Vanessa Wants to Party

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If you choose your bros, she'll act like a hooker.
7.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/13/2018
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I was so glad to finally be done with classes for the week.

Not only was it the start of the weekend, but my childhood buddies had called before my class and told me they were going to be in town, and that we should all hang out.

My friends and I could probably be described best as nerdy stoners, or rather stoner nerds. Certainly we were nerds first and foremost, as we bore that title long before we started smoking weed.

But despite our nerdy interests and demeanor, we still managed to be fairly popular throughout high school. Well, as popular as nerds can be anyway.

We never tried to be anything that we weren't, and we were goofy and friendly, so in a way it felt like we were friends with everyone, but the five of us were an especially tight knit crew.

My friends and I hadn't had one of our classic chill sessions in a long time, so I couldn't be more excited to see them again. On my way back from class I picked up a thirty rack of some cheap beer, and headed home to my apartment.

When I got back, my girlfriend Vanessa was just getting out of the shower. I peaked my head into the bathroom to get a look at her gorgeous naked body. She looked up from drying her smooth, sexy legs.

"Hey hot stuff," she said.

"Damn, if I'm hot stuff you must be molten lava!" I replied.

My smooth talk was atrocious, but Vanessa still gave me a pity chuckle. I reached down to my quickly hardening dick, "God damn, I could bend you over the counter and fuck you right now!"

"Not so fast!" she said, holding her hand up. "I just got cleaned up! Plus I want you super horny for tonight. I'm gonna rock your world!" she added with a wink.

"What's so special about tonight?" I asked.

"Don't you remember? Julia's party is tonight," she said. "I can't wait to dress all sexy for you and get all worked up at the party so I can come home and get my brains fucked out!"

"Fuck!" I said loudly, "I totally forgot about her party. Bill called earlier and said all the guys were gonna be in town, so we decided they'd come over here and we'd hang out like we did in high school."

"Are you serious!" she shouted at me. "You know how excited I was for this party!"

Unfortunately, I did know. Vanessa had only just transferred to my school and Julia was arguably her only friend, so ever since Julia told her about this party, Vanessa had been looking forward to the opportunity to make new friends.

Vanessa and I had been dating since the fall of our freshmen year, and I absolutely loved being with her, but early on I began to hate the school we were at, and I decided to transfer to a new college.

I ended up transferring between semesters of my sophomore year, and started in the Spring at a school about two hours away.

Since Vanessa and I weren't too far apart, and because we were so happy together, we decided to try dating long distance.

After the first semester apart, Vanessa decided the separation was just too much for her, but rather than break up with me, she started filling out her own transfer application.

I was so excited when she got accepted, and finally after two semesters apart, we were again going to be on the same campus.

We decided to find a small apartment together, and everything was going great between us, but midterms were nearly upon us, and Vanessa was still struggling to make new friends here.

Not that Vanessa couldn't make friends, but she had high standards for her friends, and Julia was the only one that made the cut so far. This party was going to be the perfect opportunity for her to widen that circle, and Vanessa also made it very clear that a good party can make her insatiably horny.

"I know, honey. I know, I'm so sorry," I said, trying to sound as apologetic as possible, "but you know how hard it is for all of us to get together at the same time! And besides, we can go to a different party tomorrow night, but only tonight will me and the guys all be in the same location!"

I knew I couldn't get out of this without her being mad, but I could try and minimize the damage.

Vanessa finished up drying her body, as she rubbed her towel under her pert, creamy A cups, then wrapped her towel around her tight waist and thick luscious booty.

"Well you do whatever the hell you want," she said, "but I'm going to the party." And with that, she walked out of the bathroom.

I tried calling my friends to maybe rearrange our plans, but they were so excited, and kept repeating how long it had been since we had all hung out, and how awesome it was that we were all going to be together again.

I just didn't have the heart to call it off. Instead I just agreed with them, and asked what type of pizzas I should order.

I figured I could still smooth things over with Vanessa before the party, and even if she was still a little bit mad, the party would make her forget all about ever being upset.

I started to tidy up the living room as Vanessa walked out of our bedroom in a t-shirt and jeans, with a bag over her shoulder, and her fiery red hair tied up in a damp bun. "I'm gonna go over to Julia's now and help her get ready and stuff," she said.

"Okay, honey," I replied, "I'm really sorry I'm not coming, but I hope you understand why and I hope you can still have a great time without me." I tried to wane her anger as much as possible in the short time I had.

She sighed. "I do understand honey. I was just really excited, you know?" she responded, with a softer tone than before.

"And don't worry, I'm not gonna let you stop me from having a great time. I hope you have fun hanging with your bros too," she said, jokingly.

"Also... you should try to get your friends to leave early. I might still be a little mad, but I am for sure gonna need to get fucked when I get home," she added with a smirk and a wink as she headed for the door.

"Hell yeah, baby," I said, "I'll do my best!" Then she was out the door. I continued tidying up, putting beers in the fridge and setting out snacks. A few hours later my friends showed up and it was as if we had seen each other yesterday.

Bill was the first one at the door. "Yo what's good man!" he said, excitedly. "Liam's parking the car, but I had to get up here dude! This your new place? Damn, it's nice dude!"

As usual, he barely gave me a chance to reply. "I'm good man, I'm good," I said. "Yeah, this is the place. It's small but it's just me and Vanessa in here so it's fine. Oh, and who's Liam?"

"Oh shit," Bill said, "I totally forgot to even tell you why the fuck we're here. Liam's one of our Frat brothers. His parents live in Boston, but they've got a summer place near here."

Bill and Doug weren't exactly the Frat type, but they had both joined their school's chapter of Alpha Beta Omega, which they claimed was actually a very diverse and progressive fraternity.

"So since we're on Spring break, me, Liam and Doug decided to go up there and party for a bit. Then we realized we could pick up Lee and Tommy in Boston, and then go here for a night, and it would only add like an hour to the drive," Bill explained.

"Oh nice," I said, "but why come up here for Spring break? We've still got another week of classes and so do most schools nearby."

"This is our second week of break, dude," Bill explained. "We got back from Cancun last night and we partied our fucking asses off.

"We went there last year too, and we were pretty burnt out during the second week, so this year we decided we'd go down there, nonstop party for a little while, and then we'd head up here and taper it down for a week," he said, laughing.

"That's actually a great plan, I wish I thought of that," I said. Just then the rest of the guys started coming into the apartment. We had our classic greetings and they all had similar things to say about my new apartment.

Bill was the tallest of our crew, but possibly also the scrawniest, and had curly red hair. Lee was close to my height around 5'10" with short black hair and glasses.

Tommy was shorter and smaller than both of us, but was still the most muscular, and had a short afro. Doug was a few inches taller than Lee and I, but still shorter than Bill, and sported wavy blonde hair.

Behind my friends stood a tall Jockish looking guy wearing a polo and slacks, and acting aloof. Bill introduced him as Liam.

"Hey Liam, nice to meet you," I said, "Bill was just telling me about your awesome Spring break plan."

"Yeah dude," Liam answered, as we all walked into the living room and found seats. "I'm not that smart but this is definitely some genius level shit. The kicker is that even though people aren't partying all day over here, there's totally gonna be a few ragers before you guys go on break."

He was right, I hadn't even thought about how many parties we have on campus before break even starts. "And chances are, I can get a few girls to crash at my Summer place too, like even if they got classes, it's pretty close to campus," Liam added.

I was surprised. I barely even knew this guy, but even though he looked and acted like a huge blockhead, he clearly had this plan well thought out. "Well good luck man, I hope you find some hot girls while you're up here," I said.

I got up to get everyone a beer. "Speaking of hot girls, where's Vanessa at?" Doug asked. Even in high school I dated the most attractive girls of any of my friends, so by now I wasn't phased by my friends talking about how hot my girlfriend was.

Honestly, it gave me a bit of pride that they all thought my girlfriend was so sexy, even if they said it in some pretty crude ways.

"She's at her friends place, getting ready for a party and shit," I answered. "She didn't want to hang out at this sausage fest."

"Dude, every girl loves a sausage fest," said Liam. I could tell he was going to start getting on my nerves, but I didn't feel like listing every possible girl that would hate such a thing. Instead, I just chuckled along with my friends. Then he asked, "who is this 'Vanessa' chick anyway?"

"Liam, you have no idea. Vanessa is so fucking hot," said Doug.

"Yeah dude, she's like the sexiest redhead you've ever seen," added Tommy.

"Oh man, and that ass!" said Bill. He turned to look directly at Liam, "Dude, her ass is perfect. It's not like it's huge, cause she's fuckin tiny, but it's such a luscious round bubble butt. I swear, I could eat that delicious ass for breakfast, lunch and dinner!"

"Alright, Alright, that's enough," I said, cutting off Lee as he began to open his mouth, and drawing the line of what was acceptable to say in front of me.

I could tell Lee was about to try and one up Bill with an even cruder and more descriptive comment about my girlfriend, but I found out long ago it's easier to put a stop to things towards the start.

If I'm being completely honest, I had always been somewhat aroused by my friends talking about what they'd do to my girlfriend if they had the chance, and over the years I listened to countless things said about all of my girlfriends.

I almost wanted to hear what they would've said if I hadn't stepped in, but these guys were my friends, and I didn't want Liam to get the wrong idea about my girl.

"Oh right, and this is her boyfriend," Bill laughed pointing to me. "But seriously," he added, "this chick is phenomenal, you would love her."

Until that comment I hadn't even realized that Liam didn't know she was my girlfriend, everyone else knew so it seemed like a given.

"Damn, I probably would. She sounds amazing," Liam said, "I love fucking chicks who have boyfriends." That caused all my friends to erupt into laughter. It didn't really seem like a joke, and I didn't really find it funny, but I laughed along just to avoid making things uncomfortable, it seemed like Doug was doing the same.

I had no idea what to say after a comment like that. I didn't want to overreact to a joke, so I decided to just ignore it, and once the laughter died down I suggested we play some video games. Everyone agreed and we settled into playing some Halo, a high school classic.

Not long after we started, I got a snapchat from Vanessa. It was a bathroom selfie of her making a kissy face to the camera, and she looked absolutely stunning.

Vanessa rarely wore makeup, as she was naturally very beautiful, but tonight it was noticeable. She still wore a minimal amount, but it was effective in making her look absolutely stunning.

Her eyeliner, light pink lipstick, and mascara accentuated her given features. She looked exceptionally sexy.

"Party's starting!" she wrote.

The next picture that followed was almost identical, except now she had pulled down her top to show her small, pink, left nipple.

It was easy to see how hard her nipple was, and how absent her bra was, as her right nipple was poking at the fabric of her top. This time she wrote, "cant wait 4 later ;)."

I couldn't wait either, and my dick strained in my pants thinking about fucking my sexy girlfriend. In the meantime I tried to refocus my thoughts to video games and lose my boner if possible.

A few minutes later Liam got a text and announced he was heading out. "My bud just told me about a party nearby so I'm gonna go hit that up. Enjoy your play date," he joked.

At first I was relieved to hear that he was going, then I remembered the comment he made about fucking chicks who have boyfriends. My dick had been getting softer, but for some reason that thought made it stiffen even harder than before.

I tried to think about how many parties where probably going on in the area and the possibility of Liam running into Vanessa. When I came to the conclusion that it was highly unlikely they'd run into each other, I was both relieved, and strangely disappointed.

Once Liam left, we fell into our old routine of playing video games, drinking beer, and smoking weed. We went from Halo, to NHL, to Injustice, back to Halo, while our conversation started out on things like movies and comics, but inevitably it turned to us talking about the girls we'd fucked, were fucking, and wished we could fuck, primarily focusing on the latter.

As we got drank more and smoked more, the stories just got raunchier.

Eventually Lee started telling us a story about this girl he had been seeing that wanted him to fuck her in the ass while she rode a massive black dildo. "She told me she won the dildo at a sex trivia night her sorority held, and that she didn't even use until a year later," said Lee.

"I'm like bullshit, maybe she did get it at trivia night, but there's no way she didn't try that thing out the second she got home," he continued. "Anyway, she said once she finally tried it she came harder than she ever had before, and she's never had a better cock. Seriously, that chick was addicted to a rubber cock!

"But obviously she still hooked up with guys without that thing. She didn't whip that out with me until like our fourth or fifth time fucking.

"So she finally does though and she's like, 'I can't cum with anything else, so if you wanna be fuck buddies, you've gotta be cool with fucking my ass while I ride Shane' which, of course I'd never done anal, so I'm like sure." Lee said.

"Wait, Shane?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, that was the worst part, man!" said Lee, "she had a name for her dildo! At least she said it was just the name on the box, but she treated the dildo like a dude. Like her dirty talk was always how me and Shane were fucking her and how good it felt getting fucked by two guys."

"Wow," said Doug, "that's actually pretty hot."

"Yeah, totally," Tommy agreed.

I couldn't deny how hot that sounded. I nodded and saw Bill doing the same.

"Yeah," said Lee, after a long pause. "I don't know why I said that was the worst part, it actually really turned me on. Damn, that girl had me cumming buckets in her ass." We all laughed at that.

"There's nothing like shooting a load deep in a chick's butt, is there?" said Bill.

Lee and Tommy agreed. "I wouldn't know," said Doug, "still haven't done anal, but I'm hopeful about my new girlfriend, she's definitely super into sex..."

His voice trailed off with a nervous chuckle. "So what about you?" he asked, turning the question to me. "You ever fuck Vanessa in the ass?"

"Well, Vanessa no," I answered. "And none of the other girls I fucked either," I added, laughing. "I mean, I honestly think we might try it sometime soon, but we still haven't done it."

"Fuck, what I wouldn't give to sink my cock into her sexy ass," said Lee, causing another round of laughter and agreement.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, "no one's getting in there before me, pal." I wanted to move on from Vanessa, so I turned it back to Doug, "So what's up with this new girlfriend Doug? and what's this I hear about her being super into sex?"

"Oh, yeah, her name's Natalie, she's great," said Doug uncomfortably, "she's a lot of fun, and super smart, and she's really pretty too.

"You're being modest!" said Bill, "she's an absolute dime piece, hotter than Vanessa even!" The whole room erupted in shouting.

Vanessa had somewhat set a standard in our group and it was nearly impossible to beat. When discussing women the ultimate question would frequently be, "But is she hotter than Vanessa?" to which the answer had always been no.

I felt proud and horny hearing my friends defend my girlfriend's attractiveness. Bill had Doug show us all pictures to prove it, but he kept saying that pictures don't do her justice. Since they were the only ones that had seen her in person, we had to take that with a grain of salt.

Still, the pictures of Natalie and her cute face and long platinum blonde hair did a good job of showing how attractive she was. Vanessa would always be the absolute perfect ten in my eyes, but I had to admit, I could still see how someone else could make the case for Natalie being hotter.

"Well, she is gorgeous," said Tommy, "but she looks so innocent. You sure she likes sex?" he said, clearly trying to egg Doug on.

That made Bill laugh. "Oh she definitely does, right Doug?" he said. "Come on man, tell 'em how you know." They all went to the same university, so it was clear Bill had the inside scoop on Natalie and Doug's history. "Give em the whole story, it's a good one!" he said.

"Fine," said Doug, clearly annoyed. "Well we've been friends for a long time, but she made it clear from the beginning she didn't wanted to date me, and I was fine with that. But about a month ago, we went to this party, and we were having a great time, and we ended up hooking up, which was fucking awesome.

"So, the next morning she's all talking about how last night was amazing, and she loved it, but she's still not sure if dating is the right move for us, yada yada, but she's still all over me. Like, we're hanging out together, and she's cuddling me and holding my hand and shit.

At this point Doug seemed to hesitate in continuing his story.

"So that night, we went to another party and this time she's like clearly grinding up on me and everyone can see we're kinda together and stuff," said Doug. Now it was clear he didn't want to continue, but Bill gave him a thumbs up and nodded him along.

"Okay," Doug said softly, with a sigh, "so, the night goes on and it seems like we're gonna hook up again, but Liam swoops in and she ends up going home with him."

"The next morning Natalie comes over and she's like telling me all about it and how she's so glad she decided not to start dating me, cause she wouldn't have had that experience and shit, but then she assures me that she likes me for completely different reasons.

"Then she's all like, 'Now that I know what that feels like, I'd love to start dating you, on the condition that I get to fuck Liam again'"

"Holy shit," said Tommy, as his hand fell to his crotch. That's when I noticed I had been absentmindedly rubbing my own cock through my pants. "And you went for it?" he asked.