You Don't Fuck With JC

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A wife and her lover pay for their disrespect.
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This story has very little explicit sex in it. It could have been submitted in several other categories including Reluctance / Non-consent. Enjoy.


I was dressed for work, sitting at the breakfast table with my cup of coffee and the morning newspaper. Janet was still in the bedroom dressing for work. There was nothing different about this morning to distinguish it from any of the previous work days in the past year.

As my eyes scanned over the front page. There it was in the middle of the page. I knew it would be there. Carmine told me it would happen last night. Carmine never fails to do the things he said he would do.


The news article went on to say that a Robert Toldson was found dead in his garage last evening. He had been beaten and then strangled with a garrote. The article said Robert Toldson was an employee of the Calcus Realty Agency. Janet is also employed by the Calcus Realty Agency. The police have no suspects at this time. The investigation was just beginning.

There was no reason to read any more of the newspaper. I folded it and placed it on the table where Janet always sits in the morning. A sweet warm feeling washed over me as my mind sorted through all the factors that lead up to this morning. I was sipping my coffee as Janet came into the breakfast area.

My god, was she beautiful! My wife of five years was more stunning today then she was seven years ago when I first met her. There was no "Good Morning, Dear" from either of us as she pulled out her chair and poured herself a cup of coffee from the carafe. It's hard to believe just how far our marriage had plummeted in the past year.

Our eyes met for a brief second, a slight smile passed my lips as I acknowledged her arrival. She said nothing to me. It had been this way for the past two months. After the major blow-out we had about her increased working hours, she seemed to crawl into her shell and did not wish to come out. I guess her coldness bothered me more than anything else. During our courtship and the early days of our marriage, Janet was such a warm loving companion. I truly missed that closeness. Now all of that was coming to an end.

Janet picked up the paper in one hand, coffee cup in the other hand. Her eyes flashed across the headlines and started down the page as she took a sip of coffee. All of a sudden, she spewed the coffee from her mouth as her eyes seemed to bulge from their sockets. "Oh god, no!!!" she cried out as her eyes were transfixed on the article about Robert Toldson's murder.

I just sat there in silence. There was nothing I needed to say to her about the subject.

Janet looked as if she were about to vomit as she quickly rose from her chair and ran to the bathroom. I took a deep breath, got up from my chair and placed my coffee cup in the dishwasher. With my briefcase in hand, I went out to the garage and got into my car. I didn't care to ask Janet if she were alright, it didn't matter any more to me how she was feeling any more.


Let me do some introductions at this time. My name is John Cannela, all my friends call me JC. I'm 29 years old and a product of Sicilian ancestry and the Italian section of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. My youth was mostly spent getting in trouble along with a gang of other young Italian boys. We used to think of ourselves as the Junior Mafia. I'll skip over most of the other bad stuff we got ourselves into, and focus on the one event that had a major change in my wayward direction.

Carmine Vitalio and I were closer than two natural brothers. We were the same age and hung out with the same gang of guys. The major difference between Carmine and me was brain-power. I won't say Carmine was dumb or anything like that, it was just the fact he couldn't use his head to keep himself out of trouble with the law. Even though he and I did most of the bad stuff together, he was the one who usually got caught by the police.

One night Carmine and I had broken into a dock-front warehouse. We were looking for some easy items to rip-off and make some cash for ourselves. The security guards must have seen us entering the building through the side window. They were waiting for us as we slipped back out the window with several boxes of MP3 players in our hands. The one guard grabbed Carmine just as I was turning around. The second guard tried to grab me, but I shove the box into his face. I jumped on the other guard's back and punched him on the side of his head with all my might. He let go of Carmine as I pulled him to the ground. I was shouting to Carmine to get his ass out of there as fast as he could. Carmine turned and ran off. The second guard recovered and grabbed me from behind. There wasn't much of a struggle after that.

The guards had a nice time with me till the cops showed up. When they arrived they were laughing with the guards as they surveyed my bruised and bloodied body. I was taken to the police station and put in a holding cell till my parents came down to get me released. To make this long story short, I never gave up the name of the other person who was with me in the warehouse. I was given two weeks in jail and put on probation.

Carmine called me several times to apologize for him skipping out when the guards grabbed me. I told him it was alright because if he had been caught, with his prior arrest record, he would have spent a year or more in jail. He vowed that he would make it up to me if it took him the rest of his life.

My parents were angry and humiliated by my arrest. My dad thrashed my butt with his leather belt till it almost bled. Then I was told they were going to enroll me in St. Peter's Catholic High School because I needed to be straightened out one way or the other. Needless to say the nuns and the priest did a very good job in the discipline department. By my senior year, I had made a change in my lifestyle. One of the priest, who became a mentor for me, encouraged me to take a different path with my life. So it was, I dropped out of the neighborhood gang and finally did well enough that year to get accepted to Penn State.

Again, cutting the long story short, I did well in college and graduated with a degree in Human Resources. It was easy to find a job with a good company upon graduation. For once, my parents were proud of me.

Even though I dated a lot of women while I was in college, I wasn't ready for any long term commitments. It was three years after graduating from college when I met Janet Facanio. She was the first female who made me think twice about ending my bachelorhood. We met at a seminar for HR representatives. After the seminar, I got her phone number and told her I would call her. She seemed quite pleased with that prospect.

Janet was different than any of the other women I had dated. There seemed to be many sides to her personality. At times, Janet seemed like Chris Costner Sizemore in the movie The Three Faces of Eve. The trait which I liked the least was Janet's stubborn personality. Whenever Janet took a mindset about a particular issue, there was no dissuading her from her belief, no matter how wrong that belief might be.

Our courtship was an on-again-off-again affair. We never indulged in sexual relations during the first year of our dating. I found out that Janet had been abandoned as an infant. Her mother left her in a pew in the back of a church and walked out of her life. Her early years were spent in a home for orphan children and then in several foster homes as she became a teenager. I firmly believe it was this lack of having a mother to love and care for her caused most of Janet's personality problems. In spite of all her problems, Janet was the most loving and warm person I had ever known when she was with me during those first years.

My parents were not strong supporters of Janet during our dating years. They always told me I would be sorry if I got too involved with her. I didn't listen to their good advice. Janet and I were married in a small ceremony at my local church.

Janet and I both agreed that we would hold off having children until we were financially established and she would be able to quit her job and be a full time mother. That fact did not sit well with my parents.

Things began to go sour in our marriage during the third year. The company Janet worked for was bought out by a larger company and her job was eliminated. She became very depressed by the loss of the job she really liked. We weren't in any financial difficulty, although her salary had been a nice sum to add to our savings account each month. It took several months before Janet finally landed a new job. It wasn't a job she particularly wanted. The job was office manager at the Calcus Realty Agency.

I tried to be overly supportive of Janet during her unemployment period. Sometimes I felt she resented the fact that I had a job I truly enjoyed and she had to settle for a second-best job. For a long while, she had some serious mood swings especially during her monthly period.

After working at Calcus for a couple of months, she slowly began to regain her normal pleasant personality. Things started looking better for the both of us. Our sex life which had suffered badly during Janet's unemployment period, was also on the rebound. There were times in our bedroom when I felt Janet was trying very hard to make up for the rough patch by being more aggressive with our love making. I never complained.

For about nine months our married life was at its best. Janet became more enthusiastic about her job. She even began a home-study course in Real Estate. I was pleased with the change in her demeanor and loving wife she was to me. Then came "the good-news and the bad-news" situation.

The "good-news". I was making a slow but steady progression up the management ladder with my company. I'd been with them for five years and my future looked very promising. Then came a merger with a company based in Atlanta Georgia which started a major change in my job responsibilities. The Atlanta company was to be assimilated into our corporate structure. As such, I would have the responsibility to train their personnel and to make headcount cuts as I saw necessary. I was really pumped up with my new job responsibilities.

The "bad-news". My new assignments would mean I would be traveling out of town more often and for some longer periods away from home. Janet was not thrilled with the prospect of me being on the road so much of my time. Even during the longer periods on the road, I would manage to be home for the weekends. At first, this seemed to placate Janet's anger at my being away so much. But...and there always is a "but"...slowly my coming home for the weekends didn't seem to be enough to make up for the time away from home.

Janet moved into her stubborn mindset in which she claimed I was enjoying being away from home and she subtly hinted that I might have a lover who I spent time with in Atlanta. Nothing I could do or say could move her away from this negative thinking. I would call her at work during the day and every night when she was at home. I sent flowers to her at work and I sent her humorous cards over the Internet. Her coolness toward me continued.

It had taken the better part of six months to complete the staff training in Atlanta. My days as a "road warrior" were coming to an end. In addition, I was given a promotion at corporate headquarters. These were two things which I felt would cause a turn-around in Janet's attitude toward me. I was wrong.

It seemed as soon as I stopped traveling, Janet started working longer hours at the agency. I tried to question her about the reasons for her working hours, she gave me some sarcastic answer about it being her turn to work for a promotion. She even said that it was time for me to know how it felt to be alone in the evenings. Our sex life was running on empty.

Two weeks ago, Janet told me that she and several of the people at her agency would be away for the weekend attending a special introduction session with a developer who was beginning construction of high rise condominiums near the river front. She said it was imperative for her to get in on the ground floor with this developer. There was no asking me if it would be alright for her to be gone the entire weekend, she was going to go and that was the end of the discussion.

Although I stopped running with the Junior Mafia when I was in high school, I did keep in touch with several of my closest friends. Especially my buddy Carmine. I called him up and asked him if he wanted to see the Steelers vs. Raiders game on Sunday. There wasn't any hesitation in his voice, we were going to the game. Carmine always knew how to get the best tickets to the Steelers games.

I told him Janet would be away on business on Saturday and Sunday. He then told me to plan to spend the weekend with him and the "boys". We could catch up on all the bullshit that was going on in the old neighborhood. The thought of a weekend away from home and wife sounded really great to me. I didn't bother to tell Janet of my plans.

Friday morning had been another 'chilly event' for us around the breakfast table. I briefly asked Janet if she had a phone number where I could reach her while she was gone. She very coolly told me not to bother to call her while she was gone because she would be with some very influential people. Taking phone calls from her husband would make her feel like I was a father checking up on his teenage daughter. I didn't press the matter any further. In the afternoon, Janet took her Weekender luggage and headed off to the airport and Atlantic City.

Carmine was really glad to see me. It had been over a year since the two of us had gotten together. It seems I was one of the few guys from the Junior Mafia who had been successful in getting out of the old neighborhood before spending any more time in jail. Carmine would also remind me of the outstanding debt he owed me. "Anything you need JC, you just give Carmine a call and I'll take care of it for you."

Saturday night was spent at the Sweet Pussycat lounge on the southeast side of town. The strip club could easily pass for the Buda-Bing club on The Sopranos show. There were a dozen or more young, scantly clad females dancing on stage and lap dancing in the audience. A sweet young thing, she couldn't be much more than a day older than her 18th birthday, came over and began to wiggle her smooth ass at my face. "Go ahead JC, she's yours for the night if you want her." Carmine said as he squeezed her left breast.

"Sorry Carmine, but you know me. Always faithful to my wedding vows. I can't say I'm not seriously tempted but I do believe in loyalty and fidelity." I looked at the lovely young stripper and just shook my head 'no'. She pouted for a second and then moved on to try her luck with another horny male customer.

"Damn! You're really serious about this fidelity thing aren't you, JC?" Carmine said with some disbelief in his voice.

"You got that right. Without fidelity, there's nothing. No love. No marriage."

The next morning was a typical cold windy Pittsburgh day. But that didn't matter to the hoard of fans who trekked off to Three Rivers stadium to see the game between the Steelers and the Raiders. There is a bitter rivalry between these two football teams which borders on gang warfare. Ever since the Steelers snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in one of the NFL's most memorable moments. With a fortunate bounce, Franco Harris found himself on the end of an unlikely reception that changed the outcome of a fantastic defensive struggle with the Oakland Raiders in the first-ever playoff game at Pittsburgh's Three Rivers Stadium. Neither team has forgotten that legacy. It's a good thing guns are not permitted on the playing field.

The Steelers weren't having a great year. At this point in the season, they were 5 wins and 5 losses. Today would be the biggest game of the season...the Silver and Black were back in town. It was hard-head-banging all afternoon on the football field. I was getting hoarse from all the shouting and screaming I had been doing. But, the final score was Steelers 21, Raiders 20. The day couldn't have ended on a better note. Or so I thought.

As much as Carmine wanted me to stick around and get "shit-faced" with the rest of the guys, I had to bow out and tell him another time. Tomorrow would be a hard day at the office and I knew I didn't need a hangover on top of all the other job pressures. Besides Janet was coming home this evening and I wanted to be there when she got home.

Janet did not come home Sunday night.

I left for work Monday morning with some serious doubts going on in my mind about the latest developments in my marriage. There had been a sense of impending doom whenever I thought deeply about the state of the relationship between Janet and myself. Sure there were rough patches in all marriages, but maybe our marriage had decayed into something more than just a rough patch.

The work day was as hectic as I thought it would be when I left home in the morning. Several high level meetings and a harassment law suit brought against the company were high on my agenda. It wasn't till 5:30 when I had a chance to sit down and check my emails. There were a dozen emails from the staff along with the latest information on the law suit. Near the end of the list of emails was one that seemed to jump off the screen. It was titled. "Who is the last one to know?"

As I opened the email, expecting some humorous animated cartoon, I was suddenly faced with a photo of Janet and another man engaged in a passionate embrace and a lip locked kiss. At the bottom of the photo was a text message which simply said, "Want to know what happened after this? Click on the NEXT link."

A cold chill raced up my spine as I hesitated for a moment as I stared at the photo of Janet kissing another man. Then I clicked on the NEXT link. The screen flashed up another photo. This time Janet and the man she was kissing were both nude and standing together in a motel room. Again, at the bottom of the photo was a text message which simply said, "Want to know what happened after this? Click on the NEXT link."

My hand was trembling, there was a tightness in my throat and chest as the nude image of my wife burned itself into my brain. There was a part of me that did not want to see the next photo, still I knew I had to click on the link.

The next photo was the end of my marriage. Janet was on the bed on all fours with her pussy being impaled on the cock of the same man in the other two photos. There was an expression of lust and ecstasy on Janet's face as his cock was buried deep inside her pussy.

The only woman I had ever completely loved was nothing but a cheating adulterous slut. I loved and trusted her with my whole heart. Now she was ripping that heart out of my chest.

The text at the bottom of the photo simply said. "Cock provided by Robert Toldson".

My worst nightmare had just been shoved in my face. There was no doubt that Janet's coldness toward me over these past couple of months was more than just a wife being irate at her husband. Her coldness was akin to the rigor mortis setting in to our dying marriage.

What follows anger and rage?

For me it was a calm resolve which I had not felt in a very long time. It was the resolve of revenge now settling into my mind. Infidelity and betrayal would not stand in my lifetime. There were two people who would pay deadly for the insult they knowingly heaped upon me.

My first thoughts were about the person who sent the incriminating emails to me. There was no name or other indication where the emails were sent from. Questions kept banging around in my head. Why would someone send this email to me? What would they hope to gain from exposing my wife's infidelity? Were they friends of mine or enemies of Janet? I would have to work out that problem later.