Vivian Laaning Ch. 23

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Vivian gets a tattoo and a new lesbian lover.
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Part 23 of the 63 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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After her clandestine "CIA recruitment training test", a.k.a. Messalina Weekend, Vivian's junior year at the University of Wisconsin continued to proceed as satisfactorily as she could possibly have wished. She congratulated herself on conducting a successful saturnalia. She had enjoyed it to a degree beyond anything she had previously imagined in her desired fantasies or in her most vivid sexual dreams.

Vivian exhibited no tattoos on her body, as she had previously not been inclined to decorate her naked flesh in such a way. She was of the opinion that a woman's naked body in general, and hers in particular are enticing, and alluring enough to satisfy any of her sexual partners. She didn't think this way because she was vain. She had the pragmatic notion that if one's tattoo can only be seen when one is naked, it will not enhance nor detract what is about to occur when one does become naked before a sexual partner. Now makeup and hair styling is another matter and more essential. The main purpose there is to make oneself more attractive, especially when wishing to impress someone.

Tattoos then are not meant to attract but are a form of self indulgence. One is expressing something personal, especially if the tattoo is placed where it can be viewed only when one is totally naked. Up to now Vivian had found no reason to obtain a tattoo. Most of the common place tattoos did not appeal to her, and those she would like were not personal enough to entice her to obtain. Although she had some great moments especially sexual, there had been no truly extraordinary occurrences that she would especially want to memorialize by a tattoo.

The Messalina Weekend changed all that for her. For practical purposes, Vivian believed that she could never duplicate or even come close to imitating this weekend. Better yet she confidently believed she was probably the only female to have engaged in such an orgy for such a length of time. Professional prostitutes may have lots of customers in a day but she could safely surmise none of then ever had a twenty-four shift. She was aware that there were adult swingers clubs indulging in orgies, but she was pretty sure they wouldn't participate in a continuous orgy for twenty-four hours straight. Same could be said for genuine nymphomaniacs and for that matter authentic sex addicts, who presumably require lots of sex daily, but would not go through that many sex partners for twenty-fours consecutively. Best of all, Vivian believed there were few if any females of her generation who would contemplate in engaging in such an orgy let alone plan for one on her own initiative. The only female amongst her acquaintances that would come close would be her sister, but she was pretty sure Erica would not have the command of logistics to carry it through. All in all at the end of the weekend, Vivian felt she needed to commemorate this event, and a personal tattoo would seem to be appropriate.

Vivian believed this tattoo should signify who she was and what she had achieved. In her mind she thought describing her ancestry was the best way to identify herself. Her father had Estonian parents who fled Estonia when the Russians began pushing the Germans back during World War II. Her grandparents had to leave Estonia since they both had helped the German war cause. They subsequently emigrated to the United States and settled in Wisconsin.

Vivian's mother was German having been born in East Berlin. Her parents and her defected to West Germany before the infamous Berlin Wall was erected. Since her mother's family had no relatives or friends in West Germany, they emigrated to the United States as well and thence to Wisconsin. In due course Vivian's parents met and got married.

Although English was naturally Vivian's primary language, still she could speak Estonian and German as well. She learned Estonian because her Estonian grandparents spoke the language exclusively to her father, her sibs and to herself. Vivian's mother spoke German almost exclusively since her Estonian grandparents both spoke German and her father also knew German.

Her father learned German since his parents had only German speaking friends when he was little. The children of those friends who per force became friends of Vivian's father spoke German exclusively. And that is how he became fluent in German. Aside from love and mutual attraction, because her father knew German it sealed the deal for his eventual marriage to her mother.

Her mother arrived in the USA when she was eighteen having finished the equivalent high school diploma in West Germany. She never got comfortable in English, although she certainly became fluent, she spoke with a heavy Germanic accent. Thus in a visit to the Laaning farmhouse one could hear three languages spoken. Vivian would speak English with her sibs, and any hired help around. She would speak Estonian with her father, and her Estonian grandparents while they were alive. They died a year apart when Vivian was fifteen and sixteen. She spoke German with her mother.

Consequently, when considering a tattoo for depicting herself, Vivian fixed on the idea of utilizing the image of each country's national flag. Both flags consist of tricolor equal size horizontal stripes. The Estonian flag is blue on top, black in the middle and white on the bottom. The German flag is black on top, red in the middle and gold on the bottom.

The achievement Vivian, of course, wanted to recognize was that she had equaled the feat originally accomplished by the notorious Empress Messalina, i.e. fucking twenty-five men in twenty-four hours. So her idea was to have twenty-four replicas of these flags, twelve replicas for each country, tattooed on her thighs representing the twenty-four hours of her orgy. The flags would be each 1½" x 2½" in size arranged in four rows of three flags tattooed on the front of each thigh. The Estonian flags would be on her left thigh, and the German flags would be on her right thigh.

The top stripe of each flag would display the hour expressed in military time for the beginning of each session. In the case of the German flags the time would be inked in gold to set against the black background. For the Estonian flags the time would be inked in black to set against the blue background. The times of each flag would be placed in order left to right. Thus the first left flag on her left thigh would be an Estonian flag displaying the time as 10:00 with 11:00 and 12:00 being the other two flags on the first row. The three German flags on the first row of her right thigh again from left to right would be: 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00. So the times would then progress with the first left flag (Estonian) on the second row of Vivian's left thigh being 16:00, and finally ending with the right flag (German) on the fourth row of her right thigh showing 09:00.

The middle stripe would display the initials in modern cursive style of Vivian's sex partners for the hour. The color scheme on the Estonian flag would be white writing on black background; and on the German flag would be black writing on the red background. Thus, the first row of flags from left to right would be 10:00/AP; 11:00/ZB; 12:00/CB (left thigh-Estonian); 13:00/DB; 14:00/RR and 15:00/JJ (right thigh-German). The last flag, the right one on the fourth row of the right thigh being 09:00 would be inscribed NK & KF to represent Vivian's final session of the orgy where she had the double penetration threesome sex with Nigel and Khalil.

The only exception to the tattoo pattern was the 17:00 flag which should have borne the initials "TW" for Tyrone Williams in accordance to her outlined scheme. However since he had been so obnoxious, Vivian felt he should not be so honored nor remembered. Instead she settled for "UW* " representing the University of Wisconsin as the place where her orgy occurred, as well as representing that period of her life. The asterisk was there to remind herself of the exception of this particular flag in her overall theme of her tattoos.

One other thing to induce this change was due to the fact that her 20:00 visitor was Todd Whitman. Tyrone Williams and Todd Whitman were the only pair of all of her sex partners in the orgy that had the same initials. Ergo to preserve uniqueness to each tattoo it was imperative to alter the initials of the actual 17:00 participant. Although, Tom Bradshaw, the 02:00 partner, also was not a particularly good episode, Vivian felt that since he did cum twice, he might as well be remembered. Besides his initials did not conflict with anyone else.

When Vivian commissioned this tattoo at a well respected tattoo parlor in Madison, she instructed the tattoo artist to inscribe the time and the initials on the flags upside down. In other words the first row was closest to her knees and the last row would be closest to the top of her thighs. This would allow her to read them herself whenever she was sitting down and naked from waist down. She was happily thinking that in reality the only other people that would be able to read her tattoo flags properly would be her sex partners. And then only if they were on top of her engaged in a sixty-nine oral sex activity.

Yes as far as Vivian was concerned, her tattoo scheme was perfect to vividly outline her awesome sexual weekend. She also appreciated that the tattoo artist took the time of spreading the application sessions over a period of one month in total to ensure the authenticity of her pictorial statement. The other factor of the Messalina Weekend that Vivian appreciated was the fact that it never became common knowledge throughout the University of Wisconsin campus. Because of her careful planning, the news of this gang bang, let alone her participation in it, did not get out. Thus, Vivian was spared of becoming a target of some truly salacious gossip.

The cloak and dagger atmosphere of how each participant got to Vivian's apartment had initially piqued a sense of adventure in them, and was a major factor in their agreement to participate. Unfortunately for them when they tried to recount their fantastic night they could not disclose the location of their adventure nor describe it; never mind that they were even unable to describe what Vivian precisely looked like. It was not surprising then, that their recountings amongst their friends and acquaintances were met with skepticism.

In addition, Nigel, Khalil, Michael and Stephen had been meticulous in approaching disparate groups of individuals to participate. The twenty-one partakers of the orgy came from twenty-one different circles of friends and acquaintances. Thus none of them knew at all times each other let alone how many of them had participated. So, none of them had any knowledge on how to get in touch with another participant to corroborate their story to their own friends and acquaintances. As a result, they quickly abandoned their attempts to promulgate their singular experience.

In essence only Nigel, Khalil, Michael and Stephen were privy to the full details of Vivian's sexual marathon. They were of course too gentlemanly to make public Vivian's sexual excesses. Mind you there were other factors to ensure their silence. Nigel and Khalil would not want to forgo future liaisons with Vivian which might end were they to gossip about her. Michael and Stephen had no desire to inform their gay friends about their participation in a heterosexual orgy; an orgy where was no gay sex.

After that night, Vivian was content to lead a less brazen sexual lifestyle. Nigel and Khalil were her main fuck buddies either separately or together; she dearly loved double penetrations with them. However she indulged them only once per week. She had sex with others for the remaining time, but also restricted such activity to once per week. Practical as ever she felt that having sex twice a week would satisfy her sexual needs but be not so time consuming as to jeopardize her studies. As well with the frequency and variety of sexual partners there was no danger that she would get so emotionally involved in anyone which otherwise might make her ignore her school work.

Her studies were the paramount consideration in her life. She desperately wanted to leave the tedious lifestyle of farming in rural Wisconsin. Her driving ambition was to escape to the exciting lifestyle of the big city i.e. Chicago. In her view the ticket to get to Chicago was to acquire a significant education and good grades. That sweeping goal grounded her to seriously study, and to keep her frivolous activity to a minimum.

However, despite her opinion that sex was not a paramount concern in her life, still because of her frequent sexual activity with different sexual partners, her notoriety became widespread. Vivian soon gained a solid reputation for depravity, and was recognized as the premier slut and whore of the entire University of Wisconsin campus. Luckily her lewd weekend was not known or otherwise she would have become a total pariah on campus. As it was she was a subject of scorn only from most of her acquaintances.

This atmosphere of negativity was not as malicious as the bullying she endured in high school. Instead she experienced continuously subtle put-downs in everyday conversation designed to demean her self esteem. For example if Vivian told a sexy joke, her listener would laugh all right, but would venture to add a catty remark, such as, "Of course you would be familiar with that."

Naturally Vivian did not enjoy the revival of peer unpopularity. She thought she was rid of it when she graduated from high school. Indeed, the first two years at UW were joyful, since what was publically known of her sex life did not particularly raise any eyebrows. However the amount of different sex partners she had engaged in did turn the tide of public opinion about her. It did not help her reputation, that some of her partners annoyed at being deprived of a second date with her, disparaged her and her sexual prowess mercilessly amongst their friends and acquaintances.

Despite the unpleasantness she experienced in her junior year at UW, Vivian had the strength of character not to give in to despair. She was solid in the belief that her enjoyment of sex and the various forms she engaged in was her own business. If others had issues with her sexuality, then that was their problems, it had nothing to do with her. If her actual partners had problems with her sexuality, well then as the saying goes: "There's plenty of fish in the sea."

On the last Saturday night in January she had occasion to actually contemplate this very thought. She was at a trendy bar near the campus predominantly patronized by UW students and faculty. After a few drinks, actually she had a little more than a few with Nigel Koeninger. You might even say she had quite a lot of drinks, but as we know, Vivian could hold her liquor. So she was not visibly drunk, but still had lost what few inhibitions she normally possessed. This left her completely unguarded in her speech.

Nigel received an emergency text, which he would not elaborate, and he had to leave and end their date. This momentarily left Vivian alone at her table, with the apparent loss of a sure fire Saturday night fucking. She spotted a former fuck buddy, Frank Underwood sitting at the counter of the bar. Not wishing to sit by herself, and seeing an opportunity to make up for the loss of Nigel's company, she approached the spot where Frank was sitting. She sweetly invited him over to her table. He rebuffed her not very graciously saying:

"Fuck off Vivian! I'm not in the mood for fucking trash."

Vivian retorted angrily:

"Did you intend that as a pun Frank? Probably not, since you're not that clever to think of it."

She then huffed back to her table and ordered another drink. No sooner had the server left to fill Vivian's order, a girl, well actually a woman of course, approached Vivian and asked if she could join her. Vivian replied:

"Of course. I would be delighted with your company."

Considering exactly what she had just been thinking Vivian could not help but break out laughing very heartily to dispel her momentary foul mood. Non plussed, the woman asked:

"Could you please explain your laughter? I sincerely hope it's not because you've spied some green salad stuck between my teeth."

"No of course not. You look just fine, in fact more than just fine. I could even say you look quite yummy."

"Thank you I guess."

Then Vivian explained the circumstances:

"You might have noticed that prior to you coming to my table I had been talking to that fellow over there at the bar."

Vivian pointed to Frank, who was still sitting at the bar and talking to a male companion. She continued:

"I asked him quite nicely, since we had been previously intimate on occasion, if he would like to join me at this table.

"You can imagine my chagrin when he told me to fuck off. To further my anger he replied in effect that he was not in the mood for fucking trash. Since that remark could be taken in two ways I was thoroughly pissed.

"In stressful times like this, to help me out of my funk, I resort to taking comfort of the well known cliché, 'There's plenty of fish in the sea.' This time an even happier thought came to my mind. Since I'm not adverse to girl on girl sex, then there must be double the amount of fish available to me.

"But then an unhappy thought intruded on my mind. I forgot to factor in that not all girl fish like girl fish. Add the fact that some boy fish only like boy fish, I had to conclude that the sea isn't as abundant in fish as I first envisioned. Just as I was getting gloomy about this last negative thought, low and behold you show up at my table. So perhaps now you can understand my mirth."

The woman then laughed at Vivian's outlandish account, no doubt fueled by the alcohol she had consumed. As the woman had also had some drinks, she was also unguarded in her speech. So she was emboldened to ask:

"So then, do you think or perhaps do you hope, that I might be a girl fish who likes girl fish?"

"Oh no, not at all! Not necessarily! If in fact you only like boy fish, I'm also down with that. Perhaps we can team up and attract two boy fish who can ply us with drinks, at their expense of course."

"No you were right the first time. I'm a girl fish who likes girl fish. So there's no need to be on the look out for boy fish. My name is Angela Black, by the way. I'm a sophomore majoring in English Literature."

"My name is Vivian Laaning, and I'm a junior majoring in History. Pleased to meet you. I'm glad you like girl fish as I've currently lost the mood for boy fish, having been just so savagely insulted as I've informed you. If you don't mind my asking, are you then by any chance a gold star girl fish?"

Angela giggled as she was instantly enchanted by Vivian, and she got a kick out of the silly exchanged banter between them. She answered continuing in their dialogue in the nonsensical manner:

"Oh heaven's no Vivian. I've swum with a couple of boy fish in my time. Unfortunately their fins had done nothing for me."

Vivian laughed and deciding that the fish metaphor was getting a little old, she asked:

"So are you exclusively a lesbian now, or do you think you'll get it on with a guy again?"

Having gotten her drink, a gin tonic, the same as Vivian, Angela took a generous sip. She thought seriously for the moment, as for some reason she wished to give a truthful honest answer. Finally she declared:

"I think you can say I'm ambiguous. I suppose I've essentially become a lesbian, since that is the only sex I've had since arriving at the UW. I do seem to be attracted to girls, but then again I don't abhor guys either. And for full disclosure I confess that I'm very attracted to you, Vivian. After all it's why I asked to join you in the first place. As I said, I do not detest guys like most lesbians do. Since I love fisting and dildo fucking both in my ass and in my pussy, I can't comprehend how a cock could be so much worse.