A Gift in Disguise Ch. 06

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More interest in the powers of the phallus and gift.
29.5k words

Part 6 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 07/24/2009
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On my way to my first Monday class, I stopped by my assigned graduate student cubicle in Hertz Hall, the main building for the university's electrical engineering program. Each of us in the graduate EE program had one where we could study, receive messages, and store stuff between classes. Maybe the university is preparing us for our cubicle destinies?

My thesis committee chairman had left a sticky note summoning me to his office after my last class of the day. It wasn't particularly unusual or alarming for me to receive such a request, so I assumed he and the other committee members had reviewed my thesis revisions and had some additional revisions they wanted. Jamie had warned me to expect just such a demand from them to further test both my patience and my commitment to my graduate research.

The meeting with my chairman lasted only about five minutes and when it ended, I left walking on air. Rather than imposing more unreasonable requirements on me, the chairman greeted me warmly, and he effusively complimented me on the quality of my under-the-gun responses. He said the committee was extremely impressed that I had been able to recognize the limits imposed by time constraints and that I had explained what I would have done if there had been sufficient time. He then urged me once again to strongly consider applying for the doctorate program and for associated grants to help fund my research into nanotechnology sensors. He correctly read the "waiting for the other shoe to drop" look on my face, and he assured me that he and the other members of my committee considered me to be one of the most promising double-E grad students they'd had in their careers at the university.

Jamie had said she would call as soon as she had a time for our Tuesday meeting with Lorraine and Amanda to discuss Lorraine's three days' experience with Jamie's improved prosthetic phallus. However, I didn't want to wait share my good news with her and thank her for her wise guidance in preparing my response to my thesis committee's unreasonable requests.

My call to her went to voicemail, not particularly unusual. A few minutes later, she called me back. Her voice was rather flat and without its usual upbeat brightness.

"Jamie, is something wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, it's just my annual summer's-almost-over cold. I've had them regular as clockwork ever since junior high," she responded. "I felt it coming on just after I got back to the lab after Lorraine's tests. I'll be miserable and contagious for the next three or four days, so I'm going to have to miss your debrief meeting with Lorraine tomorrow. Fortunately, she was able to provide Amanda and me with a lot of detail about her first impressions of the version 2 phallus. I'm assuming that's why you called -- to find out about tomorrow's meeting?"

I explained I had called to share the outcome of my thesis committee meeting, and then I proceeded to give her a very abbreviated account of the meeting.

Her voice perked up a bit, though it still had that congested "I habba cohd" sound to it.

"I'm glad I could encourage you, Tom, but it was your effort that they appreciated. Still, it was very thoughtful of you to call me. I wish we could get together tomorrow and celebrate, but..."

"Yeah, I know. We'll put it off until you feel better. Are you still planning on repeating the version 2 phallus test with Kim on Friday?"

"We'll see how I feel on Thursday. I'd rather put if off for a few days if necessary to avoid infecting her or Amanda."

"I understand, and I'm sure Kim will, too," I said.

"Actually Tom, after the meeting today Amanda was lukewarm about tomorrow's meeting with Lorraine, too. She feels like she got all the information Lorraine had for her. Lorraine was remarkably observant and was able to recount a great deal of information in amazing detail.

Lorraine asked Amanda and me a question that will require some further research, but I'm sure Amanda hasn't had time to do it yet. Neither have I. She may ask you, too.

So why don't you give Amanda a call? If she plans on skipping it tomorrow, you and Lorraine could probably work out a mutually convenient time and place to meet."

"Is there anything in particular that you want me to bring up since you're not going to be there?"

"No, I really wrung the information out of Lorraine after today's test. Between having two close-together orgasms while at the same time trying to remember the stuff she knew we would want to know about the phallus' performance, she was mentally and emotionally drained after the meeting. I just hope I didn't push her too hard. But I'm sure that if there's anything new, you'll let me know."

We talked for just a few more minutes, then I called Amanda. She concurred that it would not really be necessary for her to meet again with Lorraine unless Lorraine had thought of something else. My next call was to Lorraine.

"Hi, Lorraine. It's Tom Connors," I said when she answered her phone.

"Tom, hi. I talked with Jamie earlier. She's under the weather. Do you still want to meet with Amanda and me tomorrow?" She sounded noticeably weary, almost as if she was hoping I'd say "No."

"If you're up to it, sure, but I just talked with Amanda, and she didn't really feel as if she needs to be there either."

"Oh, okay. So would it just be you and me, then?" Her voice picked up, taking on what sounded to me like an almost hopeful tone.

"Looks like. But look, Lorraine, Jamie and Amanda both told me that yesterday had been really demanding for you. If you'd rather just relax, I probably shouldn't come over. I don't want you to feel any pressure."

"That's very kind of you, Tom, but actually I think spending some time with you would be helpful. Now that I've had a chance to reflect on my experience with the phallus yesterday, I'm seeing some interesting associations with your 'gift' as well."

"Really?" I asked. She had piqued my curiosity. How could my ability to facilitate near coma-inducing orgasms have any connection with Jamie's prosthetic phallus project? "Well, if you're sure you're up to it..."

"Oh, I'm up for it all right. Why don't we meet at my office since it's just going to be the two of us? How about three?" No doubt about it now. Hopeful and noticeably relieved.

"Three's good. I'll go by the pool and get a swim in first. I talked with Jamie and Amanda, but they didn't fill me in at all, so..."

"That's no problem, Tom. I'll have the DVD of the session if you want to see it, and I'll do my best to bring you up to speed. I left the phallus with Jamie yesterday. I don't think we'll need it, but if you disagree, you might pick it up from her."

"No, I don't see any need to bother her for it."

"Oh, good," she said with obvious and unmistakable relief. "Incidentally, Tom, the weather report says it's supposed to be hot and humid tomorrow. Dress comfortably." Lorraine's voice had taken on an intriguing quality. The professional, arms length psychologist edge was gone, replaced with a suggestive quality that was giving me a hard-on.

When I arose the next morning, I quickly realized that Lorraine had been right about the weather. It would be perfect shorts weather. Although we were in early fall, the weather was still warm and unseasonably humid. I'd worn shorts to my one Tuesday class before, so I picked a pair of loose-fitting cargo shorts and a light cotton tee shirt.

After the class concluded, I headed to the university pool. The combination of cool water and workout invigorated me. I showered afterwards to get rid of the lingering chlorine smell, then went directly from the dressing room to Lorraine's.

In all of our earlier meetings, Lorraine had met greeted me dressed very businesslike, very professional, usually in perfectly tailored and crisply pressed slacks and a conservative blouse. Not today. She was wearing fashionable summer platform sandal shoes and a white semi-sheer pool cover that ended well and generously above the knee. It was just sheer and clingy enough that it gave hope of seeing what it concealed, but it was also just diffused enough to make sure I couldn't. It was the kind of outfit a 20-year old college coed would wear to entice a 23-year old graduate student, but it was on a 50-year old Lorraine. With her slender but not skinny frame, she looked every bit as good in it as any coed ever could. She had a slight but uniform tan that really made the white cover complement the bare skin of her shoulders, back, and legs. Her very shapely but unshaven legs only added to the sexual mystique.

After allowing me a few seconds to shamelessly try and see through the semi-sheer cover, she invited me in. What I could imagine but not see was causing me to get harder, but she wouldn't need x-ray vision to see that.

"Tom, yesterday's test pretty much exhausted me mentally. I guess I really didn't expect it to be as grueling as it was. So, I was wondering, would you mind too much if I didn't go over every detail of everything I told Jamie and Amanda yesterday?"

"Of course I wouldn't mind," I responded. "I'm sure Jamie will fill me in on all the engineering and technical stuff.

But you know, Lorraine, three times now you've expressed some concern to me about how the test affected you. Do you think we should talk with Jamie before Kim's examination and session? Now that you've been through the mill, do you think we may be pushing too hard, too fast? It's not as if we're really on any kind of a deadline, and if Kim feels the same pressure you did, might it affect her performance to deliver specific results rather than objective observations?"

"I hadn't really thought about it, Tom, but I think it's fair to say that my focus on the specific objectives of my test could possibly have adversely affected my actual responses. If you like, I'll call Jamie later on this evening and talk with her about it. I can probably conference call you in if you want."

"No, I don't need to be on the line unless you particularly want me to be. I know Jamie realizes the pressure you experienced. My guess, from what you've said anyway, is that maybe just relaxing the procedure, not subjecting Kim to such a demanding mental checklist, letting her move at her own pace and experience whatever comes would be all it would take. Like you, she's an experienced and articulate observer, so I'd say just let her do her own thing on her own schedule. Maybe even let her do the masturbation part at home more or less privately. If she wants to DVD it, I'm sure Jamie and I can set up the equipment unobtrusively in her house for her. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think that's what we should have let you do, too.

Now I feel badly that we may have deprived you of some of the enjoyment of the experiment, Lorraine. So I don't want you to feel under any pressure at all today."

Obviously the anticipation of another technical interrogation today by me about her and the phallus's performance the day before had been worrying Lorraine. Now with that possibility erased, she took me by the arm and ushered me inside. The tension was fast disappearing from her voice. I decided to let her talk at her own pace and not grill her at all. She would talk and guide the conversation wherever it was going to go. I would listen.

I had expected to be taken to her private office or maybe to the office's video viewing room. Instead, she took me past the viewing room.

"It's such a warm day, Tom. Let's talk over some iced tea out on the patio. It's on the east side of the house just off my kitchen, so it will already be in the shade. And even when it's in the sun, the trees in the back yard keep it much cooler there even when the sun is directly above."

"That sounds really good," I responded. She smiled warmly and led me through the formidable-looking door that separated her office space from her home. Whereas her office space was professionally plain and clinical, her home space was warm and inviting. Just a few steps through the door, and she gave me a guiding nudge through an open arch and into her kitchen. It was well-equipped with what appeared to be the tools of an aspiring professional chef. There were freshly-gathered carrots, cucumbers, and squash on the counter. The carrots still had some loose soil on them.

"Did you raise these?" I waved my hand toward the veggies on the counter.

"Yes. Fresh today. Gardening and cooking are my mental escapes after a tough day. It can be downright dangerous to try and think about a client's issues while at the same time using a razor-sharp knife to slice carrots, cukes, or zukes,"she finished with a laugh.

She gestured to the high-backed barstools around the kitchen's island.

"Have a seat while I pour the iced tea. I'm so glad I didn't schedule any clients today. I really needed to relax after yesterday. It was very demanding for me to think and talk coherently after having two bang-bang orgasms. If you don't have some very specific questions about the phallus, I'd rather talk about some general observations, comments really, that Amanda and Jamie didn't specifically cover yesterday. Actually, they couldn't have covered them, because they've pretty much formed in my mind today. Yesterday was ...," she paused, searching for the right word, "...confusing."

"Sure, that's fine, but I'm a nuts-and-bolts engineer and not a professional psychologist like you, so..."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Tom. You're a far better listener than many of my peers in the head biz. And right now, you're exactly what I need to unwind from yesterday."

"Sure, anything I can do to help you feel better," I responded sincerely.

"Mmmm. I like 'anything'," she murmured. She had placed a pitcher of iced tea, two glasses, some lemon wedges and some sugar on a serving tray. With a nod toward the French doors going out to her patio, she said, "Tom, would you please get the door for me?"

We stepped out onto her patio. She was right. With the afternoon shade and a light breeze, it was comfortably cool. She placed the tray on the patio table and motioned for me to choose a chair. Once I was seated, she poured a glass of tea and put it in front of me on the table.

"Help yourself to the lemon and sugar, Tom."

"Thank you. By the way, Lorraine, I really like your outfit."

Her smile indicated she was pleased with the compliment.

"Thank you, Tom. I hoped you would."

She prepared her own glass of tea, took a sip, and then paused to take in the surrounding scene. Finally, she spoke.

"Maybe I should start with last Friday. The most inconvenient part of preparing to wear the phallus is that Kim and I have to remove all our pubic hair so the medical cement will properly bond the phallus to our skin for durability and electrical conductivity."

"I can relate to that," I said.

"Yeah, the electrical conductivity thing," she assumed.

"No, actually the pubic hair thing." Lorraine actually looked shocked, so I laughed a bit and continued. "When I was swimming competitively as an undergrad, our coach insisted that we do everything we could to improve our times. That included removing any exposed body hair to reduce our drag in the water. I didn't have to shave my head because I wore a swim cap, but because my trunks were so small, I went ahead and removed my pubic hair to keep it from sticking out.

It was always a pain to keep my body pretty much hairless."

Lorraine's eyes quickly traveled up and down my body, perhaps as if to visualize what I would look like with less body hair. Then she continued.

"Well fortuitously, Amanda has a professional acquaintance who is a dermatologist and whose partner is a compounding pharmacist. Together, they've come up with a cream depilatory that is extremely mild and very effective. Because it's compounded for each individual patient and uses some controlled drugs, it requires a prescription.

It's actually a three-part treatment, each part uniquely compounded for the individual patient's skin, allergies, sensitivities, and so on.

The first part behaves pretty much like a normal depilatory. It's applied and has to sit for about fifteen minutes. Then the user showers or at least washes with warm water. The body hair simply washes away. The main difference is that this one only acts on the hair to the skin line but not below. That completely eliminates skin irritation.

Right after washing, the user applies the second part of the treatment, a lotion which conditions and desensitizes the skin briefly and neutralizes any of the remaining depilatory. Application of the second part also inhibits the regrowth of any hair. At this point our skin is completely receptive to the phallus's application. Any time we remove our phallus, we can shower or wash for sanitation and then reapply the second lotion again. As long as the user keeps applying the second lotion at least once every other day, the body hair will not start regrowing. No stubble. So if we want to have sex, including oral sex, we need only to wash off the lotion before sex. Then after cleaning up after sex, we can reapply the lotion."

"So what's the third part?"

"You'll like this part, Tom, because you're aroused by naturally hairy women. When we decide we want to let our hair grow back, we apply the third lotion rather than the second one after showering. Although this lotion is chemically gentle and helps the skin retain its natural sensitivity and softness, it dramatically jump-starts the hair regrowth. Whereas complete pubic hair restoration without the treatment might take three or four months, with the treatment it takes a month or less without any discomfort or hormonal imbalances. Apparently mine regrows extremely fast; it only takes about ten days to two weeks to reach full length and thickness. Once I start applying it, it's almost as if I'm able to feel my hair growing back. In fact, when I'm lying quietly, it sometimes feels as if a hand is very softly and gently engulfing my mound. So even though right now my mound is still baby-skin smooth, in about two weeks you'll never notice my hair was gone.

Kim and I have both used the treatment in preparation for using both phalluses. We can attest that it really works exactly as Amanda's colleagues promised. Our pubic hair comes in just as thick as before but somewhat softer. The original pubic hair color is unchanged, although as I aged, mine was beginning to show a little gray just as on my head. Now, though, the gray is gone and it's the same color as my head hair."

"It sounds like they have a gold mine in that hair restoration product. I wish I'd known about it when I was swimming."

"Not really profitable, Tom. Because it is prescription-only and because the formula has to be compounded for each individual based on her or his body chemistry and medical history, they can't market it over the counter. They've patented the process, but cost-effective mass-production is impractical. Besides, it will not regrow hair that has disappeared as a result of other causes.

And you most likely wouldn't want to have used it as a student athlete. It probably would have shown up as some sort of performance-enhancing drug or something. Of course, you're not swimming competitively any longer, so it probably wouldn't matter now.

There is one side effect that some people, probably mainly women, would think is a disadvantage. When our pubic hair comes back in, it seems to make the area much more sensitive to sexual stimulation. Just barely touching and stroking my pussy hair feels almost as exciting as a tongue or soft finger directly on my clit. Kim had the same experience. It's not all the time -- it's just hypersensitive to touch when we're already sexually aroused.

Who knows? You men might experience the same sensation. If you decide you want to try it, I'm sure Amanda will be happy to put you in contact with her colleagues who make it. I hope, though, that you'll let me be the first to help you apply and remove it -- just to make sure you do it properly," she added with a seductive tone to her voice.
