Vision of the Spirit Ch. 03


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"Deal," she said, and sat between his spread legs.

Her hair was so soft, Tom wondered if he'd lost feeling in his fingers. Carefully, he divided the velvety mass and began to weave.

Quiet minutes passed. Night songs of crickets and bullfrogs entertained them. A hoot owl added an occasional question.

Willow interrupted to softly say, "My real name is Hannah."

Briefly stunned by the simple declaration, Tom paused to process the implications of this sudden revelation. "Hannah is a beautiful name."

"I was named after my mulatto Great, Great Grandmother, Hannah Roundtree. She was the daughter of an escaped slave, who married Joshua Roundtree, a Seminole."

Two inches from the end of her braid, Tom tripled twisted a red rubber band. He pulled her back against his chest and, using the tapered end of the braid, brushed her nipples erect. "All finished, Hannah Stone Willow Roundtree, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera."

Her head tipped back. She said thank you. He said you're welcome, and then kissed her fully. A breast filled each of his palms. His fingers kept busy, teasing the swollen peaks, until she sat up. "Okay, turn around and I'll do you." The grin on her face foretold unrevealed pleasures in his future.

Displaying superb dexterity, the braid was quickly finished, and she began to massage him. "My, you have strong shoulders. How does this feel?"

"Mmm, wonderful."

"I don't meet men like you… What I mean is, you're a nice guy…"

It sounded like an accusation. Tom interrupted, "I'm not! Listen, the day before we met, I screwed my Boss's wife. So don't tell me I'm nice."

A hand slithered over his shoulder and down his chest. Her warm skin pressed against his back. She kissed the nape of his neck, and whispered, "You're very nice."

"Don't say that!" He spun around and pushed her down. His hands trapped hers, their fingers laced, his mouth covered a breast.

Hannah arched into the sensation, let him suck each side, before saying, "Stop."

Tom didn't.

She squeezed his fingers, pushed up against his weight, and said, "Stop," again. This time he did, and they locked eyes. "Do you know the stars?"

Confused, Tom sat up. "What?"

"The stars are beautiful out here. Can you show me any constellations?" said Hannah, as she removed her shorts. "Astronomy's always fascinated me," she explained, reaching over to unzip Tom's pants. He lifted his ass when she tugged them down and off.

"I know a few."

Lying on her back, she said, "Show me."

Tom lay down beside her. She nestled comfortably in the crook of his arm, with her head on his shoulder.

Pointing skyward, he told what little he knew about the constellations of the Zodiac. "Those stars are Leo, the lion. Legend says, Leo had a hide so tough nothing could penetrate it. Hercules was on one of his quests when they fought. He tried to reason with the animal, but couldn't. So Hercules strangled him to death. The local womenfolk were very grateful."

She rubbed her cheek on him, and said, "Another hero."

"And those stars," he said, pointing to a new group, "are the Gemini twins. They grew up to be the first professional gladiator cheerleaders. They did commercials for wine and grog and designer togas."

The giggle from his student only encouraged his absurd commentary. "Two of the easiest constellations to find are the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. The Big Dipper, Ursa Major, is also known as the Greater Bear. The Little Dipper, Ursa Minor, is the Lesser Bear." Tom drew a circle in the air, and said, "That bunch of stars is Goldie Locks."

"Oh, really," she said, turning sideways to gaze into his eyes. Her mouth moved to his, lingered and probed softly with her tongue.

Astronomy class was over. Tom rolled on top of her and began the study of another heavenly body. His lips kissed down her throat, while one hand slipped between her legs. There were no protests this time.

Lightly, with just one fingertip, he traced around her pussy, and said, "I've also studied female anatomy. This area is called the urogenital triangle. This here," he pushed a finger between her folds, "is the labia majora," again, he pushed, "this is the labia minora and, finally," the finger dragged up to tease a hardened bump that caused her hips to move, "this is the female Polaris, also known as the clitoris."

"I love a man who knows where everything is," groaned Hannah.

"Well then, allow me to show off," said Tom, as his mouth closed around a waiting nipple, and his fingers began to explore the slick triangle in earnest.

"Oh, yes… do." Hannah grabbed his expanding cock and made good use of her dexterity. The other hand rubbed and squeezed his ass -- with more urgency as he touched her more intimately.

The sound of his plunging fingers and her imploring moans drowned out the crickets and frogs. When her climax neared, he stopped and waited. Twice, he brought her to the edge.

"Oh, you're a bad man!" she hissed, while humping air.

Positioned between Hannah's open thighs, he said, "I told you I wasn't nice," and slipped his cock inside her creamy warmth.

Hannah pulled him down. They kissed, locked in an embrace, each tensing internal muscles to send erotic vaginal missives.

Breaking away from his mouth, she said, "I want you to know. You're the first man to have me without a condom."

This admission seemed odd to Tom at first. And then he realized the implication. Slowly, he pumped his hips. "Thank you for trusting me."

Conversation ended. Their coupling became needy and wanton. Nothing mattered except fulfillment of desire and sweet completion.

The whiskey numbed Tom's senses enough to make it a long, pleasurable ride.

Hannah, already near climax, came quickly. And then again as Tom exploded inside. Their bodies clamped tight, he rained down kisses in an expression of loving thankfulness. They lay together for twenty minutes and then repeated the act before falling asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

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