Young Man, Older Woman

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I fuck a young man for my husband. Why?
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Amanda was lying on her front. She was naked and her legs were wide open. Her husband was lying on her back with his cock buried deep in her cunt. He was fucking her. He had been fucking her for some time. That was something they both enjoyed, long languid fucks that sometimes lasted an hour or more. During that time she would cum several times, but he would climax just the once. Kevin was now a strictly once a night man, but then he was forty-five. He more than made up for that, though with the very long time he lasted.

He pushed hard, positioning his cock as far into his wife as he could and then held it there, rigid and still. As he did that he reached round her curvy body and with his right hand found one of her full, luscious tits; he squeezed that and pinched her erect nipple. The other hand slid down the front of her body to find her clit. He found it quite easily, but then he should know where it was, he'd been using it for nearly twenty years. She lifted up a little, grunted and jerked her torso putting a lovely pressure on his cock.


They had married when Amanda was quite young in her early twenties. She wasn't very experienced either, with men or sex, but Kevin was. He was ten years older than her and was very experienced indeed. When they met he had just been divorced and was on one of those 'fuck everything I can binges.' And that included a young copywriter the ad agency had assigned to his account. He owned an oilfield supply company that required technical advertising. Amanda committed the ad industry's cardinal sin; she fucked the client and to top it all their first time was with her bent over her desk and Kevin shagging her from behind.

Much to the regret of her parents she moved in with him in his Chelsea Harbour apartment less than three months later and then married him within the year.

That was some fifteen years ago. During that time they had a baby daughter and twice Amanda had caught him cheating, leaving him for a few days on the second occasion.


"I want to see you being fucked," he grunted, returning to a theme they had discussed several times during and just after sex.

"Why?" She always asked.

"I want to see how you react to having it with another guy."

"Oh God that's so good," she groaned slightly lifting her stomach from the bed, knowing that would divert him from asking more questions.

She felt him grab her hips and arch his back, lifting his chest from her. That gave him more leverage and he was able to push harder into her. She pulled her knees up a little and raised her bum. He surged in and out of her several times making her grunt and moan with the lovely feelings it gave her.

"Wouldn't you like this from another bloke. Another bloke fucking you, another bloke's cock up your hot, wet cunt as I looked on?"


Amanda usually managed to avoid fully answering Kevin's questions. It wasn't that they annoyed or revolted her, for they actually intrigued and, in many ways, excited her. It was that she didn't want to confront the situation with him in the cold light of post orgasmic sex. She didn't want to discuss it, didn't want to find out more or hear precisely what he meant. She didn't want to address the idea herself for, deep down she knew that if 'push came to shove' her answer would be yes. The idea of being fucked as Kevin watched, turned her on.

They had moved home a few times since Amanda had moved into Chelsea Harbour with him and now lived in rambling, mock Tudor mini mansion in Chigwell an upscale suburb of London to the east, just in Essex. Amanda was sitting in the first floor study where she worked on her freelance copywriting. They didn't need the money, but she loved working and it gave her something to do other than her main job of raising their wonderful daughter Sara. It also helped stave off the boredom when Kevin was away travelling, as he was now, around the oil fields of the world and still fucking anything he could get his hands on, or in come to that.

She had been to the gym earlier and having forgotten the urgent copy she didn't change when she got home, but settled down and started working. She hadn't yet showered, but she had let her long, shoulder-length chestnut coloured hair down from the 'bun' in which she wore it at the gym. It tumbled onto her shoulders in a cascade of an even more wavy mess than her gay hairdresser created each week or so at fifty pounds a pop.

At times, she amazed herself when for instance she was supposed to be reading a book, but was actually miles away thinking of something entirely divorced from the project in hand. She had a creative yet very flittering mind. Today was no exception. The only difference being that what was in hand was not the project, but her rounded breast. The full boob, which she had eased out of the black sports bra she wore under the white singlet. It wasn't the extremes of copywriting that was going through her mind, it was the thought of being fucked by another man, albeit a faceless one, as Kevin looked on. It was not the problems confronting the advertising message that filled her mind, but having a stranger's cock up her cunt. It was not completing the copy that concerned her; it was completing her masturbation that was her objective. All thoughts of some clever sentence construction were pushed to one side in just the same way that her singlet was so that she had full access to both her breasts. She had yanked them out from the big, tight sports bra. Her hands no longer held the brief and her fingers no longer fluttered across the keys of her new laptop. Instead her hands slid her tight, black lycra cropped trousers down her thighs and her fingers found the folds of her wet, ready and so demanding cunt.

It didn't take her long to make herself cum; it rarely seemed to these days.

Since Kevin had once more raised the subject of watching her with someone else Amanda had been confused. She was sure that she loved her husband. Life without him seemed unimaginable and was the reason she had forgiven him the two times she had caught him being unfaithful. Deep down she knew he had played away from home far more often than that and she suspected that he was looking for sex whenever he was away on business. She didn't dare, though, raise it in fear that he would leave her. He had threatened that several times and the thought of being a single mum scared her. It was the fear of losing him that had made her promise to think about going with another guy so Kevin could watch. It was that plus the excitement it gave her that was making her life so confusing these days.


Kevin knew that he was going through a mid-life crises. But then he had been doing that for years as had most of his mates, golf partners and business colleagues, but then men do don't they. Whilst on the surface he was fairlyy conventional, scratch through it and Kevin's 'other' self emerged. Sexually, he was up for most anything and his Platinum Amex and extraordinarily generous expense account paid from a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, enabled him to have most of what he wanted.

Obviously when entertaining high rolling, upscale oil industry clients he had to participate so he had the chance to experience most things. Orgies with several girls and guys, threesomes, both mmf and ffm and the usual services supplied by upmarket hostessing agencies all came his way. He had the occasional one-night stand, had had several affairs and numerous short flings.

In his way, he still loved his wife. But it was not the exclusive love that really good marriages are supposed to be about, he just could not intellectually, emotionally or physically come to terms with the concept or reality of monogamy. He thought, in her way, that Amanda understood that, though they never really discussed it. He was also pretty sure that she'd had flings and maybe affairs. That didn't bother him, he believed in the goose and gander principle. In fact it excited him to think of that. But why? Just what was the attraction now of watching her get fucked by another guy? He hadn't the foggiest idea, but as his hand moved faster on his hardened cock as he stood in the loo in the first class cabin of the BA flight from New York to London, he could see Amanda being fucked as he looked on.

Amanda hadn't been totally faithful, but in her mind what she had done was have revenge fucks. She had been with a few guys, one lasting six months with the man who she felt probably was the love of her life. The others were short flings that she had 'coincidentally' got into after she had found Kevin being unfaithful or had suspected he was at the time.


"So will you think about it?" Kevin asked Amanda as she lay in his arms in the large bed on the thirtieth floor of the Pierre Hotel in New York.

"Oh Kevin it's silly."

"It's not silly Amanda. It's a fantasy. Yes it might be unusual and it might be something that your friends at the fucking golf club wouldn't like, but I bet your many fancy friends in advertising would like the idea.

Amanda knew he was right. Many couples she knew and even more she had heard about needed little diversions as the tedium of fucking the same person for twenty years or so hit home. Affairs, swinging, orgies, threesomes, both two females and a man and two men and a girl, photographing one another, exhibitionism even trying S & M and other slightly deviant practices had all been mentioned one way or the other. And several times she had heard of girls whose husbands' had asked for precisely what Kevin was proposing.

It had taken her a long time to come to terms with the fact that deep down she was game for it. She'd had other men and, occasionally when Kevin was away, she was tempted to add to her list, but she knew it would all be just too complicated. The lying, the excuses, the making sure his aftershave hadn't lingered on her, the meeting him, whoever 'him' was, in places where they wouldn't meet anyone she might know. And all the other considerations of an affair, which were bad enough with a single guy, but got multiplied many times if he was married. So she didn't take up the opportunities offered to her at the gym, the tennis and golf clubs and the ad agencies she visited to be briefed on projects..

But she did want other men. No, that wasn't quite true, other men was all too messy. It was the difference she wanted. And wanted was even really true for it was thoughts than actions that she needed. It was something different to Kevin she thought about; the alternate ways of doing things, the different feels on her hands and body and inside her. That's what she thought about and often imagined as the difference to her husband was her hands and fingers as she brought herself off, usually when he was away. When he was home there was no need for that for they had sex most nights. Now though it was dawning on her his proposal could enable her to do that without all the lying, cheating, guilt trips and sheer messiness that the other option, an affair would necessitate.

But she didn't want to appear too eager. She didn't want Kevin holding that over her in years to come, maybe when one of his exceedingly clever and even more ruthless lawyers he retained was negotiating their divorce. So she had held out. Kevin had taken it to be sexual naivety on her part and that was how she wanted him to feel. She thought that was rather clever of her.

"Would it really, really please you if I did?" Amanda asked starting to lick her way down her husband's body.


They had reached an agreement far easier than either would have thought possible. But then letting your husband cum in your mouth and a bloody great diamond from Van Cleefe, tends to 'oil the wheels' of negotiations.

Back in the UK, Kevin was now confronted with the problem of finding a guy for the job. On the face of it, maybe not too difficult, but for a player who was paranoid about his reputation, it was quite a challenge. He knew several guys who would have willingly fucked his wife, but they all knew too much about him and he didn't need Amanda knowing about his philandering. He considered using the Internet to find a 'male escort' and indeed checked out a few sites. There was always that nagging worry, though, that somehow, maybe by his credit card, which they all insisted upon, he would be blackmailed. At the very least he knew he would be continually bombarded with porn spam. He thought about asking a colleague from work; after all they all needed the same level of discretion as he. There were several he knew who really fancied Amanda including one he suspected who may have got further with her than just fancying. He decided against it, though, on the basis that whoever he chose may one day end up working for him and that would give them leverage on him. He thought about guys at the golf club, many of whom he'd known for over twenty five years, but that was a little too close to home. The solution, in the end, was fortuitous and presented itself to him.

Amanda wasn't completely sure that Kevin would actually make her go through with it for he was quite a 'flavour of the month' sort of guy and would be obsessive about something for a while and then forget it completely; this could well fall into that category she knew. Just in case, though, she went on a crash diet.

Her 'fighting' weight was just under one forty pounds, but she was prone to piling it on at times, holidays were normally a nightmare. She would usually go away to Barbados or wherever having trimmed down under her fighting weight, but come back with often seven or eight extra pounds. This excess always seemed to go to two places her 'tits and ass.' During her weight on times her boobs would swell up to a good double D. However, as she was also able to lose weight quickly they would deflate to a comfortable D during her weight off times. When she returned from New York alone, for Kevin had more business meeting in Houston and Dallas places she didn't like, she was somewhere between D and double D


Amanda was so nervous. She now really regretted having agreed to this crazy idea. But there was no way out, no way at all.

Kevin set it up for a Friday, the one day he sometimes didn't 'work' until ten o' clock. They would meet in the bar of an anonymous hotel near Stansted airport, the sort of hotel where Kevin was unlikely to bump into anyone he knew. A couple of drinks, then dinner in the suite, he'd said.

"Do they have suites at that sort of hotel?" Amanda had asked.

"Of course, don't be so snobbish."

"How long will we stay?"

"I don't know Amanda, let's say until we are finished shall we?

They arrived at the hotel a good hour or so before the other guy was due to turn up. Several times on the drive up the M11 Amanda almost backed out and nearly asked Kevin to turn round. But for one thing she was pretty sure she would have done just that.

They were in bed. They had just had sex, a pretty straightforward coupling after a brief but interesting foreplay, Amanda loved her nipples being sucked, quite hard too.

"Want to know more about the guy," he told her stroking her breast.

It didn't register at first.

"The guy?"

"Yes Amanda, your soon to be new lover."

The penny dropped and her heart started to pound, but she could think of nothing to say other than.

"Oh really."

Once Kevin had got her agreement in New York a few weeks ago, he had kept the pressure on, in more ways than one. Not only did he keep telling her how wonderful it was going to be for both of them and kept her up to date with his views on where to find him, but he also shagged her more often. And that was a nice added benefit.

He told her how it was completely safe for no one at the place where the guy worked knew who he was or, more importantly who she was.

Oddly, Kevin had thought, and now Amanda did as well, since agreeing to his plan, she hadn't once made any stipulations on looks or other details about her potential lover. She just hadn't been able to think about that for it was in a completely isolated compartment of her life, the door to which she would open when with him and then close when he had gone. Now though seemed the time to ask.

"What's he like?"

"Great sense of humour, very polite, diplomatic and considerate and I'm sure enormously discrete."

"That's all good," Amanda mumbled not really that concerned about such things. "And looks."

"About six two, probably one seventy pounds, dark blonde hair, quite a looker."

"I see" Amanda said as she held the back of Kevin's head while he sucked her nipple slurpily deep into his mouth.

As he let her full, dark pink, horrendously swollen nipple slip from his mouth, he muttered the one thing that finally hooked her; the one thing that stopped her asking him to turn the car round on the way to Heathrow, yes the one thing that so excited her.

"Oh by the way, he's just eighteen, is that ok?"

'Ok? Ok? Is it fucking ok?' She thought as she lay beside her snoring husband later that night. 'How the hell could he know? I've never mentioned it I'm sure.'

How the hell then could he know that it was a major fantasy of hers to have sex with a real toyboy, a youngster, a teenager. At the tennis club her body sometimes ached when she saw the younger guys in their brief shorts and tees. How she had resisted a number of advances from them she just didn't know.

"So where did you find him?" She asked the next night when almost uniquely for the past few years they had sex again.

"He's a junior coach at that driving range I sometimes use. You saw him when you came with me a few weeks ago."

"Oh I remember," Amanda said quietly her pulse racing a bit at the memory of the coach and at the vision of being in bed with him. "So how did you get to ask him?"

Kevin went on to explain that it came completely out of the blue. He'd been hitting a few balls and they passed each other by the ball machine. They got chatting and as Kevin put it "I asked if he would give you some lessons, I've heard good things about him." He went to explain that he'd told Jack that he had seen you and Jack had replied that he remembered. Kevin had said that he must have a good memory and Jack had said that he had for pretty ladies. They had both laughed. Kevin told her that he then went shit or bust and asked Jack right out whether he would like to 'sleep with my wife.' At first he thought Kevin was joking, but after some reassurance he realised he wasn't.

"And that my dear is how I found the man I am going to watch fuck you," he said, again taking her bloated nipple into his mouth as he slipped three fingers up her wet and ready pussy. "He has absolutely no idea who we are and where we live and to top it all he is leaving next month to go and Dubai to coach golf."

Her husband's finger stimulated orgasm was accompanied by Amanda imagining being in the arms of a naked young guy with his so hard cock embedded deep in her cunt.


Amanda had thought carefully about what to wear. Her mind had roamed over a tight dress, trousers and low cut top and jeans and a crisp white shirt. She'd thought of flashing a lot of her breasts about which she was justifiably proud or wearing something which accentuated the deep cleavage her D cup boobs so easily created in the right garment. In the end she had settled on simplicity and casual, after all that is how the young were nowadays she thought tingling at the prospect that lay ahead. She wanted a look that could associate her with a guy young enough to be her son, but without him looking at her and thinking 'mutton dressed up as lamb' as she felt a couple of acquaintances of here did with their younger men.

She wore jeans, quite nice, but not Versace or anything designer and a dark blue, thickish wool cardigan. It had six brass buttons up the front and was cut short so that the hem was just on her waist. That meant when she stretched the cardi would ride up and quite fashionably she would flash a strip of bare flesh around her waist including her tummy button. With the top button undone she was exposing a fair, but not excessive amount of her chest although she knew from practising in front of the mirror that if she bent forward most of her breasts in the bra that was probably half a size too small for her could be seen by a prying eye. The cardi wasn't that tight so that although the swell of her assets were obvious enough was left hidden to provide a great surprise when later, presumably it would be undone and removed.