Who Killed Jake Mullett?


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"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was this gorgeous woman being fucked by the death angel and loving every minute of it and her husband was just in the other room or outside. It was one of the best peeping sights I have ever seen. When she came, I quietly closed the door and went back into the main hall."

"Elgin, did you see Jake anytime after that during the evening?"

"No, I don't think I did. I just watched the cheerleaders dance and of course that gorgeous temptress in the black dress with the dark angel."

"Elgin, at any time during the night did you not see the dark angel or Jake's wife?

"Oh, there were lots of times. It was a big Halloween party and it really was lots of fun till Jake's wife and the death angel came running in saying it looked like Jake Mullett had been killed."

"Why were people going out to the grave, Elgin? I mean before they found Jake's body."

"Mostly smoking. They didn't allow smoking inside the hall so people wandered outside to have a smoke. I don't think Jake smoked but he was out there trying to feel up a few of the ladies. It was pretty dark out there. I can't understand why he was looking for other women when he had that sex temptress on his arm. He was just an evil, evil man and you know he always called me queer. What business was it of his what I did? I'd have killed him myself if I would have had a gun. I hope they never find the killer. I bet it was his wife. I get hard just picturing her. She's a model you know. I wonder if she does nude photos? I'd buy them, I really would," said Elgin.

Elgin was a nut case but we believed he was telling the truth. I sure hoped Ron wasn't involved in this. Hell, he was my best friend.

We talked to Molly after talking to Elgin. She told us that she did dance with Jake, just to be nice but he couldn't keep his hands to himself. Finally she just pushed him and walked off the dance floor.

He had called her a bitch and she replied, "Maybe I'll show you what a bitch I can really be." She did say she told him he was nothing but a pervert and if he was dead the world would be a better place.

"I didn't kill him, Ray. Yes, I told him what I told you but I was mad at the time. I was just trying to be nice to an old classmate but you can't just be nice to Jake."

Next, Jean and I talked about her discussion with Susan.

Jean spoke first. "Susan despised Jake with a passion. She did say she dated him a couple of times in high school after you started dating Amy. She said it was to make you jealous because she knew you didn't like Jake."

"Jean, Susan and I weren't that close. We went on a date or two and kissed like most teenagers but we weren't in love; we never had sex." I replied.

"Susan understands that now but at the time it was puppy love for her. By the way she is madly in love with her husband and would do anything for him. I believe she's being honest with me," remarked Jean.

"What did she say about Jake?" I asked.

"I need to go back to the reunion five years ago to explain her feelings toward Jake," replied Jean.

"You were at the academy and didn't attend the reunion. Amy was pregnant with your first child so she didn't attend either; so Susan went alone. She wasn't dating anyone at the time. Anyway, Jake showed up and they danced. I guess everyone was going for rides in that fellow John Beal's new van. Susan said she drank too much and let herself go too far with Jake and he had sex with her in the van. After that Jake acted like she didn't exist. He got what he wanted.

"Susan went home after that. She said she got over it pretty quick but gained a great dislike for Jake. It wasn't like he took her cherry or anything, but she didn't like being used. When he came to the reunion this time she tried to stay clear of him but he grinned at her every time he saw her.

"When she stepped outside, Jake grabbed her and wouldn't let go. She said she screamed out and Ron came out and told him to keep his hands off his wife. It was very similar to what Elgin had told us but it's like she was protecting her husband. Susan called Jake names and said she hoped he died for being such an asshole. After that he walked away laughing. Susan said that she and Ron went back in to enjoy the party."

It all sounded pretty believable to me. I did wonder who did get her cherry. I was kind of glad it wasn't Jake. I did have to wonder what Ron had to say. I was still a little scared that he could be involved. I know how much he loved Susan and he would die for her if necessary. Ron and Susan have been Amy and my best friends for quite awhile.

One thing about Amy and Susan was that they were outspoken women. They could hold their own in most any situation. It was now time for Jean to tell what my wife Amy had to say about the party. Since she had recorded the conversation, she played it for me.

Amy said, "At the beginning it was nice seeing a lot of our old classmates. I didn't recognize a lot of them since they were wearing costumes besides not seeing some of them for ten years. Of course, I knew about the different deaths since the last reunion. It's odd that, after someone whom you hardly know dies, they are almost wiped from our memories until someone brings up their name. I find that kind of sad.

"I was having a nice time but I wish Ray could have been there. God I love him so much. He's been my boyfriend since our junior year in high school. Sharon and I are best friends and both liked Ray. Luckily I won out. Other than our three kids, he's the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Amy, let's get back to the party. Did you see Jake there?" asked Jean.

"Of course I did. You know that. Do we really have to talk like this, Jean?"

"I'm sorry, Amy, but this is how I have to do it. When did you see Jake at the party?"

"Well, he came in with a beautiful woman on his arm. Damn, she was beautiful. We found out it was his wife and she was a model or something. Why he would chase skirts with something like that at his side is beyond me," replied Amy.

"What do you mean chase skirts, Amy?"

"He tried to put the make on every woman there just about. I mean he's a real snake in the grass. He's worse than I can ever remember. Maybe it has something to do with his celebrity status. I really don't know."

"Did he try to put the make on you Amy?" asked Jean.

"I tried to stay away from him most of the time but he always gave out snide remarks when he knew no one else might hear. You know, stuff like, 'Damn I bet you're good in bed.' things like that. I was out smoking a cigarette; I'm trying to quit but it isn't easy. Anyway, I'm standing there and he reaches down and grabs my ass. I was shocked and hauled off and slapped him, the damn pervert. If Ray would have been there, Jake would have been a dead man. Oh, I guess he is anyway. Sorry about that last statement.

"I called him a few choice names and went back inside and pretty much hung with Susan and Ron."

"Anything else you want to tell me, Amy?" asked Jean. "Anything that might help us out."

"This is Ray's department, figuring out crime. I will say that Jake's wife and Bob were a little too close for just being friends. Everyone saw them playing grab ass while her husband was busy doing the same thing. I'd put my money on a shameless marriage. I know if Ray acted like Jake, he'd be a dead man. Oh, shit, strike that remark; I could never hurt Ray," replied Amy.

"I know where you're coming from; we all want to protect what's ours. I know I would do whatever is necessary to protect what's mine," said Jean. "Of course it would have to be within the law," she smiled.

"Is there anything you want to say about Susan or Ron?" asked Jean.

"They're my best friends. I know they dislike Jake as much as I do; maybe even more since Susan did date him a few times." replied Amy.

"Amy, do you know if Susan ever had sexual relations with Jake?" asked Jean.

"What? Jean, how could you ask me anything like that? I'll tell you that I never did and if you want personal information like that about Susan, you can just ask her yourself," replied an angry Amy.

"I'm sorry, Amy; it's my job to ask. You'd be surprised how many people like to gossip about their so-called friends."

"Look, Jean, I like you and respect you but anything you want to know about my friends, you'll have to get it from them. Is there anything else you want to ask me about the party?"

"Did anyone like Jake Mullett?" asked Jean.

"Not too many people, but I don't think they hated him enough to do him in. I should say, he won't be missed," answered Amy.

Next, I had to talk with my friend Ron. There was no reason to beat around the bush so I came out and asked him. "Ron, for the record, did you kill Jake Mullett?"

"No, I did not. I do have to admit that I wasn't far from stabbing him with my knife," replied Ron.

"Please explain what you're talking about Ron," I said.

"Bullshit! Ray, we both know that you have witnesses telling of me pulling a knife out at Jake. He laid his hands on my wife and if there weren't any witnesses, I'd have cut him wide open. We're made from the same cloth, Ray. I know if someone laid their hands on Amy that you wouldn't just stand by and watch. I protected my wife just like you would have done. I don't have to apologize for it," replied Ron.

"Ron, I know you better than anybody. You're on our list because of pulling the knife and saying you would kill him if he bothered Susan again. I believe that you would be capable of doing it. Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't do it."

Ron stared straight into my eyes and said, "Ray, I didn't kill the damn bastard, Jake Mullett. I will also say that I'm glad he's dead."

I believed Ron. Not that it would mean anything if he were charged but I knew him. He was right when he said the two of us were cut from the same cloth. We were two good family men with kids and good wives and would do anything to protect our families.

I said thank you to my friend and told him I would keep him updated on the case.

We're now going to tell you what Bob Sees and Simone had to say. I want to say before they tell their story that we didn't talk to these people in the order that we explained here. Bob and Simone were the first two that we talked to. We actually talked to them three times but they stuck with their stories.

Bob came in first while Simone sat in our waiting room.

"Bob, tell us about your relationship with Jake Mullett and his wife, Simone."

"They're both friends of mine. I am the vice president of the bank that Jake's father runs."

"What were you doing at the reunion/Halloween party? You didn't graduate with this class or even from this school."

"Jake asked me to come along and help keep Simone company. He was going to try and get a little tail while he was here. The reunion committee said they didn't mind so long as Jake came. He was a celebrity and they wanted him at their reunion."

"Did you kill him, Bob? Did you kill Jake Mullett so you could be with his wife?"

"Alright, alright, I hated the bastard and the way he acted like he was the cock of the walk. He left Simone by herself all the time and flirted with other women right in front of her. She deserved a lot better than him, but I didn't kill him. In fact, I spent most of the night with Simone by my side except for the few times he danced with her. You can ask her; she'll tell you we were together most of the night."

"Do you love Simone, Bob? Would you kill to have her for your very own?"

Bob sat quiet for a few seconds staring at us. "Yes, I love her and, yes, I would do anything to be with her but I didn't kill Jake. We went out looking for him when we... umm, after we... didn't see him for awhile at the party. Someone said he had been spending most of his time out back in the cemetery. We walked over to the open grave and saw a pitch fork sticking in his chest. Simone screamed and we rushed back into the party and called the police."

"Thanks for talking with us. Please let us know your whereabouts so we can keep in touch with you," I said.

"You guys have to believe me that I didn't kill Jake. Yes, I'm glad he's dead; yes, I'm in love with Simone, but I didn't kill him. I know it looks bad but there is no evidence that I fought with him or was near the grave except when we found him," replied Bob.

Our talk with Simone was very similar to our talk with Bob. When she walked in I have to say she was one beautiful sexy woman. I had to agree with others who couldn't understand why Jake would want anyone else when he had this woman in his bed. Then I heard her speak. Her personality was horrible. It was all about her. She was a female Jake Mullett when it came to a personality; that sucked. They deserved each other.

She walked into the office and I asked her to sit down. "Mrs. Mullett," I preceded to say when she crudely interrupted me.

"I don't go by Mullett. I prefer to be called by my single stage and professional name of Simone," I was told in no uncertain terms.

"I'm sorry, Simone. Would you tell us about your relationship and marriage to Jake please." I tried to act professional.

"I met Jake at a party about three years ago and we dated a little and then got married. It was a marriage of convenience."

"Could you please explain what you mean by convenience?" I asked.

"We didn't love each other; I don't really know if we even knew each other that well. I was his arm candy. You know, he wanted a well built, good looking woman on his arm when he went to parties and socialized. I, on the other hand, needed to be noticed more in my career. By marrying a pro football player I was noticed and it was a big boost to my career as a model."

"Did you and Jake ever make love?" I asked.

"That's rather a crude question. Jake never made love; we had sex. Jake only worried about getting himself off. He really never cared if I came or not."

"Did he still see other women, Simone?"

"See! Ha, that's a laugh. He'd fuck any woman that would hold still long enough. It's one of the reasons he came to the reunion or party if you prefer. He wanted to show off how he could still pick up the women. He had his eye on a few old classmates. Why would he want any small town hick girls when he had me, I just don't understand."

"Did he mention any names? What classmates he might be interested in?"

"No, he would fuck any woman that would let him. The funny thing is that's he's such a lousy lover. I doubt any woman would even want him a second time," laughed Simone.

"Tell me about Bob Sees. Is he your friend or Jake's?"

"Bob hated Jake. The only reason he came to this party was to be with me."

"Did Jake know that he was your lover?" I asked.

She hesitated before answering. I know she wasn't sure what to say. "Simone, you were seen having sexual relations with Bob in one of the back rooms of the Grange hall. Do you want to verify or deny it?"

"Bob and I are lovers. We make love, not just have sex."

"Did Jake know about you two? Is that why you killed him?" asked Jean.

"I didn't kill the bastard and I don't care that he is dead. As far as Bob goes, I don't know if Jake knew about us or not and I really don't care. Every time we went out I had to watch him put the make on different women. Other than when he wanted me by his side at a photo op or needed a quick fuck, he didn't know I existed."

"We all noticed that you didn't act like a woman who had found her husband dead recently. We also found out that he had a two million dollar life insurance policy and you were the sole beneficiary. Did you know that?"

"Of course I knew. I was his wife and knew of our personal affairs. He bought the policy last year. The team he played for picked up the cost for it. Does that make me a prime suspect because I'm receiving money? I told you I didn't kill him and you're going to have a hard time proving differently. I know about the peeping tom watching us. I guess it works in our favor seeing we were being watched making love so we have an alibi," laughed Simone.

"Just so you know the peeping tom didn't watch you the whole night. So there was still time for you or your boyfriend to kill Jake."


Two days later we got the reports from the crime lab. Jake was hit on the back of the head with the shovel. He must have then been pushed into the grave and the rake thrown into his chest like a spear. The rake did enter his heart. The cause of death was loss of blood due to both actions. Either one in itself would have killed him but by both happening so quickly he was lucky if he lasted a few minutes. There were no fingerprints on either the shovel or the rake.

Jean and I went over and over the evidence we had. We took it all to the prosecuting attorney and showed him what we had. We explained to him that we felt that Simone or Bob probably killed him. We figured they might have even worked to get the job done.

He agreed with us but said that it just wasn't enough evidence to take to a jury. A good lawyer could show reasonable doubt. If we tried the case and lost and later found more evidence, they couldn't be tried again because of double jeopardy.

Jake's father was livid that we didn't find the killer of his son. He posted a half million dollar reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who were responsible for his son's death. It didn't help. No one came forward with any more evidence.


It's been over twenty-nine years since Jake's death. No one was ever prosecuted for the murder. The same goes for John Beal and Dave Abrums. All three are sitting in the unsolved murder file cabinet. Maybe you'll see them on the television show Cold-Cases.

Jake's father and mother have both passed away so the reward was canceled at their death. Even though we didn't care for Jake's dad, we did feel sorry for him. Anyone losing a member of their family in a violent manner has a hard time adjusting to it.

Simone did get her moment in the spotlight, as well as the insurance check. She was hounded by the press after the death of Jake. A year later she married Bob and the two of them moved to California. We heard through the grapevine that they were divorced two years later.

The rest of our town just deals with it in their own way. To be honest the only time it's mentioned is when someone comes into town or a kid asks, "Who was Jake Mullett and what did he do?" His name is still on a sign when you come into our community. "Hometown of Jake Mullet," it reads.

He's more known for his death than his achievements on the football field. His records in high school have already been surpassed by the younger generations.

Susan and Ron are still our best friends. Like us they had three kids and they have seven grand children. We have eight and spend our free time with our family.

We haven't been back to a reunion since the ten year one. Amy said she just didn't care to go and if we weren't going; neither were Susan and Ron.

I know how they felt being at a party and someone you know being killed. It's something that sticks with you a long time. I know; I see people I've known die every month. When it's an accident or a murder it's just different. It's not something that Amy and Susan will ever forget. I know Ron deals with the same type of losses when he was on the fire department.

Our fortieth reunion is coming up and the four of us talked about it and think we will go. We see a lot of our old classmates around the community all the time but it will be good to see the out-of-towner's again.

The last we heard, about two thirds of our class is still alive. Most of them have replied that they will be there at the reunion. There isn't going to be any costumes since we are all getting kind of old for that sort of thing. Amy did ask me to wear my police uniform and I told her I would, since I'll be retiring this year. She has supported me and my profession my whole life. I know it's hard for a policeman's wife to watch her husband leave for work everyday, hoping for his safe return.

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DG Hear