Voyage of the Istanbul Tigress Ch. 01


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That was for the best. He tried to remember that. And he still cursed himself for leaving her.


Hamilton up over the rail to the deck of His Britannic Majesty's ship the Ariadne, a 36 gun frigate. The bosun's mate piped him aboard as a young officer stepped down and saluted.

Hamilton touched his hat. "Lieutenant Edward Hamilton, coming aboard."

"Lieutenant Henry Mabson," the young officer replied. "You have been expected, of course, Mr. Hamilton. Your sea chest has been secured below."

"Thank you, Mr. Mabson. Is the Captain aboard?"

Mabson nodded rapidly and they walked across the busy deck to the Captain's cabin. The marine guard snapped to attention as Hamilton knocked. Inside, he took of his hat and stood at attention.

Captain Francis Baynes sat at his desk and continued to write. A minute later he put the quill down and looked up. "Mr. Hamilton, I take it."

"Yes, sir."

"I was speaking with Sir Richard," he said, referring to Gibraltar's commanding admiral, Sir Richard Thornborough. "You were in Tunis recently."

"Yes, sir."

"There you commanded a sloop?"

"Yes, sir, a brig-sloop. But only inside the Lake of Tunis, sir. It was not much of a command by English standards."

"I was told you beat back a Corsair raiding galley off the Cape of Carthage."

"Yes, sir. There was one day when I took the brig into the Mediterranean. There was a brief chase."

"I see." Baynes nodded and then looked back down to his papers. "Good day, Mr. Hamilton."

"Yes, sir." Hamilton stepped back and out. A short interview, but hardly unprecedented.


It took a week for repairs to be completed, the Ariadne having taken damage during a fierce Atlantic storm, and for the many barrels of fresh water, salted pork and beef, nails, spare canvas, coiled cables and ropes of all sizes, barrels of musket balls, spars and blocks, a new compass for the binnacle and many other supplies to be brought aboard. Hamilton was supervising the lowering of a reluctant bullock into a small, enclosed stall.

"Handsomely with that, now," Hamilton said to the sailors manning the lines holding the cow on the sling. "Handsomely... handsomely... belay! You may secure the animal, Dalby."

"Aye, sir."

"Compliments of the Captain, Mr. Hamilton," an older sailor said. "He requests your presence at his cabin."

"Thank you," Hamilton turned and recognition flared. "Hopley?"

"Aye, sir. I was wondering there if you remembered me."

"Of course! How could I forget anything about the good old Orion? Where have you been hiding, Hopley?"

"Press gang, sir. But meager pickings with respects to Portsmouth." Hopley leaned closer. "I done heard the sad news about Lieutenant Wray, sir."

"On no, what?"

"Aye, getting married, he is. Though I'm told she is fine looking lass."

Hamilton sighed with a smile and went towards the stern. "Carry on, Hopley."

Hamilton was the last one in the captain's cabin. First Lieutenant John Stepford was looking over a map with the Captain as Second Lieutenant William Galloway watched them intently. Malby, the Fourth Lieutenant, looked nervous and the ship's master, Bickingham seemed bored.

"I'm glad you can join us, Mr. Hamilton," the Captain said.

"My apologies, sir."

Baynes pointed to a one of a series of charts spread out on his table. "Now gentleman, there have been sporadic reports of French warships being seen in the company of vessels of the Beys of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. As I am sure you are all aware, thus far the Corsairs have maintained a benevolent neutrality towards our shipping. Certainly at any other time such an alliance would be shameful, and I dare say the time will come when we will sweep the pirates from the seas. For now, however, with the great struggle against France reaching its sixth year, we cannot abide by a hostile shore along the southern Mediterranean." Baynes pointed to a chart. "Now, our mission is to cruise along the Algerian coast from here to at least here. We will determine if French sail-of-the-line are indeed operating in these waters, whether openly or in disguise. This ship is directed to take, burn, sink, or destroy ships and other vessels of the Republic of France, the Spanish Empire, and any Corsairs who are operating against His Majesty." Baynes paused and looked at each man in turn. "This ship is, furthermore, to take note of all enemy sail, that is as expected, though in addition, we specifically directed to avoid action with enemy frigates unless circumstances are exceedingly favorable."

"If I may, Captain," asked First Lieutenant Stepford, "why are we to not engage enemy frigates? We're more than a match for one of them, sir."

Captain Baynes looked up and slowly over the faces of the men. "Because in their great wisdom the Admiralty has added a diplomatic component to this mission. As you may have heard, gentleman, the French have created a..." Baynes paused as he looked at a piece of paper. "Parthenopaean Republic along the Italian boot. This, of course, is a gross usurpation of the rightful Kingdom of Naples. After our easterly cruise along the Algerian coast we will lay in at King Ferdinand's court of exile in Palermo." Baynes paused, looked down at his notes and added, "Mr. Hamilton, you will be charge of the accommodations."

Hamilton looked up suddenly, "Sir?"

"The accommodations for our guest."

"Yes, sir. Of course, sir, it is an honor. If, however, if I might, sir --"

"The diplomatic envoy is the Viscountess Dunsbrooke."


"The Lady Dunsbrooke. Do you have difficulties with your hearing, Mr. Hamilton?"

"Uh, no sir. I understand, sir."

"She will take your quarters Stepford, and you will take Mr. Galloway's. Mr. Hamilton will raise a hammock in Mr. Mabson's quarters." There was another pause. "You will therefore be sharing with Mr. Mabson."

None of the lieutenants were pleased with that arrangement, but Baynes ignored the grumbles and continued his briefing. A half hour later he ordered the men to leave, save for Hamilton.

"This is most irregular dispatching a woman as an envoy," Baynes said absently. "And I feel it is a wasted effort. Nevertheless the orders are clear."

"Yes, sir."

"I have met Sir Henry," Baynes looked at Hamilton carefully.

"Lord Dunsbrooke, sir?"

"Yes, very good, Mr. Hamilton. I met Sir Henry last year. He is, of course, a gentlemen of great character and a fine servant of the crown. Lady Dunsbrooke is many years younger, I mention this only so that you will know what to expect."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

"The Lady Dunsbrooke is reputed to be a woman of singular intelligence and high spirits. I have little time for the drudgery of high society when I am ashore, and have never met the woman. I do not doubt, however, that like other young women of great means she has been kept isolated from many of the less refined aspects of society. She will undoubtedly take exception to things which occur naturally on a fighting vessel."

"I see. Yes, sir."

"Her manners were fashioned at court and you should be prepared for her to strenuously desire to make numerous requests directly to me. Your orders, Mr. Hamilton, are to make sure that she does not succeed. I am not to be bothered with petty issues relating to the intrinsic nature of a ship with three hundred sailors. Keep her away from me."

"Yes, sir. I understand."

"Oh, and one piece of advice. A woman like Lady Dunsbrooke runs in higher circles than you and she will likely take great offense at being forced to deal with a mere Third Lieutenant. You are a fine officer, Mr. Hamilton, but it is a simple fact that Lady Dunsbrooke is used to the company of Dukes and Admirals. You may find her manners brusque. She may not even remember your name. Be prepared for this."

Hamilton could only nod. "Thank you, sir. Very good, sir."


Two boats brought out the baggage for Katherine Abington, the Viscountess Dunsbrooke, and one servant. Hamilton noticed she had brought along the pretty Rachel Palmer. The maid saw him and looked down, clearly embarrassed. Katherine saw him and yelled out, although whatever she said was lost to the wind. Line and tackle were set from the yardarms and the women were brought on board using a sling. Rachel Palmer looked terrified. Lady Dunsbrooke whooped and laughed.

"Ah, Edward!" she said, as the bosun, very carefully helped her off the sling.

"Your servant, Lady Dunsbrooke," he replied, touching his hat. "I am Lieutenant Hamilton, ma'am. If you will permit me to escort you to your cabins."

"Oh, of course, so pleasant to see you again, Edward."

Galloway and Mabson stood a few feet away, the arrival of the two woman having sparked a sudden interest in the deck planking. They stared openmouthed at the familiarly Lady Dunsbrooke showed to Hamilton, until he glared at them and their attention quickly changed to the mainmast.

Hamilton told Hopley to gather a group of sailors to take the women's baggage from the boat and to their cabins. There were many volunteers. Hamilton escorted the women them below just as the last of their trunks were secured. Rachel's modest set of personal items were taken to a temporary room next to Katherine's, separated from the gunroom by a heavy canvas.

"I am sorry there are not better accommodations, Lady Dunsbrooke. Please remember this is a fighting ship."

"I'm been on ships before, Edward," Katherine said as Hamilton frowned. "Oh, all right. Lieutenant."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Isn't it lucky, Lieutenant, that I am on the same ship as you?" Katherine said.

"A remarkable coincidence. If there is nothing else, Lady Dunsbrooke, I will attend to my duties. You are invited to dine this evening with the ship's officers in the Captain's quarters."

"Don't you want to know why I am here? Of course you do. You see, Edward, I am to deliver a letter of diplomatic importance to my old and dear friend King Felipe's sister."

"If I may, Lady Dunsbrooke, I believe you mean King Ferdinand. And does he indeed have a sister?"

"Oh, probably. These Mediterranean royals, they breed like rabbits!" She put her hand to her chin, tapping one finger. "Ferdinand? Are you sure? Sir Richard didn't say anything and neither did your Captain Barnes."

"Captain Baynes. And yes, I am sure you want the sister of His Majesty Ferdinand IV the King of Naples and Sicily."

"Well if you insist, Edward," she laughed.

Hamilton touched his hat, but hesitated and then said in a low voice, "you simply informed Admiral Thornborough you had this letter and he approved of your request to be on this ship?"

"I told him my husband communicated with me directly and that it was all highly confidential. Henry works in the foreign office, and is very boring."

"Yes, I know. I mean, I know your husband works in the foreign office." Hamilton sighed. "You must realize that the Admiral is going to send a dispatch to London."

"Edward, I am delighted you are so concerned about me! I am sure the good Admiral will write and I am just as sure Henry will reply with something vague and difficult to read." She laughed. "It hardly matters, now, does it? We shall be at sea long before any scribbled note from London reaches the Admiral's desk."

She suddenly stepped closer and rested her hand on his crotch. "Mmm... it is charming to see you Edward. I want to hear more of your stories." Hamilton didn't dare move.

"Lady Dunsbrooke, please!" He said, trying to keep his voice down. "This really isn't the place."

"Rachel is there anyone outside?"

The servant, standing just outside the cabin, looked back and forth. "Yes, ma'am."

"Oh, damn." Katherine pulled her hand from his crotch and patted his cheek. "I don't want you to worry, though, Edward. I am simply teasing you. I am not going to embarrass you in front of the crew."

"Thank you, Katherine... um, Lady Dunsbrooke." He touched his hat and backed up, quickly making his way on deck.


Hamilton rested in his hammock as the ship gently rocked back and forth. Over the past six days he had become attuned to the routine on the Ariadne, though it had helped that the weather had been mostly fair. The real measure of a crew was how well they performed outside of the routine. Would they take in topsails quickly during a rolling gale? Would they continue to work the guns hard as men around them lay dying. It was always hard to predict; often the bravest man in the wardroom was the first to shy away during a boarding, but he his instincts told him that the Ariadne had a good crew.

He had spoken to Katherine only a few times, and each time made sure the conversation took place on deck or through messages passed by her servant, Rachel. Somewhat to his surprise Katherine endured the cramped quarters and indifferent food with little complaint. She seemed to instinctively know that men on a warship were of two minds about a woman on board: while all but a few were more than happy to sneak a glance at her, especially when she was coming up one of the narrow ladders, most of them believed the sailor's superstition that a woman brought bad luck to a ship.

Hamilton had conflicting feeling himself. Katherine Abington was a very beautiful woman and, if they were on shore, he would very much like to find her in a soft bed once more. But when he dreamed he saw visions of Nasira. She was a fierce warrior, with a stoic exterior so unlike the Lady Dunsbrooke, and a tenderness that came out when they had been in bed together. But there was more than that, Nasira was a good companion as well as good in bed.

Nasira would adapt to a small cabin, and he idly pondered the notion of having her onboard when he went to see. That would never be allowed, but it made for very pleasant thoughts.

There was a low knock on the door.

"Yes?" Hamilton said, slightly irritated to be taken from his musings.

The door crept open and Rachel Palmer stepped inside. She looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry to disturb you, sir."

"Think nothing of it. How may I help you, Miss Palmer?"

"My mistress sent me to... to... to see you, sir."

Hamilton swung out of the hammock. "What is her concern?"

"There is no concern. I mean, she sent me to... you see, sir, she cannot meet you... and had asked me..."

He looked at her, dark haired, not a startling beauty like Katherine Abington but she was attractive. She seemed to be wearing only a thin shift, and even in the dim light, he could see down at the tops of her nipples.

"I'm sorry, Miss Palmer. I don't quite understand why Lady Dunsbrooke sent you to see me."

She looked up at him and smiled, weakly. "My mistress says that I am to make myself available to you, sir, if you take my meaning. She knows it is not possible for you and her to... to be together and... she said... if you wish..."

"Ah." Hamilton hesitated for a moment and then stepped around her. He looked back and forth outside the cabin. There didn't seem to be anyone obvious in sight, and Mabson was on watch. Hamilton slowly closed the door and stepped next to the servant.

"Now, why would you allow your mistress to send you to me like this?"

"My mistress has been kind to me, sir. I had nowhere else to go when she took me in."

Standing behind her, in the dim light, the curve of her Rachel Palmer's neck suddenly seemed identical with how he remembered Nasira. He leaned in and kissed her there.

"Oh!... yes, sir, this is why... this is why..."

Hamilton held her as he pressing his hips against her ass. "Shh. We must be quiet. Now pull that off and let me see you."

Rachel nodded. She reached down and brought the shift over her head. He turned her around slowly. Her breasts were modest in size, but he liked the way they felt, soft to his touch. Looking down he could see that her pussy, with short dark hair, was also trimmed. He wondered if Katherine insisted on doing that.

"Now, Rachel, turn back around and put your hands up and hold on to that beam in the deckhead above, yes, that one. Now don't let go until I tell you."

"Yes, sir." She reached up and put her palms against the low beam, causing her to bend forward, slightly. He kept behind her, pressing his bulge against her ass.

"And what else does your mistress have you do, hm?"

"Oh... she... she has made me serve her in bed."

Hamilton had reached around and took hold of her breasts, squeezing as he played with them. "Serve? You mean breakfast?"

"Yes, sir. I do that at times. But, also, mistress has also had me serve her body. Like how you had me do sir, except, that climb under the blankets and lick... lick her cunt, sir, if I can say that."

"You certainly can. Was this the first time she licked your cunt?" He slide his hands down, feeling her soft stomach and the curve of her hip. One hand moved in until it rested on her soft mound.

"Oh, sir! Oh, yes...yes sir it was."

"I hope you enjoyed it, Miss Palmer."

She nodded, unable to speak. He found her slit and pressed his fingers across her delicate folds, then traced lightly over her slit. She was wet, but he didn't slide a finger inside her, not yet, instead moving it up to find her clit. He found it and rubbed.

"Oh, sir!"

"You have to be quiet now." He was just able to reach one pair of his silk stockings. He balled it up with one hand and placed it in her mouth. The ends trailed down, but as long as she held it in her mouth it made an effective gag.

Hamilton played with her pussy. Rachel squirmed in his grasp, but kept her hands on the beam and didn't spit out the gag. He finally let one finger slip inside of her. She moaned, her hips pressing back against him. She tilted her head back suddenly, almost knocking him in the nose.

"Careful now," he said. "Your mistress, I am sure, makes good use of you. I would imagine that when you are in her chambers you are her slave."

Rachel nodded vigorously.

"And you are a very pretty slave. If we weren't onboard ship I'd fuck you."

She nodded faster and he could feel her legs quivering. He pushed one hand against her clit as fingers from the other now dipped into her cunt. Rachel screamed into the gag with pleasure. He held her tightly, which only increased her pleasure.

"You can put your hands down." He said. Taking hold of her shoulders and turning her around. He pulled the damp stocking from her mouth.

Then he guided her to her knees.

Rachel looked up for a moment, just to make sure, and then unbuttoned his breeches. She pulled his hard cock free and let it slide into her mouth. She held onto the base with one hand as she sucked, bobbing her head back and forth rapidly.

"Yes. Very good. Oh, very good," he muttered. He held her head tightly with one hand as she moved back and forth, the other hand against the bulkhead. Already stimulated from holding her and playing with her, the surge of pleasure in his cock swept over him, and as he moaned quietly, his cum was in her throat. Rachel kept sucking, pulling her mouth back and forth as small traces of cum fell down on her hands.

She pulled his sticky cock out and pressed it to her breasts, holding his shaft tightly against her soft skin.

"You're doing well, Rachel."

"Thank you sir," she said. She licked his cock to take off the traces of cum and then let him adjust his cock back inside his breeches. She buttoned him up and then stood before him.

"Now, you can go back and tell your mistress thank you," he said.

Rachel composed herself and pulled the shift back on. She nodded, unsure of what else to say and left. Suddenly feeling very warm Hamilton took a wet cloth and squeezed water across his face. He climbed back into the hammock. Taking advantage of the poor young woman was hardly the behavior of a gentleman and yet... and yet he had not hesitated. It had been Tunis, where sex slaves were obedient and plentiful, that had given him the taste for the controlling woman, and it was now virtually impossible to pass up an opportunity to do just that.