Unexpected Passions

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She falls in love with her guardian.
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She ran faster across the wet grass, her breath a white mist in front of her.Where is he? Why hasn’t he come yet?

She could hear the heavy pounding of footsteps behind her, catching up. She urged her sore legs to carry her faster, but they only seemed to slow. Her feet felt like lead and her legs screamed with pain each time that she bade them go further.

The footsteps behind her slowed as she did, and a gruff chuckle broke the night’s silence. Her feet slipped under her weight and she fell onto the grass. She glanced up and tried to get back to her feet, only slipping more and crying out in pain.Help…

“Well, ya gave me a good chase, love. Wish there were more like you out there,” The voice sounded in her ear as heavy hands lifted her to her aching feet. She struggled feebly against his rough hold.

“Ah, it’s not use fighting. I won’t hurt ya… much,” he guffawed loudly and began dragging her back the way they had come. His arms were thick and more muscle than she had judged at first glance. He was a huge man, but she hadn’t counted on him chasing after her for as long as he had.

“A mouthy little bitch like yourself should work out more often. Then maybe you might be able to run away after you talk your shit.” She grunted as he threw her against a tree. His breath stunk of alcohol. His stomach pushed against her as he lowered his face to her hair and sniffed at her.


The man groped roughly at her breasts and forced his knee between her legs. She whimpered helplessly as she felt a hot tear roll down her cheek. Her back arched against the tree and she could feel the bark scraping at her pinned arms. She closed her eyes and willed her thoughts out to Merrick, begging him to hear her.

“Here we go, then,” The man had unzipped his pants, and hers as well. He had one strong arm pinned against her throat and the other working her pants down her legs. He ripped open her shirt and suckled at her breasts as he worked. She kept her eyes closed and waited for the man to finish his assault. Her mind raged as his probing fingers and roaming mouth molested her.


The quiet voice commanded obedience. It was low, with a hint of an accent that she had never been able to place.

The fingers left her and the weight of the man lifted from her. She opened her eyes and could not help but sigh in relief, but it lasted but a second when she saw his wounds.

Merrick stood, his tall body wavering slightly in the wind. His black hair was loose and hung down his back. Blood dripped from his mouth and nose, his hands were balled into tight fists at his sides, blood dripping from them as well. His dark eyes were fixed on the drunken man with hatred. He moved forward.

“Now who are you?” The man approached Merrick with a smile and disregard for his semi-nakedness. “Doesn’t look like you should be picking fights anymore tonight, friend. You’re already pretty roughed up, aren’t ya?” He guffawed again.

Merrick pulled a thin silver blade from his jacket pocket and smiled slightly as it sliced through the man’s jugular. There was no sound except the dull thud of his body as it hit the wet ground.

She sighed again, slumping to the ground and panting softly. “You’re hurt.”

A black leather jacket was handed to her and she wrapped it around herself, covering her bare chest. Her shirt lay in ruins and her pants were badly torn. Her body was sore from struggling and she could hardly stand.

“Let me help you,” Merrick lifted her and began a slow pace further into the woods. She leaned against his chest and could smell blood all over him. She let her eyes drift closed and sank into the safety of his arms.

When she awoke again, she was laying in her bed. A few candles lit the room and the heavy curtains were opened to let the moonlight seep in. She turned her head slightly, looking for Merrick. He sat in a chair in the corner wrapping a wound on his arm. The blood was gone from his face and his black hair hung in strands before his eyes. He glanced up and smiled in approval as she sat slowly.

She pulled the sheets around her instinctively, but need not have. Merrick had not undressed her at all, but instead kept his jacket around her and just let her rest. She pushed her dark hair off her forehead and cleared her throat, rubbing at it gently, feeling the bruises there.

“You cut it close this time,” She said to him, watching him dress a deep cut on his leg now. She looked away as a strange heat crept up her body from seeing his muscular thigh flex under his ministrations.

“I was slightly occupied. I am sorry,” He looked up from his work and tilted his head a bit. Was she blushing? He shook his head and sat back, glancing out the window next to him.

She got up and walked precariously to her closet. “I’ve never seen you this badly wounded. What were you fighting?” She pulled deep red robe out of her closet and set it on the bed.

He stood, sensing that she was preparing for a bath. “Another vampire. She’s dead now.” He grinned as he recalled her blood coursing down his throat as he drank her. Her body had been cool marble in his hands and he was going to satisfy his other needs until he heard a cry for help.

“Well, that’s good,” She was staring at him, her mouth open slightly, her hands gripping his jacket. She couldn’t take her eyes off him for some reason.

“Are you alright?” His calm voice forced her to look away. His dark brows were drawn together in concern. He took a step towards her, but stopped as she backed up.

She shivered inwardly. “Yeah, I’m alright, I just need a bath. Will you excuse me?” She didn’t wait for his answer; she turned on her heel and grabbed the robe before hurrying to her bathroom.

The water steamed hot as it filled up the tub. She sat on the edge, testing the water with her finger. Satisfied, she stood and carefully undressed. She brought the jacket to her nose and inhaled his scent, sighing softly and holding the jacket to her.

Her cat, Murdoch, had crept in and was wrapping himself around her legs, mewling at her for attention. She snapped out of her reverie and looked down at the fat white cat, then dropped the jacket onto the floor, shaking her head and lowered herself into the tub, shooing Murdoch away from the tub. He curled up on the jacket and purred loudly in his sleep.

What is going on? Why are you acting like this? Merrick has been your protector since you were a child. You’ve never felt like this before…this want, this need. He’s a vampire, for god’s sake! He’s a killer! He’s only here as payment for daddy saving his life. Stop being stupid, you’re just exhausted. You need to sleep.

Her heart raced as she leaned back against the tub and let the hot water wash over her. She spread her legs and winced as the water caressed her. She closed her eyes and ran her hands over her swollen breasts. That man had kneaded his knuckles into them and they were tender to the touch.

Her mind wandered as she felt her own heated skin beneath her hands. She smiled lazily as she imagined Merrick’s hand grazing her thighs and running over her stomach. His mouth on hers, his body pressed against hers, moving in and out of her languidly. She arched her back and moaned lowly as her fingers sought to relieve the craving inside.

“I can smell you,” Merrick whispered as he watched her pleasure herself. He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. Her female odor was wafting off her and mixing with the steam, it all but called him back up to her. He licked his lips as she arched her back. Her supple breasts surfaced and shook as she gasped at his intrusion.

“Merrick! What are you doing here? Please, get out!” She reached for her towel, but his hand shot out and stopped her. He leaned close to her and breathed her scent. It was nowhere near as animalistic as the drunk man’s sniffing had been.

He stood up, drawing her up with him. He looked her over, following the trail of water that flowed down her lithe body. He swallowed thickly, still gripping her wrist.

“What…” Her voice trailed off as she looked into his eyes. She had only seen them this red when he was fighting, right before a kill.He’s finally going to kill me, be rid of me.

He tugged gently at her and led her back into her room, his ears pricking at the sound of the water dripping off her. His whole body shook with hunger, more than hunger for her blood, but the natural hunger of a man for a woman.

He turned to face her as they reached her bed and was shocked to see the look of fear on her face. She was trembling and blushing deeply. Her free hand was attempting to cover her breasts, but as she saw his gaze, it dropped to cover her lower parts.

“Why are you shaking?” He asked her as he let go of her wrist. He moved closer to her and hesitated as she back away again. “Shh…” He pulled her to him and she didn’t fight.

“Are you going to kill me now?” She whispered, keeping her eyes averted, trying to suppress the heat that was taking over her body. She could feel electricity everywhere he touched her, and she wanted more.

He laughed, and kissed her forehead. “Of course not,” His hands slid down to rest on her hips and he stepped back again. He had noticed her beauty before, but passed it off. He had sworn to look after her and he had done his duty. But tonight, he needed to know what she felt like, what she tasted like. He wanted to hear her moan in pleasure and feel her tightness wrap around him.

She was watching him again. She could feel wetness dripping out of her and could no longer control her need for him. She cast aside any doubts she may have had and leaned up to kiss him. She sighed against his lips as they made contact.

He was taken aback by her boldness, but quickly recovered and pulled her to him, loving how her breasts pressed against his chest. Her lips were soft and warm, much different than the vampire women he’d slept with. He nudged her lip with his tongue, silently asking for entrance. She obliged and parted her lips, massaging his cool tongue with her own, letting him support her weight.

Merrick broke their kiss and moved his mouth down her neck, nibbling gently on her earlobe. He moaned in anticipation as she began unbuttoning his shirt. He lingered near the hollow of her throat as she pushed the dark silk off his shoulders and moved her small hands to his pants.

She chuckled nervously as she worked at the difficult button. She could feel his hardness pressing against the pants and she desperately wanted to release it. All her inhibitions were gone, melted by the heat in his kisses and the sparks from his touch.

A groan escaped his lips as she finally got the pants undone and let them fall to the floor. He smiled at the grin on her face as his manhood sprang free. At the touch of her warm hands to his cool flesh, he sucked in a breath and pulled her face to his again, kissing her deeply as she stroked him.

She whimpered as his hand caught in her dark hair and his kiss became more passionate. Her hands worked there way up and down his shaft, shocking her with its length and girth.

“Can I…” She broke the kiss and lowered to her knees. Glancing up, she marveled at his body. He was all muscle and pale skin. His black hair was tied back and he gazed down at her with deep red eyes. She kept eye contact as her tongue snaked out and licked the head of his massive cock. A smile spread across her face as he moaned pleasurably.

Merrick’s head rolled back as she took him into her mouth and began to lap at him. Her fingers massaged his balls and he could hardly stand it when he heard her moan with hunger. She brought him as deep as she could into her mouth, letting him hit the back of her throat. He tangled his fingers in her dark tresses and urged her closer to him, forcing more of himself in her mouth. She looked up at him and opened her throat more, proud of the pleasure she was giving him.

She sucked hard on him until he begged her to stop.

“Merrick?” She stood, the taste of him still in her mouth, her body aching to be filled by him.

“Lay down,” He growled at her.

She did as she was told, laying on her back on the bed, her legs closed, an arm across her chest.

The bed shifted under her as he settled himself beside her and moved her hand away from her chest.

“You’re so beautiful,” He ran a cool fingertip down her arm. “All grown up now, a woman.”

She shivered and closed her eyes, taking his hand in hers and guiding it to the heat between her legs. She bent her knees as he teased her engorged clit with his fingers, spreading the wetness over her smooth lips and parting them so he could enter her.

“Mmm…” Merrick grinned and slipped two fingers inside her, searching for her G-Spot. He licked his lips and felt his fangs touch his bottom lip gently. He controlled his urge to taste her right there.

Groan after groan escaped her lips and they were only escalated when he knelt between her legs and licked his tongue over her dripping pussy. He inhaled her scent and could feel himself growing impossibly harder. He moaned in response to her cries, and gripped her thighs, drawing blood from them as he squeezed his nails into her flesh.

“Merrick, please, I need you…” She pleaded between gasps of pleasure. Her body was on fire and she needed his coolness desperately.

He glanced up at her and smiled widely, baring his fangs, waiting to see her reaction. He kept his smile as he moved up her body, positioning himself between her legs. She blinked, then wrapped her legs around his waist and urged him closer to her.

He could feel himself at her opening and slowly thrust into her, trying as hard as he cold to be careful with her. He knew she was still sore from her encounter with the drunken man earlier that evening. He sighed as her warmth enveloped him.

Her body stretched painfully then relaxed as he withdrew himself a bit. He watched her face as he slowly thrust in and out of her and smiled when she bit her lip, suppressing a moan. “Don’t hold back, let it out,” He whispered before kissing her.

She tightened her hold on him and dug her nails into his back. She was surprised at the immense pleasure she got from hearing his low growl. She was dripping all over him and her body molded itself around his thickness. She cried out as his thrusts became harder and deeper. Her back arched off the bed and she whimpered as he lowered his head and sucked at her hard nipples. She didn’t think pleasure like this was real and she certainly never knew she’d find it from him.

Merrick continued his thrusting. Her breasts were warm and soft in his mouth and they reddened as he scraped his fangs lightly against them. Their moans filled the large room and urged him to keep going. He could feel his balls tighten as they filled with his cum. But to make this perfect, he needed one thing from her.

She panted as she neared climax and frowned at him as he lifted his head from her breast. As she watched him, his eyes deepened to a red so dark they looked almost black. She knew what he wanted and was willing to give him anything at this point, as long as he didn’t stop thrusting into her. She nodded before he could speak and shook her head. Her dark mane splayed on the pillow under her head and she closed her eyes as she waited, slowly raising her hips to his as his attention was torn.

His body had slowed as his gaze settled on her exposed throat. He could smell her blood there and see the blue veins that ran up and down her neck. When she nodded, he grinned. He had renewed vigor and picked up the pace of his thrusting. There was no more care about how tender he needed to be, but it seemed as though she didn’t care. She called his name as his slammed into her again and again, and drew his head to her throat.

He kissed the soft skin, then licked it, tasting her sweat. He could control it no more; he lowered his fang into her skin and growled as she cried out again. His fangs withdrew slightly to allow a steady blood flow and he drank the sweet nectar as it poured out of her. He was aware of her climax as she screamed and her body convulsed around him over and over. He growled again and thrust hard into her once before his own hot seed shot out of him and spilled out of her.

She raised her hips still, gripping his arms and getting dizzy from the loss of blood. She whispered his name hoarsely and felt him release his hold on her. He was still hard inside her, still thrusting slowly. She looked weak, spent. She looked happy. Half closed green eyes looked up at him and her small hand went to the wound on her neck.

She lifted up to kiss him, struggling with the effort and smiled as she tasted her own blood on his lips. She whined softly as he broke their kiss, but saw that he had cut a small wound in his wrist and was offering it to her.

“You need this to live. Trust me,” He held the back of her head as she slowly licked at his blood before sucking hard on his wrist.

The dark curtains were drawn and he lie down next to her sleeping form. He no longer needed to protect her as payment to her father. He would protect her now because he loved her and was finally able to realize this and felt what it was like to be loved in return.

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