinging against furniture and books.

Her breasts were straining the bra and digging into her chest. The tops of her breasts were half out of the bra and at least three times their normal size. She was barely an A cup before but now she was a C cup and growing. Her nipples poked out above the bra and were the size of a dime. Her aureole were darkening to nearly black and growing larger as her breasts grew. Trying to reach behind herself to unhook the bra was pointless - she didn't have the motor control she needed to do it.

With a shuddering moan she grabbed the front of the bra and pulled. And pulled again. And pulled a third time, finally breaking the fabric in half. Her breasts flopped out of the broken bra and she let out a deep breath. Now she was D cup and the nipples were the size of a nickel. Sweat from beneath her breasts trailed down her hardening stomach.

A line of thick, clear drool ran from the corner of her mouth to the desk. She coughed a barking sound and felt her jaw break. Now blood and drool was running from the corner of her mouth to her chest. She tried screaming but her tongue didn't work right. She lost vision in her left eye and then her right eye as a line of fire traced its way from her mouth up to the top of her nose. When her eyesight returned she could see her nose pushing out from her face as it flattened. Her jaw lengthened, cracking and splintering as it did. She felt the curious sensation of her teeth scratching against the bottom of her tongue. As her mouth pushed out, it enveloped her lengthening tongue, pulling it into her new mouth. The last two inches hung at the corner of her mouth and she panted like a dog with the effort and pain.

As her jaw moved, her ears shifted. Everything was drowned out in a sudden high-pitched whining noise before the world went silent. All she could hear was her heartbeat and ragged breathing, as if at the bottom of a deep, empty lake. She felt an itch start deep inside her ears and growled when it turned into the feeling of an ice pick being shoved deep into her brain. She slammed her ear on the desk and rubbed, over and over, from one ear to the other. She tried working her new jaw to alleviate the pain but nothing helped. The bones in her ear canal broke and moved closer to the top of her head. Cartilage reformed the ear into a rounder, hooded shape. She ground her teeth against the feeling but her hearing suddenly returned after heard a loud popping sound.

Her breasts were now double-d cups and still growing. She could feel them against her as she leaned over the desk. Her new large nipples were erect and hard and she found herself rubbing them against rough areas on the desk, gasping at the feelings in her pussy and legs. The pleasure mixed with pain and she found herself growing wet.

Elizabeth dragged her left hand down the desk to rub herself but stopped when she saw it. Fine black hairs dotted the top of her hand and thick black claws had replaced her index and pinky finger, cutting lines down the wood of the desk. The two fingers were thicker, larger. As she watched, the fingernails from the other fingers slid off. The hand jumped and spasmed uncontrollably, black veins standing out. With a pop, her thumb shortened but thickened, looking odd against her small hand. From the tip of the thumb, a jet black point pushed through the empty flesh where her fingernail used to be. It pushed out further and further until finally, a new thick claw was in place. Her other fingers followed shortly after, massive sausage fingers on her tiny hands.

An acrid scent filled her new nose and she watched thin streams of smoke curl around her fingers where the claws touched the wood of the desk. She tried to snatch her hand away but her claws flexed and cut deeper into the desk. Small crackling noises preceded her hand growing larger, fitting the fingers. Black hairs were growing slowly from the tips of her fingers up to her shoulder. She felt like an army of ants or spiders were digging into her flesh. She jerked her arm over and over and came away with a chunk of the desk, still attached to her claws. The hair was growing thicker, hiding her flesh behind a pure black carpet of fur. She slammed her hand down and heard the desk crack, the small piece of wood in her hand splitting apart.

"FUCK!" She screamed. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Beneath the thick hair her arm was growing. Hairs rippled as her forearm muscles thickened. She leaned back into the desk as fire burned along her left side. Her bicep bulged and she jerked her arm without thinking, turning the heavy oak desk ninety degrees with ease. In seconds, the fur of the arm was matted with sweat.

Her face slammed into the desk as her back spasmed. Again and again she was jerked back and forth until her cheek was numb. The fire from her arm had moved into her back. Skin split and healed, briefly showing her spine as the muscles along her back grew at an explosive rate. She almost blacked out from the agony of it. She roared, loud and long and almost bit her tongue off when a new spasm wracked her body. Ridges of muscle lined her back, slick with sweat. The borrowed skirt was straining against her hips. A smattering of color turned into small black and orange hairs growing along the new skin. She wanted to turn over and rub her back over and over against the edge of the desk but couldn't control herself.

With a loud crack, her pelvis struck the desk hard. She closed her eyes and set her forehead against the desk, wishing the pain to be over. Glad to have at least this small control of her body, she rubbed her muzzle against the desk over and over, savoring the feeling. Another crack and she stopped moving, focusing and thinking of something, anything other than the small of her back. She felt like someone was slamming her back with a hammer and then pulling the skin with tongs.

A bulge formed in the back of the skirt. Slowly, the bulge moved down, caught in her wet panties. She felt it move against her ass, alien flesh against flesh. It was burning hot and slick against her. As it moved, it found the leg hole in her panties and slid out, slowly growing. Her panties tightened, digging into her sopping wet pussy. She shuddered and moaned as the thin material was pulled in-between her pussy lips. The tail was growing fatter and she felt the edge of the panties cutting into the new flesh.

"Ohhhrrrr goooooorrrrr..." She moaned through clenched teeth. She ached to rub herself, to plunge her thick new fingers in and out of her cunt.

The rounded tip of the tail emerged from the hem of the skirt, twitching slightly side to side. Muscles expanded on the new appendage and the panties finally tore, causing her leg to jump as it rasped against her. The short growth of tail sprang up, lifting the back of her skirt as it whipped around. She could feel it. She could feel the tugging on her back and spine as it moved. The way it felt against her ass excited her - slick, wet flesh against her. She thought of all the dicks she'd never had. Had images of them pounding into her from behind. Her short tail flexed down and against her, rubbing between her ass cheeks, just shy of her pussy. She whimpered.

The tail continued growing and rubbed her as it did. She almost forgot the pain of it is as the thick skin bulged into her pussy. Her body jerked. She could feel the small hairs growing on it - feel how different it felt against her hot, wet pussy as they grew. Orange and black bands of fur grew along the tail. As the it lengthened, new skin showed between the fur only to be quickly covered by the growing hair. She felt it sliding against her and wanted it deep inside. Instead, it coiled along her trembling leg, wrapping itself against her. The fur grew thick and long on it.

She almost reached a hand to her clit before her knees slammed into the desk. She felt one of her shoes break apart - heard the small snaps as the threads popped at the sides. Her left foot was out of the shoe and growing, lengthening from heel to toes, the arches of her feet cracking. As the foot grew, the big toe pulled away and up the side of her foot. She was pushed forward on the desk as she went up to her toes.

The front of the right shoe tore apart as black needle-like talons separated the thin fabric. The claws of her foot dug into the carpet and through the floor. Her foot expanded, popping seems along the side of the shoe. As the big toe of her right foot was pulled up, the top of the shoe ripped into pieces around her foot.

Elizabeth noticed her right hand growing and popping as the fingers grew and claws popped out of the fingertips. She tried to focus but her ass distracted her. She felt something shift and suddenly her thick tail plunged deeper into her now larger pussy. Her ass was growing - clenching and unclenching as it grew. She jerked on the desk. The skirt popped, free at last, and fell to the floor to join her wet panties. Where she had no ass before she now had a large, rounded full ass. The base of her tail nestled against the top of her ass checks. Trails of thick pussy juice slid down her legs and caught in the fur of her tail, still wrapped around her left leg.

The moan coming from her throat was husky. Her long tongue licked her muzzle. Pain was fading and being replaced with pleasure.

And hunger. Before she'd been starving and now, with all of the changes she felt like there was a cavernous hole where he stomach used to be. Her tits, now sized F, flattened against the desk. She felt her face itch and crossed her eyes to watch white, orange and black hairs sprout on her muzzle. Thick white hairs pushed through the skin around her nose and mouth, growing longer and longer until they were at least five inches from her face. The orange and black hair continued to grow down her neck, between her breasts and down to the cunt - alternating black and orange. Through the burning smell of the wood she smelled her own scent - a musky odor that smelled of sex, sweat and grave dirt.

Fur fanned out along her back and covered her skin, meeting the hair growing up from her tail. Dark black fur grew along her wet pussy and out into a tuft, longer than the fur of her stomach. Her legs vibrated and twitched, hair growing down to her feet. She was massive - over seven feet tall and wider than any football linebacker. Except for her legs - her legs were still the small legs she had before except for the bands of fur covering them.

The pain was almost completely gone from her body until she felt her legs vibrating. She heard multiple cracking and popping noises and suddenly had to hold onto the desk as her legs went numb. Bones in her legs broke, lengthened, broke again and reformed. Muscles tore over and over, breaking the skin of her leg as it did her back. New fur quickly grew in place as her thighs grew in thickness and her calf muscles bulged. Her tail unwrapped itself from her leg and moved behind her, lifting slightly in the air. Sweat and pussy juice dripped off of it to the floor. She could feel it to the tip of its length.

Elizabeth stood - seven feet, ten inches of muscle and death. Her left hand, arm and shoulder were a pure black fur. The tuft of fur around her cunt was a slightly light black but the rest of her body was banded in orange and black. She moved her arms in circles, flexing and unflexing her hand. Her thumbs were shorter than they should be and there was thick black padding on the bottoms of her hands. Her tail moved behind her as she shifted her balance on her feet, standing on her long toes. Her black tipped ears swiveled independently, tracking sounds she wasn't paying attention to as she stared at her new body.

She made a circuit of her mouth with tongue and found only jagged sharp teeth. Her gums were black and the tip of her flat nose was an outline of pink. Her pale gold eyes shone out of a massively wide face covered in orange and black patterns. A slightly thicker ruff of fur covered her neck and the tops of her shoulders.

Her breasts and nipples were covered in a thick fur. She explored them briefly with her hands, tweaking her nipples. Her right hand dipped down and inside her pussy. It took a moment to find her lips with her new body and hands but she was wet and larger, her fat finger slipped inside easily. She growled in pleasure and then pain as she cut herself inside. She pulled her finger out to stare at the slick wet liquid and dark red blood. Her ears flattened against her head as she sniffed and then licked her hand clean. The taste of the blood was intoxicating and reminded her how hungry she was. Her stomach was suddenly wracked with pain and she made the barking cough sound again, growling as she spit a large wad of black and red blood on the carpet. Her tailed lashed behind her.

She doubled over in pain, thudding to the floor. Her hands rubbed her huge, rock hard stomach over and over as she clenched her teeth in agony. She had to eat. Soon. Food smells came from the kitchen and she forced herself to stand. Food. Susan would have food. She could eat.

A few steps carried her to the kitchen. Her tuna was still on its plate. She leaned over, not bothering with hands and took the large piece directly in her mouth. She chewed a few times before spitting it out. If anything, it tasted even more vile now than it did before. She roared with anger.
