A Big Shiny Blue Marble Ch. 37


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"What -- what did she say then?" Rachel asked looking up.

Yuan shrugged, "Until now, Simmit was sad at how she was used, but she does not dislike someone easily. It is just her way, and she knows that here, it has gotten her into trouble before. She sees a bear and thinks that it is curious and might be friendly when really; it is wondering how much trouble it would be to grab one of her children and run for the easy meal or whether it will have to kill them all to eat."

Simmit's face was almost glowing in her euphoria, but she heard Yuan and nodded with a shrug and beamed once more at the spot where she'd last seen her sibling.

"From what I heard, Simmit had some small hope that Azrael might see his children and feel something for them. She does not want him in any way, and she still bore him little ill will -- until he showed her his heart with a look, from what I heard her say to herself. Right then, Copper was not the only one who hates Azrael."

"How did he get here?" Copper asked, "How did he find you? Did you call him?"

Simmit wiped her face with her hands, "I only said his name when I knew that he was here. I did not call him. If I could have called to him, I would have, long ago." She went to Shaevre and picked up her quiet and sniffling son, "It was Amon who called in his fear. He knows nothing of this. He only called out from inside himself and Neeth joined him.

Rokhanh came then."

"What did he do to Azrael?" Rachel asked, a little pointedly.

"Far," Simmit said, and seeing Yuan, she began to explain since thinking for the translation was a little difficult for her right then.

"Simmit says that her kind was often hunted by another breed of demon where she is from. I believe that I know a little of it. They are more powerful and rather ferocious in their hatred of Simmit's kind. What has been done is the only defense that her people have against the others. They call to ones they call protectors, but I do not know anything more."

She listened to Simmit a little more, "She says that these are ones whose purpose is to protect the others and her brother is one like this. He has taken away what made Amon fear so much."

"She doesn't know where?" Rachel asked.

Simmit shook her head, "Far." She looked at Rachel, "Was this wrong?"

"No," Rachel said, careful to keep her gaze on Simmit's eyes, seeing this plainly since she also shared a demonic heritage, "I understand you, Simmit. I'm upset, but I'm not angry with you. Will your brother kill Azrael?"

"I do not know," she said, "I do not think so, since Amon was not hurt. Protectors become terrible then. He may only take him far away as he has done. I see your face now and I hope that Rohkanh sis not hear what I said when I asked him to kill Azrael."

"Will he come back?" Rachel asked.

Simmit nodded, "He must, if he came so far for me. He must know if I am alright." She thought for a moment, "I do not know how he was able to come here. I wonder if he can go back."

She looked at Copper and knew what she was thinking, so she took Neeth from Selena and held the twins out to Copper. The boys almost leaped the last of the way and settled onto the dwarf's shoulders and arms, feeling better right away. Simmit slid her arms around Copper's waist. "I will not leave, Copper. Do not look so frightened. I will not leave you. Neeth and Amon love you as well as me. We are a family."

Vadren had been looking at Yuan thoughtfully for a time, and now he stood up and stepped closer. "Pardon me, Yuan, is it?"

Yuan nodded with an open smile, "Yes?"

"You are a dragon, aren't you?"

Yuan nodded, "I am."

Vadren smiled and turned toward Cha'Khah, "Cousin, a dragon."

Cha'Khah nodded with a little wonder, "I never thought -- "

She regained a little of her wits, "You could have killed Azrael easily, yes?"

Yuan nodded, "I suppose, but I had no quarrel with him directly."

From her words, Cha'Khah looked at the others, "These are with you? I mean to say, they belong --"

"In a way," Yuan nodded, "Luddy is our troll. Copper and Simmit are -- "

"Pets," Copper grinned proudly, "We're her pets. Luddy belongs to Sheth, the other dragon."

The statement began a barrage of questions and Rachel held up her hand finally, "The explaining of everything will take until the dawn. I am very happy to meet you all, but Sheth is probably --"

"Walking in," Sheth said smiling, "I grew tired of waiting and wondering, so I sought and I found Copper's toy rumbling outside a tunnel with open doors." He walked to Yuan and she sighed as she felt his arms around her.

"Fine," she smiled warmly after the embrace, "Let Rachel help with the meeting of everyone and please let me sit. That is all that I ask. This is Sheth. In the way of our two kinds, Sheth is my husband."

Selena and Ksyusha asked if Sheth had eaten and learning the answer, they brought him a meal as everyone met and talked. Azrael's disappearance was forgotten for the moment. As far as she could determine, Rachel knew that Azrael was not dead. She wanted no part of him anymore, but she didn't think that she wanted him dead.

"I want to thank you," Rachel said, "I'm beginning to think that you had a hand in this -- or at least some of it."

Yuan shook her head, "I am a dragon, but I am not that wise and scheming. I met someone today that I want as a friend, and she had troubles and still does. Through her, I have met many more, and each one that I meet is a wonder. You do not need to thank me for anything other than perhaps my concern, but that is only a small thing and you have already said it. If anything, you have already thanked me for what was really important -- the fish."

Rachel laughed and nodded, "Then I'm even happier."

"Fish?" Cha'Khah asked, "What fish?"

"It's the sly way that Yuan used to meet me. She caught fish for me and we cooked and ate them over a little fire that I made. It was really good and not just for the fish. We had fun and got to know each other a little and I forgot about my troubles for a little while. I'd do that again anytime."

"What about tomorrow then?" Yuan smiled, "You and I could take your handsome son," she laughed, "and his lovely girlfriend -- if it is permitted."

"If what is permitted?" Selena asked.

"Just a little lunch of fresh fish, cooked right on the beach. It doesn't get much fresher than that," Rachel grinned. Nahl'een looked interested, so Dahlgren and Selena nodded.

Simmit made her quiet way to where Yuan sat talking with Rachel and Cha'Kah. "Rohkanh will return to seek for me. I will need to speak with him then."

Yuan knew that there was something important behind the demon's concerned look, so she nodded, "Say to him what is needed, Simmit. I trust in your judgement. Will he be able to understand it all?"

"Oh yes," Simmit nodded, pleased to hear that Yuan had given her consent, "He will understand. There are ones a little like you where we are from and it is almost the same. But Rohkanh will have a problem I think. I think that he came because he had to. I think that he cannot go back. If that is true, he will need a place and there is a reason that he will want to be near to me."

Yuan chuckled, "I see no trouble, Simmit. If he is a little calmer -- and slower - most of the time, he can live near you with us -- why do I see this uncertainty in your face? You know how I am. Would he be this - protecting of others and not only his sister?"

Simmit nodded, but the concern remained, "Yes, of course. Protectors are special males. They need to defend the ones they know belong where they belong -- in the same group. If you ask him, and if he likes the others, he will defend them against anything. But-"

She sighed, "They are worth very much to the groups where we live. They do what is needed from their hearts, as Rohkanh did for my son. But if he cannot go back, and I will not go back because of Copper, then he must stay. I should explain this.

Protectors have worth to us, and by what they have done, they are ranked in a way, and we do not trade with gold. The ranking and the respect are shown and spoken of as the number of females that each one can hold. It is like a payment from the group and the claimed females are shown honor by everyone. Rohkanh is mighty and could have ten females at least where we lived, but he never claimed them. If he were able to go back, he would be worth twenty now and more for how he searched and came for us.

But I know Rohkanh. He would laugh to hear this and shake his head. He claimed only one for himself, and never claimed any more which were offered to him.

When he was honored for killing demons who had dragged several females off, the one that Rohkanh claimed was me." Simmit said as she looked into Yuan's eyes searchingly.

"Where we are from, it is not permitted for him to mate with his sister, but we have played and loved in our own way since we were of age -- and that is permitted, since all of us must show our protectors their worth to us. I am too small for him anyway, but he will ask and I will please him with my hands and mouth because we are close. I am sure that to continue this will be all that he will ask of you if you say nothing else to him. If he were any other, he would seek to bargain with you for his service."

Rachel stared a little, but Yuan laughed softly, "Bargain? Simmit, you play music to my ears. Let him return and when he does, then you speak for him if he cannot learn this speech as quickly as you and we will bargain, him and I. You speak for him, so that he knows that I would bargain in good faith. I love to bargain!

But what would he want? What has worth to him? Some gold, I have already. Furs and skins I have mountains of. I can offer a place in my home and if he is willing to protect the family that I try to grow around me, I can offer all of these things."

Simmit nodded, but she still looked a little uncomfortable. "Yuan, Rohkanh loves me and I love him. We are close, but could not be mates where we are from. We are the youngest in our family and we have always taken care of each other since we were small.

When he claimed me, we lived together and it was the same. Back there, I was a little famous as the sister of Rohkanh. It was an honor to be one that he claimed -- especially because we are kin. Everyone knew that we did not mate and only pleased each other in other ways.

It is common and is considered a chaste way and proper between a protector and his sister -- if they are close and he has claimed her for what he has done to protect all.

But he is a good male -- and that is rare where we were born. It is also why protectors are valued so much. Everyone knew him and wished to be claimed by him. I know that there must be many who are weeping in their loss of him, but I know that he had to seek for me, just as he would for anyone that he protects, but I am his as he is mine. He had to seek for me. I used the wrong word when I told Copper how I came here. Rohkanh is not my boyfriend.

But Rohkanh will not wish for gold or skins. He will be thankful if he is allowed a small space to live near to me, but that is not what he will bargain for if he comes to you and you wish to bargain.

He will come to bargain for females - at least one. It is time for him to need to spawn soon."

Yuan stared for a moment and then she laughed, reaching for Simmit to pull her close. She kissed Simmit's cheek and whispered, "Let him come then and we will talk. But this is for later. I am happy to meet so many others now. Be sure to bring him to me, Simmit. Sheth and I wish to meet and welcome your brother."


Azrael groaned and stood up slowly from where he'd landed against a slanted wall of stone. He looked and saw the huge beast preparing something by moving large boulders.

Seeing that he stirred, the demon stopped and stepped closer.

The place was pitch black; totally dark and deep underground. It mattered little to either of them as they regarded each other. "What was that for?" Azrael asked, "Where are we?"

The beast regarded Azrael for a moment and decided that speech would be an issue, but he guessed correctly about the content of the questions that he'd heard.

He held up his hand and three little orbs of light glowed dimly above each of the first three fingertips of his hand. Azrael stared of a moment. But he began to see images, one in each orb. He saw Simmit above the large middle finger, and over the fingers on either side, he could see the tow-haired children. He stared as the orbs remained after the demon lowered his hand.

What he didn't see was the way that the fingers curled underneath the orbs, or the way that the fist flashed out to crash into his face and send him back into the recesses where he'd lain. Azrael pushed himself up and began his motions.

Fireballs blasted against the deep chest of the beast and raw lightning flared in the blackness, but it only flickered out in all directions to seek the stone around them. All that Azrael had accomplished was to illuminate the stern face before him. But at least he knew what this was about now. He lowered his hands, "Look, I'm sorry, I-"

He crashed into the rock walls again and again.

When he stayed down, the beast stepped forward and picked him up by the mane on his back, walking Azrael forward a long way farther into the recesses of the place. As he held the blonde demon up, he smiled and pointed toward one wall, holding up his hand and lighting what lay there, stacked neatly.

Azrael blinked and saw the ancient crates, piled from the floor to the ceiling in many places, and he read the words and the warnings on the many boxes of old and likely very unstable dynamite. The demon didn't know the words, but he knew what it was as he grinned and waved a finger in Azrael's face in a warning to be careful.

He stepped back then and finished walling Azrael in. With a few motions, the cold rock began to flow together without melting until there were only a few small openings left. He didn't say it, since he didn't know the speech, but they were in an already collapsed gold mine. The top shaft had been closed off, but he'd opened it easily to bring Azrael down here unconscious. With a word and a motion, the tons of rock were released far above them. Azreal heard the crashing thunder five miles away and knew that he was being imprisoned here.

Pleased with himself, the beast stepped away and walked through the wall of the mine, headed back up -- sliding through the solid bedrock on his way back to the surface two and a half miles above him and eleven hundred miles from his little sister.

Outside standing in the dirt, Rohkanh grinned and began to run to her.

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JacktacularJacktacular6 months ago

I know the author is no longer active but I want to comment anyway. I agree with past statements that this sudden change in a character’s personality is bullshit. I went with it when he had Yuan leave the 2 mountain demons when they all the sudden became assholes, but to do that with Azrael was jumping the shark 🦈. I think I have to stop reading here cause it’s just verbal diarrhea at this point! 1*

LevindlLevindlalmost 2 years ago

As much as it saddens me of Asriel and his end, I totally understand that it happened because of the loss of his humanity. (and I use that term extremely extremely loosely here since there is only one human in this story.)

Azriel was left with no redeeming qualities and was going downhill quickly in his path of evil.

I am looking forward to see if the dragon clan and the mountain clan join forces or stay apart, as well as seeing if the “ protector” Will follow in a main role or a secondary role in this story.

If anything else, I must say that you do not cease to make this story exciting!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Why did you want to get rid of Azrael so badly that you created a situation so ridiculously outside of his character? More importantly, why are the failings of your female characters so easily forgiven but the failings of your male characters punished so harshly?

ELLIMISTELLIMISTalmost 11 years ago
Evidence piled against him

True enough as it is but i didn't like this chapter because he hardly had a chance to confess or deny it or even mentioning of have the others in that mountain with the ability to sense if he was lying or not... So for now i wont know what to believe until its all cleared up. This is just how misunderstandings happen in real life, lack of communication and impatience and being irrational lol. Anyways maybe it was purposely made like this i will have to see.

TaLtos6TaLtos6almost 11 years agoAuthor

Why would you equate Azreal's fooling around on Rachel as evil? I'll accept that in the clear definition of the concept, there are things that fit, but it's a matter of scale. He's not massacring thousands. Speaking as a human being who is I hope, level and moderate, I wouldn't consider that Azreal has done as evil, necessarily. I'd prefer to call it fucking stupid and incredibly selfish - especially when one takes into account what he held in his hand in Rachel's love for him. Let's not demonize him. Lol, oh wait, ,... too late. But it's been his loss, hasn't it? Rachel is making out just fine without him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

my problem is that in the first chapter, you say "and though he would often brush up against evil, he would remain untouched by it, sometimes dispersing it in the process."

one_literate_ladyone_literate_ladyover 11 years ago

I want to know why Azrael behaved that way, what is/was going on with him anyway?

AnomandarisAnomandarisover 11 years ago

Glad to see the threads coming together. I like the way that this is tying together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
nice to see it coming together

Nice to see the different threads coming together! Bravo!

TaLtos6TaLtos6over 11 years agoAuthor
Serious continuity issues

I accept your criticisms. If you've never known or met an Azrael - someone who had what others would give everything for and who still have to play with fire, well I've known a couple - of both genders. I just know them when I meet them now and I've stopped shaking my head at what they do in life, in love and most especially in business.

And Azrael did have Cha'Khah a few times; she mentioned it in a roundabout way the day she met Rachel. Rachel even asked Azrael about it in bed and he said yes. Exactly how he fooled the Drow I leave up to you. This thing is long enough as it is. And this is important - I'm not trying to make him out as a douche or a bastard. Read it carefully. I'm only making him out to be a fool who got caught. The way that it was laid out before everyone was Rachel's pain, but she knows that it was the only way. Anything short of that would have been met with his scorn and likely very successful and plausible denials. There are people who navigate quite successfully through the world while keeping the core of themselves hidden quite well from anyone.

Simmit's species of demon is fairly weak, but their protectors are not. The trouble is that there are never very many of them, and they are spawned a little in response to the stress of the colony. If a colony is never attacked, there are few protectors. Azrael is no pussy, but he can't match Rohkanh on the same field. Azrael has ability and power, but he's had to learn a lot - which is how he met the two Drow in the first place. Rohkanh never studied a thing. His power is a lot more akin to Selena's ability or Ksyusha's - even Nika's, though she's not in his league either. I tried to say it without it getting stupid, but Rohkanh is one of the most powerful ones ever spawned where he's from and he'd do anything for his little sister.

drmrbludrmrbluover 11 years ago
Family and extended family

This series of chapters has become like a network of individuals all interacting and displaying life like reactions. This has a very enjoyable quality of letting the reader get lost in the story and going some where else for a short while. Thank you for all your hard work and keeping the details of everyone's life straight. You are able to keep the genders straight as well as use acceptable writing skills. Please keep the story going for a while to round out the many interactive threads of your characters. You have kept our attention focused with the realistic details and plausible conditions in your character's adventures and lives. Keep this community alive...

pnkssbtzpnkssbtzover 11 years ago
Serious continuity issue

First, Azrael being such a douche bag was a left field surprise that left me feeling like I had been reading a script for an episode of Lost.

I see a serious continuity issue: Simmit's species of demon is supposed to be weak. Hence the need for protectors. Azrael is supposed to be such a powerful Demon that he can walk into a Drow city and no one fucks with him.

Yet Simmit's brother was able to take him out so thoroughly that he wasn't even a significant consideration to be a challenge.

The problem then is that Simmit's brother is either powerful enough to overcome Azrael, or Azrael is a weak pussy. If Simmit's brother is that powerful then I fail to see how Simmit's species didn't kick the ever living shit out of whatever other demon race picked on them (with their "protectors") unless they are even more powerful. And if they are more powerful then again, simmit's race would have been wiped out. If Azrael is that weak, then the drow are nothing.

And both set up serious power level continuity conflicts.

On another note, Azrael's alleged behavior is in direct contradiction to all the previous chapters. This needs to be resolved.

I can't believe that Azrael, who is such a horn dog that he can't control himself and was fucking around on Rachel, didn't fuck around with the drow when he was with them. And if that was the case, how come Chakah didn't know? And how did a lying D-Bag convince Chakah and Valdren to come and give their friendship as deep as they did?

I love the world, I love the characters, I love the stories, I just wish there was some continuity and less "hey lets see if how much I can fuck up this character's life by making random shit happen to them" (*just like the writers of Lost did...).

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 11 years ago
I was expecting...

The Father of the twins to be the culprit, framing Azzy. But... your style does lead itself towards a certain dynamic. You make a happy storybook couple, then you inject reality. Things don't work the way they do in dreams.

Still, it also lends itself to having far fewer 'concrete' details, lets you 'sand'box all you want/need. I still have hope for the magical Half-ogre Vampire Molly, kicking ass and taking names. >.> Her death wasn't explicit, or did i forget something again xDD

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago
Poor Rachel

I don't understand Azrael's actions toward her at all. Maybe he was simply a master at disguising his actions and intentions. He certainly fooled the Drow, and they are not easily deceived. I really like the length of your chapters. I get to sink my teeth into the meat of the story without it crumbling away and leaving me hungry!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I think everyone probably wants to see more of Selena and her in action.

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