A Loner Mentalist Pt. 07

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Creative in bed, proactive in New Jersey.
22.2k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/01/2015
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Edited by Over_Red


Master had roused him and his colleagues before dawn. They had piled into the vehicle and sat as still as they knew He liked them to sit. That was always a hard task for them, but that morning, it was harder still. Master was tense. He didn't like it when Master was tense. His colleagues didn't like it either. It made them all nervous, though they did their best to hide it.

Master took them to a new place, strange and dour. It reeked of fear and misery. They soaked it in. The feel of the place, the smells, the sounds, the tiny flickers of motion in the trees that surrounded it. There were many traces to pick up. Most were fresh, some were a day or two old. Master had them ignore the fresh ones and focus on the old ones. Over and over again, they walked every inch of the search area Master set out for them, picking up the traces. Over and over again, they wanted to quit. There were too many traces to pick up. Too many to keep track of. Master's will kept them at it. It drove them on until they scoured the place and picked up every trace there was. Each of them held all the traces in their minds.

Then the people came out of the big house and Master had them match the traces to every person that walked past them. It was the strangest and most unnatural thing he had ever done. It flew against every instinct he had. His instincts told him to hone in on a single trace and follow it to its source. Master's will was there, hurrying him along, so he let go of his misgivings and did as Master bid him to. Soon, he realized that Master's bidding was, in fact, a search. They were whittling away the multitude of traces until only the one Master wanted remained and then they would follow it to its source.

Once he and his colleagues understood that, they relished their task. They charged at the people and picked up their traces to eliminate from their memory. Master had them slow down, lest they sent their quarry running, so they settled for sneaking up behind the people and evaluating their traces from a slight distance. By the time the sun rose to its high point, they had eliminated most of the traces and felt glad for the accomplishment.

The bitch came to Master's aid. He could feel her gratitude and affection for Master, but she was too old to bear Him pups. He could tell that from her scent. Still, he liked that bitch and her tiny, nervous underlings. They weren't with her then, but they were always loud in their fears. They ran prettily, too. They always reminded him of something he couldn't quite recall but made him feel at ease with himself. He would delight when Master let him chase them down, one after the other. He would catch them and then box them in and keep them in an area, before letting them run free and then boxing them in all over again. That was such fun.

The bitch sat with Master in His vehicle and they looked at a flat box with changing lights. Then he and his colleagues got in the vehicle and Master took them across town. He didn't like going places in the vehicle because he would never know where he was in relation to home once they disembarked. That was quite unsettling, at first. Master would never lead him astray, he knew. He'd never leave him in a strange place, unless He had a purpose for him there, so he eventually grew complacent with the rides. His colleagues were still a little uneasy at not feeling the ground beneath their paws as they traveled, but Master had taught them to disregard that feeling, just as He had taught him.

At every location they went, they found one or two traces and eliminated them from their list. The bitch left them and the sun came down low on the horizon. Master drove them back to the spot from that morning. More traces had been refreshed since they had left and Master had them eliminate those from the list, as well. They waited patiently as people came and went and they picked up each trace to eliminate from their list. In the end, they wound up with just two traces.

Master's enemies. Their prey.

Master had them think on those traces over and over again, dissecting them with their noses. One was of a man grown, the other of a young bitch in her prime. Master had them focus more closely on the man's trace. The man had eaten bacon that morning and his skin smelled of spiced sausage and musk, with just a hint of vanilla. They memorized that scent all over again. Fixated on it. It was their target. Master instructed them to always be on the lookout for that scent. For their prey. They obeyed. The bitch's scent was of less concern to Master, but He had them all keep her scent in mind, too, and look for it.

Master moved them to a new home that night, filled with new noises and smells, but they hardly noticed. They obediently settled into their new territory, after thoroughly marking it, and sat as their predatory minds churned The Scent over and over. Nothing else mattered, Master instructed. Seek The Scent. Find The Scent. Identify The Scent. Bring Master to The Scent. The Scent worried The Master and so it worried them. They feared it, just as Master feared it. They stood guard, sniffing the night breezes, discerning each smell they carried and looking for The Scent.

Master was in the house, mounting His bitch. He could hear her high-pitched mating calls through an open window.

The thought of The Scent coming here and hurting Master, or His bitch, made his heckles rise. Bloodlust started coursing through his veins and each of his breaths came out growling. As he looked across their new home, his colleagues looked back at him. Each of them was bigger than him and younger and stronger, but they all followed his lead because Master willed it so. He knew his colleagues felt the same way he did.

He sat down in his guard spot and looked up at the moon. It was nearly full. Instinct, or memory he never even knew he had, compelled him to break Master's oldest orders. He opened his snout and let out a low growl that slowly grew into a loud wail. His colleagues joined him in his oath. They looked up at the moon and swore to find The Scent. They swore to hunt it down and kill it for Master.

As their angry wail rang out, he could hear others nearby responding nervously to the ferocity and bloodlust in their oath. They professed their submission with subdued voices. He ignored them. Only The Scent mattered.


Jack rolled off Mia, gasping for breath. He had gotten into the habit of letting her ride him, since she seemed to draw energy from sex, rather than get drained by it, like he did. Tonight, however, he had fucked her, pounding her into the mattress with strong thrusts of his hips. He wanted to baptize their new bed with their combined juices. He intended to anoint every room of their new residence in the same way. Mia was definitely happy with the idea. She had gone to a gynecologist and gotten on the pill earlier that day, so they would be free to keep going bareback and not worry about getting her pregnant. He had read somewhere that the pill did stuff to women's sex drives, but that didn't matter at all. Her arousal wasn't ruled by her hormones anymore.

He looked out the window. Had the dogs howled while he fucked her? He had been so focused on her succulent lips and the silken vice of her pussy that all he could hear had been her moans of ecstasy. She pressed her hot body, damp with fresh sweat, against his and all thoughts of the dogs left him. He put his arm around her shoulders and sighed. Her hand moved slowly over his torso, tickling his skin as it snaked ever closer to his groin.

"Not now," he said. Her hand stilled for a moment and then glided up to hug his opposite shoulder. She put her head into the crook of his near shoulder and squirmed a little as she draped a leg over his and settled in. Being naked within his eyesight, or in his arms, she'd still feel the religious guilt she had been raised with and her arousal would spark from it. However, his no would stop her from making love to him, so she would settle for just cuddling. He didn't mind that in the least. Her firm breasts were pressed into his chest and her smooth thigh was inches away from his wet, limp dick. He could feel her hot wetness against the side of his hip.

He wanted to fuck her again. He just needed to get his breath back.

He had spent the day at the mental health facility Shauna Patrick had been in. He had taken his dogs there and managed to identify the scent of the evil mentalist that had turned her into the new cloaked figure. It had been a long, tense day, whittling away the multitude of scents that were present around the clinic until they had the right one.

Mia, on the other hand, went to the gynecologist and then spent the rest of her day moving them into this new house. They both came lightly packed and the furniture was already here, so she hadn't had all that much to do.Which is why she's purring next to me, while I'm still gasping for breath.

He thought back to his visit to the clinic. Not knowing who the puppet master mentalist was, Jack had to make a hole in his cloak and try to read the mind of every single person whose smell his dogs could pick up. He only checked to see if their minds were cloaked, or open to manipulation, just to rule them out. That had taken a considerably smaller effort than actually reading anyone's mind, but repeating it a hundred times had pretty much left him drained. After he eliminated most of the staff, Chrissie helped him find the recent visitors and he eliminated those, too.

He had half hoped the puppet master had signed in as a visitor, or left some kind of clue to be tracked by, but he had no such luck. The puppet master had simply used his power to gain entry and had the security personnel erase the relevant twenty minutes of the surveillance tapes after he left. All Jack knew was that the mentalist was a man because his dogs identified his gender by smell.

He yawned. As much as he wanted to fuck Mia again, he definitely needed some sleep.

"Bored of me already?" she teased and smacked his chest.

He barked a soft laugh and the pulled her face up towards his. "Never," he said and pulled her into a soft kiss. They both smiled when they broke the kiss. His gaze caressed her blue eyes before lingering over her soft features, framed by dark hair. He sighed in contentment.It doesn't get better than this.

His phone rang, interrupting his reverie. "Yeah?"

"Jack, it's Drew."

"Oh, hey, Drew."

"I just wanted to let you know what happened with Patrick."

The tone of Drew's voice made Jack's guts tie themselves in knots. This could not be good. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the NYPD picked her up at her hotel-"


"-and she escaped from their custody. Vanished into thin air."

"Goddamn it, Drew! I asked you to just find her and not let her know she was found! I never asked you to get her arrested!" He had kept up the ruse of investigating a gang that was training man-hunter dogs. He had told Drew that Shauna was a potentially crucial witness in the case and asked him to discreetly locate her.

"Now, you watch your tone with me, young man. I'm the one that's doing you the favor, here. They didn't go there to arrest her, but to take her into custody as a material witness. They were going to hold her until-"

The whooshing drumbeat in Jack's ears drowned out the rest of Drew's explanation. Jack's fists tightened.I could just punch his stupid, donut-munching lights out for this. The cops had known where Shauna was and, instead of telling him so he could stop her, they went and blew this incredible chance. Shauna had apparently checked into a hotel under her own name, thinking she was safe from pursuit. That told him neither the puppet master nor she had been watching the clinic. It also suggested they had no idea Jack was searching for them, which he found encouraging.Well, they know now. He grinned ruefully. He just knew that Patrick would never again be so sloppy. He drew a deliberate, deep breath and forced himself to rebuild his calm.

The drumbeat ceased in his ears and he heard Drew say, "Didn't your parents teach you any manners?"

"Yeah, they did. What you did was the height of incompetence. You scared my witness away. So..." He bit back a few choice curses. He simply couldn't make Drew understand how much had been at stake and how many lives had been left in harm's way by his actions. He replaced the word fuck with thank and sarcastically said, "Thank you, Drew. Thank you for all your help."

"Now, look here, Jack! I'm the law enforcement professional here and I won't be-"

Jack hung up. He tossed his phone aside and wiped his face with his hands. If Shauna had not been tipped off like that, he could have tracked her for a while and figured out how she communicated with the puppet master. He could have gotten some answers, figured out how to heal the still living mentalists and ended her rampage before it even started in earnest. He sighed with annoyance. "What an idiot."

"What happened?"

He looked at Mia and her nervous expression. "Oh, Drew was just being a dumbass cop." He leaned over and kissed her brow, smoothing away her worry. "Sent the woman running."

"The Patrick girl?" Jack nodded. He had explained the real situation with evil mentalists to her last night. He could see she was scared by it. She hugged him closer. "I don't want to lose you to them."

Jack hugged her back. "You won't. I promise." He thought the situation through. Patrick now knew the cops were searching for her and she would trace it back to Drew, if she hadn't already. That meant that she would come back here and read Drew's mind to see why he sent the New York cops to find her. "I have to go." He slid out from under her and got up.

"Where are you going?"

He collected his clothes from the floor and began to put them back on. "Drew's station. I have to erase our identities from his mind. Well, from the point where we helped him and his sister take down the bikers and the evil sheriff. Make him and Chrissie think it had been someone else."


"Because Shauna could be here at any moment to see why Drew sent cops to find her."

Mia's eyes went wide. "He did that?" Jack nodded. "But, why? You told him to-"

"What's done is done." He sighed. "I have to focus on what we can do to fix things. This might turn out to be a blessing in disguise. I know where she will most likely go next. I'm going to put the dogs on Drew and wait for them to pick up her scent." Mia's smooth brow wrinkled. "Don't worry! I won't let her hurt me." Just as it had been with Jacobs, killing Patrick was a viable option. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, but if he had to, he would. Just because she had been innocent once, that doesn't mean he'd pull any punches. A deadly monster is a deadly monster, no matter their provenance.

He ran a finger down Mia's smooth chin. "I'll leave Spot here to guard you. If he gives the SOS bark, just ring me and I'll come running."

Mia gasped with fright. "You think she'd come here?"

"She has absolutely no reason to, but I'm not taking any chances when it comes to you." He flashed her an easy smile. "You're far too precious to me." He left the bedroom.

Mia lay on the bed for a few moments more and then jumped up. "Wait! I'm coming with you!"

Their first stop was Chrissie's place in Springfield. He crept up to her window and saw what she was watching on TV. It provided him with a gateway into her mind and he made her believe that the guy that informed on the gang and helped them end it was a former gang member that wanted to get out and go straight. Instead of Mia, it was the guy's new fiancé that impersonated Rachel Ransfeld. Jack also made Chrissie forget helping him track down visitors to the mental health hospital, making her believe she had spent the afternoon playing with her Chihuahuas.

The drive to Drew's office was a quick one, since the county roads were empty at night. Drew was in his office, burning the midnight oil. Jack made Drew believe the same thing about who had helped him with taking down the biker gang and erased all memories of asking him for any help afterwards. Instead, he put a single message into Drew's memory. It was, "Your mind has been fundamentally changed by the same evil man that ordered it broken in the first place. You do not truly wish to hunt and hurt innocents and make them suffer as you yourself had. Drop your shield and I can show you the truth."

He hoped it would connect to something inside of the woman. Jacobs had slaughtered hundreds, if not thousands, of mentalists and he had found the strength to stop it, in the end. Perhaps there was a spark of resistance in her mind, too. Perhaps he could kindle it. He suspected it wouldn't work, but it didn't hurt to try. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. It actually did hurt to use his power.

He had overworked himself checking the minds of everyone coming and going from the mental health clinic that morning. It had left him almost as exhausted as he had been when Mia's former thugs had kidnapped him. A brief afternoon nap had revived him, but now he was wiped again. His daily meditations had granted him the endurance to keep his mind cloaked the whole day long, but that took far less energy than invading and changing another's mind. Still, he had noted even the mind reading and manipulation aspects of his power had grown a little.

He sent the dogs to discreetly patrol the perimeter of the Sheriff's office in shifts and sniff the air for any signs of Shauna, or the puppet master. "I'm gonna take a nap," he said to Mia and relaxed in his seat. "Wake me if the dogs come running."

"Will do," she softly said as she stared at the darkness around them in apprehension.

Something startled him awake and he sat up in his seat to squint at the world outside the car. The sun was already up and he blinked repeatedly until his eyes adjusted to the light. After a few seconds, the noise that woke him was reproduced when another car passed his. He relaxed in his seat and looked over at Mia. She wasn't in her seat. Before he could get scared, he noticed her curled up on the back seat. He looked at her. Her dark hair was messy and covered half her face. A line of dried drool ran from her mouth over her cheek. Even in such a disheveled state, she could pass for Megan Fox, easily. He watched her chest rise and fall with each slow breath she took. Watching her tit rise and fall made him think of how good they felt filling up his hands.

He frowned as he awoke fully and remembered what had brought them there. He raised his cloak, checked in with his dogs, and learned that they had kept their vigil all night long. Neither Shauna Patrick, nor the puppet master had come round to investigate Drew. He got out of the car and stretched. After that, he did his best to put his mop of brown hair into a semblance of order.

He kept a close eye on Drew that hot, humid day. The car's air-conditioning was able to keep Mia and him from cooking alive in their seats, but it still wasn't a very comfortable stakeout. The dogs panted and slobbered as they crawled along their patrol routes. Jack had them take frequent water breaks. When Drew went home in the afternoon, Jack followed and deployed his dogs around the man's house. He dropped a very bored and sweaty Mia off at the bus stop so she could go home and get started with some of the redecorating she wanted to do. He drove back to Drew's place, parked down the street from it, and resumed his stakeout.

He woke up at one point during the night. He couldn't sleep in the car anymore. It was just too uncomfortable. It was obvious to him that Patrick wasn't coming there that night, but he didn't want to drive all the way home and risk missing her if she came there in the morning, before Drew went back to work. He reached into his glove box and took out a small bag of pot cookies he had taken with him the night before. He ate them and then got out of the car to do a series of stretches. After he limbered up and worked out the kinks in his back, he got back into the car and started his meditative exercises.