A Dangerous Legacy Pt. 01


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Watching Pierre's ass as he threw the ball with a spin I reached for my beer, suddenly parched.

He had an eight-ten split and picked it up with a grin. Then it was Julian's turn.

His throw was all loose hips and sleek power, but he lacked focus and got six with his first throw, two with the next.

Andre had the same uncaring attitude but better aim and throwing straight made a strike.

After that we relaxed a bit, though clearly only Pierre and I truly enjoyed the sport. Not being able to discuss the past was tough, I never realized how limited that made conversations. So we discussed beers, and I found it amusing none of them were as much a beer snob as I was.

I was doing quite well and having fun.

"So you're a better bowler than we are, like beer more...do you think that's all in the magic of being female?" Pierre asked after his turn, sitting beside me in the chair for the scoring on the empty lane next to ours.

"Are you asking if I think women are superior to men?"

Julian paused picking up his ball and Andre even seemed interested in this.

"I suppose I am."

"Not t all," I said with a laugh. "Nor are men superior. We are different and equal, unable to exist without one another. That would be like asking which is superior, day or night. We need both and without one another they're meaningless."

This seemed to surprise them all so I merely shrugged and poured the last of the beer into my glass. "And we're out. I'll get the next one."

I started to rise but Pierre put his hand on my arm. "Allow me."

The game ended with my score at two sixty and the men's scores grouped close together, but Andre came in second with just two twenty. As we discussed a second game the lights dimmed, black lights came on, and man at the counter announced cosmic bowling.

Andre and Julian begged off in favor of pool, insisting Pierre and I play. I was having fun and let them go, removing their names from the computer. Pierre let me go first again and I did, picking up a spare.

"You're not what I expected," Pierre said after his turn.

I got up to get my ball and smiled. "Let me guess, I'm not bratty, stuck up, and domineering."

"True, how did you know?"

"Andre said that to me earlier. I would ask why you were expecting me to be different, but I know it's against the rules."

His eyes were slightly sad. "I used to like that rule, but not anymore."

That stopped me. Used to? So he'd done this before? Was I supposed to sleep with Alessandra's harem? Was I auditioning for a cult? It was driving me mad not knowing.

Frustrated I only got seven pins that frame and sat down to take a chug of the cheap beer.

"Pierre, what will happen?"

"I can't discuss that."

"No, I mean this week. You know what we're all supposed to do. Won't there be jealousy, fights?"

He sat next to me after setting his ball back down. The seriousness of the conversation was downplayed when a bunch of raucous college students took up a lane three down complaining loudly about the 90's dance music being blared over the speakers.

His hand covered mine, dwarfing it. He was built more like a blacksmith and had the hands for it. I could almost picture him in a leather apron banging on a sword over a hot anvil.

"Anna, trust in us. Andre, Julian and I are very old friends. There is no jealousy or mistrust between us, there never had been and never will be. We are friends and brothers, and in our own way we love one another deeply. All I wish is for their happiness and mine. If you are a part of that happiness, well, there is even more joy in sharing."

The way he said it made me picture all three of them, naked on my bed, their hands on me. I couldn't help the shiver and he smiled at me as if he knew.

Before I could reply he was up, taking his turn.

When I came back from mine, I sat down and decided to be honest. "I'm in over my head. I have no idea what to do."

"Lucky for you, we do," he said quietly, finger trailing up my arm.

Slowly he leaned in and I held my breath until our lips touched. I forgot everything, the room, the noise, every other human there. Pierre tasted like something wild and free, making me think of running through the woods.

He pulled back with a wink, and we finished our game talking about bands we both enjoyed. He liked baseball and beer as I did, and we both liked action movies and had a soft spot for Monty Python. He loved working on cars and electronic systems and though I knew he couldn't say it, I got the feeling he very much wanted a lab of his own.

The noise level was too much for us so we turned in our shoes and paid for the games and found the rest of our party in the quieter bar area shooting pool.

"Eight ball?" I asked as we walked up.

"Indeed," Andre said.

"How about Anna plays the winner and I play the loser at the other table?"

"Sounds good to me," Julian said. He called his shot and sank the ball and it didn't look like it would take long.

"More beer?" Pierre asked. The others had moved onto their own bottles.

"Let's see what they have."

I was pleased and frankly shocked to see they had Arctic Panzerwolf in bottles. I hurriedly got one and didn't even wait to toast before taking a sip. Closing my eyes in pleasure I sighed. "Best damn IPA ever."

"You really like that beer."

"And it's not even my favorite."

"I'm very curious to see how you react to your favorite, then."

"I should pick some up tomorrow."

Pierre smiled and shook his head. "That's our job, or in this case, Julian's. Just tell him what it is and he'll get it."

"I'm starting to feel spoiled. I might be in danger of becoming a brat after all."

He leaned in close, breath hot on my ear. "If you think you're spoiled now, just wait."

Oh, mama. I gulped, shivering.

"Anna, Pierre!" Andre called.

We brought our beers over to the emptied table. "Who won?" I asked.

"I did," Julian said. "You rack."

"Come on Pierre, let's see if she can finally beat the whelp."

I pulled out the triangle and started to set the balls up for eight ball. "Sounds like this is your game."

His grin was mischievous. "Indeed. I always was good at math and this is pure geometry."

Since I'd always been good at math and added a few degrees with the first spell, I just smiled. "I'm no slouch."

Julian's eyes glittered. "Then shall we make it interesting?"

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Winner is granted a boon from the loser, redeemable any time."

"Sounds...interesting." I put the triangle away and went to the rack of cues. "What kind of boon?"

I turned with my cue and he was standing there with the chalk. I took it and felt his smile to my toes. "Whatever the winner wants. The loser must agree, of course."

What would I ask? Suddenly I imagined laying naked on my bed. I'd make Julian wear loose yoga pants. He'd smooth warm oil into my muscles, massaging. That seemed intriguing, and dangerous, but perhaps playing with fire was what I needed. "Agreed."

He sauntered back to the table and bent down to break. Pierre was doing the same on the next table and he and Andre were laughing over some story, and I knew I shouldn't listen. Why on earth was the past forbidden to discuss?

Julian sank three balls before my turn came, and only because he missed a bank by barely an inch.

Concentrating hard I bent down and lined up my shot. Slowly I gauged the strength needed and took my shot. The seven ball went in the corner pocket and I came up bouncing slightly in excitement. Julian looked flush and I blushed when I realized my outfit was low cut enough to provide quite a view when I shot.

Still, on the next shot I delighted slightly in that power but I found I didn't enjoy the teasing. I enjoyed the anticipation. Three beautiful, interesting men who all desired me. There was no word in the English language nor any of the others I now spoke to describe just what I felt for them. Lust, curiosity, nervousness, and delight all combined in me.

I missed my shot and Julian smiled. "Distracted?"

"Just a little bit."

"Take it again." He picked up the cue and put it back where it had been. "Let me help you. Line up your shot."

Raising a brow I wondered what he was up to. It was a simple bank shot, I'd missed because arousal had made my hand tremble. Bending down I did, closing one eye to aim I bit my lip.

Suddenly I felt his lanky length covering me and I stiffened. An impressive erection pressed into my behind and his arms came around me as his front molded to my back. Oh, this was not going to make my hand any steadier.

"Relax," he whispered into my ear. "Imagine the path of the ball like a current of wind. You can't force it, you simply have to ride the current."

"Hmm. Shoot the wind, got it."

He laughed, a deep rich sound right in my ear that made me shiver with near violence. "No, Anna. It's wind, you have to ride it. Sometimes it's rough...and hard," he enunciated that word and a hand gripped my hip making me envision what a rough and hard ride might be. "And sometimes it's gentle. You forced the shot when it needed to be gentle. Follow me."

His other hand guided mine and we made the shot. The damnable ball went in. Julian nipped at my earlobe, shocking me, and pulled back. I straightened, expecting everyone to be staring but no one was.

His long bangs were in his eyes again, just mussed enough to make him look like he'd risen from hours in bed. Julian certainly had the eyes for it. Ignoring my blush, I shot on when he insisted, though it did me little good. With his last three shots he trounced me, mostly because all I could think about was what boon he'd request.

Julian struck me as a man who teased, who would demand the most sensual experience possible in bed. Perhaps he'd ask me to massage him, and that would be no hardship at all. I'd love to get my hands on him, peel his clothes slowly off and...

I took a drink of my beer quickly. "So you won. When will you collect your boon?"

"Oh, when the time is right. Let's see how the men are doing."

We put our cues back and took our beers. It was a heated game between the intense Andre and smiling Pierre.

"Who's winning?"

"So far looks like Andre. Who won with you?"

"Julian, of course," I told Pierre.

"It's getting late, shall we leave after this game?" Andre rumbled.

"Sure. Not having fun?"

"Oh, I am. I can't remember having a fun night out in a long time," Andre said, earning a sharp look from Julian.

Ahh, that damn "no past talk" rule again.

Andre won with two shots in a row and we brought our beers back to the bar, trading ribs about our varying skills at bowling and pool. Back outside we walked to the car and the night air was crisp and cold.

I looked to the sky and wished I could see the stars. As much as I loved life in the city I missed the nights back in college when I could drive a short while and see what felt like the whole of the Milky Way.

The moon was shining bright, glowing perfectly, nearing full. "Just a few more days until the full moon," I sighed as we reached the car.

"Oh?" Andre said with forced casualty.

"I've always loved the moon. Full moons just bring so much more energy. I wish it was summer and we could go to the full moon fire jam at the beach. It's a good time with fellow lunatics."

We got inside in the order in which we'd boarded before, and Pierre guided the car into light traffic.

"I have a cake waiting, if you're hungry," Julian said quietly.

"I am. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, though."

"It's Louisiana crunch cake," he cajoled.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the head rest, smiling. "My weakness. All right, sold."

"That was easy," Pierre chuckled.

"I've never fought against a piece of crunch cake in my life, and I'm not about to start now."

They all chuckled lightly as we drove home. Well, my temporary home. I had to admit with them there it felt more like a home. Just two days and I was already growing used to having them there. Julian was intense and artistic, Pierre jovial and brilliant, and Andre was commanding and mysterious. Their personalities complimented one another damn well, and seemed to frame mine nicely.

If we had just one week, well, it was shaping up to be one hell of a week.

We parked in the garage next to my roadster and again my door was opened, this time it was Julian who escorted me. Diego was waiting at the door to the garage and I petted him as did all the men, and he trotted after me as we headed inside.

"Have a seat," Julian told me. "Pierre would you set the table?" He indicated the kitchen table.

"I'll get wine," Andre said.

"Actually, in the fridge is a four pack of my favorite beer, Unibrou Maudite. It will go perfectly with the cake, I promise."

Pierre chuckled. "This will be good." He winked at me.

I took off my coat but before I could bring it to the closet Andre took it and the others. I sat as Pierre set out forks and plates, and Andre returned to open the beers as Julian pulled out a domed cake server I didn't know we had. The confection beneath looked amazing.

He brought it over and served us, cutting five large pieces before removing the cake back to the counter. I raised my beer as soon as he was seated. "To new friendships."

"To new friendships, and old," Pierre said.

We clinked glasses and I took a deep pull, savoring the flavor with my eyes closed and moaning in approval. "God, that's good."

Pierre was smiling. Julian half-grinned. "I'll add it to the shopping list."

"Indeed, it is good," Andre pronounced.

I took a bite of cake and had to hold back a moan at that. "Julian! This is amazing."

"Thank you."

I really wished I could ask where he'd gotten his training, but it was forbidden. What a stupid rule! The only reason I could see was to keep ay of us from forming a deeper bond. Why? Even if I passed the test, would they go away?

Suddenly I realized I didn't want that. No, I didn't know them too well yet, but I wanted to. I wanted to know what arguing with each would be like, what their hopes, dreams, and fears were. I wanted to know what exactly made each man smile, laugh, and frown.

But perhaps a week was all we'd have. If so, I didn't want to waste more time. Still, I ate my cake slowly, trying to work up my courage. So far they had pursued me, slowly, laying groundwork. I liked that. I was so used to being the pursuer in my past, but I was a new me, this was a new life, a fresh start.

At last the cake was done and their conversation over scheduling time in the gym was done. Everyone seemed to be waiting.

With a steadying breath I pushed back and grabbed my plate.

"Let me," Andre said, taking it from me as they all stood as well.

"Thank you. I am going to bed. And I...hate to sleep alone." There, that would do, I nervously hoped.

"Which of us are you inviting?" Pierre said with anticipation.

In for a penny, in for a pound. "It's a large bed, it will easily sleep four."

With that I walked out, Diego trailing me. My legs trembled as I climbed the stairs, heart pounding. If they took up my invitation...I was scared but aroused. If they came, I'd never done anything like that. I didn't know what to do. Did they? Would they guide me and show me? The thought was powerfully arousing.

I'd never much enjoyed being the student before. But that was the old Anna, the one who always sought to be the master. Little good it had done me in my life, a master before her time was a living statue. I wanted to live, to be alive, and that meant learning.

And what would I learn? My fantasies ran rampant. Oh, to know, to discover the sensual unknown!

I let Diego out and brushed my teeth, washed my face, removed my jewelry and brushed my hair. When Diego scampered back in I moved his bed and bowls to the sitting room and closed that door, leaving me in the bedroom proper. I changed into my sexiest nightgown, mint green and barely concealing.

I turned the lights down low and laid in bed, in the center of the giant mattress, and covered myself with the sheet and comforter. Would they come right away, together, one at a time? What if they didn't come? What if I'd been too forward?

I tried not to look at the clock but long past midnight and the house was quiet. I turned off the lights completely and curled up, letting a single tear escape before I floated into forgetfulness.


I felt heat. Not the furnace but something wet. My brain struggled the comprehend this as the bed dipped. I struggled awake only to feel hands all over me. Large, warm hands, rough skin. I smelled them...Andre, Pierre, and Julian.

I opened my mouth to speak but all I could do was moan. One mouth was on a bare nipple, tongue flipping rapidly, another covered the other nipple through the stain of my gown, sucking and dragging firm lips.

A hand traced my lips as another stroked my neck. One cupped my bare breast as another smoothed up my gown over my stomach. Two more danced along my thighs, heading towards my wetness.

I surrendered. There was no other word for it. It was dark and I could not see them, but even if I could I was sure their beauty would render me too far gone. This was the fantasy I'd shared with Andre but times three. The sensation was amazing. Three hard, hot bodies, six hands, three mouths.

Strong, wide fingers traced the seam of my pussy then and I nearly swooned. Satin tore and both breasts were free, two mouths fastened to my nipples. One was gentle and teasing, Julian's I thought, the other playful and firm, Pierre's.

That meant it was Andre between my legs and as I thought that, I felt his mouth. I nearly screamed as he seemed to devour me. Clutching at the other men all I felt was smooth skin and hard muscle, my hands struggling to find purchase.

Swift swirls and long licks all over, hands stroking me. After two long years of nothing it was so much, almost too much. I built with shocking swiftness and screamed my release, shaking with it. Two strong hands pinned my shaking legs and the others held me down, my arms immobile. I was prisoner to the pleasure, to them, and it was freeing and exalting.

Andre seemed to know the exact right moment to pull back before I became overly sensitive, though I still felt my muscles fluttering deep inside. I could only whimper as one mouth left me and claimed mine. I clung to Pierre's arm and buried my other hand in Julian's hair. God, he kissed soft and sweet yet with such intense passion. I arched up with instinct but two other men held me down.

Fingers filled me but it was too much and I cried out.

"Gods, she's tight," Andre said, withdrawing. One finger slid back in and I gasped as the other men moaned.

Julian kissed down my neck and Pierre took claim of my mouth. Free and light, he hypnotized me with his tongue. Their hands were everywhere as Andre's mouth returned.

"Please," I begged when Pierre pulled back.

"Say it again," Julian murmured.


"Please what?" Pierre murmured, his voice husky and low on playfulness.

"I want to be filled! Please!"

"Not yet," Andre murmured against me.

Again the storm of mouths on my most sensitive places, hands stroking everywhere. I peaked screaming once more and before the storm passed they moved. I let my body follow the silent direction of their hands and found myself kneeling, Julian laying between my legs. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, only the light of the moon filtering through the blinds of one window with the curtains not drawn lit the way.

Andre and Pierre held me aloft as I felt as limp as a ragdoll, lowering me.

Andre's mouth had been pure power, but Julian's was tenderness. I whimpered as Andre turned my head and claimed my mouth with his. I tasted my own juices and felt that powerful tongue sweep inside. Fresh wetness flowed between my legs and Julian lapped it up, moaning.