Rainbow's Crystal Tiara

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A TWISTED version of Cinderella.
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Prince Reiven fumed with rage. His father had no right to force him into marriage...and with a female, no less. The dark elves had long since been able to choose the sex of their mates freely, technology assuring that every couple could procreate a child no matter the sex of the parents.

Unfortunately, ever since the intergalactic war had done away with the majority of the ruling class in just about every planet, royals struggled to arrange the marriages of their surviving offspring to form solid alliances between neighboring planets.

King Helios had always desired to form an alliance with the Fae planet. The entire royal family of the Faerie realm had disappeared under suspicious circumstances, but the council had agreed to hold a special ball so that the prince of the Dark Elf realm could chose a bride from their planet and unite both worlds.

"Father, you know I favor-"

"They said bride, and that is what you will choose," the Elf king's voice boomed. "You will be the King of that planet and should learn to play by their rules. Later, if you wish, you can take a male lover if it's so important to you."

Prince Reiven cursed the tears that sprang to his eyes. He'd seen the results of being forced into an undesired marriage. His mother, a beautiful Arborian Nymph, was literally withering away while his father indulged his passions with a Lycanthrope.

Knowing there was nothing he could do, Reiven turned and stormed out of the throne room, burning with fury.


Rainbow's knees hurt, and his back felt afire with fatigue. His bloodied, dirty fingers dug through the hard soil and rock to find the special Faerie stones he would later grind to make Faerie dust. Many years ago, there were servants to do this job, but his stepmother and stepsisters had whittled away the family fortune to the point that they no longer could afford servants. Once done, he put away his findings and set to work on scrubbing the floors, using an old brush his stepmother insisted he use because it left the floors extra shiny.

Rainbow scratched underneath the green cap he wore when he worked. He'd woven it from grass blades to hide his long iridescent hair. The last time one of his stepsisters had seen it, she'd become so jealous, his stepmother had shaved it all off. Leaving him as bald as an onion. He never unfurled his wings in front of them either, for fear they might want to tear them off as well.

A commotion in the receiving chamber of Faerie castle drew his attention. Slowly he crawled to the edge of the door and stood peering in. A council messenger handed stepmother Malvora a golden scroll. Raindrop and Breezy jumped up and down with high-pitched squeals of delight.

"Now-now, girls, calm yourselves or the council emissary will think poorly of you."

To this, the Faerie dressed in a gold and scarlet robe sniffed, eying the two over-jubilant Faeries with a frown.

"So," stepmother Malvora sighed, "I see King Helios is searching for a bride for the prince."

The messenger cleared his throat. "As the last remaining ties to the royal family, it is required that all royals attend." Somehow, Rainbow felt that the messenger did not consider his stepmother and stepsisters true royals.

Raindrop and Breezy squealed louder until Raindrop wet herself from the emotion. Breezy broke into peals of laughter, pointing her finger at her embarrassed sister. The mirthful giggling ceased when an unfaerie-like puttering sound emerged from Breezy's aft, making her gasp and turn as scarlet as the messenger's uniform.

"Ha! That's why mama named you Breezy!"

Breezy screeched, like a rabid banshee, and launched herself on her sister.

The messenger snorted in disgust, turned and left.

"Girls-girls! Stop that this instant!" Malvora clapped her hands. "Perhaps I should not send you to the ball after all."

The two wrestling Faeries stopped pulling each other's hair and stood scowling at one other.

"Rainbow! What are you doing eavesdropping there?"

Fear skittered up his spine, but there was no escaping now. Trembling he approached them, feeling the weight of their hostile stares.

"I finished polishing the floors to the dining-room," he replied in a small voice.

Malvora smiled. "Such a good boy. And you were going to scrub this room, is that it?"

Rainbow nodded, clutching the worn scrub-brush to his chest. "Y-yes, stepmother."

"Oh, Rainbow, but your face is dirty," Breezy said snatching the brush from his hands. She bent over and swiped the brush through her sister's pittle. Before Rainbow could back away, she'd grabbed the back of his head and scraped the harsh brush on his face until he was sure his skin was raw.

Raindrop laughed and pittled herself again.

"Now-now, Breezy," Malvora chided gently, "you're going to break a nail as well as work your digestive system up."

Both Faeries laughed as Rainbow sobbed, his tears making his reddened cheeks sting; then again, it could have been the disgusting pittle that dripped from his face.

Malvora pouted at him. "Don't cry, Rainbow. You know I hate sniveling."

Rainbow took a deep breath, his lower lip quivering, his tears falling like rain to the floor.

Malvora rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh. She pulled off the ribbon tied around her waist and proceeded to tie it around Rainbow's head. His two Faerie stepsisters laughed louder. "There. You want to cry like a girl, then you will look like one."

Rainbow looked up from beneath silver lashes, feeling the strands of pink satin brush his shoulders. If Malvora only knew how much he enjoyed when she made him wear the frilly feminine garb she used to ridicule him. He'd always felt more feminine than masculine, something quite common in the Faerie realm.

Malvora shushed her daughters and turned back to Rainbow in a considering manner. "Tell you what, boy. If you finish your chores, the first of which will be confectioning your lovely sisters proper gowns for the masquerade ball, I will allow you to tag along with us."

Three gasps echoed in the flarge receiving hall.

"Mother, have you lost your mind?" the sisters cried in unison.

"The messenger did say all royals. Rainbow here is still son of my dearly beloved husband, The Duke of Mists."

"But mother..."Raindrop began.

Breezy planted her hands on her ample hips. "Just look at him!"

"We can't show up with this bedraggled Faerie boy." Raindrop crossed her thin arms over her flat chest.

Malvora raised her hands to silence her daughters. "I've already given my word, and I never go back on my word."

Rainbow's hopes soared. A masquerade ball! "I'll make them the most beautiful gowns you've ever seen."

"I'm sure you will," Malvora smiled, her ruby-red lips stretching until they almost reached the blue curls that framed her sharp face.

Bolts of fine fabrics were delivered to Rainbow's room, up in the turret of the castle. His stepmother told him he could make himself proper clothing as well with whatever was left over. He set to work, confectioning gowns that would enhance his stepsisters unappealing figures. Breezy looked like an over-ripe pear, and Raindrop like a stalk of celery. He created gown after gown, none of the sisters happy with any of them, until there was no more fabric left. It was then that they decided on the very first two gowns he'd made for them with giggly enthusiasm. After they'd left his room with all the dresses, he looked around at the bits and pieces of pastel colored scraps, a lump lodged in his throat. He had no clothes suitable for the ball, only rags. Sitting on the floor he picked up handfuls of the pretty fabric, his eyes already filling. He heard the door to his room squeak open and saw Malvora peer inside.

"Oh, is that all that is left?"

"Yes, stepmother," he whispered as the first tear rolled down his cheek.

"Oh. What a shame," she commented in a soft voice. She smiled at him. "Now, Rainbow, there'll be other balls. Once one of your step sisters is married to Prince Reiven, we'll have enough riches so that there'll be more fabric left over for you."

"Yes, stepmother."

When the door finally closed, Rainbow collapsed upon the mound of scraps and cried heartbroken. How silly he was to think they'd actually take him. It had only been a ploy so that he'd be more enthusiastic making the gowns.

Night fell and the sounds of glee filled the castle. Rainbow awakened from a strange dream, having fallen asleep after crying his heart out. He saw his parents, at least he thought they were his parents. They both had white tresses like his, but theirs were streaked with rainbow colors. They showed him a secret room in the castle filled with trunks of fine clothes.

Rainbow rose from the cold floor and went in search of the room. To his surprise, the room was real. Hands shaking with barely suppressed joy, he began opening trunk after trunk.

The Faerie moon was high over the Fae planet. Before the castle awaited the transport cruiser that would take them to the Fae council's satellite station orbiting the planet, where the ball would be held. As Malvora and her daughters descended the spiral staircase to the receiving hall, Rainbow called out to them.

"Wait for me." He skipped down the steps, the gauzy material of his flared pants billowing around his legs. The low cut of the pants allowed a few inches of his taut belly to show. A silver breast-plate made to look like an oak leaf covered the front of his torso, leaving his back bear to show-off his wings. He still hadn't unfurled them, but planned to do so at the ball. Rainbow had braided his hair and wrapped the thick tail around his head, adorning it with sprigs of baby's breath, with a cascade of colorful ribbons falling down his back.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he became apprehensive. The women gaped at him.

Raindrop was the first to speak. "You...you look...beautiful."

"Where did you get those clothes?" Breezy seconded.

"They were my father's."

Rainbow watched as his stepmother moved her daughters aside, staring at him the way a snake stares at its kill before striking. "Take it off." Her voice hissed.

Rainbow took a step back, eyes wide. "But...it's my father's." His voice was barely above a whisper. "Why can't I..."

"Take it off!" Malvora's high-pitched scream echoed through-out the castle.

Trembling, Rainbow unfastened the breast-plate, then, shame-faced, removed the pants and shoes. He stood before them naked now.

Malvora asked Raindrop to bring her the whip, then proceeded to beat Rainbow to the brink of unconsciousness.

As he lay panting on the floor, he heard the sound of the transport taking off into the sky along with all of his hopes of finally being able to get away from the nightmare of his life.


"Will this misery never end," Reiven muttered to himself as his toes were stepped on the hundredth time. The chunky Faerie girl giggled nervously and farted in the most unbecoming way. Her sister had been worse. When their mother had tried to get them to dance, the girl took one look at him and urinated herself. She ran off trying, leaving a trail behind her.

"Ow!" He winced with a grimace when she blew another one.

He'd had enough. Excusing himself, he wove through the throngs of wings, satin and tulle. It was only when he realized that a strange hush had come over the attendants of the ball, that he looked around, almost expecting to see hostile looks directed at his fleeing form. They gazes were lock on the hall entrance. Curious, he turned to look too.

She took his breath away. Pearls, gems and crystal flowers wove around her dainty feet. Her iridescent white skirt fell around her legs like the petals of a flower and green leaves cover her small breasts. The beautiful girl's hair flowed about her body in a shimmering fall of white threaded through with thick bands of pastel rainbow colors and behind her, her wings looked as if made from hundreds of rainbow colored crystals. On her head she wore a crystal beaded tiara, that sparkled with more crystals.

As if in a trance, Prince Reiven approached her. The girl's face was painted with intricate swirls of color and glitter, but even so, he could tell she was beautiful.

"Would you care to dance?" he asked extending his hand.

She smiled, blushing, putting her hand in his.

Wrapping his arms around her, he twirled her out in the middle of the ballroom. He felt like he was drowning in her violet gaze. Her long lashes were silver and sparkled.

"What's your name?"

Her eyes widened. "I thought we weren't supposed to reveal our identities until the unmasking at midnight."

Reiven smiled, making her blush even more, "You're going to make me wait so long to know your name?"

"Yes," she replied, smiling up at him.

He was captivated by that pink stain on her cheeks, by the dewy softness of her rose-kissed lips. Reiven's eyes dropped down, and he felt surprised at the overwhelming urge to peel away the petals of this lovely rose and discover what sweet treats lay beneath the beguiling garb.

With a wicked smile he spun closer to the exit doors, and when no one was looking, he swirled her out of the ball room.

She gasped and looked around. Reiven felt a twinge of guilty at the frightened look she gave him, but he pulled her hands, making her follow him regardless.

"It's okay, I just want to show you something."

They walked down the dimly lit corridor to an observatory hall. It was like a large glass bubble, showing the immense beauty of space. Not far from the council station they were on was an enormous starship.

The pretty Faerie gasped in wonder. "Is that yours?"

He leaned against the glass wall, just taking in her beauty. "Yes."

She placed her hand against the wall, her sweet lips forming a tiny O as she blinked. What would it feel like to sample that lush mouth.

"It's so big."

Her words sparked a lust in Reiven that had him biting his lip to keep from groaning. Looking down at himself he realized that he had silver Faerie dust sparkling on his black Prince's attire and it was making the bulge in his pants more noticeable. "Yes. It is...very big."

Her eyes turned back to his face and followed the direction of his gaze. He heard her soft intake of breath.

"I've...I've never..."

He caught her chin in his hand, and brought her lips just a breath away from his. "I would never force you to mate with me. Your beauty has completely captivated me. I've never been so attracted to a woman."

Sadness cloaked the jewels of her eyes and she tried to pull away. Reiven wrapped his arms around her and frowned when she winced. "Are you hurt?" Anger took hold of him, and he grated through clenched teeth, "Has someone hurt you?"

"Y-you're scaring me."

Tears in those eyes and that sweet voice tremulous, had his fury abating, replaced by an overwhelming desire to protect. Hid thumbs wiped the evidence of her fright from her pink cheeks, cupping her face in his hands. Those trembling lips brought out a hunger that he could not resist. Dipping his head, he sampled them. He tasted first one plump lip, then the other, before tasting the sweet nectar within. Her tongue darted out to meet his shyly and he coaxed it to come out further and play. A delicious shiver went through her, making him slip his fingers into the silk of her mane to hold her head prisoner for the continued onslaught of his kiss. Her groan echoed through the entire length of his shaft, and he realized if he continued to kiss her this way, without restraint, he would not be able to keep himself from taking her right there. The thought alone of actually wanting to fuck her surprised him enough to pull away. Their breath was ragged and she looked dreamy, as if his kiss had drugged her. Reiven chuckled at her expression. She pouted, looking flustered and hurt and tried to turn away, but he caught her and pressed her against him. "I'm not laughing at you, my precious. It's just that you look so adorable."

He noticed her trying to keep from pressing against him front to front and felt guilty again. "Don't fear, my beauty. Your virginity is safe tonight, but I will make no promises on our wedding night. Then I will have you."

"Wedding?" Her eyes went round.

Reiven felt panic flutter in his heart at the acute feel of her tiny hands pushing at his chest. "Wouldn't you like to be my bride? You seem so sweet and I feel so attracted to you. I'm not such a bad fellow once you get to know me. I promise to live the rest of my days to make sure you know nothing but happiness."

Her silver lashed fluttered shut, tears streaming down from her face. She gripped the lapels of his leather waistcoat and began to sob, heartbroken on his chest. Alarmed, Reiven scooped her up in his arms and carried her to a tiny alcove within the observatory. He sat on a black cushioned bench within fronds of exotic plants, a bubbling fountain lit up in many colorful lights next to them. The lights set off the crystals on the Faerie's tiara, making the rainbow streaks in her white hair stand out more.

He kissed her nose, cheeks, and eyes, caressing her, trying to soothe her. "Why the tears, my love? What has you so distraught?"

"I didn't know what happiness was until tonight."

Again, Reiven felt a surge of fury. The little Faerie had obviously been abused. He kept his temper in check, not wanting to upset her further. "Now you'll have an entire lifetime of happiness, my sweet."

She shook her head and opened her mouth to say something, but fear of what she might say to him had him devouring her lips again. She couldn't deny him, would she? The first time he actually wants a woman and she refuses him? His lips coaxed a response, desperation making him act sloppy. He pushed her down on the bench and covered her trembling body with his. His dark hair fell like a curtain around them, mingling with the silver strands of her multi-streaked tresses. She groaned and arched against him. His mating instincts had him cupping her ass, seeking the seam. She twisted in his arms, giving him access to her and he felt the jolt of lust shake him. Ashamed at not being able to keep his promise not to fuck her, he found the delectable crease between taut little cheeks and searched within. She tensed in his arms and whimpered in protest. He deepened his kiss, his tongue darting in and out of her mouth until she melted against him and followed his dance. He found the prize he was looking for and teased her dainty rosebud. Liquid fire shot up his length, making him growl. He turned her over, careful not to hurt her gossamer wings and undid the fastening to his black leather pants.

"I'm sorry, but I can't...it hurts so much not to have you. I'll be gentle."

His hands smoothed away the petals of her skirt to reveal a bare bottom. Goddess help him. Did Faeries not wear panties? He lifted her hips and bent to that delectable rump. His fingers were already spreading her open, seeing that tight little rosebud and the tipps of her fingers clasped between her legs, hiding her sex. His lust jumped up another hundred degrees at her demure efforts, even though her ass was bare to his hungry gaze. He dipped his head and licked. Wicked lust exploded in him as her dark flavor burst upon his seeking tongue. He dove in further, reveling in the sinful delight of tongue fucking a virgin's ass. Her gasps and mewling cries only incited him further. He wet his finger and slipped them into her and was pleasantly surprised when she reared back, her anal star devouring his digits. He scissored them within her lush depths and heard her growl, deep and throaty. The sound had him pumping her, wanting to her that suddenly-gone-husky voice again.

He veed his fingers again and was shocked when, with a guttural growl, she demanded through clenched teeth "fuck me."