8 Days: Day 5 - FTDS


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I let her lead me into the house. She took me to the couch and had me sit. Put a pillow between my legs, then took off her shirt and bra. "Just a little extra. No touching. It's our first date, afterall." She looked up and winked at me, teasing.

I almost laughed. She'd blow me, but I wasn't allowed to touch.

The second one was heavenly. The girl should have gone pro. She had no gag reflex whatsoever. She made me think my cock was the only thing in the world that mattered to her. Since there was no rush, she teased me, dragging it out, making it last a good 10 minutes before I lost control. I didn't bother warning her verbally, but my groans and moans should have been a good indicator.

She took it all, and I swear, she looked like she enjoyed it. She was sucking me gently, having finished. I was expecting her to pop up for a kiss, but she kept playing. "Nice cock, Damon. Very nice. I think the three of us are going to be great friends." She closed up my pants and climbed into my lap, straddling me. "How was it?"

"Incredible. Honestly, the best I've ever had."

She pouted. "Poor baby. You'll get better. I promise." She finally went in for the kiss, and I didn't hold back. She was so different. So small, that sexy long hair, big brown eyes I could get lost in.

"I've never done this on a first date. I hope you don't think badly of me, but I had to get my bid in, you understand? I'll be the best, if you give me a chance."

"You know what, Vicky? I don't doubt that at all."

She hugged me close, nibbling my ear. "I've got a tiny little pussy. Tight as a drum. That big cock of yours is going to have a good time in there."

Vicky gave me another kiss. "Don't make me wait too long for the next date. I know the next several days will be hectic, but just a call would be nice."

"You got it, gorgeous."

"Good. Now go home to her. I know she's feelin' down. She's lost you, that's got to be hard. Be kind to her, Ok?"

"I will. I still have a lot of feelings for her."

"Good. I'd take it as a personal favor if you treated her well."

I was surprised that it was only a few minutes after eight when I got my parting kiss at the door.

A hell of a first date. I was already wondering where the second one might lead.

~ * ~ * ~

I hadn't talked to Jenna since Lacey and I had finally agreed to call off the wedding. I'd tried at lunch, but no luck. Not that Nikki wasn't entertaining but I missed my buddy and wanted to share the news.

On the way home from Vicky's I decided to try again. The call went straight to voicemail. I hung up and tried the house.

"Hey Nikki, it's Damon, I'm still looking for Jenna."

"She's, uh, she didn't come back from her job yet," Nikki said. She sounded odd to me.

"Really? It's almost 9:00 pm. She's working too hard. Tell her to give me a call. I want to catch her up on everything. Lacey and I are through, and I just wanted to chat about it."

"Oh! I know she'll be happy to hear that. She might get in really late. She sometimes does after late shoots, gets something to eat, unwinds. I'll give her your message, but she might not call until tomorrow. Is that Ok?"

"Sure, I guess." It sounded weird. It's not like I don't know Jenna, and she almost never had gigs this late. The only time she ever turns off her phone...

"She's on a date, isn't she?" I asked.

"Please, Damon. Why don't you talk to her tomorrow?"

"How come you guys are hiding this from me? She never used to. If she had a date planned, she could have told me. What's going on, Nikki?"

"I can't Damon. She's my roomie. Tomorrow, Ok?"

"Whatever." I hung up frustrated. I hated all this hiding shit, first Lacey, and now Jenna? What the fuck?

~ * ~ * ~

Lacey was home alone. She'd moved from wine to hard drinks. She looked up at me, smiling sadly. "Join me?"

I grabbed a beer, and sat beside her.

"Can I have a hug? It's been a rough day."

I did her one better. I pulled her onto my lap, holding her. "So I hear. Lots of calls, texts and emails."

She nodded. "Like a band-aid. Make it quick, less painful that way."

"I need to phone your parents. I dodged their call."

"I'll be here. We can do it on speaker. I won't let 'em beat you up." She leaned into me, her head on my shoulder. I could smell her shampoo. "How was Vicky? She put out?"

"What's that all about?" I asked.

"They're my friends, Damon. They deserve the best. If I can't have you, I hope one of them does. I bet Vicky told you she was the best."

"She did."

"So did she? Put out?"

"No. Well, not completely."

"Blowjob, right? She's always bragging about her blowjobs."

"She should."


"Great. The best."

"Really? She's not all talk?"

"The best. Seriously."

"You know, I'd get better with practice. I could catch up."

I chuckled. "I believe you. I know you can do anything you set your heart on."

"Except keep you."

I didn't say anything. I just held her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I said I wasn't going to do that. I know it's over. And the lion share's my fault."

"You should talk to Vicky. She understands my issues. The bed thing, all of it. Maybe she could help you."

"Maybe. You know I got myself tested when I went in for the rash."

"No, I didn't know."

"You were right. Going bareback was stupid. I don't know what I was thinking. Shit, it all seems like a blur, like it happened to somebody else. A hell of a thing, to destroy my life for something I barely remember." She turned her head, and kissed my chest. "I got my test results back. I'm clean."

"That's great news."

"Is it? Great news?"

"For you."

"Sleep with me tonight, Damon."

"Please Lacey. You know I can't get in that bed."

She got up, and took me by the hand. I let her drag me into the bedroom. She had a surprise for me. "Like it?"

It was a big new bed. King size. Big heavy wood, solid looking, very manly. She'd moved the furniture around, so it looked like a new room. "I'm planning on painting. It'll be like a whole new place."

"You didn't have to—"

"I did. I ruined it for you. I'm sorry. Tell me I did good."

"You did great."

"Will you stay with me?"

"We shouldn't. I don't want you to think—"

"No strings. We don't even have to do anything. Let me lie beside you. Hold me one last time. Please?"

She was impossible to deny. I still loved her. I hated what she had done, the way she had acted, but part of me still loved her, and it hurt me to see her so down.

I held her, then kissed her. Her naked body was still a thing of beauty, if a little blotchy. I let her suck me hard, then I mounted her, and it was good. Sad, but good. "I'm sorry," she whispered at one point.

"Me too. I shouldn't have involved Jenna. You were right about that."

"Love me, Damon. Make me forget for a while."

I did. I made love to her, long and slow, intensely intimate. She came for me, as I finished inside of her. I saw tears in her eyes afterward. I kissed them away. "Don't cry, Angel."

"I'm such an idiot," she said softly.

"We both were. I could have said no, could have stopped it."

"No you couldn't. You've never been able to deny me. We both know that. Not until I ruined everything. I was gonna get my way. You know it's true."

"What if your offer wasn't enough?" I teased.

"Oh, I had more I was ready to offer."


"Stacy. She always liked you. A threesome."

"Shit. Now you tell me."

She looked up at me, her eyes an open invitation. "It's still on the table, big guy. Stacy, Vicky, both if you want. Take me back and I'll deny you nothing. It won't be an everyday thing, but it wouldn't have to be one time, either."

"It's too late," I told her.

She nodded. "I know. I'm sorry I keep pushing."

I had gone soft, and fell out of her. She pushed me onto my back, and went under the covers. I felt her mouth on me. It had been a busy day, and she had her work cut out for her. She was determined, and a good while later, she was climbing on my cock riding me. "That's three."


"Three firsts for my man. Sucking you hard, afterward. I'm just sorry it took so long."

She was riding me, quietly, both of us still taking it easy. "Do...do you want my bottom, Damon?"

"No. I think that would just piss me off."

"I understand. If you ever change your mind, ever, let me know. I owe you that. I'm serious, five years down the line, you get a wild hair about it, you look me up."

"Don't imagine your husband would appreciate it."

"I'm gonna get better at communicating. Anyone I get serious about will have to accept the possibility, if it hasn't already happened." She gave me a kiss. "It would be better if you took me up on it while I was single, or at least not exclusive." She gave me a quirky little smile.

"I'll take that under consideration." It irritated me that she'd make an offer that would extend into another relationship. I wanted her to understand the importance of fidelity. It made me wonder if the talk with loverboy about continuing after we were married was more than just talk. Like her insistence that if she didn't get her six days, she'd save them for after the wedding.

She laid on my chest, while I used her. After all the action I'd received that day, I knew I'd be a while before finishing. It didn't mean I couldn't enjoy it in the mean time.

"This isn't so bad, is it?" she asked.

"It's never been bad with you, Lacey."

"If we could just overlook those two days, like it never happened..."

"I don't think I could ever trust you again. It wasn't just the sleeping with him. I'd agreed to that. It was the trickery, the lies."

"I thought I explained that," she whispered.

"You did. I don't necessarily agree. I understand what you thought you were trying to do, but it was built on lies. Maybe your intentions were good, but you lied to me, over and over again. I don't need to remind you of them, do I?"

"No," she whimpered.

I held her sweet full ass in my hands, pumping her steadily. She felt so good, so familiar. I picked up the pace, fucking her harder. She moaned for me, and after a few minutes, I wrenched a nice little orgasm out of her. I slowed down then, pacing myself.

She hugged me tightly afterward. "God, I'm gonna miss this."

"Me too."

She snorted. "I doubt that. I'm sorry I'm a lousy lay. I wanted to get better for you. I did."

"You were never lousy. Don't say that. You were limited, but what we did was wonderful."

"The worst of the four, you told Stacy."

The bitch. She had no right repeating that. "The worst of the four, this week, is what I said."

"Don't start lying to me now, Damon. That's my job. Honestly, I'm not as good as the others, am I?"

I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I wasn't going to lie, either. "On average, no. Not as good as Stacy or Jenna, at least. But there have been times when it's been incredible. You more than hold your own on those occasions."



I held her close, and rolled her over. Pulled her legs back and went for the finish. I was further away than I thought and pounded the hell out of her for awhile. Got two nice little orgasms for my effort. The second one was what I needed for my own, and I pumped her full a few moments later.

I pulled the cover back, so she could go clean up, but she went for my cock again.

"I'm done, baby."

She sucked me clean, then cuddled up next to me. "I know. I wanted you to be comfortable."

"You're not going to clean up?"

"Not tonight. I want to feel it."

I held her, wishing things had been different.

"Vicky," she whispered.

"Vicky what?"

"Not Stacy or Donna. Donna would be great, but you two are oil and water. I love Stacy to death, but I don't think you two would work out. You have nothing in common, and she's spoiled worse than me. Vicky, or, God help me for suggesting it, Jenna."


She nodded, kissing my chest. "Yeah. I want you to be happy. I think either one of them could do that. I'd prefer Vicky. Maybe then we could still be friends. I don't think Jenna would allow that. But she loves you, and I doubt she'd ever hurt you like I did."

"Cale's gonna call you."

"He already did. Sorry, I'm not interested. He's not a bad guy, but I think I'm gonna take a break from dating for a while. Maybe see a shrink. I need to figure out why I'd sabotage my relationship like that. Why I threw away the best thing that ever happened to me on a drunken whim."

"Don't beat yourself up over it, Lace."

She tugged my arms close, purring. "Say that again."

"Don't beat yourself—"

"No, the last part."


"That's the first time you've called me that since this whole mess started. I love you, Damon. I hope someday you can forgive me."

"Me too."

"Love me? Or Forgive me?"

"Both, Angel."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos2 months ago

This is a story that really should have ended in the second chapter, but FDS is just milking it. I get that he's probably going to go for a false reconciliation plot line and then blow it up once Damon views that surveillance footage that he he just "didn't have time to watch". I mean, really dude. I think FDS is too good of a writer to leave an unfired Chekov's gun laying around, but he's also got too caught up in the going round and round in this story. It's getting a bit annoying. Oh well, only what... 3 more chapters to go? Jeesus.

RanDog025RanDog0254 months ago


DrgwngDrgwngabout 1 year ago

A good example of circular writing. Many words, zero progress. Also, this guy is easily the worst of the characters fads developed, or presented, or enhanced whatever. Just a real dumbass that is so easily manipulated, it is disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More of the same.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I still can't hear the fat lady sing! LP

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