A Fantasy Fulfilled

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Brothers share a willing girlfriend.
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I wiped the condensation from the bathroom mirror and leaned close, applying my mascara in the small window I'd made on the glass. The tiny room was full of steam and the smell of shampoo and soap.

"How can you take a hot shower in this weather?" I said, capping my mascara and leaning in even closer, scrutinizing my face. I'd had a shower a half hour ago and could already feel a thin film of sweat on my back; it was going to be another boiling hot day.

Kevin made a sleepy noise, turned the water off and slid the curtain back with a metallic zing. He reached for a towel and I glanced his way, letting my eyes wander over his naked body, his skin pink from the hot water. We'd been together four years, and he never failed to make something else stir inside me, something warm and alive—all he had to do was smile and I'd feel it all through my body.

"Morning, baby," he said smiling, wiping the water from his eyes with the towel. He looked sexy with his long black hair dripping onto his wide shoulders, his chin just a little shadowed with dark whiskers I knew he wouldn't bother to shave off.

I turned when he stepped out of the shower and we exchanged a quick kiss. I felt the vague rush of arousal at his naked body and all the familiar details—the intricate black tattoos that covered his arms, the silver curls of his hoop earrings, the thin white scar that crossed his shoulder in an X. And his eyes—so dark and expressive and cunning.

"Morning," I said, dragging my eyes from his face. "You'd better hurry—it's almost quarter to."

I left the bathroom, finished dressing and returned five minutes later to find Kevin brushing his teeth lazily, staring at his reflection as he did, looking for all the world like he was ready to go to bed, not start his day.

"I'm leaving without you if you're not ready in twenty minutes," I said with genuine irritation.

He made some noise around his toothbrush, acknowledgment or argument, and watched me as I took a few minutes to check my hair, arranging the blonde curls that hung around my face.

I looked my body over, smoothed my blue skirt, and turned around to consult the full length mirror on the wall behind us. It had taken me forever to pick the right outfit—something professional looking without being boring, and light enough that I stood a chance of getting to work without being soaked with sweat.

I was applying for a new position at work. My interview was in an hour and a half. I knew I had a pretty good chance of getting it, but I was still nervous. I fussed with the buttons of my blouse, adjusted the collar, and studied the way the fabric hugged my breasts. I hoped I didn't look trashy with a little cleavage showing, but I also wanted to keep a little sex appeal in my outfit, just in case it helped.

Kevin moved to the sink and I couldn't help watching his body from behind as he bent to rinse his mouth. He'd barely dried off. I could see the beads of water on his skin. I wanted to run my finger across his back, joining them like a dot-to-dot. I wanted to feel the smooth warmth of his skin under mine, to crawl back in bed and make love instead of going to work.

He straightened, running his hand through his hair carelessly, and saw me looking. He smiled and I felt it inside; a tug of desire that anchored in my belly and pulled like a tide between my legs. I hastily returned my attention to my reflection.

He turned, watching me scrutinize my outfit in the mirror.

"Do I look...professional?" I asked uncertainly, turning to view myself from the side, hoping my ass didn't look too big beneath the linen fabric of my skirt. "Hire-able?"

"I'd hire you," he said, stepping beside me and taking my arm, pulling me away from my reflection. "For all kinds of things."

He brought me close, his hands slipping to my waist. I knew the water from his skin was soaking into my clothes, and was almost annoyed, but his lusty eyes held mine and my annoyance was quenched by excitement. Only a few seconds of contact and I was already growing warm and aroused. He kissed me softly, with an open mouth, his tongue slipping over my lower lip; all animal appetite, no subtlety.

"Especially very naughty things," he said in a low voice. I laughed, even though I didn't want to. "Wicked things."

He kissed me again and I felt a tingle in my stomach, felt my body wanting to yield, to let it happen.

He pressed me against the bathroom wall and starting hiking up my skirt. If I let him, he'd be inside me in a matter of minutes, pushing hard in that needy way he always had, like he hadn't fucked in years, though it had probably been less than 24 hours since we had. I loved that—even when he caught me off guard—I loved his needy desire. It never failed to get me wet.

But I couldn't be late to work this morning.

I reluctantly pushed his hands away.

"Kevin, don't." I turned my head away from his kiss but he just slid his open mouth to my throat and I sighed, despite myself. I pressed my hands against his bare chest and pushed him hard, but it only made him press against me more. "Come on—I don't have time for this today."

He ran his tongue over my skin, up to my ear, and sucked my earlobe, earring and all, into his lips. "Just a quick one?" he said, bringing his mouth back to mine. I was still pushing against him, but with much less effort. "For good luck?" I moaned as he searched my mouth with his tongue and for a second did nothing as his hands pulled my skirt higher, his hot palms cupping my ass.

"Oh fucking hell," said a voice from the doorway. "Don't you two ever stop?"

Kevin's older brother Ryan stood in the doorway, scowling sleepily. I quickly pushed Kevin's hands away and smoothed my skirt. Kevin just sighed and stepped back, his cock half erect and pointing comically in his brother's direction.

"Jesus, Kevin what's your problem?" He looked away pointedly, radiating irritation. "Just get out, already."

I felt embarrassed to have been caught, but more than that I felt bad for Ryan. His girlfriend of five years had broken up with him almost a year ago and he'd been miserable ever since. He'd moved out of her apartment and moved in with us, reluctantly. It was only supposed to be a temporary arrangement, but it ended up being a good one—the rent wasn't high and he was closer to work, and having a third person to split the rent and utilities with made it easier on Kevin and I too. But Kevin loved giving Ryan a hard time, irritating him on purpose—not maliciously, but he couldn't help himself—that was just how Kevin was, and it drove Ryan crazy.

I felt bad for him, he was a good guy. I could tell he was as embarrassed as he was annoyed, and I knew it had to be hard to see his brother and me together when his romantic life had pretty much dried up since he and his girlfriend had broken up.

"Sorry, Ryan," I said quietly as I squeezed past him and ran downstairs.

I grabbed my bag, checked three times to make sure everything was in there I needed for the day, and called up the stairs for Kevin to hurry before we missed the bus.

He came down as I was putting on my shoes, looking sexy and totally at ease in his faded jeans and t-shirt. He patted my backside as he passed, slid his feet into his boots, and followed me out the door into the summer heat.

"I feel bad for Ryan," I said once we'd hurried the four blocks to the bus stop. I squinted up the road to look for the bus. It never made it come any faster, but it was impossible not to look. "He's so depressed."

"He's not," Kevin said casually. "He just needs to get laid."

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to look at him. "Sex isn't the solution to everything, Kev."

He didn't answer, but I knew he was smiling at me, probably even ogling my ass. I turned my head after a minute and sure enough his eyes were sweeping down my body, a little smirk on his face.

"I wish we could do something for him," I said, ignoring Kevin's stare. "We could at least be more careful."

This morning wasn't the first time Ryan had happened upon me and Kevin making out. Kevin was impulsive and if not always horny, he certainly didn't take much persuading to get in the mood. He found it nearly impossible to not touch me when I was near enough, and once he touched me, he had a hard time not moving closer, touching me more, seeing how quickly he could get me turned on and undressed. I had a little more self-control than he did, but once he started kissing me, not much more.

"You could sleep with him," Kevin said as we moved toward the curb, watching the bus approach. I looked at him sharply, my incredulous reply swallowed by the squeal and the hiss of the bus as it arrived, doors opening wide.

Once the bus started moving I looked at him, his sly grin.

"What did you say?"

"I said you could sleep with him; that would cheer him up."

"Oh shut up, Kevin," I said laughing.

"I'm serious, Colleen. He should be over her by now, it's almost been a year. His ego's taken a beating; if he got laid he wouldn't be so bitchy."

I laughed again, staring at him. "You really think, don't you? Sex would make everything better?"

"Not just sex, Colleen. Sex with you." His tongue darted out from between his lips to wet them. "If he got laid by you, he'd snap right out of it."

"You're not serious," I said, but I knew he was. "Tell me you're not."

Kevin leaned a little closer to me, his voice dropping slightly—for effect, I thought, certainly not because he cared if the other bus passengers heard.

"We could break up, you and me, and you could go to him for comfort, do some hot rebound fucking." I stared at him, in disbelief. "And after you guys are done, we could get back together." He let his mouth stretch in a smile and raised his eyebrows meaningfully. "You know how good make-up sex is."

The thought of sleeping with Ryan—I'd never thought about it before, but I couldn't deny the appeal of the idea.

"There's something wrong with the way your brain works, Kev." I said decidedly.

"Think of good that would make him feel, Colleen, to be pursued by a woman again," Kevin continued, now sounding like he only had his brother's happiness in his mind. "And if that woman is you..." Now he was stroking my ego. "Mmm, I think getting to fuck you—that would be one hell of a boost to his self-esteem."

I continued to stare at him, at the expression on his face that told me he was serious. He leaned a little closer, and dropped his voice a little more so it slithered warmly into my ear.

"Besides, it would be so fucking hot—the two of you together. You fucking Ryan..."

"You're serious?" I laughed, but it was a nervous laugh, one that couldn't hide an excitement I suddenly felt. "What—do you want to watch or something?"

He smiled, knowing he had my interest, and nodded slowly.

I wasn't about to admit it to him, but the idea was exciting—I'd never thought of being with anyone else but Kevin, not since we met, but suddenly the idea of being with Ryan was very intriguing, but I wasn't so sure about having an audience.

"You're such a perv, Kev." I wasn't able to hide my amusement.

He smiled again and looked at me levelly. "I'm dead serious, Colleen."

I stared at him for a few seconds as he watched my reaction, a smile frozen on his face. It wasn't really that surprising that the idea turned him on, I realized. Most things turned Kevin on, and his tastes definitely leaned toward the voyeuristic, but watching me have sex with his brother?

"You're crazy," I said finally, shaking my head like I was trying to shake the attractive image that had leaped up uninvited, of Ryan, shirtless and messy-haired first thing in the morning. "Now move, this is my stop."

He shifted, kissed my cheek as I passed.

"Good luck at the interview, baby."

He gave me a big, sincere smile, and made sure his hand made contact with my ass as I slid past him, his smile turning to a grin as I walked down the aisle.

The next two weeks, Kevin kept bringing it up, slipping it into conversation, whispering in my ear, as we were having sex. At first he played on my ego, building up his brother's attraction to me, but eventually he became explicit about how much he wanted to see his brother and me together.

I didn't exactly tell him to stop, but I didn't encourage his fantasies when he brought them up either. I kept telling him he was crazy, laughing it off, but now I was noticing Ryan in a way I hadn't before.

He was Kevin's older brother by eight years. There were two other brothers in between, and all four of the brothers looked and acted a lot alike. They were all loud and energetic, a little rough around the edges, perpetually sophomoric, but in a harmless enough way.

Physically they were remarkably similar. They had the same sloping shoulders, the same long limbs, and they all moved the same—with an easy, loping stride, filling any space they were in with their personalities as much as their bodies.

Kevin didn't have the same athletic build as his brothers. He was more slender, less muscular, but the differences were secondary to the similarities, making him look like a slightly smaller version of them. They all had the same deep-set eyes, same squared jaw and thick, black hair. And they laughed the same—and laughed often.

I fond Ryan attractive if only because he looked like Kevin and I found Kevin irresistible, but I had to admit he was attractive because of the subtle difference between them, things I couldn't even put my finger on or name.

And then there was the way he looked at me.

Kevin had been right; Ryan found me attractive. I had no doubt once I started noticing—his eyes were often too slow to look away when I caught him watching me. It thrilled me to my very center, stirring up an excited curiosity when he was around.

I didn't tease him, but Kevin did—with my body. If Ryan was around Kevin would find some way to draw attention to me, to my body, sometimes flat out remarking I looked sexy in whatever it was I was wearing at the time, asking Ryan if he agreed, and more than once he left the bedroom door open while we were having sex, knowing Ryan was home and could walk past at any moment.

On the Friday I got the call that I'd been offered the job, I called Kevin at work, and he said he'd take me out to celebrate after work. He took me to my favorite bar and did his best to get me drunk while he continued to try to convince me sleeping with Ryan was the solution to all the world's problems.

Between my elation at having gotten the job and the numerous beers I'd had, I was feeling pretty good—confident, a little reckless—and Kevin knew it, but he still looked surprised when I finally said I'd do it.

"Let's go," I said, moving to stand, wobbling a little on my heels. "Let's go home right now and I'll fuck his brains out."

For a second Kevin just gaped, and then he grinned like an idiot and we were out of there like a flash.

I hadn't been entirely serious. I guess I'd assumed Kevin liked the idea of me sleeping with his brother, but would stop it before anything actually happened. I figured he'd get off on the taboo, and that would be enough. So I played it up on the walk home—telling him how hot it made me to think of him watching me fuck his brother. I thought it was a game and I was playing along, but when we got home it became obvious he'd been serious and was now more determined than ever to see it happen.

He pinned me to the apartment door before we went in, and kissed me with so much passion it hurt. His hands were everywhere, grasping and stroking, finally settling up under my skirt to tug at the waistband of my panties. He bent and quickly slipped them down my thighs, making me lose my balance and fall against him. He stripped them off and straightened, but didn't push me against the door again to fuck me like I thought he would. Instead, he steadied me and slid my panties into his pocket, grinning, kissed me once more and fumbled with the key to unlock the door.

The apartment was boiling hot, but I could hear the fan going in the living room. I could hear the TV too, which meant Ryan was home. Kevin led me toward the sound, his fingers gripping my hand tightly, and we found a shirtless Ryan sitting in front of the fan, watching TV. He barely reacted when we came in, only lifting his eyes once without saying a word. I noticed there was a small collection of bottles on the floor beside him; we weren't the only ones a little drunk.

Kevin met my eyes meaningfully and led me to the other easy chair, pulling me onto his lap as he fell into it. I landed with my legs over the arm of the chair, my feet dangling above the floor.

We kissed for a few minutes, softly and wetly, and I wondered if Ryan was watching, surprised to find how much I hoped it was true. Kevin's hand moved to my knee and pushed it down so one of my legs fell atop his, my thighs parting. He drew my skirt up and slipped his hand right over my shaved pussy. I gasped against his mouth and for a second was lost in the kiss and light touch of his fingers on my skin before I remembered Ryan. Was he watching?

I turned, drawing my mouth from Kevin's and shivered at the look on Ryan's face—his gaze locked on my open thighs and the movement of his brother's fingers. I wondered how much he could see from his vantage point. Did Kevin's hand block his view or was he watching his brother's finger slip between my swollen labia?

I sighed with pleasure at the touch and the thought that he was watching. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I saw Ryan looking at my face. He looked away quickly, but not before we'd both seen the other looking. I sighed again, thrilled far more than I had expected I'd be.

"Mmm baby, you're so wet," Kevin growled into my ear, his voice low enough I was sure Ryan couldn't hear it over the TV and the fan. He slid his finger along the length of my slit, picking up the wetness and spreading it over my skin. "So fucking wet."

He kissed my neck and slid his finger deep inside me without so much as a cursory circle at the entrance. I groaned and squirmed against him.

"Did you see?" Kevin hissed. "He couldn't look away."

I groaned and looked at Ryan again. He was staring resolutely at the TV, the muscles in his face and neck tense as if he was trying very hard not to look our direction.

"What a naughty tease you are." I could hear the smile in Kevin's voice. "Showing off your pussy to my brother like that."

He moved his finger slowly, drawing it out and pressing it in again, his breath hot on my ear.

"You're so wet, Colleen. You're so hot for it—aren't you? You've been thinking about getting fucked by him for a while. I know you have. I know you want to him to touch you like this, like I'm touching you right now."

He drew his finger out and entered me again, pressing two fingers together and filling me fast. I groaned and arched my back, my eyes glued on Ryan.

"Do you want him, baby?" Kevin's breath was a little faster than it had been a moment before. "Do you want Ryan to fuck you? Hmm?"

I squirmed and, to my complete surprise, moaned out, "God, yes."

Ryan turned his head quickly, his eyes landing first between my legs where Kevin was slowly, methodically, and with great restraint filling me again and again with his fingers. When he lifted his eyes, they met mine and drilled right to my center, penetrating me with a spiraling heat.

"Oh fuuuuck, yes," I moaned. I heard Kevin gasp against my ear and then he pulled his hand away and pushed me up, off his lap and over the arm of the chair where I caught myself, teetering unsteadily for a second before I got my balance and looked up at Ryan.

I walked toward him, moving slowly through a fog of arousal and alcohol, and staring at his bare chest, impulsively lifted my own shirt up and over my head. I heard a stereo intake of breath from Kevin and Ryan on either side of me. I let the shirt fall to the floor and in a few seconds was directly in front of Ryan whose eyes were glued to the sight of my bare breasts.