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Love 15


The following is written in the style of Oggbashan's patented 50 word stories. It tells the progression of a relationship from its start in 15 installments. The style is a uniquely challenging one and was written as a personal challenge. Please leave votes and comments so I know whether or not it worked


Just friends, then his hand snakes round my waist. He caresses the rich curve of my breast as if accidentally. I sigh and arch my back to inch closer. We touch at every point now and the heat rising off our bodies is palpable. Slowly his palm brushes my nipple.


Damp with perspiration we thrust together. Muscles stand out in proud curves as he holds his body over me. I gaze at his face as he rocks in and out. A tight spot inside my chest reaches out, creates a rope that ties my heart to his: makes us one.


The thunderstorm strikes a wildness inside me. I race outside with him to savour the driving rain and the crazy bolts of lightening that illuminate the sky. I take off my clothes, feel the wetness on my skin, then take him inside again to make some electricity of our own.


Warm Indian Summer on an October day, we mince into ice cold water. The sea laps around our ankles, then crashes against our flinching flesh. Clinging together for warmth he produces a miracle of stamina and we couple, rocking in the surf, my legs about his waist, our lips meshed.


The sauna is empty. Just us two, one on either side. My towel...slips. I watch his face as my hand creeps down. Our eyes lock as I start to stroke and we smile as he walks over. Wet. Sweat trickles over bared skin and runs together as our bodies meet.


Hot, so hot in a hotel room in Rome. Your waist is encircled by my legs - pulling you in closer as we move. The sweat greases our bodies; slick skin sliding against skin, pulling you in. Champagne bubbles in our blood, we fizz with excitement and a diamond sparkles.


First time making love outside the bedroom: the sun fragments through a window and warms my back. I am straddled across a chair and you are in between. Rocking slowly in tandem, we shiver with pleasure at this and hold on tight until the end: both lost in a kiss.


Such a long time since we had afternoon sex, I thought it was time to re-start an old tradition. Starting with a kiss I undress him quickly, then push him onto the bed: I'm in control and he doesn't fight. It's quick and hard, with underwear still on. Afternoon delight.


Still half-asleep while he slides off my top. Only slightly more awake as he takes off my skirt. Senses come to life as he kisses my neck and strokes my back, setting nerves a-tingling. Too good to miss I feign sleep still and sigh softly as he parts my legs.


I am all dressed up -- high heels and corseted, hair teased into a mane, lips slick and wet. Eager for his return I touch and tease, never coming, every atom burning to be filled. The lock clicks, the door opens; his eyes light up as he smiles. Yes -- game on.


When you kiss me I open my mouth and invite you in, each kiss like the first. The soft touch of your tongue on mine and the moist stickiness of our lips clinging on to each other even as you pull away makes my breast ache with love of you.


Valentine's Day is unique, neither caring for crass commercialism. You buy greasy pizza, rent a film, I make 'Love Muffins,' fully aware of how nauseatingly cute this sounds. We gorge ourselves on junk food, then laughingly lounge on the sofa, nursing distended stomachs. Never thought I could be so real.


Barry White comes on the radio while I'm in the kitchen. I thought you were working with headphones on, but you're with me before the first verse finishes. You take my hand and dance me round the room, twirling me under your arm: we giggle, high on love and life.


I was so tired I could barely see straight, my legs wobbly and my words a jumbled slur. The stairs loomed ahead like Fuji wreathed in mist so that I sobbed to see them. You picked me up, my weight nothing to your strength, and carried me up to bed.


We wake together, sunshine slanting across the pillows, basking in the warmth. Arms snake around each other's bodies and dry lips meet. Cool hands on hot skin and wet upon wet. Crushing weight welds us together and I am breathless. Your skin is smooth and smells unique; I inhale you.

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