Unlikely Breeder Ch. 02

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Derek gets to know his new life.
5.3k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/05/2019
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Chapter 2

When in Rome.


The doctor showed me the news feed. He was hailed as the savior of the planet. Even though he was a vastly different species, apparently pride, and self-back patting was universal. He had grown arrogant in just the two days since the birth.

I, however, was rather busy.

The child I gave birth to was a navy blue, and was female. I only knew this from the lack of testicles. I had not yet given her a name, and I had asked one of the guards that lived in my new room, a nursery of sorts, for help.

"What is a good name for the first female born of another race...do you think?" I asked.

"Nannies don't name the child, the female does for females, and the males for males. No alien nanny slave will name a Gork child." He said with disgust.

"Fine then I will give her a human name as her other two parents were test subjects." I boasted.

"Whom ever takes that child in will name her." My gruff guard stated. He was big compared to the rest of the Gorks I had seen. His blue green skin was ripped with large muscles. He held what looked to be some sort of rifle. His cock, limp, had to be at least 10 inches long. It dangled like an elephants trunk.

It had just occurred to me that the race had no hair.

"Brianna." I said as I held the two day year old newborn. I fed her a small piece of a native vegetable that smelled like rhubarb, but tasted like a radish. She happily chewed on the mass, with what I would call one single blade and grinding tooth on the top of the jaw and the same on the bottom.

Much more efficient then separate teeth.

I was fairly certain that the doctor had not altered my brain to make me a willing slave as I had been flipping shit to my guard for the last 48 hours. The poor 7 foot bastard had taken all of my jokes, put downs and vicious sarcasm.

Brianna cooed at me and I gave her another piece of the vegetable. She had already gained about a whole pound in just 2 days. Brianna did two things well. Eat, and relieve herself, near hourly. It was a strange thought, but I had wished at some point I could have breast fed her. I was her mother after all.

Deep in the pit of my stomach, I knew this child would be taken away from me. It was inevitable. Thanks to the doctors warning, I knew that when Brianna was taken away, I would be bred again. Only this time I would be conscious for it.

Someone delivered two bowls to the nursery. My dinner. Strange water, and more mush. They were set down on a table. I finished feeding Brianna, and put her in her bed. She fell asleep quickly.

I went to the table and picked up the bowl with the water in it. I drank it down fast, I had been thirsty constantly. I heard the guard make a noise that sounded like a chuckle. I ignored him and went to shoving the BBQ pork paste into my mouth. Now the guard was near vomiting.

"You humans will eat anything won't you. No wonder your race is overweight!" He said in between gags. I only looked at him, oblivious. I was starving, and this paste had been the first meal I had in at least a day.

"You are eating male semen, and drinking female piss." He pointed out.

I stopped shoveling the dark yellow mass into my mouth.

"And the enemy calls us "shit eaters". Your race are walking toilets. Disgusting!" He looked away from me.

If it would keep me alive, and as long as it tasted like BBQ pork, I could give a fuck less. I finished the bowl of cum.

I got a kick out of making my captors sick, so I verbalized my enjoyment of the mushy meal.


The King promised me a large land plot on good soil, and my pick of human slaves when they arrived. I would get to pick mine after the King and Queen took the ones they liked best.. It would be a few weeks before the warships and trade ships came back with the precious cargo of male humans. So I needed to show that without artificial egg laying, and insemination, that the humans would work across the entire race.

Slave 5 had given birth a couple days after slave 6. However Slave 5 lost so much blood, that it had to be repaired for almost 3 hours after the birth.

Slave 6 was raising the child well. It had the parenting instinct. Slave 6 was also scheduled to test a new product for the millions of human slaves that would arrive.

The King told me not to play with their brains to make them docile. Instead he asked me to come up with a way to make their breeding hole less apt to rip and tear during breeding. I had come up with a masturbation tool that would be implanted, and then slowly stretch the human breeding hole. This would help with copulation, and then birth later.

Slave 6 was promised to a tribe in the north mountains, in exchange for more fuel and taxes by the tribe to the kingdom. The ship fuel, Rinium, is only found there, and is mined by the slaves of the Duke of Kist. His slaves, mostly female, have been heard to say that the Duke sucks the cocks of females till his stomach is full of eggs.

Such a sacrilegious rumor. I should know. I started it.

I don't want to lose Slave 6. I am still so curious as to how it will adapt to breeding regularly, or even if it will take the hormone dose after oral and anal penetration, as a gift during recreational sex. Will it's brain react like a Nanny's?

The slave was transferred an hour ago according to guards. I had so many tests left to do. I'm a bit angry with the King.


Okay. So now I have a collar around my neck and I am being shoved into a cage. I, um...am a slave I guess. This cage has no room for me to move. There is no water...female piss, whatever, for me to drink and I can feel the vehicle that I was loaded into begin to move at fantastic speed.

5G's maybe? I'm stuck to the door of the cage by the force of the sudden and dramatic acceleration. A very uncomfortable roller coaster to be sure. Brianna was taken earlier today by two females. I had already cried a bit. I had love for the child that had come out of me.

(Even though I had been raped by an alien species to give birth to her.)

I was hoping to piss as I had not had water of any sort in almost two days, and the fast travel was not helping with the dehydration headache. Anything to sooth the dryness in my mouth and throat would have been a blessing. What I got next was to make my headache far worse.

I heard a high pitched whistling sound go past the vehicle I was in. The vehicle moved silently, and even though I was in a cage, inside a metal box at the back of the vehicle, it was loud enough to hear.

Then a second high pitched whistle, then a third, then it sounded like every sparrow on earth was screaming.

Something hit the metal box my cage was in and melted it. The metal liquefied from some high heat. The vehicle came to a near instant stop and my body was slammed against the opposite side of the cage violently. My left shoulder took the brunt of the impact, saving me from being knocked out, or worse, concussed. My translator device fell to the floor, out of my left ear. It rattled along the floor and stopped at the edge of the box.

I could hear yelling and barking as the front doors of the transport were opened and then heard four high pitched whistles. My drivers have been assassinated. They were speaking Gork, and I couldn't understand any of it. I tried to reach for the translator. They were almost to the cargo door. The tiny implant was at my left middle finger...I tipped it farther from me. FUCK!

The doors were being unlocked. A large Gork stepped onto the back of the vehicle. His weight shifted the vehicle toward the tailgate, and rolled the device into my hand. I put it in my ear.

"The Doctor is not done with you." The male said. I was dreading being bred again, this one was nearly nine inches limp, but as wide as a beer can. I hoped the rich and tiny got to breed me. Not the blue collar types. He was almost green colored. He picked up my cage with me in it. Not being all that gentle.

I was loaded into an open air, flat bed truck of sorts that moved a bit slower. Three Gork men sat in the back with me. I spoke to them, but none had a translator device. I tried to point to my mouth, and they laughed at me.

I was desperately thirsty and their urine was healthy to my body. I grabbed my cock and pointed at theirs. Then I pointed at my mouth. Finally they understood.

"The human drinks piss, it wants our piss." The largest cock said. I smiled and nodded. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes.

The Gork might be brilliant at interstellar travel. But pissing in the wind? They couldn't hit my face let alone my mouth. I was left wanting. I learned one curse word from the Doctor, so I used it.

"Juzzingta!" I said out loud. This brought laughter.

"Look the slave is learning! Sorry slave, you cum and piss eaters should wait till the vehicle is at a full stop before begging for piss!"

Another round of hearty laughter.

I licked the bars of the cage that had droplets of alien piss on them, and sucked up a small puddle that had settled in the floor of my cage. It didn't slake my thirst but I could feel my tongue again.

"I'm going to buy three of these creatures. One I will use for a toilet, one I will share with my wife for breeding, and one we will kill by fucking it to death my brothers!" The largest one said. "No I will need two for breeding. My wife pumps out eggs almost twice as fast as your Gimza!" He grabbed his smaller friend and shook him playfully. They all laughed.

"My Gimza knows ten times more about oral pleasure then your Kilnee!" No one laughed. The big one looked at the smaller subordinate with a stern face.

"Yeah you are right, Kilnee couldn't suck a drop of piss like this slave!" Again hard laughter.

"How is Kilnee brother? She excited about having a 3rd baby?" The smaller one asked.

"Your cousin is very afraid of this slave race we are going to import. She thinks that they might escape their cage in the night and try to kill us." The Large Boss said.

"The doctor said he might know how to control them. With drugs and stuff." The quiet one chimed in. The large one rolled his eyes.

"I hope so. My Gimza and I haven't had a child yet. We only married last solstice. If these small tight holed things can be a nanny, I want two just for breeding. What do you think the price will be?" The smaller Gork asked.

"Well if we get this one back to the Doctor, we will each be able to afford a farm and breed a dozen of males and females like meat vorets!" The big one smiled at me. "We are going to split a trunkon between the three of us."

"The Doctor doesn't have a trunkon. Not even a dunkon." The quiet one said.

"How do you know that?" The small one asked.

"I know his interns."

"So how are we getting paid then boss?" The small one asked.

I couldn't help it, I started laughing. They planned to rob me from the Mining Syndicate, for the broke fertility doctor. It was like watching the three stooges in real life. Apparently, they were not all intelligent. I took a small comfort in this.

"Black market" The Boss said. I stopped laughing. Then I was near paralyzed with fear when I heard. "They will dissect him, figure out what makes him valuable."

"We'd get better money from the Queen." The quiet one said. "You know she and the king don't fuck anymore. Bet we could get a trunkon at least."

"You have a way to get in to speak with her?" The boss asked.

"Yes, actually I do. I have a warrant for my arrest. If I submit to her for justice, and we offer the slave for freedom, plus two trunkon, she will settle for one." The quiet one was smart, but I thought the least trustworthy. The other two agreed.

Something went right. I got put to sleep with some sort of gas. I found myself in an opulent bed room with much smaller naked Gork men and women writhing on a giant bed all having oral sex. From my cage, I watched as the 6 Gorks gave each other orgasms over and over. Eggs and semen was swallowed.

I finally had to pee. I bent myself in half to catch the piss in my mouth when I heard someone yell.."Someone get that slave some water!"

I looked up at a 6 foot midnight blue female. Her face had very soft features, her cock was short and thick. She was beautiful. She wore a necklace. She was the Queen. She pointed at her ear. It had the translation device.

"My Queen I am so thirsty!" I pleaded from the cage.

"Let my Slave Nanny out!" She barked. "My dear, Would you like water or my piss?"

It was a test. I fucking knew it. If I asked for clean water something bad would happen, She ran the whole world! I knew I was a slave, and so I acted like one.

"Piss please, please, I am so thirsty." Some small female, maybe 6-2, unlocked my cage and I was free to kneel at my Mistresses feet. She grabbed my head and pissed into my mouth. I would like to say that this was relief, and it was for the first minute. Then the piss kept coming, and I couldn't swallow much more. Then I felt like I was drowning and I began to spit it out.

I felt a whack to the side of my head and the rest of her bladder dribble over my body.

"Cunt do NOT hit my nanny! It's stomach is not as big as yours!" The queen yelled. The slave knelt next to my gasping body. I could smell her legs, they were perfumed. Not of flowers, or musk. The slave smelled like charcoal grilled chicken. My mouth would have watered if I hadn't needed to belch so badly. I let the air out quietly.

"My nanny is better than all of you slaves, is that clear? It may be an alien slave, but you are not to hurt it!" She informed the harem slaves. I was being toweled off as she spoke.

"Human is it?" She helped me to my feet.

"I am called Derek." I said and bowed to her.

"Slaves don't have names, especially alien slaves. You can earn a name when you give us 20 children. You will earn some freedoms sooner though. You will live in this room when not being bred. You will eat the eggs and drink the piss from the females, and the semen from the males." She informed me.

"The eggs are too big for me to swallow!" I whispered. She heard me.

"Then take her cock all the way down your neck tiny Nanny, and you won't have to swallow the egg. Or, chew it with your predatory teeth, meat eater." She scolded. Her slaves toweled her legs and she reached onto a table top above me. She lowered her hand to the six blue to green slaves on the floor with me.

"Take these and stick them in an ear, so you can understand my nanny. Include it in your sex games, but don't over feed it. Your dinner will be coming in an hour, the nanny will feed from you during your sex games. You women need to piss in it three or four times a day. The king is getting a sex toy from the professor before he is executed to help with breeding the nanny." They took the devices and stuck them in their ears.

"The same rules apply, oral sex only. I will see you all tonight before bed." The Queen said, then left.

As soon as I heard the door lock the questions came.

"What planet are you from?"

"Are you male or female on your plan...oh you have testicles, never mind"

"What cycle is it?"

"Um, it's almost solstice, whatever that means. I'm from Earth, I'm called a Human, and yes, I am male." I answered quickly.

"Why do you smell like jillnets?" One asked.

"What is a Jillnet?"

"A flower that blooms in equinox and catches insects to eat. It smells sweet, just like you."

"I'm not sure."

"Can I lick your skin?"

"Um I guess so." I answered, thinking the one would lick a small part of an arm. All six came at me and began licking every square inch of my body. It was overwhelming. One latched on to my cock and began to suck it.

Five powerful cow sized tongues licked me outside, and then some ventured inside. The one with my cock in her mouth was about to get a surprise.

One mouth left my lips. I managed a...

"I'm gonna...' and another mouth was probing mine.

The cow tongue was milking my rock hard cock. I was in heaven. This wouldn't be a bad life I thought. Sex all day everyday?

I was feeling the chill run down my back and my muscles tense, as I pumped the female Gork full of pent up cum. I moaned into the males mouth who had his tongue playing with my tonsils. They all noticed the change in my behavior.

The female that sucked me off came up with a mouthful. She swallowed it with a smile on her face.

"This slave cums sodium, potassium and zinc. It is delicious." The female said. "Push the button, the Queen must know!"

One of the males stood up and pushed a red square that looked to be painted on the wall. It glowed white suddenly.

"My sex slaves are not to bother me during dinner!!" The queen appeared to all of us. She was sitting at a table. She had a plate of plant matter in front of her. No utensils, they just hand fed themselves.

"My Queen, the nanny's cum is full of sodium, potassium, and zinc. I could taste the salt" The female exclaimed.

"Sodium? Their bodies can process salt? Don't take anymore semen from my nanny." She ordered, and the hologram disappeared.


Salt in it's raw form causes irritation to the mouth, throat and stomach lining. If the humans can process raw salt and mix it with potassium and calcium, then eject it as semen, this would become a valuable food additive. I would need to set up an operation to harvest this precious fluid.

After dinner I crossed the house, to my husband's dining chamber.

"I have news Lanth."I sat opposite of him at his table. His fat dark green skin poured sweat as he ate. One of the few royals to eat meat, it caused him to balloon to a tremendous weight. I worried for our nanny slave.

"What?" He said as shoveled a handful of puince leaves into his mouth.

"We need to create a device to milk these humans." I said. I should have come here with an empty stomach, it was now nauseous by watching the disgusting sight. The smell of the meat was not helping. Meat was food of the common Gork.

"Why?" He asked as he finally looked up at me.

"Turns out their males have semen that can be harvested for sodium, potassium and traces of zinc." I said. He stopped eating.

"Fantastic! Have the professor get started on that right away." He said.

"I can't, he tried to abduct slave 6 to sell it. He is scheduled for execution in the morning." I explained.

"Stay of execution, put him in chains and back in his lab. What happened to slave 6?"

"It is in my harem room." I admitted. "I wanted first chance at the slave, it would need my egg anyway."

"Fine. Better get it prepared for me, after you plant you egg. I want it delivered to my chamber tonight." He said before biting into the meat.

"Very well." I said as I got up and left his dining room. I made my way back to my side of the residence.

The human was nursing on one of my males. It seemed to be feeding from him well. The professor was positive that our waste was more nutrients then the humans normally took on their home planet. The simple nutrients we excreted were much better absorbed by the creatures.

While it was distracted I put the device in it's backside and birthing chamber. The male sex slave held the humans head to it's penis as the device began to expand very slowly. The pale colored tiny being struggled fruitlessly.

I waved over a couple of my slaves to begin to lubricate my penis and make it erect as I stared at the fatty deposits around it's breeding hole, which was slowly expanding. I found the deposits attractive, and would choose my humans to have large ones. I knew the females had the largest, but there was no purpose in breeding them.

As my slaves slurped and sucked on my now engorged egg-layer, I could begin to feel an egg moving to the base of my penis. The stretching of the human was taking too long, and now it was making an annoying noise in between it's swallows of the large meal of cum.