A Mage's Tale Ch. 11


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"YEAH!" from the chorus of harem.

"Til then, missy uptight. Lets go." I say stepping up into the couch closing the door behind me.

"You have been getting more and more pissy with her." Nix says.

"I told her when the stuff started, where to look to fix it, catch the culprit before resorting to magic detection spells and group of bickering priests with a scrying pool. Did she listen?"

"She gets under your skin, cause she has wanted the sex but called it off right when she should just surrender and ride the orgasm rainbow. Now give me that pudding." Clue says pulling my pants open and going to town on my manhood.

"Whoa, what those boys been showing you?" I ask.

"I been giving her pointers." Cross says with a wink.

"So you and Stacy are going out to the tree?" Nix asks

"She wants to test herself. IS is wow, right Is it a tree or still her nightmare. I think she is wanting to try it. All of you are ok with that."

"She 's one of us, were all good, Master." Blank purrs.

It adds just enough to give up the pudding to Clues hungry mouth. I moan. The girls giggle.

"Better then chocolate." Clue says licking her lips and patting my quivering member.

"So what about the Jack shit?" Blank asks, giggles all around.

"Lord Helzury asked if I would Chamberlain again, for the princess. He assures me he has told the King everything about what we did. I think he left a few key points out."

"Oh, like being naked." Blank says.

"Stripping the girl friend naked with the threat of fucking her daffy." Cross adds.

"Getting his wife and seamstress into pussy licking." Nix adds.

"Yeah that stuff."

"Not the easiest stuff to bring up in conversation. Yeah sir dis guy stripped naked flashed my daughter then stripped her lesbian lover to get my daughter to fess up what she wants in a guy, oh and as a bonus he got me wife licking the seamstress's pussy and I get to watch." Oasis mocks.

We start laughing so hard I have to get Stacy to stop before I piss all over the new couch. Stepping to a friendly bush I relieve myself. This festival is going to be crazy, the diplomatic side out at the island then adding this Chamberlain thing. I just want to not think, fuck a lot, then lay down for a nap. A week should cover it.

The rest of the trip goes smoothly. Getting to the island Tempis skip hops to the wagon hugging Nix and giving me a kiss. Caldoria is waiting in the cove with a kiss and hug for me and Nix. Not the safest thing for Nix but with the emergence she can swim in salt water in her elvish form.

Getting everything unpacked is a lot easier and not having to pack it all to take it back makes it much more enjoyable. Once we are all settled the ladies all strip and head to the cove for a swim except Stacy. She stands at the island end of the bridge.

"We can do this next time." I say gently walking up behind her.

"I need to do this. The longer I wait, the more I will over think. I.. let's go. Just move forward and find the path when we get to it." she says starting across the bridge.

"Well as long as you're sure." I say as i pick up my pace to catch her.

We cross into the woods and walk. We pass the tree she and the others were strung up to three times. She is mumbling about her never forgetting, yet is doing so looking right at the damn thing. I stay quiet, let her work through it for herself. She walks over and put her arms around me.

"One evening perhaps we can spend time together?" she asks.

"I think we will be able to do that. You want to join the others for some swimming?" I ask in return.

"Do you ever think about what we think of you?"

"I try not to, I have more then enough going on in here with how I feel about all of you." I answer.

"Do you care about us all the same way?" she says

"No, but I don't care about any of you more then any other either. Figure that one out." I say

"I hear how they talk about you and get a funny feeling that I am like them." she says

"Yeah well Cross thinks you should just stick to female lovers. I think she is impressed with your skill at getting her off." I say

"She must be confusing me with Clue or something, I won't go down on her." she says over her shoulder.

Left standing on the bridge alone, I watch her walk away. Looking along the cliff I envision more changes and improvements that could be made. I brush them from my mind, being in the Vale and dealing with all Val's school-town logistical nightmares has tainted my outlook. The laughter of beauty at play down in the cove has all but bleached the color completely from my outlook, leaving only the hues of happy afterglow.

I return to the main floor taking a seat at the desk. I pulll the talkie statue and set it in front of me. The Goddess said I was her agent, not follower. I have still opted to have a shrine put up to her along with one to Artimus. King Fredderich D'Loerian Ulmagoust, Jack, and his wife Caterina Veness have one child And the Lord had to go blabbing about what I did with his daughter. I look out and a wistful thought of living the rest of my days with Caldoria seem so inviting.

"Nameless, so good of you to talk with me?" a woman's voice comes from the statue.

"I got your note Cathy, what questions did you have for me?" I ask politely.

"The kind I can't ask in front of my husband. Let me explain." she says.

"Please enlighten me." I reply leaning back in the chair as I shake my head.

"No need for sarcasm. Adellia doesn't seem to like sex of any kind. She has had lovers and playmates in her training. As well as a few brief trists with appropriate company. Many of them remark that she looses interest of them cause they don't 'do it for her'. You are experienced and traveled. I want my daughter to be happy and not getting any pleasure from sex. How could someone have a full life if they can't feel the rapture of a lover's affections?"

I grab the statue, "You can't be serious. Cause if your asking what I think you are, I decline."

"You can't help her? Show her how to like sex?" Cathy asks with raw honesty in her voice.

"Is this how you approached sex with her in the beginning? Just part of the training? I'll need to think about this. Honestly it sounds like that is her problem. What does the king think about this?"

"I try not to," he says, "The training thing has never set well with me. Giving men and women to my daughter to 'practice on' was ludicrous. She should have been left to find it on her own like normal curious teens."

"I would agree, Majesty. But what's done is done and bedding with me will hardly undo that."

"I would think not. No man is so gifted." he proclaims.

"Think what you will. Your arrival is still tomorrow just past high sun?'

"The plans are still set for that, is there a problem?"

"No, but a front is off the coast and it will make land here late afternoon, early evening tomorrow."

"We'll make every effort to stay on schedule. Until then, Nameless." He says and the eyes of the statues close.

I drop it back in the desk drawer. Cupping my face with my hangs I yell into them. Falling back in the chair as I drop my hands Tempis tilts her head as she watches from the other side of the desk. She gives me her 'mischief' smile and bounces her boobs at me. I have learned she has many smiles and each is important if you hope to stay on her good side.

"Your wanting, is it me?" I ask.

"I want to play with the princess, she like it, I know she will." she replies.

"You will have to ask her, I can't give her to you." I say trying not to grin.

"Oh," she say, her wings droop slightly, "She's not gonna get trained by you, like Oasis?"

"What a perverse thought, it would work more then likely. I can't see the kind and queen sign her over in a contract thou. She's royalty."

"Your royally with Caldoria, her Consort. Make the princess 'special' envoy of treats negotiating. She can then be in charge of making a treat of herself in my nest." she says petting her nipples.

"I..that is the most erotic devious plan ever, I like it. If the King and Queen go along with it, you can woo the princess in your nest. No giving scars or marking her."

"I know, Master, special plaything." she says bouncing off with a smile.

At lest that was her 'I'm gonna sex smile'. I head for the cove where the rest of my harem are playing in the water with my Queen. Still feels weird to say. They all call out for me to jump in with them, I wave them off by calling Caldoria over. I tell her about the Royal families arrival tomorrow and the Queen request. Caldoria nods, then I add what Tempis suggested and she gets the fuck me evil grin.

After a meal and talking over how things are going to proceed tomorrow. I bed all the ladies down, kiss and whisper to some, lick and fondle others. I look over and Nix nods. She cuddles in with Tempis but says nothing of where I am going or to whom I plan to speak. I told Nix about meeting the Elven Sea Goddess. It took her by surprise but after listening to what happened, she agreed to be my second opinion as to when or if to call the Goddess.

Rumors have come to the Vale about things that smack of a rise in evil. The King even asked about lizard men last week. It doesn't seem random, more like chess in the flow of events. Nix agreed we need more information. Even if we know what could happen, how things got to that point were a mystery. So I don a ring of water walking and pick out a bottle of Elven wine before headed up the coast. I walk there watching the waters slowly grow still. Caldoris and I enjoyed this rock I step upon during my last visit. It's smooth surface dipping below only the highest of tides. But for now the tide is low, and the water still.

Facing the sea I remember the look of the Goddess, her features and stature. I call to mind the sound of her voice and the overwhelming feel of her presence. Stepping closer towards the water I hold out the bottle to the horizon and say "Aqua". My voice echo's off the cliff behind me. A ripple dances along the surface of the water but disturbs it not.

"If I only had a follower who could call me like that. You got my attention and my nipples hard." she says from behind me. "I'd be a very amorous Goddess."

"I should apologize?" I ask sceptically and offer her the bottle.

"No not necessary. So you need to talk to me. What would bring this on?"

"I told Nix about our meeting. She and I both think there is someone actively working on bringing the dark power forth. Too many unnatural things taking place in a short time." I say.

"And you want to ask me if this so?" she ask dryly.

"No, I am your agent, asking you for answers is meaningless. I need help. Other agents to share information with, discuss possibilities, suggest other points of view."

"You want to find them for yourself. If only I could. I have no other agents any more. One I abandoned for his foolishness, the other passed on to the next life."

"Was this agent who passed on, killed?" I ask.

"No clumsy, she got in a hurry with some gathering task, lost her footing a tumbled from a steep embankment. She died quick, she didn't suffer."

I shiver at the candor, "Then I am open to suggestions. I can't run off on some search when I have the Royal families meeting tomorrow. King Ulmagoust and Queen Caldoria are formally exchanging bonds of allegiance tomorrow. If there is someone behind the recent surge in unnatural events, I'd want to at least find out if this is know to others that would try to stop it."

"Your wound a little tight, you getting enough sex?" she asks giving me a questioning gaze.

"Not the point. To many things in my lap, I'm feeling overwhelmed."

"Would a seer help?" she inquires.

"Yes,but not some ninny with a scry pool or crystal ball. They need to know what to look for. Hell if I knew that I wouldn't need them."

"Resentful much? You don't like diviner's?"

"I would have less of a problem with them if they were more intelligent with the use of they skill."

"How so?"

"They see rich peoples problems but not the death of a ranger who could have given warning to a town of hundreds that goblins were going to attack. Or see the vile deeds of a person sitting next to them for many meals cause 'no one asked the right question, I didn't know.'" I say snidely.

She laughs, "I think that way half the time to, those useless fucks. I hate having to use them to make a call sometimes."

"So then who is this seer you are suggesting?"

"Her insight and vision is powerful, and deadly. Literally, she's a Gorgon."

"Wait, Medusa, turn you to stone Gorgon?"

"Yes that kind, she can see the fabric of time, see the current of fate and chance."

"Make me a permanent lawn decoration." I choke.

"She wants to be free, you want her help, and with the skill you have she might beg to serve you just to get some more of your hot lovin'. Thanks for the wine, we'll have to do this again sometime."

Standing there I feel just as lost as when I got here.

"Ryktis? Why are you out here?" Talantia asks from the water.

"Seeking guidance from the Goddess." I answer.

"Was there an answer?"

"Free the Gorgon and she will aid you, P.S. She's gonna want sex."

"If my daughter wasn't so amorous of you, I'd seek pleasure with you. She is alright with your having of other women, but to share with her mother, that she would be less willing of."

"Thank you for the restraint and compliment, my lady."

"The Goddess said to seek out a Gorgon. I know of one, but getting there may be deadlier then standing in front of her. The island where she resides is in the black water sea. The sea squids spawn waters. Not even the sea devils venture close to those waters for fear of being eaten."

"The captain of the ship I was thrown off of plotted a wide course around those, saying he never heard of a ship making it across them ever."

"There must be a way if the Goddess told you these things. Have you spoken to my daughter of the Goddess?"

"No, only Nix. You know, how do you know?"

"She spoke to me after talking to you on the cliff. And if Nix knows perhaps she would know a way that we don't. The Goddess doesn't tell you something that would hinder your task."

"That would follow what I know of her, the Goddess that is. I'm not a follower of her faith."

"Since you are well, I will leave you to your thoughts."

"Thank you for your council, I see why you were a fine Queen."

A wry smile from her is all I get before she drops below the surface. I start back to the island debating over whether to talk to Nix now or wait until morning. My musings die seeing Cross standing at the waters edge watching me. She steps closer then jumps back her horns coming out.

"You have been in the company of a God. I can smell it." she says in every increasing volume.

"Yes now hold you tongue." I say forcefully.

"Why? What God would you follow? Some deity of sex?"

"Like Clittia of the drippy Vaginal Love Temple? Get a grip. And keep your voice down"

"Smart ass. Who was it then?"

"Deiquir Antaya Aquilinis, Elven Goddess of the Far Oceans."

"Why?" she asks again.

"He is her agent." Nix answers as she approaches. "I felt you." she says to me poking me in the shoulder.

"Agent? What does that mean?"

We calm Cross down and tell her what she needs to know. I then relate what Aqua said to me. Nix knows a why to get to the island but it would take a week on more even if we set out that minute. Cross shifts from side to side, she doesn't like the thought of a Gorgon being anywhere near me. Bad enough she has to share me with some of the other girls.

"How far from the coast is this island?" Cross asks.

"By the map I saw back on the merchant ship, about three miles. Why?" I ask.

"You could fly there." Cross says, "Valkyrie has a cloak of flying. It only works for about twenty miles in a day. If the island is only three away, a round trip out and back shouldn't be a problem."

"The issue there would be covering the fifty mile to the far coast from here." Nix says.

"That's a fair bit more than twenty." Cross says.

"Regardless of that, how do I deal with a Gorgon. I can't look at her. And blindfolding myself to take one for the team is not my idea of a good relationship. Think about it, are either of you going to trust a blindfolded guy who just happened to make it to your island."

"We're on the island.'Tempis says rubbing her eyes.

"The one with the Gorgon." Cross say without thinking.

"Yeah she's pretty but to far away to cuddle, Nix come back to the nest it's still night time." Tempis says sleepily tugging Nix towards her nest.

"If I cuddle with you too, will you tell me about her in the morning?" I ask.

"Sure," taking my arm and pulling as well, "Jus remind me, now lets get snuggled."

Lead to the nest by a sleepy Tempis, Nix and I share a giggle and smirk. We get pushed into the nest and tugged around and cuddled on. Tempis is back to sleep in little time at all. Nix nuzzles my neck and massages my manhood making it hard and hard to sleep. She lets go and Cross leans in to suck it deep and fast. Sucking me to orgasm while trapped under two other sleeping women. She licks her lips and gives a wave. Finding sleep isn't to difficult after that.

Wakened to the feel of tongues on my morning wood brings my eyes open with a sigh. Nix and Tempis wiggle their ass towards me face filling the air with their musky scents. Each one licking at my bouncing cock like a kitten playing with a toy. Seeing me watching each takes a turn holding it still and sucking the head hard for a moment. I lick my fingers and push two into each of their wet snatches.

They wiggle and hump my fingers as they start making out with my cock, stroking it in rhythm of my plunging fingers. In shorter time then I would have thought I am spraying seed onto the panting tongues. Tempis brushes the tips on her feathers over my balls tickling a second surge of seed out of my throbbing shaft. I grunt and buck my ass as the wave of increased pleasure rampages my senses.

Licked clean they giggle and leave the nest to give me time to catch my breath. I get grins from Blank and Oasis as they go out to set up extra space for the Kings couch. Stacy curious glances into the nest focus mostly on my quivering love club. Why eludes me as I spend most of my day naked.

"Looks like the keeping you from over thinking plan is working." Cross says. "Someone's going to ask you a million questions so she can get a turn. Just a warning."

"Thanks. I was going to make some comment about you butting into her nest like that, but I let it go."

"So you want me to borrow that cloak?" Cross asks.

"Are you going to ask first or follow the what she don't know won't hurt her philosophy?"

"With this, you tell me. If I ask,what do I tell her?"

"That it would help me out and be something to make me think about taking her teaching job, you're trying to help her out. No contract but still sisters of mischief."

"You are evil, I like it. So I can take a horse?" she asks.

"Yes, go to it, remember to mind the time, King Ulmagoust will be here before you get back, plus the weather."

"I'll be sure to keep it in mind." Cross says before heading towards the stairs.

After a rest I climb out of the nest and wobble my way over to snitch a few wild berries from a basket near the cook top. Clue slides past me slapping my ass. Followed quickly by the tickling of Tempis with her wing feathers. The girls giggle at how loudly I yiped.

The running debate on who had to put clothing back on while the king was here made for a very rambunctious morning. Caldoria started asking if she should be wearing clothing. In the end all persons that would wear clothing as a rule dressed. Tempis wanted to know if we were going to strip the king before we threw him in the cove to the queen.