Vivian Laaning Ch. 18

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Vivian plans to duplicate Empress Messalina's feat.
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Part 18 of the 63 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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That day when Erica returned to her husband having completed her visit with her sister, Vivian took stock of her and her own situation. She naturally wished the best for her sister, and fervently hoped that her marriage could be repaired. Matt English was certainly a great guy and seemed like the makings of a good husband for Erica. Vivian knew that Erica loved him and was desirous of being a good wife for him. Certainly she intended to willingly remain faithful to her marriage wows notwithstanding her past promiscuous and wild single life.

Actually Erica and Vivian had similar life ambitions which explained away their licentious behavior while they were young. Both of them believed they would settle down and lead serious no nonsense steadfast lives once they would become mature older adults. Erica's goals were to emulate her parents and marry a farmer. Vivian wanted to become a professional, in particular a lawyer.

In Erica's case presumably her serious life began with her marriage to Matthew English. She was pregnant, Matthew was going to inherit the family farm and she had had her fun. Unfortunately Erica suffered a miscarriage shortly after the wedding, and since then had not gotten pregnant again. And just like that Erica's fulfillment of her perceived and desired destiny had seemingly derailed.

As Erica had intimated that had she not been pregnant the problem of her present infertility would have been a mutual problem where remedies could have been explored. But now her past profligate conduct had come to bite her in the ass. It now appears that Matt was beginning to suspect that Erica's child had not been his and it also seems that he now harbors the mortifying apprehension that he may be impotent. Such a dilemma defies easy solutions.

Although the sex between Vivian and Erica had been remarkably spontaneous, still Erica's need for an outlet to counter her marital woes was an obvious factor that contributed to their incestuous lesbian activity on this occasion. Therefore Vivian chalked up this incident as a genuine consoling gesture on her part to alleviate the distress her sister was experiencing. However, there was no denying the uninhibited sexual joy and euphoria that she enjoyed while comforting Erica in her hour of need.

This led Vivian to some introspection of exactly what her sexual nature really was. When she first met John Jay Hooker she cavalierly admitted to being bi-sexual. She knew she made that admission since her affair with Erin Falconbridge was common knowledge amongst her acquaintances. So there was no point in maintaining that she was unequivocally straight even though she believed that was her main desire and proclivity.

But now Vivian wondered if she was being honest with herself. There was no denying that her affair with Erin was very romantic and that they had a great time together besides the sex. She had up to now considered that Erin's protection of her against the vicious bullying in high school was the catalyst for their affair. But that then does not explain that they were together for most of her freshman year at UW where she did not need protection from bullying. Then there was the question of the sex she had with her sister.

First of all Vivian had been ignorant of the possibility of lesbianism sex until Erica explained it all to her during the time when she was ill from mononucleosis. She then had a threesome sex with Matt and Erica and the sex was a blast. She had some sex with her sister prior to Erica marrying, but she viewed that as sexual experimenting; not to be taken seriously.

But the sex this time with Erica was a different kettle of fish. Yes she could pretend it was simply an act of kindness but she realized that there was more to it. She could honestly say to herself that she did not love Erica carnally as she had with Erin. Her love for Erica was a genuine sisterly love without any desire to embark on a lesbian incestuous relationship.

Vivian now realized that what was intriguing her about further sex with Erica had to be the possibility of participating in group sex. When Erica suggested she might visit her in Madison and would want to indulge in sex with Khalil and Nigel, Vivian had been naturally appalled. However her negative reaction had nothing to do with aversion to the activity itself, but was prompted by the implication that Erica's marriage was in trouble. Now that she was fully privy to Erica's problems she was in an emotional quandary.

As a loving sister, Vivian genuinely wanted the best outcome for Erica. If her sister could patch up her marital problems, that by definition would be the best outcome. However Erica had indicated that if her marriage becomes beyond repair she might be prepared to engage in some wild sex as a palliative to her misery. In particular she suggested a foursome with Nigel and Khalil, Vivian's main fuck buddies in her sophomore year.

Given Vivian's slattern proclivities, the notion of engaging in group sex with Erica appealed to her libido. Since she had already done a threesome with Erica and her then boyfriend and now husband, she knew that like her, Erica had no jealous bone in her body with respect to sharing one or more lovers. Thus her unconstrained lust would be satisfied free from any possible enviousness that might occur with a monopolizing competing female.

Vivian also knew that Nigel had come to terms with her sluttishness and the same had never been an issue with Khalil. So she felt that the guys would have no problem to agreeing to do a foursome. So the quandary for Vivian in her mind was whether to wish Erica success in reconciling with her husband and therefore her sister would remain faithful to her marriage vows; or whether to wish that her sister's marriage would crash and burn making group sex with her black lovers possible.

Neither she nor Erica gave any consideration to the notion that the night spent in Vivian's barn bedroom was in reality a violation of marital fidelity. Erica had told Matt she would spend the night with Vivian with the expectation they would stay up hours just chatting to catch up on each other's lives. To Erica's mind the sex she had with Vivian was merely a sisterly intimacy that was in no way a factor as to whether her marriage would survive or not.

Keeping all options open, as Vivian subsequently was about to leave for her junior year, she told her sister she wished her luck in repairing her marriage. She further advised that if things became difficult she would be welcome to visit. And Vivian assured Erica, with a wink, that if she did visit that they would certainly have a good time. Erica smiled and wished her sister a successful junior year at UW. The good wishes were accompanied by a wink.

When Vivian did arrive in Madison to start her third undergraduate year, she was fortunate to secure the same basement apartment she had in the previous two years. Her landlady was happy to reserve the suite for her since she was the ideal college tenant; i.e. no troubles, no damage and rent was consistently paid on time. The basement apartment proved to be just perfect for Vivian's purposes.

She vowed that this would be her final partying year. She believed that in her final year she should concentrate more on studying to make sure she would get straight "A" s to ensure acceptance to a superior law school. For this junior year she had scheduled classes that she knew she would ace without too much difficulty. Of course by partying, Vivian had in mind to engage in a hell of a lot of sex. And she was determined to engage in lots of innovative sex. Yes she had available the steady services of Nigel Koeninger and Khalil Ford, but she wanted to broaden her horizons. The most spectacular sexual activity she planned was inspired by one of her classes.

The class in particular was her study of Roman History. For her main term project of that class she researched and wrote a paper focusing on the myths and truths about sexual orgies in Roman times. To enhance her project presentation, she had obtained some lithograph prints depicting licentious behavior typical of a Roman orgy to display for her tutorial presentation.

One of the prints depicted a sexual contest between Messalina, the promiscuous wife of Emperor Claudius, against the most prominent and celebrated prostitute in Rome to determine who could fuck the most number of different partners in one sitting. It is recorded that the Empress won outlasting the prostitute by having sex with twenty-five partners in a twenty-four hour period. Vivian suspected that these erotic prints greatly assisted her in obtaining an "A" grade on her paper.

This class project gave the inspiration to Vivian to attempt to emulate the wanton Empress Messalina. The first complication in trying to duplicate Messalina's feat was how to arrange the logistics required to bring about a similar contest. She did not know of any professional prostitutes in Madison but no doubt amongst her circle of male fuck buddies surely one of them would know of one. However since she was a lowly college student and not an empress there was not much incentive for a prostitute to agree to a sex contest unless lots of money was involved.

Amongst her female friends and acquaintances on campus, Vivian did not know of any one of them, that was that slutty enough to be willing to participate in such a sex contest. Actually the only female she did know who would probably be down for such a sex contest would be her sister, Erica. But since her sister was trying to save her marriage and was sincerely practicing monogamy, this was not a viable option. Mind you, Vivian was fairly certain that if she did suggest the idea of participating in a proposed sex contest to Erica, she probably would have agreed despite her noble resolve to try and patch up her marriage. However it would be an anathema to Vivian if she could be viewed in any way to be responsible for the failure of Erica's marriage. Besides Vivian still retained a modicum of sibling rivalry in her soul that she knew she would hate to lose to Erica in such a contest.

With these ruminations, Vivian came to the conclusion that to arrange an actual sex contest that would mimic Messalina's famed spectacular depravity would be impossible. Still, Vivian thought it would be possible to match Messalina's licentiousness which was now her ardent desire. As Vivian saw it, Messalina had set the "gold" standard for quantity of lovers a female can entertain in a single marathon sexual session. She had no ambition to topple that mark as she appreciated the historical significance of the story. She did, however want to equal it. She imagined it would make her feel like an empress; an empress of love and passion.

To this end she brain stormed not only with Nigel and Khalil but also with two other friends on planing to bring about her idea of participating in twenty-four hours of debauchery. These friends were Stephen Oliver and Michael Hennessy who were both students at the Department of Drama and Theatre studying inter alia set designs plus a little bit of acting. She had become acquainted with them by her liaison with one of their professors, the one who provided the red curtains for the last term's threesome. Vivian intended to prevail on the said professor again to establish the right ambience for this new night of sexual excess.

Stephen and Michael were both gay but when Vivian approached them for help they were thrilled to assist her in preparing for a spectacular night of sexual decadence. It appealed to their own notions of preferred exotic behavior. They even went so far as to offer to be part of the gang of twenty-five; their sense of adventure would easily overcome their normal lack of enthusiasm for heterosexual copulation. Vivian accepted the offer with alacrity as sex with a gay man was quite a turn on for her to complement her desires to experiment sexually as varied as possible.

As for Nigel and Khalil they were by now inured to Vivian's propensity for lewd behavior and so they were not particularly surprised by Vivian's audacious proposed endeavor. However once Vivian outlined her intentions in detail they were taken aback by the scope of the proposed sexual indulgence. Nevertheless they had come to appreciate Vivian's sexual appetite and they certainly had a high regard for Vivian's personality. They readily agreed to assist and to ensure Vivian's safety to somewhat potential danger. Vivian's pragmatic approach to undertake this sexual excess depravity without a doubt blew their minds.

The first thing considered was to set the twenty-four hour period. It would be counterproductive for Vivian to start the marathon sex session in early evening after having been awake for the entire day. She believed she could sustain fucking for twenty-hours without wilting but it would be a dicey proposition if she were awake for say ten or more hours immediately prior to the commencement of the gang bang. Of course she could sleep during the day prior to the proceedings; but since that would not be her normal sleeping hours Vivian felt she would not be as energetic especially at beginning as she would want to be in order to derive maximum pleasures.

Since her normal wake up time was around eight o'clock in the morning during the university semesters, Vivian decided the ideal time for the twenty-four marathon could go from ten o'clock on a Saturday morning to ten o'clock Sunday morning. This would give her time to eat a hearty breakfast and take a thorough shower to be absolutely fresh for the ensuing sexual endurance activity.

One other consideration was to make sure that she would get a good night of restful sleep. Vivian knew that she was prone to restlessness in sleeping. Sometimes in an anticipation of an exciting next day or likewise wary of an important event such as taking an exam, she would likely toss and turn relentlessly depriving her of a restful sleep. In such cases she would most likely wake up not as lively as she would have desired.

The solution was not to take a sleeping pill. It was to fuck of course! A good fucking always resulted in a subsequent deep peaceful and restful slumber for Vivian. So Khalil and Nigel had to be commandeered to provide this essential service. Both Khalil and Nigel assured Vivian that they knew their duty in this matter and that they could be counted on to fulfill their responsibility. This prompted the three of them to high five each other during this part of the planning stage as they grinned knowingly.

The next problem that required some careful thought was the question as to how to gather the studs and have them agree to certain stipulations. Vivian wanted to gather twenty-one studs to fuck and wanted them to be strangers whom she had never fucked before. With Stephen and Michael the count would reach twenty-three and the last hour to complete the twenty-four hour sexual marathon would be reserved for the ever reliable Khalil and Nigel to reprise a threesome and thus all told would match Messalina's record.

Nigel pointed out that getting enough guys to agree to fuck a female sight unseen especially in a gang bang would not prove to be too difficult providing that Vivian was not too fastidious as to the quality of the prospective males. Authentic studs that had no problem in bedding females would probably have no interest. Also there are some males with deep moral convictions that would shun at such proposed depravity. Others in serious fidelity commitments not to mention gay men, except for Stephen and Michael of course, would balk at participating in a gang bang.

However amongst those males who are interested in female companionship but not getting any or at most on rare occasions would not be deterred by such concerns. The real difficulty, however, would be in getting a prospect to agree to come at a particular time and leave an hour later. Most guys would likely want to stay and linger probably in expectation of going for another round. Some would no doubt object to the time proposed especially if it is in the early or even late morning.

As they pondered these anticipated obstacles, Vivian was finally able to suggest a solution and so she declared:

"I think I've got an idea. Have you ever heard of the "Skull and Bones" secret society of Yale University?"

Both Nigel and Khalil pleaded ignorance whereas Stephen and Michael nodded in confirmation of their awareness. Vivian elaborated:

"The "Skull and Bones" secret society is a special institution at Yale University comprising of Yale senior students who had been selected or recruited during their junior year. Their activities and motives have been kept secret throughout the years. In fact their membership has also been kept confidential, although it has been acknowledged to have included some of the greatest persons in American history. In particular it is believed that both President Bush (41), the father and the then current President Bush (43) have been members. Membership had been for a long time confined to white males but it is now open to females as well as other races."

Nigel interjected:

"Well that is all very interesting to be sure, but what has that got to do with us?"

"Well we can suggest to our prospective recruits for my night of debauchery that a something even more ultra secret society exists and this year is operating here at the University of Wisconsin."

Michael queried:

"Are we talking about something like the "Hellfire Club" that existed in the eighteenth century England? It was rumored to provide meeting places of "persons of quality" who wished to

take part in socially perceived immoral acts, membership was confined to those in the highest societies. I guess as a model for what you are trying to achieve that works better than the "Skulls and Bones" of Yale which does not have such a profligate reputation."

Vivian replied:

"Bravo Michael for thinking of the "Hellfire Club" as I surely would have wanted to have engaged in that club's activity. But no, such a suggestion would be too far fetched and would not fly. Although Madison certainly is a large enough city to have its fair share of sexual excesses conducted in private, but it surely is not as sinfully sophisticated a city as say Las Vegas where there very well may be venues like the "Hellfire Club" in existence.

"No, what I'm thinking is that we suggest there is a secret task force run by the CIA to recruit female spies for dangerous undercover missions."

Stephen protested:

"Wait a minute Vivian. The CIA does exist and it does recruit females for undercover operations. At least so I understand. So what has this got anything to with the night of sex you are planing?"

Vivian answered:

"Well whether whatever I'm going to say is factual or not is immaterial and actually beside the point so long as it is plausible. But we are all aware of current spy novels and fiction that portray female spies as being expected to submit to having sex with the targets of their missions so as to ensure success of their operations. Now it strikes me that the CIA does recruit on college campuses as it requires highly skilled and trained operatives to complete their agency's missions.

"However it is one thing to train a female spy to carry out the technical requirements of a successful mission. But it's quite another thing to ensure that a female spy will resort to sex if need be without flinching and perhaps even against her personal desires to complete the mission successfully. Given the complex emotional sexual make-up each of us male and female uniquely have in our DNA it is virtually impossible to devise a course of study that would assure compliance of this requirement."

At this point all four of the men were enthralled by Vivian's explanation. They were starting to get a perception as to where she was going with her thoughts. She continued: