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Untitled #1


I have known you long and forever,
 neither friend nor foe;
 you cared not for my wishes or my fears.
 Cold, uncaring,
 you did your job, you are your job, you...

In your presence I have stood.
 You are a drinker of the heat of life
 by your essential chill -
 the chill that flows from you
 as the light streams from the sun.

Had I known that chill,
 the giver away of your presence,
 I would have realized the futility
 of my attempts at summons.
 You did not come.
 You were not there.

Your uncaring astounds me,
 I who am so involved.
 My desperate cries for your touch,
 begging, pleading for your service,
 but you never noticed,
 and when you were sent to test me,
 did not care.

You are not my friend,
 no more my friend than my enemy.
 You are as much to me
 as I am to you -
 the carrier to the carried,
 the bringer to the brought.

And to think I knew the demon Fear
 when I stood before you.
 But the demon did not bend my knees,
 and you returned, having served as commanded.
 How many meet you,
 look into your empty eyes,
 feel their life pulled, drawn by your presence,
 just to say hello?

When you come for me, I will not greet you,
 not detest you,
 I will not care for you.
 You are just doing your job,
 and so - I will accompany you,
 but you will not gain a friend in me
 when you come to call.

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