25th Wedding Anniversary

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A special day for a stunning woman.
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There are no sexual acts in this story involving minors and all characters are above the age of 18.

This story is part reality and part fantasy with some incidents from younger years now transposed to the present.

Rajan read and re-read the email message on his desktop screen. It was short and fairly straight to the point

"Uncle -

I will be sending you a link and a message in about thirty minutes from now.

I think your maid will have left by then and you will be alone at home for the rest of the afternoon. I know Poornima is out of the house right now and will be back only later.

I am sure you will find it worth your while to ensure you drop all other plans for the day and wait for my message to follow.

Regards. Sri"

The fairly cryptic and open-ended email was from Sri, his son's classmate from high school and who had since moved to the US. Sri and Rajan's son Keshav had been fairly close friends and Sri had been a frequent visitor at their house over the years. For some reason, Rajan had never really liked Sri much - something much too cocky about that boy. While Sri had moved to the US shortly after high school the two friends still kept in touch.

A month ago Poornima had visited her elder sister Asha in St. Louis - necessitated by the wedding of Asha's son which was occurring in the US itself. During the plans for Poornima's visit, it came out that Sri was in New York city and a visit to the US would be incomplete without a visit to The Big Apple. And then somehow the travel plan for Poornima came to include a week's stop over to New York city on her way back to Delhi - staying at Sri's place and having him as a tour guide.

Rajan remembered having a bit of unease when the New York plan first came up - he was not sure why. Subsequently the trip had happened. He could remember nothing noteworthy about Poornima's stay in New York. He had seen the various photos of her at different touristy spots - some alone and some with Sri. She seemed to have enjoyed herself during the visit. With modern Internet communication being the way it is, there were frequent calls going between India and the US while Poornima was in the US. If at all anything was a bit odd it was that Poornima would insist mostly on audio-only calls on WhatsApp saying the internet connection at Sri's apartment was not that great and that data plans were costly in the US. Rajan had expressed surprised at this many times and also joked about it with his friends in Delhi about how much better things were India compared to the US.

This had been Poornima's first trip overseas and that too alone. Rajan had been unable to go along with her due to his business commitments and neither could Keshav.

There was something different about Poornima though on her return from the US. She seemed livelier and more confident. The other thing was that she appeared to have gotten more stylish - if one could use that word. Her dress sense had become more bright - the way she wore her saree nowadays seemed just a little more risqué than normal. Rajan had put it down to her having successfully made a solo trip overseas and back along with exposure to a new land and culture and nothing more.

His thoughts turned to his Poornima then. At 45 she was still a great looker with a face that made heads turn and a body that was trim and kept well in shape. Rajan was well aware that she attracted her fair share of attention from ogling males but had never been concerned about this. She was short with a petite figure and a dusky complexion as is common with Malayalees. Theirs had been a traditional arranged marriage. Rajan himself had never thought of straying during their 25 years of marriage and the it had never ever crossed his mind about Poornima doing anything along those lines. He then remembered that their 25th marriage anniversary had been spent apart - it had fallen during her recent US trip and they had to remain satisfied with a short video call. Sri had been nice enough to order a small cake for a virtual celebration while the couple talked and greeted each other over cell phones.

It had been a month since Poornima's return and Rajan himself had had no contact with Sri since then. While Rajan had no idea what Sri was going to send him in a little while, a sense of foreboding and worry took over him and he couldn't understand why. It was all a bit mysterious - why make Rajan wait this way? How did Sri know that the maid would leave just then and that Rajan would be alone the rest of the day? How did he know that Poornima was not at home? As time passed Rajan realized his body was trembling just a little and his heart beating a tad faster and the sense of anticipation of what was coming in the next message was getting to be a bit overwhelming. He was also a little irritated - largely at himself for what seemed to be an illogical feeling of unease. He also realized that Sri had used just "Poornima" in the message - no "aunty" after the name - wasn't that a mistake?

Rajan looked at the timestamp on the first message again and again. It said 10:27 AM Indian time which meant he should be receiving that follow up message around 11 AM. Those intervening minutes seemed to pass ever so slowly and he kept hitting the check-email button over and over again to see if something had come from Sri. He wondered whether he should call Poornima and tell her about this email from Sri but then some instinct stopped him from doing so and he decided to wait it out on his own.

The follow-up message from Sri came precisely on time at 10:57. One had to give the young man some credit for punctuality and sticking to his schedule.


I trust you are alone at home now. if not, I recommend you to not act on anything in this email till you are by yourself.

I would like to congratulate you and Poornima aunty once again on your 25th wedding anniversary. I know you had to spend it apart but I think Poornima aunty did have a wonderful time here that day.

What I have done is prepare a series of video clips for you to know how she spent her special anniversary day here with me.

Below I have given a link to a website on which you will see a series of files clearly labelled. You will see a bunch of movie files and a bunch of text files. The files have been arranged in order as Clip 1,Clip 2 etc. for the films and as Text 1, Text 2 etc for the text files.

I would like to you to begin by opening flim Clip 1, seeing the contents and afterwords opening Text 1 which contains some textual notes as to what you had seen in the clip. After this follow the same for Clip 2 and Text 2 and so on. The audio in the film clips is not always clear and the video can be shaky in some places. After you read the text you will understand why.

The clips are arranged in chronological order - so Clip 1 is from the evening of the day before (which, given the time difference between the US and India would mean the anniversary date had started in India). The last clip is taken after the video call you had with her - our morning and your end of day in India. The clips therefore are taken over a 14-15 hour window which is why it is best you view them in order. Obviously I don't cover the entire period in these clips so there are some gaps in terms of the times. You may find these clips stop abruptly but that cannot be helped.

I am not great at video editing and compiling and it has taken some time and effort to put this together - apologies if some pieces look clumsy.

One thing I must point out that Poornima aunty is not aware that I am sharing this with you. After you see the clips I think you will understand why I felt it best for you to have privacy while watching.

Also, I will message you again in about four to five hours. I think by then you would have watched (and may be re-watched many times) these clips and read the texts that go along with them

Warm Regards,

Sri "

Rajan's hands were trembling as he finished reading this message and scrolled down below to find a Dropbox link. He could see two folders on that link - one for videos and one for text. Just as Sri had mentioned, there were a series of clips and text files each named numerically and in order - no confusion for sure.

His fingers fumbled a bit as he got himself to download Clip 1 and open it on his viewer.

The first thing he noticed about the clip was it length - just over 3 minutes. The camera showed Poornima standing by a kitchen counter in (what he assumed was) Sri's apartment.

"Happy anniversary coming up Poornima" - he heard Sri's voice in the clip.

It startled him that Sri again didn't use "aunty" after the name as would normally be expected. In the distance was Poornima smiling and waving at the camera. It looked like the clip was from a phone camera. Sri could not be seen as he was the one holding the phone and shooting the clip.

"Looking great on your special day."

He saw Poornima blush slightly as Sri said this. The camera then zoomed in and out a few times at Poornima. There was something a bit different about her but the zoom-ins and outs didn't help in telling what that was. The camera then moved towards Poornima - Sri was walking towards her.

Sri had stopped a few feet from Poornima and Rajan could see her clearly on the screen now. Poornima looked stunning in an silver coloured saree and blouse - an unusual color. He had never seen that saree on her before - perhaps a new one as a gift from Asha. She also seemed to have a little more lipstick than normal.

The camera then moved up to Poornima's face and then zoomed in - one could see Poornima's face clearly - the high definition camera capturing every pore of her skin. The makeup on her face looked classy and that shade of lipstick looked good on her. Poornima kept smiling and blushing almost flirtatiously as the camera captured her face in detail. God - she looked so beautiful!

The camera then zoomed out to give a full body view again. Rajan found himself getting aroused looking at his wife in the clip - she was fully dressed and covered as normal but something about her pose and her facial expression was getting to him. The camera then zoomed a little closer in to Poornima and went up and down both her arms and hands, down her neck, chest, and then down her body to her feet.

The camera moment was always slow and lingering - first across Poornima's body and dress and then back to her head. She still had that blush on her face. And then the clip stopped.

Rajan felt his heart racing as the video ended - nothing really odd he could see beyond the fact it seemed such an intimate video clip. Some jealousy was starting to creep in about that but nothing in the video clip could be seen as "wrong."

He then remembered he had to open the text that went along with the clip and did so.


I hope you have seen Clip 1 before opening this. As you can see Poornima is in a silver saree - silver is the colour associated with 25th anniversary here and that is why I chose the colour. Also she is dusky and the contrast accentuates her lovely skin.

She looks stunning - doesn't she? I loved the way she blushes on camera. She is such a gorgeous looking woman - who could ever tell she is 45 and a mother of a 23 year old son?

I wanted to point out a few things to you that you may not have noticed first time around. You can go back and replay the clip as you read this so you can collate this text and the video. The reason i lingered over her arms was to show you how smooth her skin is - gleaming almost - please check it out again. I did spend some time on the face for you to see her blushing and give her flirtatious look - I am sure you have noticed that.

We got her make up done earlier that day at a studio which is why her face looks so superb. That shade of lipstick was suggested by the make-up person at the salon we went and she insisted on a thicker -than-normal coating - lends a certain coquettishness to Keshav's mother - don't you think?

Also around her neck, you see a plain silver collar - wide and almost looking like a brace - purchased for this anniversary and matching with her dress.

Lastly,there's something missing on her - perhaps you can guess now? If not, I do promise to reveal that later.

If you are done, you can move to Clip 2 now."

Rajan had watched that first clip over and over again with the text box open. Many things bothered him now. In the text message again, Sri had used "Poornima" without using aunty. The way he was complimenting Poornima on her looks - not the way one would expect a youngster to do so to an elder.

He also now remembered that silver neck collar. Poornima had it on ever since she had come back from her US trip. Rajan now realized that she that it was always on her day and night - never once taken off even while bathing, sleeping or for that matter to match with the different dresses she wore. That neck collar was a permanent fixture on Poornima it seemed. Also - yes her forearms were gleaming and looked smoother than normal. She never had much hair on her arms but there was a silky look in the video that she normally didn't have.

He also had gone back to see what it was that was missing on Poornima and couldn't figure it out yet. Eventually he figured he had gotten all he could out of the first clip and went about opening the second clip.

The second clip was again a few minutes long only. The camera was still showing Poornima from the front. He could hear Sri asking her to turn around and Poornima obliging. The camera zoomed in to the back of Poornima's head. She had long dark hair and he could see her upper tresses. The camera slowly moved down to her neck - he noticed that silver brace collar now below Poornima's luxurious long hair. The camera spend some seconds on her neck and then went up and down her arms - this time a view from the back - he could make out her elbows. He also noticed a few plastic bangles on each her wrists - multi-coloured and going well with her dress. The camera then moved down to her waist - there was a small section of Poornima's back that was exposed - between the blouse and her hip. That section looked so lovely and kissable - Rajan felt an erection coming as he gazed at his wife on camera. The camera then moved slowly down to linger on her hips and the swell of her buttocks down to her feet and up again. Sri then asked Poornima to turn around. Poornima was continuing to blush and now giggling as she do so - showing her face to the camera.

"Move your pallu a little", he heard Sri say.

Poornima shook her head, giggling and smiling at the camera. This went back forth for a few seconds.

The camera than panned to the show the floor, some shaky movement happened and it took several seconds before the camera screen focused back on Poornima.

Rajan could see that Poornima's pallu had been bunched up and moved a bit to the side exposing her one full breast - albeit covered by the blouse. He let out a sigh of surprise as he saw a fair amount of cleavage showing - the top of her chocolaty breasts clearly visible. He had never known Poornima to ever do that. The camera then moved down to her waist to capture what was now a fairly exposed belly. The navel was not visible though - still covered by the petticoat and saree.

"Poornima - ufff....", he heard Sri say in an admiring tone.

He could see Poornima remaining silent - but her flirtatious smile still in place and no objection to whatever Sri was doing with his camera and her. There was no doubt Poornima looked stunningly erotic at that moment and Rajan felt his cock hard as a rock. It hadn't happened in a while. He was eight years elder to Poornima and his sexual proclivities had been declining over the last few years. But this video clip of Poornima was bringing out desires in him that he thought were long gone.

The clip abruptly stopped at this point much to Rajan's disappointment.

He eagerly opened the second text document to read what Sri had written.


did you like that clip? I hope you did. What a woman your wife is! That beautiful dusky skin. Please go ahead and rewind to see that view of her cleavage over and over - what a sight it is!

Of course we had the make-up salon do her hair as well - you can see it braided - luscious, lustrous and all the way down to below her waist. That swell of her bums is so erotic to look at from the back.

And did you notice the half-hearted way she objected to when I asked her to move her pallu? i am sorry the camera broke off then to point at the floor, I had to scrunch up her pallu and move it to one side myself. Actually I think she wanted me to do it and her objections were just to make sure I came over to her- that in itself is such an erotic thought for me. What a waist and belly she was - a man could spend hours just kissing, licking and tasting that beautiful skin.

Also did you notice that brace collar this time? If you look a bit carefully there is a small protuberance you can see - hidden by her hair. There is actually a lock and key mechanism in place to make sure the collar never gets loose and falls of.

Lastly, did you notice what was missing on her this time at least? or not yet?

Ending this one now."

Rajan went through the exercise of reading and watching the second clip a few times over.

Yes - he did notice that key/lock thingy on the collar though not sure what to make of it. He was now irritated, jealous and angry at the way Sri was referring to Poornima's body - the language was way too sexual in nature. He was also furious at Poornima - she hadn't stopped Sri from adjusting her pallu and allowing him to video shoot her in that manner. Her blushes, giggles and smiles were also adding to the anger he felt

At the same time Rajan was strangely aroused at what he was seeing and reading. A part of him wanted to call Poornima right away and confront her with what he was seeing. Another part of him wanted to see the rest of the clips first so that he had a full story in front of him. Eventually curiosity won over and he moved onto Clip 3.

Clip 3 turned out be a series of still images of Poornima in different poses, each risque and erotic in its own way. She was still dressed in the same dress as before so this was obviously a continuation of the previous two clips The stills were random nature but still felt classily erotic. One was a close up her luscious red lips covered with that lipstick. Another was close up of her belly, this time the navel showing. Another was of the side of Poornima's breast covered by a silvery blouse. Yet another one showed her from the back, with her hair moved to one side. There were also some stills of Poornima in different expressions of smiling, laughing, rolling her eyes etc. One showed her with her mouth over the top of a banana. Another showed a close up of her cleavage with what appeared to be a white creamy patch on it. There were several more with Poornima looking sensually arousing in all.

Sure enough the corresponding text contained some explanation of each of the stills. Sri had definitely put in some work in making sure the stills and text matched correctly. As Rajan read through each one of these he continued to feel both anger and arousal.

Regarding the white creamy daub on her cleavage, Sri had written "That was a bit of butterscotch ice cream that dripped on there. How do you think it got cleaned up?"

Regarding the side view of the breast he had written "Notice anything?"

Regarding the banana one "What a mouth she has!"