Without you there wouldn't be me

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Without you there wouldn’t be me…

If it weren’t for you
I wouldn’t be me
If it weren’t for you
I wouldn’t have seen
A world full of possibilities
Where anything could be
Just about anything you dream

A world so beautiful
With joy abound
You showed me life is precious
Not matter what hurt might be around

With you I always felt loved
always wanted
You were my strength
My example
My love eternal
With your love
No conditions set

My goal though you might not believe
Was to be like you
Though I knew I would never achieve
How could I be as strong
As smart
As determined
As the person I held with the highest esteem

You were and still are my role model
If there is anything in this world
That I do well
With pride
With love
It is because you showed me that it could be done
You showed me the possibilities are endless

You showed me I was worth loving
Even when I didn’t think I was
You believed in me when I couldn’t
And you held me close when I needed someone

You are more then a mom to me
You are my best friend
you’re everything I want to be
Without you
There wouldn’t be me

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