X-Change: Homecoming Pt. 03

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Tommy and Bethany face consequences in the conclusion.
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Note: All of the characters involved are over the age of eighteen. This is a work of fantasy that does not represent any real people or groups. Any errors or omissions are my own. I didn't create the concept of "X-change"; I am merely a fan of the original gifs online. You should really check them out. Plenty of other people on Literotica.com also write X-Change stories so please give them some love as well. This story does contain some scenes of incest, but still belongs in this category because of the central premise of female transformation. If you have an issue with that or with any of the other things contained in this story then you should probably not read it. Check the story tags. For everyone else please enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment. Your appreciation is what brings me back. Thank you.

I didn't like waking up. It wasn't the first time I'd been hung over. That's something you learn about at university. However, that particular morning, after being "Tammy" all night, was certifiable. I rolled over and turned in bed---not feeling well at all. After much delay I finally crawled out of bed and tried to make it to the bathroom on uncertain feet. I almost fell over. As if I was learning to walk again. In the bathroom, I braced myself against the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I was "Tommy" again. I spent several minutes convincing myself that this was reality. Not long after that I questioned whether any of it had happened at all.

I had sex with a guy, I thought. I'd been Tammy when it happened, but that had been me. At least I thought it was. What did any of it mean?

I should've been unpacking everything in to my room again. That was supposed to have been part of my payment for the previous night's activities. I'd done as Susan had wanted and then some. I went down to the living room. The smell of coffee and toast lingered in the air. I sought out of a cup of coffee, and noticed my father sitting at the kitchen table and reading the News on his IPAD.

"Good morning," he said with a smile. "Nice of you to wake finally."

"Does it always feel this way after you change back?"

"Everyone is different," he said. "Like any medication there can be side-effects and withdrawal symptoms. The change is rough on the body. That's why I recommend taking breaks between doses. That and an excess build up of the active ingredient could make changing back difficult. "

I remembered that Steve had told me about the different types of X-change.

"It can be permanent," I said.

"So it seems. I'd argue that the science is still too new based on the material that I've read, but I don't believe in pressing our luck."

I got my coffee and found a bagel to eat while I sat down at the table. We heard Ben fumbling around in his room. He was a late sleeper. I was consuming my simple breakfast when instead of my brother Ben walking into the kitchen it was Bethany. Even in girl-form she still wore Ben's traditional Packers t-shirt and gym shorts as pajamas. I had to try hard not to be checking her out in front of our dad.

"Damn it, Ben," said our father.

"What?" Bethany asked. "Looking at me is only weird if you make it weird."

"How come you're not back to normal?"

She said, "I was. Early this morning when I first woke up. I just took another one."


"Because I like being Bethany. That shouldn't be weird."

Our father continued: "It's nice that you like her. I like being Susan but come on."

"I'll be fine."

"I told you the stories, Ben," said dad. "Each of those guys probably thought they were fine like you, but then they found themselves in awkward situations like having to change their gender status legally. Even in the modern day that can be a pain. Imagine a visit to the DMV on steroids."

"Do some really become pregnant?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. "It's probably not something that someone my age would have to worry about, but you two..."

"You worry too much," said Bethany.

Our dad stopped trying to educate my brother about the risks. Even though he looked like Bethany the fact was that Ben would always be Ben. He'd been just as irritating and confident when he'd been informed about the dangers of unprotected sex or driving while intoxicated. I'm not sure which of the risky ventures our parents had been more worried about, but they probably didn't expect he'd be using a drug that transformed him into a girl.

We tried to get back to normal. When I asked about the money that had been promised my father said to give him a couple of days.

"When I get paid you get paid," he said.

I wanted to complain and to care about the money more, but the truth was that I was preoccupied with what had happened. Wondering what it meant for the person that I'd always thought I was. Then it got weirder. I started to get text messages from Steve. He wanted to know if I'd changed back and if I was all right. I knew that he'd probably been hoping that Tammy would stay. I read the messages with his voice in my head. All of it came back. Tammy was still there. I did my best to let her ease into the background.

The rest of my day was spent moving back in. I got rid of even more of my old stuff. Moving repeatedly just shakes more and more extraneous things free. There was something liberating and therapeutic about that. My goal in coming home had been to find myself. This whole thing had to be a part of that. I found time to scan the internet for local jobs and even browsed the local university websites. As I looked at the pictures of the students in the college advertisement I had a vision of Tammy walking around a campus looking cute and meeting new people. I could see her—me doing well there.

I shook my head.

I didn't want to end up like Ben. X-change really was a drug. Ben was addicted and I was afraid of going down that same path.

Three days later I got the cash as promised. My father stood there looking at me after he'd handed over the envelope--trying to gauge my next move.

"That's enough, combined with your student loans for you to go back to school for a while. Or are you staying down here?"

"I think I might be here a while."

That was all I would admit to.

Dad said, "I mentioned the potential to make more. The guys at the hotel loved us. They want to hang out again, and they have other colleagues that might be interested."

"We're basically an escort service to a bunch of corporate guys."

"No," he said. "We're demonstrating a product. There's nothing bad about that. This is all of our own will and there's no pimp hooking us on drugs or beating us. If you really don't want to do it, that's fine."

"I...I might want to."

He smiled. "You like being Tammy. I could tell. By the way, you really left an impression on Steve. I was a little worried about him at first. He's a real straight-laced and wholesome kind of guy, but he really likes you."

"I know. He texts me."

"Really? Well, if it helps with what we're doing then it's okay. Just be careful."

"I know: like you tell Ben."

"Yeah, yeah. The thing is: I had a junior sales rep that used to shadow me. He was the first person to do these...events with me."

"Not anymore though?"

"No. He used to become Jackie while I was Susan. It worked well for a while, but eventually 'Jackie' took over. He stopped being who he was. Last I heard she was engaged after she got pregnant. That's a risk of taking the Xtra-strength version, but it's possible that he'd already taken a 'Plus' by then."


"Xtra strength lasts longer and you begin to settle in as female so you have a chance to get pregnant. After you give birth and the hormones recede it's possible that you can change back, but some don't. As for 'Plus'...well, if you took that one then 'Tommy' would be gone and I really would have a daughter named Tammy."

I couldn't believe it. Steve had been telling the truth, and he wanted me to be that way.

"I'd still be me though?"

"Your mind and personality stay, but your mind adapts over time and there's always the influence of the hormones. I'm telling you this because I need your help with Ben."

"With what?"

"I need you to convince him to stop for a while. It's important that you make that clear that he'll still be able to use it later on, but he needs to ween himself off of X-change for a few days at least."

"He really likes being Bethany."

"Yeah, but now you know exactly what it's like so you can help him."

"And you can't?"

"He thinks that I'm just being a parent, and yes I am, but these are unusual circumstances. So, Tommy, please help me with Ben."

"Okay," I said. "When do Steve and his friends want to do another party?"

"I'm working on that. It could be a few weeks or so. I've actually been running low on X-Change Basic pills, so it looks like we'll all be on the wagon for a while."

"All right. Let me know. I'll take care of Ben."

Ben proved to be evasive. He was still very popular going out as 'Bethany' and his lack of a car didn't tie him down because he'd been paid just like I'd been for the hotel experience. Naturally he wasn't answering his phone either. Having known both versions of the same person made his actions even more irksome. Those little private alarms that go off when you know that someone (that you're in a relationship with) will be a horrible pain in the ass were going off full steam.

It was more than just jealousy though. I told myself that I was doing all of this out of our familial love. After the odd journey our relationship had taken since I'd returned to San Diego that seemed to be the most appropriate choice. I was being a dutiful son and trying to help my brother.

I caught him—or rather Bethany being dropped off at the house that afternoon. Bethany had been with an older guy named Aaron that I went to school with back in the day. The thought of her with him lit a fire under me. I walked up to the end of the driveway to stare at them kissing in his car. When they saw me looking at them they separated. Aaron withdrew his hands from their exploration of Bethany's lovely plump body. For her part, Bethany's face went from one of surprise to annoyance.

"Damn it, Tommy," she said, stepping out of the car. "You're looking at me like I'm a criminal or something."


Arron got involved. "She's just your cousin, Bro. It's not like I'm going out with your sister or something."


I looked to Bethany and saw her eyes nod slightly. Message received.

"Still, Aaron," I said. "Even if she's just my cousin..."

"Whatever, dude." He looked to Bethany with a smile. "See you later, Cutie."

He started up his super-charged and tricked out Honda and sped off into the distance. The horrible noise making every dog for half a mile go insane and a neighbor came out of their house to see if the world was ending. Yeah, Aaron was one of those guys.

I looked at Bethany. Suddenly seeing her at least somewhat like our father did.

"Cousin, huh?"

She frowned. "Dad's rules. No one who knows us can know that we change, so when I do I'm Cousin Bethany from Oklahoma."

I smiled. "Oklahoma?"

"Shut up. Why were you creeping on me anyway?"

"We need to talk."

"Dad got to you, huh? That figures. Look. I told him and I'll tell you: I'm in control of everything. The pills are totally natural to me."

"Dad and I care," I said. "The pills...there are some good things about them, but there's no doubt that they are strong."

Bethany hung her arms over my neck and looked up at me. She smiled. Her eager, bright blue eyes drilling into me—making me hers.

"I know that you're jealous," she said. "I know what that look was. I didn't do it with Aaron. He wants to—that's for sure. He kept putting my hand on his lap, but he wasn't the right guy. Not like you are."

"I'm being serious."

"So am I, Tommy. What you and I did...it just didn't feel the same like with the others."

Ben had become a real manipulator as Bethany, and the sad thing was how I easily fell for it. I was a willing victim.

I had to at least protest. "Dad and I had an agreement," I said.

We were sharing the same breath in each other's faces. She smiled at me. Those beautiful blue eyes. The cute little nose and those sweet lips that I could already feel on me. I could taste them. God! Was this how it had been for Steve when it came to Tammy? Did she manipulate him like Bethany did to me? I didn't remember doing it. Those people in the world that enrapture us are so cruel.

"I know," said Bethany. "But he doesn't have to know everything. It's not like we're going to get married or anything. Don't you want to fuck me again? I want you to."

She stopped her lips an inch from mine and waited. What had been my stern resolution quickly melted away from my brain, and I'm fairly certain that most of that blood if not more went down my body to start making my cock hard. She had me firmly caught in the trap.

"Where's dad?" she asked.

She trailed a hand down my neck, and over my body—ending her journey above my belt.

"He had to go again. He's almost out of the pills."

"Don't believe that," she said. "I found a whole stash of pills that he hid away."

"I wish you'd be careful."

"Don't worry, Tommy. I know that you must be struggling with the idea of the other you existing. I like Tammy. I'm sure that we'll hang out again, but right now I want to hang out with Tommy. Do you think we could arrange that?"


She put a finger to my lips. "Don't talk so much," she said. "Now, do you want me or not?"

I nodded. At that point I was desperate to secure the offered foothold. So much for adulting.

"Take me inside," said Bethany. "Then you can get inside me."

She knew that I wasn't going to argue with her. I took her hand and we headed inside the house. My heart was pounding with that naughty anticipation. Bethany was there and willing for the taking again. The beautiful, chubby girl that started it all. One last time wouldn't be so bad. Dad would never condone me sleeping with the feminized Ben, but I wanted to believe that as a man he would understand what the desire to fuck a hot girl could do to a guy.

We barely made it into the house before we were all over each other. Despite all that had happened since I first met her that old attraction was strong as ever. Rekindled perhaps because I'd been denied her for a time and because it was so wrong. We only interrupted our fierce necking to tug at each other's clothes. Our breathing was rapid and our hands clumsy and trembling with all the want and anticipation. There was nothing like being inside someone. I loved so much of what I could do as "Tammy", but having a cock...

I wondered if Ben missed that. Or had he proceeded so far down the rabbit-hole with Bethany that she was all that was left? I'd be lying if I claimed that Tammy hadn't already taken over a piece of my mind. It was frightening and also something that I still craved, which made it worse. Who was I anymore?

Bethany had become a professional at getting her dresses off in short order. It made me wonder about the original design intention for skirts and dresses. Was it for easier access? She had it over it over her head in moments and I beheld the wonderful plumpness of Bethany in her underwear. Those luscious, inviting portions of her body held back by the flimsiest pieces of fabric. I slid out of my old jeans, and Bethany yanked my Captain America t-shirt over my head and hurled it like a weapon across the living room.

"I don't want to do it in bed," she said.

Bethany grabbed my hand forcefully, and compelled me to follow her into the living room. I assumed she intended to use the couch or the carpet, but she quickly began clearing off the large ottoman in the center of the room. Ottomans in our house always became improvised tables. We both had to work at removing all the remotes, a phone, a TV tray, scented candles and a glass container that held seashells and beach sand. I was about to get angry with her as to why she would ever pick this place to fuck, but fortunately she cleared the rest, and plopped herself down atop the cushion.

My hands played with her soft middle. Teasing her belly button with my finger. Dragging that same finger down to her panties and tracing it along the inside of the waistband. The heat and moisture coming from her pussy rose up to coat my finger. It was like dipping it into a tropical rainforest. I reached in and found the hot cleft of her. My finger sinking into all that creamy heat.

Bethany writhed beneath me as as I fingered her. Watching her reaction to my manipulation was so endearing. I had to admit that as much as I cared about my brother Ben I preferred him to be my lover Bethany. My father would hate me for it, but that was the truth. After I'd driven her wild and she soaked my hand, I pulled off Bethany's damp panties. She had to awkwardly lift her legs and ass up off the ottoman, which was so cute to see. The revelation of her fleshy, round ass gave me pause. I remembered that brief moment of playing with her ass after the first time we'd fucked. I'd had her ass that one time afterwards, but I still craved it.

"What?" she asked, noticing me staring at her bubble butt.

"Just enjoying the view."

"Whatever. I want you to eat me out this time."

I was eager. "Your ass?"

She gave me a look like I was dense. "No. My pussy. I want this to be special this time."

"It wasn't before?"

"Damn it, Tommy."

"Just kidding. Show me up top though."

Bethany consented. She removed her bra releasing the chubby breasts she'd been hiding from me. Her pink nipples just begged to be pulled, but I had other commitments.

I got my tongue ready and went down to the source of Bethany's wetness. Those beautiful, swollen lips were waiting for my kiss, and I didn't hold back. I met their hot surface and Bethany sighed as I sank my tongue into her. She yielded unto me. That musty smell. That taste that was something like the joining of earthy soil and putting your tongue on a battery. I may have loved doing it as much as she loved receiving it, but considering her moans I may have been wrong. Bethany covered my face with her juices. In a way I was envious. The part of my brain that Tammy had taken over longed to be eaten out. I was already imagining making Steve get to work on me. I missed my guy, but that faded as my mouth strained to keep up with Bethany.

"All right," she said. "Get that cock in me now."

I didn't need much motivation after that. Feasting on Bethany's quim and seeing her squirm beneath me was enough to drive my cock into a rage. It hurt with how hard it was, and there was only one remedy. I got off my knees and tore off my boxers, and then I got down lining up my body with Bethany. As I neared, her legs closed around me—forcing me towards her like a trap. The head of my cock had nowhere else to go but into her welcoming, molten depths. My worries of the world dissolved as she enveloped me.

After we connected down below, my mouth found hers and we were perfect in that moment. There was nothing else. All my concerns about work and school were gone. I didn't need to care about my father's judgement and that he and my mom were probably going to get divorced. I certainly wasn't worried that the girl that I was having this awesome sex with was in actuality my brother Ben altered by a magic pill. I didn't have time for that.

Bethany and I fucked on top of our parents' ottoman in the living room. It was pure, primal, and not the kind of sex where you worry about leaving stains on the furniture. Our breathing was ragged—uncertain. It was like being neck deep in a marathon. Our bodies thrusting and our cries answering each other for several minutes before that familiar tingling in my balls foretold the future.