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tagErotic PoetryThoughts 4

Thoughts 4


Blue silk over curves. Two points underneath, large and aroused.

Snuggle up close. Press to my arm. Talking.

Share your mind. Probing, testing, questioning.

Fingers stroke your arm.

Pass over the texture of your tattoo, caress, feel.

Sensitive inside of my arm passes over one point -- wait !

What's that? More than a nipple ....ahh you dirty girl.

You hid this from me...

Bad girl. Never hide.

You need to be punished.

By not sharing these rings with me till now, you have denied me pleasure.

Bad girl.

My sluts learn to always be proud. Never hide.

Time to dance. Strip for me. All pretense gone.

A dancer moves and wiggles and shakes her ass. Teases.

You on the other hand are not allowed to hide.

To pretend to dance.

You on the other hand. Wrists crossed behind you.

You want my touch, want to cum, moan and beg to fuck.

Over and over. Move in close. Mouth over nipple. Hand cupping ass.

Bite. Pull with teeth. Hear you moan. Beg.

My favorite sounds.

Flip you off my lap. Your legs spread wide in anticipation.

Hands, fingers, brushing. Hips pumping.

Think about my other pet.

Imagine the lingerie shop owner.

Keep pumping your hips simply because watching you cum pleases me.

Bad girl. Remember your error.

Should I make you wait for this orgasm?

Your voice says you think only of fucking.


Oh listen. Our time is up. Last song.

Quick pretty slut. You want one more cum.

Your head nods frantic in anticipation. Frantic fingers fly.

Again, again, touching, brushing.

My voice in your mind. Telling you.

Taking your mind. Mine.

Tell me.

That's right, tell me that IS what you want.

To be My elegant slut.

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