• Authors
  • IllicitlyDesired



Ch 2 is up.
I've already started Ch 3 and will try to not take so long to submit. I've just had a lot to deal with between planning a funeral and work, etc.

I have received several emails and I am grateful for the response and feedback. I only ask for patience :)




Ch 3 has been submitted. I will update once it's been published. I deeply apologize for such a long absence.

Real life has just been a bit overwhelming for me. I have since had to bury a very close family member, changed careers, and am now dealing with a parent who has a debilitating illness. At 23 , it is just all very overwhelming. Not that that's an excuse. I'm just saying.

I will admit, writing has become something more therapeutic for me, as it has been a distraction from everything else. I will not lie, I took a break from the HSG series because I didn't want to write because I felt forced to. Admittedly, I have started several other stories (one of you warned me against this, sorry!) but for more reasons than one, I will not post any of them, yet, until HSG is finished. I don't think it would be fair to you all, the story, nor myself.

I have received several messages from you that were really encouraging and I am so grateful to those who are sticking around. Two of you in particular, sent really thoughtful and constructive messages that really helped motivate me to continue with this series, so thank you! (I do not know how to reply to messages here, but once I figure it out, I will!)

That being said, I have started Ch 4. No, I do not know when I will finish it, but I will try to be more timely about it.

Also, please keep in mind that number of words/pages don't necessarily translate proportionally in Lit. For example, while Ch2 was four pages long in here. It was 17 pages in Word! Just know that I am working very hard on these.

Again, all I ask for is patience.

Thanks :)


There was a message I received from one of you today, that really touched my heart! And I would really love respond back you in particular.

"Thanksgiving scale" if you're out there, shoot me another message with your email :D


Ch 3 is up! Enjoy :)


Somewhere I'd rather not be.



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