Welcome to My World


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Impulsively, she sat up and pulled off her t-shirt, exposing her breasts. She lay back down next to Dannie.

"Help yourself," Janice said softly. Danielle paused, confused. Then a look crossed her face—a look that Janice hadn't seen in years. It was like Christmas morning when Dannie was just a little girl...like when she just opened her favorite present.

Danielle didn't have to be invited twice. She started with a few tentative squeezes, but very soon she was fully engaged. Janice watched her daughter explore a woman's body for the first time. Seeing the joy and excitement in her daughter's face made her feel sure that she had done the right thing. She stroked Danielle's hair as her daughter cupped, played, giggled. pinched, caressed.

Then, suddenly, everything changed. Danielle was kissing, nibbling, and sucking. Nursing.

The feel of the warm, young mouth on her nipples sent an electric current though Janice's body, and her maternal joy began to give way to womanly arousal. As Dannie suckled, Janice continued to stroke her hair, but now was gently guiding her daughter's head in its explorations.

The nipple action continued to send waves of pleasure rippling through Janice's body and down to her pussy. She felt her clitoris become erect as a familiar tingling warmth spread through her loins. As Janice began to lose herself in pleasure, Danielle because more aggressive in her caresses.

Janice had not felt sensations like this in years...not since... Well, she finally admitted to herself, not ever. She could feel that she was wet, fully aroused, ready for... for what?

With an effort, she brought herself back to reality, and gently lifted her daughter's head from her nipple. Kissing her gently, Janice said softly, "This is so wrong, Danielle."

"Mom, for Christ's sake. There isn't anything wrong with it at all...especially when it's so right." She looked at her mother and giggled, "You're outed. I can so tell that you like kissing women."

"Yes, I do. I like kissing women," Janice affirmed. "I like touching women...ahhhh...Dannie stop that for a second," she gasped, plucking her daughters playful hand away, "As you can tell, I like a woman's touch." She took Dannie's face in her hands. "But you're not just a woman," she concluded, "you're my daughter."

Danielle frowned, then an impish grin crossed her face. "Well, no one's perfect," she quipped.

Janice chuckled, looking down to confirm that she was indeed naked in bed and making out with her nude daughter. "That's for sure," she confirmed. "Not perfect at all."

Danielle looked at her mother. "Mom," she said softly, "sometimes ya just gotta follow your heart."

"My heart will have me burning in hell if I'm not careful," Janice said, kissing Danielle tenderly.

"Save me a spot next to you," Danielle sighed, deepening the kiss, "medium-well, please." They kissed until Janice could not stand it anymore.

"How do you feel?" she asked her daughter softly.

"Like I'm on fire," Dannie sighed.

"Me too," replied her mother. "Maybe we should get up before we get scorched."

Danielle was disappointed, but in her heart she knew that her mother was right. She had to admit that she was aflame with desire, but she was scared too.

"Shit," she replied out loud, "I thought we were going to be on fire together."

She continued her internal dialogue. Neither of them was ready for...for what, she asked herself? She couldn't even answer that question. "Outstanding," she thought bitterly, "you don't even know what you're not ready for." Clearly, she wasn't ready for...something.

Her mother kissed her gently. Maternally. "Dannie, you look sad," Janice said. "What are you feeling?"

"I don't know," her daughter replied. "Confusion, I guess. Heart vs. head, I think."

"I know how you feel," her mother affirmed, "I'm crazy with desire and scared as hell—all at the same time." Danielle smiled and nodded. Hearing that her mother felt the same way she did made her feel good. Affirmed.

Janice hugged her, now fully back in "mother mode."

"I've got a good idea," she said brightly, "Let's have some French toast. That should perk us up." That broke the spell, and Danielle giggled.

"No," she said with a twinkle in her eye, "I want cloud pancakes," referring to one of her favorite childhood breakfasts.

Her mother laughed out loud. "Ok. One order of cloud pancakes coming up," she looked into Dannie's eyes and paused. They shared a look of mutual desire. Then, unexpectedly, Janice gave Danielle one final "stinker-binker" and jumped out of bed. "Last one downstairs is a rotten egg," she called.

"You motherfucker," Danielle called after her.

"Watch your language, this isn't a hockey rink," her mother called back. "And think about what you're saying, Ms. Freudian Slip." Danielle blushed crimson as she meekly descended the stairs.

A few minutes later the pancakes were ready. Danielle sat, expectantly as her mother put an irregularly-shaped hotcake on one her plate.

"This one's a cloud," began Janice, just as she had when her daughter was a little girl. Danielle smiled and poured syrup on the crazily shaped blob.

"And this one is a..." Janice paused.

"It looks like a hockey stick," said Danielle, "sort of a fat hockey stick."

"Ok. So you have a cloud and a hockey stick. I'm going to take the football and the...hmmm." Janice paused, stumped.

"Amoeba," giggled Dannie, "that one is definitely an amoeba."

They ate together and Danielle delighted as they talked about memories of making pancakes when Dannie was a little girl.

"I always loved that you made these cool shapes, and we could play games," Danielle chuckled.

"Well, sweetie, I can't make a round pancake to save my life—your dad always hated that—so I just figured that I'd best tell you that I was making other things," her mom confessed.

Danielle paused in mid-bite. "Damn. I was a real sucker on that one" she said thoughtfully. "I guess it's pretty hard to outsmart a mom." She paused. "So your secret is out after all these years. Don't you feel better now?" she asked playfully.

"I do," chuckled her mother, "it's always better to be honest. Here. Have half of my amoeba. It's pretty tasty, but I can't finish the whole thing. It will fuel you up for the championship game today."


Danielle was excited that Coach Ellen had come to the game, and her mom took the afternoon off work, too. Danielle had been sad to see her mom leave for work, though, and missed her all morning.

For her part, Janice spent a very unproductive morning at her desk. She couldn't think of anything but of being with Danielle again. She knew that she should probably be troubled about the feelings she was having...but, somehow, she wasn't. She thought back to how hard she had worked to accept her feelings. "Well," she thought, "these feelings are unmistakable." Knowing that she was clear about how she felt gave her some comfort.

Sitting with Ellen at the game was good for her, too. She liked being with Ellen, and now felt like she had a confidant to share her feelings with. Ellen had been a little surprised to see how warmly Danielle and her mother had embraced, but didn't think too much of it. Between periods, though, she found that the conversation with Janice went in an unexpected direction.

"So," Janice had asked her, "do you think there are limits on how much we should honor our feelings?"

"No, I don't," said Ellen decisively. Janice had always admired how strong and firm she could be. "But why are you asking me this?"

"Because I have feelings that I don't know how to handle," answered Janice truthfully.

Ellen put two and two together. She blinked. "You mean, er...feelings for Danielle?"

Janice just nodded. "And I'm in a hell of a state about it."

"I can understand that," Ellen said gently. She looked at Janice. "How can I help?" she asked.

"I don't know," Janice said, shaking her head. "Talk me out of it. Talk me into it. Get me to a psychiatrist. Something," she took Ellen's hand, "Help me sort this out, Ellen. You were so good the last time around."

The game had resumed, so Ellen took charge and led Janice to a more secluded spot so they could talk better. On the way, she had a chance to collect her thoughts.

"Janice, I don't know what's right for you. Or for Danielle," she began. "I can tell you, though, that if what I saw in Danielle's eyes when she hugged you means anything she certainly feels the way you do."

"Oh, she does," said Janice quickly. "It's written all over her face when we talk now."

Ellen smiled. "Yeah. Neither of you are very good at keeping your feelings inside," she said.

"But what should I do?" Janice wailed. "The 'follow your heart' thing seems...I don't know...not a good idea in this case."

"Well, it may not be a good idea in the long run, but you can't get to the long run without going through the short run, can you?" Ellen answered her with a question. "Look. Danielle has these feelings for women that she's trying to explore. So far, she's been rejected by her best friend and feels like an oddball in her social circle. It seems to me that she's reaching out to the other woman in her life that she loves."

In that moment, Janice knew that she loved Ellen. "You always make me a better person," she said taking Ellen's hand, "Every time I'm with you. You help me understand things." She smiled. "So why couldn't Dannie have latched onto you for her first love?" she asked rhetorically.

"Because I set boundaries with my girls," Ellen answered. "I know other coaches who don't, and frankly, I think that's reprehensible. Somehow, that must have come through to Danielle." She looked at Janice. "So I'm out," she said, smiling, "You're elected."

"You mean you think I should..." Janice's voice trailed off.

"I think you should use your good sense," Ellen counseled her, "and whatever you do should be in Danielle's best interest." She looked at Janice. "You know that there are plenty of women around for you, don't you?" she asked.

Janice nodded, "But I think there's only one that I want," she said, smiling.

"Right now there seems to be two," Ellen corrected her.

"Ok," Janice allowed, "Two."

"Anyway...how did we get into that?" Ellen asked crossly "where was I? Oh yeah. Anyway, you don't need to be using Danielle to explore your feelings. But if she needs someone to help her explore hers. Well," she put her hand tenderly on Janice's face, "I personally couldn't think of anyone better than you for that job."

"Really?" asked Janice. She couldn't believe her ears. "You don't think it's...I don't know... sick? You're not jealous?"

"How could I be jealous?" Ellen asked. "Jealous of what? I'm not saying that this is right or wrong. It just is what it is." She paused. "Janice, my first time with a woman was with an older woman. She wasn't my mother, but she was a very maternal figure to me. That was a big turning point in my acceptance of who I am and how I feel. She was so comfortable being a lesbian, and by the time we were finished, I understood that it just wasn't a big deal to have these feelings. I don't know how things might go with you and Danielle, but I think you both need some affirmation."

Janice smiled and nodded. "We do," she said.

"Well, you have it from me, at least," Ellen told her. "I'll always be there for you both."

Janice embraced her. "Hang on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride," she whispered, kissing Ellen.

By the time they returned to their seats, the game was well into the third period. It was a close, fast-paced, exciting game. Danielle missed a wide-open shot that would have won the game for her team. Janice groaned.

"Shit happens," Ellen said simply. "She's just got to play through it." Fortunately, Danielle's team wound up winning anyway.

"Well, I sucked," Danielle said, coming out of the locker room, "but at least we won."

Coach Ellen ruffled her sweaty hair. "You battled hard, kiddo, even when the bounces didn't go your way. Be proud of that," she told her young star. Danielle smiled.

"Thanks, coach," she said. "I'll keep working."

Janice invited Ellen out for dinner, but Ellen declined. "No thanks, guys, not tonight. I've got some things to attend to." She lowered her voice as she kissed Janice on the cheek, "and I think you do, too." Janice chuckled.

"What's so funny?" asked Danielle, tossing her equipment bag into the trunk.

"I'll tell you later," her mother answered.


"So. Do you want to stop for dinner, or make something at home?" Janice asked as they drove.

Danielle fidgeted nervously. "Mom," she began softly, "I'm actually not very hungry right now."

"Is everything ok?" Janice asked.

"Yeah Of course...it's just that...jeez, I'm tongue-tied," Danielle said, stopping in mid-sentence.

Her mother looked at the clock. "I'd better make a note of the time and date," she teased. "This is a first." Danielle giggled and playfully slapped her mother's thigh. Her mother reached down and took her hand.

"Don't strike your mother, young lady," she said with mock sternness. Then she just held Danielle's hand in hers. "So you don't want dinner? What do you want?" she asked, looking over at her daughter.

Danielle just looked at her, pleading silently. Janice smiled.

"Ok. One massage, coming up." she said as Danielle squeezed her hand tightly.


It seemed like they would never get home, but finally they arrived. Danielle zipped into the house, shedding clothes as she ran upstairs.

"Hey, what about your equipment?" called her mother as Danielle's half-naked form disappeared up the stairs.

"Could you do it for me?" Danielle called. Janice could already hear the shower running.

By the time Janice had taken care of hockey equipment and got her bedroom arranged, Danielle was finished showering. Janice had left the bedroom door open and Danielle just walked in. She was nude.

"No need for false modesty, right?" she asked her mother, "there's here nothing you haven't seen already."

"Well, no," Janice replied, smiling, "but I've never had it put on display before, either."

Danielle blushed as she got into bed. As Janice embraced her, she could feel her daughter covered with goose bumps. She began to rub Danielle's back in a caressing, comforting way. Danielle looked up at her questioningly.

"You don't really have any knots to work out, do you?" Janice asked. Danielle just shook her head, too nervous to speak. "Then why don't we just cuddle for a while?" Janice suggested. Danielle nodded and snuggled more closely against her mother.

They remained silent a long time, each coming to terms with themselves and their feelings. Finally Danielle spoke. "So what were you and Coach Ellen talking about in the parking lot? You said you'd tell me later."

Janice took a deep breath. She had been trying to figure out how to say this. "Sweetie, I talked to her about...how I felt..." Danielle stirred. "...about how we felt."

"Wow," her daughter said softly, "you mean she knows? I couldn't tell...I mean...she didn't act any different than normal."

"She's a remarkable person," Janice agreed. "I can't say that she was 100% supportive, but she did help me to see that sometimes the usual rules don't apply." Danielle smiled.

"You've been breaking a lot of your rules lately," she reminded her mother. "Like the whole kissing girls thing." In reply, Janice kissed her.

"Yeah. And like the whole kissing my daughter thing..." she responded as Danielle cut her off with another kiss. Janice gently extracted herself so she could continue.

"I'm here for you, Dannie," she told her daughter. "I want you to feel free to be yourself tonight...to explore whatever you need to explore." Danielle leaned forward and kissed her mother. It was a lingering kiss.

"I need you to explore me, too," Danielle sighed. Janice silently pulled off her clothes and they were naked together.

Danielle immediately began caressing her mother's breasts as she had done that morning. This time, though, there was no hesitation as she quickly resumed the suckling that had produced such a strong response. Janice, for her part, no longer tried to resist the feelings. Having spent the whole day keyed up sexually and emotionally, she knew that she was going to succumb quickly no matter what.

"Ahhh, Dannie," she sighed, "you do that really well." Seeing her mother becoming sexually aroused, got Danielle excited as well. She felt herself becoming light-headed—intoxicated with the smell, taste and feel of her mother. The pulsing, warmth returned between her legs, and she instinctively humped forward, finding her mother's thigh to press against.

Janice understood and reached around to grasp Danielle's ass. She pulled her daughter more tightly tightly against her as Dannie spread her legs and welcomed the comforting thigh, giving it full access where it was most achingly craved.

As Danielle began to hump against her, Janice could not stand it any longer. She reached down to her mons, brushing it lightly with her palm, then gripping more firmly and joining her daughter in the rhythmic thrusting.

Danielle saw her mother's hand working, pleasuring herself. She reached down and, a bit awkwardly, tried to do the same for herself. After a few minutes, Janice could see that she was having trouble.

She gently moved her hand to her daughter's pussy, saying softly, "Here, let me show you," as she got a good grip and pressed down firmly. The reaction was immediate.

"Oh God, mom," Danielle moaned, "please do it. Please." She had no idea what to do, but instincts passed down from time immemorial took hold. She began thrusting her hips, fucking the air. There was only a slight adjustment of her loving mother's hand required. As Janice's fingers disappeared into her daughter's moist slit, Danielle was now fucking flesh and blood. And there was no question: her body knew exactly how to do that.

"Follow your heart," was the last conscious thought Danielle had before she completely lost herself in the moment.

Janice was awestruck at the strength and passion of her daughter. Danielle had been transformed into a complete, adult woman, totally focused on mating. Seeing the powerfully thrusting, athletic hips, Janice thought, "She could make such beautiful babies," before realizing that her daughter's destiny lay elsewhere. Like any good mother, she only focused on helping her daughter reach her full potential as a woman.

"So be it," she thought, "this is who my daughter is." And after a moment: "And this is who I am."

Danielle had a desperate look in her eyes. She felt her body slipping from her control as her reflexes began to take over. "Oh God, mom, I can't..." she began, then passed beyond speech.

"You're doing great, Dannie," her mom assured her, "let nature take it's course. It won't be long now, sweetie."

Janice reached her fingers toward the area where her daughter's g-spot would be located. At first, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, Danielle grabbed her mother's hand with a furious strength and held it in a vice grip as she fucked her young loins down on the arching fingers. She tried to pull the blessed fingers deeper inside her. She wanted to envelop the fingers, the hand...ahh...the whole universe.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," Danielle cried as she moved. She felt like she was strapped to a rocket, blasting off into outer space.

Janice could only watch, awed, as her magnificent daughter fucked herself into a cataclysmic orgasm. She wiggled her fingers, trying to give Danielle every possible bit of pleasure.

"Oh God, fuck. Mom," Danielle moaned, "Mom...ahh... fuck," she gasped as Janice felt her internal muscles grip down and squeeze her fingers with a furious strength. Almost immediately, Danielle's body began to shake with the orgasm, and she grunted and twitched her way through it.