50s Family: Backseat Fucking


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And as I heard Adam grunt and felt his cum spew inside me, I came right along with him as I realized how great indeed that grace appeared.

"Hallelujah," I trembled weakly, biting my lip not to let out a moan that would alert Dad, as Adam's cum spewed up inside me just as my own cum flooded down all over him.

"That's it Eve," Dad said, "let the Lord guide you."

"He's coursing through me right now," I said wickedly, looking at Mom, who had the widest grin on her face.

"He's always inside you," Dad countered, turning back to see my red-cheeked face as I leaned to my right, smiling at him.

"He gives me great pleasure, Daddy," I answered, as my orgasm continued coursing through me... God's gift the ultimate rush; Adam pulled out of me, allowing our mixed cum to gush out.

Dad kept singing as I moved awkwardly and Adam groaned "Oh, gross," as our cum got all over his pants.

"What?" Dad asked, slowing down.

"Sorry, Eve just spilt all over me," Adam covered, holding up his open 7-up can.

"Sorry," I apologized, as I added, "it is pretty tight back here."

"We're stopping soon," Dad promised.

"No hurry," I said weakly, as I leaned back against Adam and allowed my orgasm to finish its journey.

"You kids are confusing," Dad said as he sped back up and sang the last verse of the song.

A few minutes later we stopped at a gas station.

Dad got gas.

Adam hurried away to clean up.

Mom said to me, "Sweet daughter, that was so fucking hot. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm a bit jealous."

"I'm pretty positive he'd fuck you too, if he knew you were down for it," I replied, thinking that Adam and Mom fucking would be really hot to watch... remembering how excited I'd gotten watching his girlfriend Tiffany bob on his dick.

"You think so?" she asked, a sparkle in her eyes, yet still very insecure about her own beauty.

"Who wouldn't?" I shrugged. "You know the Oedipus story."

"No," Mom answered.

"In Greek mythology, Oedipus was a man who was in love with his mother and willing to do anything to have her," I explained, leaving out the bit about killing his father. That part didn't seem very sexy, and I wanted Mom to think sexy.

"Really?" Mom asked, looking so sweet and innocent.

"Yes, but the message is that most boys dream of fucking their mothers," I revealed, not really sure there was a lot of evidence to back that up... but going with it.

"Shit, you've got me all excited," she gushed.

"God! If we had more time I'd take you to the bathroom and snack on your pussy," I flirted wickedly.

"I think I've created a monster," she laughed.

"No, God created me, and he did it for you," I smiled, doing a spin, "how do you think he did?" just as Dad walked back out with Adam.

Dad came up from behind and surprised us as he ordered, "Adam, you drive. I'll sit in the back seat with Eve."

My eyes went wide as I whispered to Mom with a wicked devious smile, "Should I fuck him?"

"Eve!" she gasped.

"Okay, I'll just tease him," I replied, wicked ideas forming in my head. I then turned to Dad and said, "Daddy, I can hardly remember the last time I sat on your lap."

He nodded, "It's been years, I imagine."

"You used to read me scripture after dinner," I said, recalling the days when I was younger and he would read me passages from the Bible about the different roles of women (daughter, wife, etc.) and I loved listening to them.

"You remember that?" he asked, sitting down in the back seat.

"Of course, Daddy," I nodded, climbing through the door to join him.

"It is pretty tight back here," he acknowledged as I sat down on his lap, facing directly forward.

"Family bonding," I joked, which made Mom laugh at my real intent of the words.

Adam asked, from the driver's seat, "You guys comfortable back there?"

I adjusted my body so my weight was positioned directly on Daddy's crotch and replied, "Perfect."

Dad added, "As good as it will get."

Adam started driving and I leaned back into Daddy and said, "I'm just going to take a nap, is that okay, Daddy?"

"Sure, Eve," he agreed, as I rested my entire body against him, moving the crack of my ass slightly to wrap around his crotch area.

And for the next twenty minutes... I pretended to try and fall asleep.

Of course, I just couldn't get comfortable. Oh dearie me.

So I moved my ass around...making sure to position my pussy on his cock... my ass on his crotch...which had gotten nice and hard... I imagine much to his dismay.

It seemed pretty big.

I even heard him groan once when I finally got my pussy lips pretty much straddling his cock.

I then slyly moved my hips forward and back every now and then, my pussy grinding teasingly along the shaft of his hard cock. Perfectly innocent, of course. Daddy's virginal daughter wouldn't have a clue she was doing anything provocative.

I had indeed become the Eve from the Bible... the temptress.

My pussy... my young ripe body... was Eve's juicy forbidden apple.

After perhaps four minutes of my pussy in such intimate contact with his cock, Dad startled me and woke me up as I was pretending to be asleep by saying, "Adam, pull over."

Adam, startled too, asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," he answered, sounding very uncomfortable, "I just think I have a solution to this back seat problem."

"Am I too heavy for your lap, Daddy?" I asked, squirming around to look at him while yawning in his face, acting as if he'd woken me up, when I could feel very clearly that in truth I'd woken something of his up.

"No, Eve," he said, trying to be casual. "It's just that I think there's a simple solution."

"Oh, okay, Daddy," I nodded, "I don't want to be an inconvenience."

Adam pulled over, I opened the door and got off Daddy's lap and saw that I'd left a pretty obvious wet spot directly on his crotch. I acted oblivious, but Dad looked down at it and his face went red... not out of anger I don't think, but embarrassment, thinking that the wetness must have come from him.

I didn't say anything as he got out of the car, walked around to the other side and pulled the large box out. He said, "Helen, please get out of the car; I think I have a solution."

"Okay, honey," Mom agreed politely, like she always did, as she got out of the car wearing her good wife face and not snickering at all, at least not that he could see. But what we could both see was the wet spot, and how his slacks were tented out. While he was still on the other side of the car, she gave me a conspiratorial grin and a thumbs up.

Dad carried the box around and put it in the front seat, squeezed the suitcase and sleeping bags stacked in front of it on the floor and said, "This still isn't perfect, but three people should all be able to sit back there without anyone having to be on someone's lap, although it'll be a little squished."

Mom offered instantly, "I'll go back there with the kids, and you can drive." She was trying to appear detached, but I could tell she was really hoping Dad would go for it.

"You sure?" Dad asked.

"No offence, honey, but you're the biggest one of the four of us," Mom said, before glancing slyly down at Adam's crotch, implying to me that her assessment might not apply to all body parts.

"It's still another 90 minutes till we get there," Dad pointed out, clearly concerned about his wife's discomfort... which made me happy he cared... even though if I was reading Mom's eagerness correctly, comfort wasn't remotely her goal at the moment.

"I will endure," Mom shrugged, "it's nothing compared to what the Israelites endured in their travels, and 90 minutes is a lot shorter than forty years."

"True, true," Dad nodded, referring to scripture always a way to get Dad to agree to something.

Seizing control of her offspring, Mom ordered, "Eve, you get in first."

"Yes, Mom," I nodded, curious to see whether my take on what she was thinking was right.

Mom then scooted into the center beside me and patted the empty seat on her left, "Squeeze in here, Adam."

"Okay, Mom," he nodded, a look of complete uncertainty written all over his face. He knew she'd watched him fucking me, but all she'd done was watch. Although since she'd been in plain sight of Dad, there wasn't much she could have done. But now that she was joining us in the back, she could pretty much do anything she wanted. He must have wondered what she wanted.

Dad closed Adam's door, slowly, and then walked around and got in the driver's seat, turned around and asked, "Is this doable?"

I almost laughed at his question, as I was pretty sure Mom was planning on indeed being doable.

Mom nodded, "Honey, we used to sleep all four of us in a queen sized bed, so this is nothing."

"Are you sure?" Dad asked, still concerned.

"It'll give me and the kids a little bonding time," Mom said, slyly reaching out to squeeze Adam's cock the moment Dad turned away.

Adam's eyes went big as he looked at me with a deer in the headlights look. Dad started the car and said, "Just let me know if you need me to stop so you can change positions."

"Oh I hope to find a very comfortable position very soon," Mom said, pointing to Adam's cock as the car started moving, just like I had earlier.

"Hopefully it's not too tight back there," Dad said, again making me want to explode with laughter at the oblivious innuendos he kept coming up with.

"Sometimes tight is good," Mom replied, again squeezing Adam's crotch. I'm not sure Dad heard though, as he had just turned the radio up. It wasn't music now, but a conversation about the devil and his subtle ploys.

I shook my head in mild exasperation at Adam's indecision, and I leaned over Mom and helped bring the serpent out to play in Mom's garden.

Dad chuckled, "Seems like God heard you, Eve."

"W-w-what?" I stammered, sitting back up, guilt written all over my face, Adam's pants now unbuttoned but his serpent still hiding, not yet available for play.

"This discussion is on the impact of the devil," Dad clarified.

"Oh," I said, glancing over at Mom who was trying, with some frustration, to get her son's dick out of his tight jeans.

"Make sure you listen," Dad said. "Maybe it will clear up some of your questions."

"Yes, Daddy," I nodded, as I glanced over to see Adam's serpent had now been freed and was definitely raising his head ready for play.

I expected Mommy to lean towards me, lift her ass up and get fucked that way, but to my surprise she pointed to Dad and whispered, "Keep him distracted," before she leaned her body the other way, kneeling with her knees against her stomach and leaning her ass above my lap as she positioned herself and took her son's dick in her mouth. I lost no time in reaching under her dress and discovering that at some point she too had become sans panties as I pushed two fingers into her... yep, steaming... pussy and began to stroke.

"Holy fuck!" I mouthed to Adam who just nodded, his eyes still as big as saucers, biting his lip so he wouldn't moan out loud. He could see very clearly that I was fingering his mother, and I could see very clearly that she was sucking his cock. Life was good.

I wanted to keep watching Mom suck Adam, because God, watching others have sex was hot, but I had the job of lookout and I needed to keep Daddy distracted. So as I continued to finger Mom, I asked, "Daddy, can I be completely honest with you about something?"

"Of course, Eve," he nodded, glancing back to look at me, thank heavens over his right shoulder, since her naked ass was on his left, and since we're talking religion, thank God the headrest was blocking Daddy's view of Mom and Adam completely. It was like a perfect storm in reverse, where all the details were lining up to our benefit.

"Lately I've been having weird feelings inside, Daddy," I said, which was the truth... although the word weird was misleading, because they weren't weird, but amazing.

"How so?" Dad asked, sounding concerned.

"When I see a certain boy I get all tingly," I explained.

He chuckled, deciding this wasn't such a big deal, "That's normal, Eve. Ask your Mother about those feelings."

I glanced over to see Mom bobbing up and down on Adam's cock, which I realized still had my own pussy juice on it. I continued, figuring Mom's mouth was quite busy at the moment, "But I often feel the need to...um..."

"What, Eve?" Dad asked, again glancing back to look at me, again over his right shoulder. Praise Jesus!

"Oh, never mind, Daddy," I sighed dramatically. "This is too embarrassing."

Dad didn't respond, likely thankful not to continue this conversation, just as the minister on the radio said, "Have you been tempted by the Devil lately?"

"Yes, Lord," I answered, as I glanced back to Mom still sucking her son's cock... God, was I tempted to be sucking that cock too.

"Eve, what?" Dad asked, just as Mom pulled her steaming pussy off my fingers, put her feet on the floor and sat up.

"Are you okay, Eve?" Mom asked, feigning concern, as she moved her head toward me as I'd originally thought she might, now kneeling facing the other way, resting her head in my lap as she offered up her back end to Adam.

"Yes, Mom, thank you," I replied, sticking my wet fingers into her mouth as I watched Adam repositioning himself too. Thank heavens for that tall box, as he too knelt sideways on the seat, resting his butt against the door.

The guy on the radio said, "Remember, the devil is everywhere."

I asked, watching closely as Adam slid his cock into Mom, Mom sucking my tasty fingers with a look of complete sexual happiness crossing her face, "Dad, isn't that just a bunch of fire and brimstone?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, again looking back at me.

"Can the devil really be everywhere?" I asked. "That seems rather extreme and a bit like fearmongering. I mean especially after that whole Senator McCarthy witch hunt."

Dad sighed, as I glanced down and gently caressed Mom's contented face with her eyes closed as Adam fucked her, "The devil will prey on anything and anyone who is weak; and he'll do that everywhere."

"Are we not all weak at times?" I continued, trying my best to keep him oblivious to the reality that behind him, not three feet away, his son was fucking his wife.

"Of course," he nodded. "That's why Jesus sacrificed himself for us."

"But then isn't the Lord giving the devil free reign to corrupt everyone, since all parishioners will be forgiven in the end?" I asked, this actually being a question I'd wrestled with my entire life. For example why can a good person get cancer and die in her 20s, while some rapist gets to live until he's 90?

"That's the naïve way to look at it," Dad said, as Adam started going faster and Mom bit her lip while I stroked her temple, as the pleasure was obviously taking control of her and she was desperately trying to remain quiet. "The reality is that God will forgive all his creations, but the hierarchy once we're in heaven will be established by our loyalty on earth."

This wasn't something I'd heard him say before, and told him as much. "I've never heard this rationale in any of your sermons."

"It's been a long-time belief among the church leaders, and it's finally being considered for sharing, in an attempt to encourage today's flighty followers to become more loyal," he explained.

I looked down again to watch as Mom opened her eyes and smiled lovingly up at me as she grabbed my right leg for better balance and Adam began fucking her even faster.

I asked, "Will that be part of a future sermon?"

"I'm considering it," he answered. "But it would need to be introduced strategically, a bit at a time."

"Why?" I asked, suddenly startled to feel Mom's hand reaching under my skirt and feeling its way to my pussy.

"Because it's a new idea to them, and some people would feel they'd been hoodwinked all these years," he answered, saying exactly what I was thinking.

I bit my lip as Mom's finger started moving up and down between my pussy lips. As she sucked my fingers back into her mouth I agreed, "There could be a backlash."

"That's the fear," he nodded with a sigh, but added, "but we're getting more desperate to keep our dwindling parishioners, as well as re-establish the good name of the Bible as being efficacious in building morally upright people."

"Because the devil is everywhere," I said, spinning the conversation back to the beginning, just as Mom moved her finger away from my wet pussy and used both hands to squeeze my leg really hard. She was losing control, so I moved my fingers away from danger and just gently held her head, paradoxically feeling very maternal towards her.

I glanced down to see my dear Mom clearly having an orgasm. Her face looked so radiant, so sexy and vulnerable as she surrendered herself completely to her son.

Adam seemed close himself as his eyes were closed, and sweat was beginning to drip down his forehead.

"And it's the man's job to protect you from Satan," Dad intoned.

I watched Adam's face grimace into a very unique and somewhat hilarious look, as he clearly was depositing his load in his Mom.

I then realized the obvious: Adam had come inside both of us.

I wasn't protected.

Was Mom?

Fuck! In the heat of the moment, pregnancy hadn't even popped into my head.

Mom's finger moved back under my skirt and slid easily inside my wetness as my head was spinning. I tried to focus on the conversation as I said, "Which is why you're making Adam and me go to the same college."

"Exactly," he nodded.

"Because I'm not capable of resisting the devil?" I said, suddenly annoyed, even as Mom continued fingering me, switching to her left hand while sitting back up, as Adam sat up too .

"Honey, that's not what I mean at all," he objected. "It's just that women are more susceptible to the devil's wicked ways."

"Is that true, Mom?" I asked.

"If your father says so," she responded, as she pulled her finger out of my snatch and put it in Adam's mouth. "We must always obey and please our men."

"I'll remember that," I nodded, as I moved my fingers under Mom's skirt and into her leaking pussy. God, I wanted to taste the mixture of male and female cum by diving between Mom's legs, but that was physically impossible in the cramped quarters; however, I could get at least some this way.

I got as much as I could on my fingers, then pulled them out and put them into my mouth.


Mom said, "Honey, I really need to pee."

Dad sighed, always hating to stop once we were on the road.

"You did tell us to ask you if we needed to stop," Mom reminded him.

"Yes, yes," he nodded. "I think there's a town only a couple of minutes away.

"Great," Mom said, giving me a significant wink.

"Yeah, I need to go to the washroom too," I added, catching on and knowing that I was going to bury my face in Mom's cum-filled cunt the moment we were in the bathroom.

"Women," he said, shaking his head.

"Maybe the Lord should have given us bigger bladders," I joked, making Mom laugh, just as we passed a sign saying "Emery 1 Mile".

Five minutes later, I was on my knees in a bathroom stall, licking Mom's tasty, steaming cunt.

Two minutes later, Mom was on her knees insisting that I needed to come this time, and not her.

Four minutes later, I came on Mommy's face and into her mouth as she drank me down.

God, I love my life.

The end for now.

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AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

I love family get togethers. Dad should get involved, with Daughter sucking him before she lets her Brother take over as she sits on his face. There's a lot of Mother, Daughter sex, but not enough of Father, Son sex.

JustrealisedamgayJustrealisedamgay3 months ago

All them together these are the hottest stories I have read

CaulderonCaulderon4 months ago

Delicous, salacious and beautifully crafted!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

More please, both mom and sister pregnant would be very hot.

Arseguy666Arseguy6667 months ago

Terrific, well written storyline, but both women getting their arses fucked really hard, really dry needs to happen, a really soon by both guys as well...

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