A-Cup Angst Ch. 15


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While she had been talking, Jamie was doing his best to not meet her gaze. He sensed that the goons were armed and he tried to put together a plan. He kept trying to predict how the goons would react when one of their guns zipped out of its holster and started firing at them. He deduced that no matter which gun he drew first and whom he shot at, he was going to get killed in an instant. He needed to focus and draw more than one gun at the same time.

"Not feeling talkative, Jacobs," she softly asked. "That's all right. We'll talk plenty later, after I charm you into telling me everything you know so I can adjust my plans accordingly. At any rate, your surprises have been unpleasant and that has made me a bit cranky. I sent you to Sylvie, who the girls tell me is your worst nightmare, as punishment for disrupting my operation. You were supposed to get all traumatized and aged and not..." She gestured vaguely at him. "Free. Oh, never mind. You'll tell me all about how you got away from her, later. First, you are going to entertain me! You have disrupted my routine and I need a pleasant diversion from my worries over whether or not I am going to have to set up shop someplace else with a fresh gaggle of girls.

"Here's how you are going to amuse me! My boys are now going to go to work on your girls." Three goons stepped up to Caitlin and Mara each. "One of them is going to fuck her pussy..." Two of the goons lay down on the floor on either side of their mistress and released their cocks. They had really big schlongs, thick and long. Mara and Caitlin eagerly stepped over the erections and crouched to impale themselves. "Another will ream their asses..." Each girl was stopped in her gyrations when a goon grabbed her hips and slowly, but steadily pushed their hot, hard meat into their assholes. The girls moaned and twitched impotently, sandwiched between the musclemen. "And the third will, naturally, fuck their throats." The remaining two goons took out their cocks and slammed them into the eager mouths of the blank-minded girls.

Jamie retreated into his calm center. This was his chance to break free and do something. Six of the nine goons were occupied. Jamie knew their minds well enough to know that they would react almost instantly to anything he did, even while they were fucking the girls. But he also knew their reactions would be hampered by their dicks being inside of the girls' bodies. The guys getting sucked would only be slowed by a fraction of a second, but the guys fucking their asses would take up to a second to pull out and the last two would have to wait for those to stand clear before lifting the girls off their dicks and getting up. As tiny a window of opportunity as that presented him, it was probably the very best he was going to get today. Or ever again, for that matter. He braced himself mentally and ran through his options on how to get free.

"This is all very common stuff," the witch said, regarding the gang-bangs happening on either side of her, "and not very amusing. But this is! Each of my boys is going to kill your girls when they climax!" She smiled and clapped her hands. "The ones they are riding will slit their throats..." Those two goons pulled out their knives and laid them across the girls' throats, ready to slice. "The ones in their asses are going to snap their necks..." Those grabbed a big handful of each girl's hair and yanked their heads back, making the remaining guys slide their dicks in and out of their throats even faster. "And the remaining couple will blow their brains out." The guys in question pulled out their sidearms and placed them against Mara and Caitlin's temples.

Jamie was aghast as he watched the girls subjected to a triple death threat. Neither Mara nor Caitlin had any awareness of their imminent fate. He sensed in their minds nothing but the supernatural lust that was consuming them. Their bodies were bucking back at the many fucks that were driven into them and they were doing so faster and faster by the minute. Jamie tried again to come up with a combination of attacks that led to saving all of them. The horror of the girls' imminent demise gave him strength and he focused with all of his might. He felt able to draw two sidearms at the same time and aim them, but he couldn't figure out who to shoot first without getting killed instantly.

As he tried his best to come up with a way, he suddenly became aware of the girls' impending climaxes. "No," he called out loud, but it was too late. Mara and Caitlin came at almost the same time, their sweaty skin blooming visibly scarlet and their muscles shuddering uncontrollably. The goons kept on fucking them.

"Oh, you misunderstood," the witch said. "Not when the girls cum, when my boys cum. That's when they kill them!" She gave a small, polite laugh at his misunderstanding and stepped back to where she would not be sprayed with blood. Jamie was out of time and options. No matter which scenario he tried to envision, none told him of success. He grimly decided to fight anyway. He refused to die on his knees, without putting up one last fight and dragging some of these bastards with him.

As he realized his death was inevitable, he thought on all the things he would miss seeing. He'd never see how his sister grew up, or if his mom found happiness with her boyfriend. Two of his children were going to get born and raised without him. That ached the most. He hadn't wanted to have kids, but now that he was about to die, he found himself wishing he could be there for them, to be a better dad than his ever was, to give them all the chances he never had and show them all the beauty in the world. He had made so many mistakes for someone his age and the thought of his children repeating them was heartrending.

When he thought that his children would be born into a world where witches like this one could exploit and kill them with impunity, his wrath boiled over. His decision to fight to the bitter end encased itself in adamantium and he attained a level of calm and clarity that he had never experienced before. He summoned all of his power to him and reached out to become one with everything in his vicinity as preparation for his final battle. When he reached out and sensed all of the goons at the same time as their mistress, he stumbled upon a new piece of information. The goons subconsciously gouged their mistress' mood and continuously adjusted their actions to be in complete accord with her intentions, even without thinking about it. His instincts told him that if he managed to distract the witch, the goons would prolong their fucking and not cum and kill the girls until they had her full attention. It was the thinnest of chances that would not save any of them in the end, but Jamie had nothing left to lose and had recently gained a vivid appreciation of each and every living breath he took. He needed to get her talking, like she was a villain in a cheesy B-movie.

"An area of effect spell," he said. "That's quite impressive. Where are your counterwards?"

"I don't need any," she said with a sneer.

"How so?"

The witch smiled like she could see through Jamie's feeble effort, but then said, "I am protected by the deep magic against spells that would transform me, particularly if the purpose of that transformation was abuse." She gestured at Mara and Caitlin.

"You're not underage."

She affected an insulted gasp and put her hand to her chest, saying, "Why, Bludgeoner, are you commenting on a lady's age? Shame on you! Weren't you raised to know any better?" Jamie ignored the hypocrisy of her giving even a faux moral lecture and sensed that the goons were slowing down their efforts and delaying their gratification. It was working. "No, I am not underage, but I am as protected as a child from all consequences of magic, save for the madness that comes from killing someone directly with my power." She laughed. "Fortunately, that's what my boys are for."

"How can you be protected by the deep magic," Jamie asked her, lest she devote any attention to Mara and Caitlin, whose mindless bodies were climaxing yet again.

"Because I have been declared legally disabled and unfit for independent living. I am unfit to make my own decisions and have had a guardian appointed to make all my decisions for me," she said, smugly. " My legal status is exactly the same as that of a child. The protection of the deep magic against permanent changes and harmful, mental modifications extends to me, as well."

"What," Jamie asked in genuine surprise. "How?" She smiled at him and said nothing. She was enjoying his bewilderment. When he sensed her attention turning back to the imminent executions, he pressed on. "You can't charm your way into such an arrangement! It wouldn't work. It's impossible!"

"True," she said, paying him her full attention again. "You cannot charm your way into such legal status. You have to earn it. The deep magic draws only upon true things, but it does not draw upon absolute truths. All it takes for me to enjoy such vast protection is for a bunch of doctors, social workers and judges to unanimously agree, of their own free will, that I deserve such a status. I don't actually have to be disabled to be afforded that level of magical protection."

"How did you get all those people to agree to grant you such status," he asked as Mara and Caitlin orgasmed again.

"It wasn't easy," she said with a sigh, "and it wasn't quick, either. To cut a very long story short, I staged a car accident and then faked getting injured in it. After that, I used potions and spells upon myself to fake the devastating effects of a traumatic brain injury, along with a great big dose of very good acting. Just about when my patience was running out, they all agreed that I was a hopeless case and gave me a permanent legal guardian." She laughed. "Naturally, I used potions and charm magic to make him my bitch on the very first day and I've had the best magical protection there is, along with all the freedom I liked, ever since.

"Oh, by the way, Caitlin told me what a hard time you've had finding me. Such a shame, Bludgeoner, that you hadn't thought of looking at the renovations that had been done to the dorm itself. You would have found out that they had been arranged by my legal guardian and that would doubtlessly have lead you straight to me, wouldn't it?" She waved a hand dismissively. "Never mind that, now. We've found each other in the end."

Jamie sensed her attention going back to the girls. "Is that how you cast this great big spell," he asked. "You use the statues? The reliefs on the outside walls of the dorm? Those are enchanted by human sacrifices, aren't they?"

"Yes," she said. "Your visit to the Johansson vault has taught you a lot, hasn't it? Shame you destroyed all the goodies inside it, I could have put many of them to good use. Hush now and focus on the girls! It's time for them to die."

Jamie sensed that she was done being stalled. The goons picked up on her attention and started cresting over that hill that led to orgasm. Jamie closed his eyes and summoned all of his powers to him. He withdrew his senses from the goons, no longer caring about what was going on in their minds. He needed everything he had focused on the present moment. Time seemed to slow down for him. As he opened his eyes again, he saw the frenzied jackhammering motions of the goons' hips as single, slow thrusts. The flames in the fireplace licked upwards in slow motion. He felt each gun in its holster and their chambered rounds. He no longer cared if one bullet to the brainpan was going to be enough to instantly shut down the single-minded, giant goons. He was going to draw the guns of the two that were raping Mara and Caitlin's throats and shoot the guys holding his hair and right hand. The guy wrenching his left arm out of its socket would be shot next, probably not fast enough to stop him from dislocating Jamie's shoulder, followed closely by a shot to distract the witch and delay any spell she might cast. He had already gleaned from her mind that she was warded against gunfire and the bullets weren't enchanted. After that, he'd just let his instincts guide him and do as much damage as he could before he was killed.

The goon raping Caitlin's throat groaned and stuck his cock all the way down it. He was cumming. Jamie could see each and every orgasmic shudder as they spread across his body. It was Jamie's cue. It was now or never. The entire room around him seemed to have frozen in time. He reached out with the Force and worked the safeties on the two guns he was going to draw. He then tugged at them, telekinetically. Nothing happened. He tried even harder, but his mind felt sluggish. He realized that his gaze was frozen, focused at a spot on the far wall. All motion in the room stopped. He could see, out of the corner of his eye, that the flames still licked upwards in the fireplace. He focused his attention on the goons instead of their guns and sensed their confusion and panic. The witch was panicking, too. He sensed dozens of tense minds surrounding the villa itself.

Before Jamie could try and make sense of what was going on, all the windows and doors of the villa exploded inwards. Loud shouts of, "Carabinieri," rang out. Burly men in body armor, wielding assault rifles ran into the great hall, accompanied by many casters in uniforms. Jamie would have cried in delight at that moment, but only if he could. The goons, girls, witch and he were all completely frozen by a powerful spell the Carabinieri cast before storming the place.

The Carabinieri wasted no time in seizing and hobbling everyone present, including the girls and Jamie. He lost track of everyone else as his rigid body was carried out by the cops. Out in the front yard of the villa, he felt the bite of the night's chilly air. The men carrying him stopped and a voice rang out, ordering them to set him down upright and release him from the spell.

As soon as they lowered him to the ground, the spell of paralysis faded from him and he stood up from his uncomfortable kneeling position. "Mister Jacobs," Jamie heard a strange voice say. He turned and saw the source of the voice. It was Ahmed and he was weaving his was through the cops milling around the villa's front yard. An older gentleman, wearing a Carabinieri dress uniform with many medals pinned to his chest, followed him. Jamie could only spare one glance around to find Mara or Caitlin before Ahmed came up to him and hugged him. "It is such an honor to meet you at last, my friend," he said, speaking English with a British accent.

Jamie stood there, feeling awkward. His hands were bound by magic-suppressing manacles and Ahmed was hugging him firmly in public. Worst of all, Jamie was almost shivering in the man's embrace. He told himself it was from the cold, but he had only been out for ten seconds. It was from the aftereffects of the adrenaline rush and the heady rush of surviving a close encounter with the Grim Reaper.

Ahmed stood back and held himself at arm's length from Jamie. He looked down at the manacles and his ecstatic smile vanished. His brow drew down and he turned to speak to the old Carabinieri with the medals. "Get these restraints off of him at once! This is an outrage!"

A middle-aged, swarthy man repeated Ahmed's words in Italian and the Carabinieri senior commander gave the nod to the riot gear boys that were standing guard behind Jamie. One of them stepped forward and removed the manacles from him.

"You are free to go, mister Jacobs," said the commander, in Italian, "with the apologies of the Carabinieri for any inconvenience."

Jamie's eyebrows raised in utter surprise. He didn't know what to make of it all. The cops moved away from him and left him in the presence of their commander, Ahmed and Ahmed's interpreter. "What's going on," Jamie asked Ahmed in English, while eyeing the commander suspiciously.

Ahmed held his hand out to his interpreter and the man placed a diplomatic passport into his hand. Ahmed handed it to Jamie and shrugged, saying, "Nothing out of the ordinary, just exercising your diplomatic immunity."

"My what," Jamie asked and looked down at the passport in his hand. It was a diplomatic passport of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He opened it and his jaw dropped when he saw it was his. His real name and information were written in it and it sported a photo of him that had been taken for his student ID more than a year ago. "Holy fuck!"

"Try not to blaspheme, mister Jacobs," Ahmed said.

"But," Jamie stammered, "but, I'm not, this is, it isn't..."

Ahmed clasped his hands gently around Jamie's. "This is the least we could do for you. My sister would be here too, but she is otherwise engaged."

"How is this even possible," was Jamie's next question. "I'm not Jordanian."

"You are now," Ahmed said. "You are a diplomatic envoy of the Kingdom of Jordan and Italy has already agreed to enforce your immunity from prosecution and arrest." Jamie glanced at the unhappy-looking commander standing next to them. The commander's impressive moustache twitched twice and then he moved off to oversee the clean-up of the villa.

Jamie followed him with his gaze and saw Caitlin being carried out. "She's an innocent victim," he yelled out in Italian. The Carabinieri ignored him.

"What is the matter," Ahmed asked. "How can I help?"

"Those two girls are innocent victims," Jamie said, indicating Caitlin and Mara. "They're my friends. Where are they taking them?"

Ahmed gave his interpreter some orders in Arabic and the man ran over to the commander to talk to him. They were too far for Jamie to overhear, but the commander certainly didn't like whatever the interpreter was saying. After a few minutes, the interpreter came back and said, in English, "They are taking the girls away for debriefing and examination. After they make sure they're innocent and alright, they will be released. Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?"

Jamie was almost taken aback in shock at being called "Sir" by a man that was his elder and could command the Carabinieri, but he gathered his wits and said, "Yes. Yes there is. There's a lot I'll need done."

"Just name it," the man said.

"Yes, do not hesitate," Ahmed said. "Yousef is the Charge d'Affairs of our embassy and he knows how to get things done around here."

Jamie nodded and said, "The witch had taken my keys, wallet and banking information from me. I'll need those back. I also fear that she has drained all my bank accounts. Can you do something about that?"

"Yes, of course," Yousef said and went to speak to the commander.

"Oh," Jamie exclaimed, rubbing his hands up and down his arms, "and my coat, too! It's stuffed under the closet just inside the front door!"

Ahmed took off his own coat and wrapped it around Jamie's shoulders, despite his protests. "Please," he said, "just until your own coat is returned."

Jamie stood there awkwardly as the Carabinieri moved to and fro, carrying sealed boxes and paralyzed goons and doing other coply things. His benefactor waved his hand and slowly ignited a line of fire around himself. It floated around him at waist level, giving off a lovely heat. The cops gave him suspicious looks and several almost cast spells at him, but they ignored him after the commander barked some orders.

Jamie held up his passport and said, "You really have to explain this to me. Is it for real?"

"Of course it is, mister Jacobs," Ahmed said, sounding a little insulted. "I am a deputy minister in His Majesty's government. I would not be caught dead handling falsified passports. I would have given it to you even sooner, but Laura Rossi feared that you would not appreciate it, for some reason."

Jamie shook his head to himself. "I definitely appreciate it, now."

"I thought you might," Ahmed said.