A Medallion and a Sister


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"Hi there, I'm going to be your manager, confidant and best friend whilst your here." A short thin man had breezed into the room where we were sitting a big smile on his face as he pulled my hand into a weak handshake, "so you're Alan's kids, I see you get your looks from your Mum! Alan is an unfortunate looking fellow, haha!" He gave a high pitched laugh that continued for far longer than either sibling thought was normal.

We both chuckled dutifully than gave our names when he finally calmed himself down.

"Estelle. That's such a pretty name, I'll get some name badges sorted for you. Though they will be mostly for me, I've got a terrible memory!" He giggled again causing Estelle to give me a bewildered look.

"Goodness me, I forgot to introduce myself in all the excitement. My name is Harry Price."

We shook hands again then he marched off leaving the two of us looking perplexed at each other before following him.

"Yes I have a degree in history and I did a module in creative writing, I don't remember telling my Dad I was any good at it though!"

We were now in his office and I had just answered his question about my degree.

"My dear boy, your Dad was very proud of you both, couldn't stop him talking once he had a cocktail in him. He read one of your essays and he was mightily impressed, he even gave it me to read and I've got to say it was well done."

"Um well thanks," I responded surprising myself by blushing.

"Which means I have got the perfect job for you! We're updating all of our collections to the world wide web and I want you to drag us kicking and screaming into the twenty first century!" He smiled at me over his glasses and I smiled back delighted, I was fully expecting to be a cleaner seeing as my Dad had declined to tell me what the job entailed this was a marked improvement.

"Now for you Miss, as you don't have the education of your brother I'm going to ask you to be an organiser. So you'll be bringing the collections that your brother will be cataloguing then taking them back with a bit of cleaning in between." He pushed forward a list of items to Estelle before turning back, "Mary on reception will show you were your office is going to be and welcome to the family!"

As we left the managers office I waited for the eruption of my sister and sure enough as soon as we were out of earshot she exploded. "The fucking cheek of that dickhead! I've come all the way to London just to be a fucking cleaner!"

I was very tempted to remind her that she was technically my assistant too but teasing her in this mood definitely wouldn't have been worth it. So my sensible side won out and I tried to reason with her. "Hey it's a job isn't it? And I'll be there to help you too... tell you what just wait for the first paycheque! That'll put a smile on your face."

I was saved from getting a reply by Mary who had popped up from one of the side passages looking a lot more welcoming now we had been officially accepted.

"We're a small museum here and there is not many staff either so we all try to get along. The kitchen is here and we all put in £5 a month for tea and biscuits. You won't be bothered in this office unless you leave your dirty mugs in the sink then you'll face my wrath!" Mary attempted a smile with the last word but that just made the threat more sinister.

The tour continued with a quick look in the three large exhibition rooms before back to the staff quarters where I was directed to my office and left along whilst Mary took my sister to the storage rooms. I looked at the small room that would be my office. On either wall there was three shelves crammed full of papers and in the middle of the room was a table for the computer. Walking around to the chair I dumped my bag on the floor and turned on the computer to see what type of relic I was going to have to deal with.

The job was tedious, I was basically copying hand written notes onto an webpage and taking pictures of each item but the time did pass quickly especially when Estelle came in. It only took an hour before she had shed her jumper and unbuttoned her blouse at the top and bottom to cool down from the stuffy storage rooms yet sweat was started to form. I too was getting warmer but that was more due to her appearance.

She grumped at the end of the day but after I treated her to a pizza and cider she decided that the job wasn't so bad especially when she realised she didn't have to be so quick bringing up papers for me to write up.

We soon moved into a daily routine, Estelle wore smart clothes to work then as soon as she was in the store rooms she changed into slacks and continued to work. When our first paycheque arrived she stopped moaning though that was also in part due to the fact she took another job as a barmaid where she lasted a full two nights before she quit.

Now two months into the job and our parents were in the middle of there cruise and Estelle came into my office and announced this was the last box from storage. Usually most boxes were marked with a date and country however this one was just marked with a question mark.

I pulled out the top three packages and unravelled the first one onto my desk getting ready to read it before typing it up and taking pictures. Meanwhile Estelle had pulled out one of the items, it wasn't unusual for her to pick out some of the artefacts and help me take pictures so I took no notice and continued to work.

"What do you think?" She asked, I looked up from my desk and saw she was wearing a necklace with a medallion, the size of a twenty pence piece, hanging in the middle. In the middle of the gold medallion was a green stone.

She was wearing a plain white shirt she still kept from her school days and it was obvious her chest had grown since then as it was now skin tight to her beautiful body. I loved when she tried artefacts on as it gave me the perfect opportunity to look at her and not seem too inappropriate.

Lifting myself from my desk I shuffled around to where she was standing then crouched so I was eye level with her big tits and stared. Now obviously I wasn't looking at the necklace but to give the pretence of admiring it I lifted it in my hand towards my face.

"Mmmm, well Miss it looks genuine." Taking a risk I decided to let my hand drop to her chest until I felt her soft breast. "The craftwork is basic but it feels divine... I'll give you three pounds for it." I said pretending to sound knowledgeable, we had done this play acting hundreds of times and usually Estelle came up with a sob story which I then had to top except this time it went wrong.

My sister pulled away in mock horror, the necklace and medallion was still hanging around her neck but the dark green stone that had been in the centre of the medallion was lying in my hand. Immediately we, or more accurately I, panicked. Grabbing the medallion from her neck I tried to push the stone back in but it wasn't staying.

"Fuck, fuck fuck..." I kept on muttering but no matter how hard I pushed it; the stone didn't want to stick. Throughout all of this my sister had a look of distain as she lifted the necklace off her and dropped it in my hands.

"This is just what I fucking need!" I swore as I could feel my heart hammering and the sweat running down my forehead. "It's not going in at all, I think we're going to have to take it and buy some superglue before anyone notices it gone."

"Who the fuck cares!" My sister snapped shocking me from my thoughts. "I've been wearing the jewellery from the Orient collection for weeks now and no-one has even noticed!" With that she curled her hair behind her ear and showed me her earrings that looked incredibly familiar seeing as I had catalogued them last week.

"What the actual fuck Estelle? You know you can go to prison for that type of shit! Take those earrings off right now and hide this medallion underneath your clothes so I can try and fix it when we get home." I shouted. I knew she had a rebellious streak often bunking school, drinking the parent's alcohol and letting off stink bombs at work but this was another level.

An hour later and I was still panicking when we finally left. I had spent the time researching the best glue for metals and we headed to a hardware store before picking up some food on our way home.

"Fuck this piece of shit!" My anguished yell echoed around the flat and all I got in response was a laugh from my sister. I had tested the glue on some test metal and it had worked. But it was now the fourth attempt trying to get the gem to stick and it had absolutely no affect.

Staring at the deep green of gem I searched my mind for a solution. As I often do when I was in trouble, I pulled off my signet ring and twirled it in my fingers. There is something comforting about the old ring, it had withstood a world war and the hole where the seal was meant to be had been shot out by a Nazi if the antique store assistant was to be believed.

The hole that the missing seal created was large but it carried a lot of significance and it was a great conversation starter when I tried to chat up ladies. However as I absentmindedly placed the hole over the green gem they instantly fused together. Sighing I got a grip of the small gem and tried to pull it free but it wasn't budging.

I almost wanted to laugh at the misfortune and I was so tempted to throw my ring in frustration but taking a deep breath I calmed myself and tried to wedge my fingernail underneath it when I heard a loud shriek from the bedroom. Running towards the noise I saw Estelle in her pyjamas, her hand clutching the medallion away from her body as the other balanced a tub of ice cream.

"The fucking thing started to burn!" She screamed.

"What are you talking about?"

"What part of its started to burn don't you understand dipshit?!"

Quickly I put ring on my finger and hurried over to my sister and took the medallion in my hand.

"It's cold..." I stated as I dropped it back to her chest. "What were you holding in your hand before?"

"Um..." She held the medallion and looked at the spoon in the ice cream tub, "well I was holding the spoon but I swear it was hot."

"Alright, alright I believe you... Wait a second is that my banana ice cream?" I grabbed the tub from her as she shrugged in response.

"You left it in the freezer, I thought you didn't want it anymore?"

"That was mine! I want you to buy me two tubs immediately."

Now I would be lying if I said I saw a noticeable difference in her but she looked at me with a blank expression before getting up. Picking up her purse, she put on her coat and shoes before opening the front door and leaving.

Both of us love teasing each other, to outsiders it could sound like we were constantly arguing but it is all we've ever known so for Estelle to leave without retorting was worrying and even more so was the fact beneath her coat she was just in her pyjamas.

I paced around the flat, twirling my phone between my hands wondering whether to phone her and apologise. I spent over ten minutes agonising over my decision when the front door was unlocked and Estelle entered.

"Here's your ice cream. Are you satisfied Sir?" She said looking at me.

I laughed in disbelief then mockingly I did a regal wave and said I was indeed satisfied.

My sister smiled then put the two tubs in the freezer and resumed her position on the bed as if nothing had happened.

I didn't quite know what to make of what had happened so I decided to ignore it as I really didn't want to restart the argument especially as it looked like I had won. Instead I took two cans of beer from the fridge and handing one to my sister, I cracked the other open.

The next day was a Saturday and usually I'd be finding a pub to settle down and watch the football but instead I went to a jeweller to see if they could help with the ring.

"No I'm sorry Sir I can't get it out without damaging the ring." The shop assistant said apologetically.

That was the sixth time I had heard those words that morning and I was getting fed up. "When you say damage what exactly do you mean?"

"Well either I melt or freeze the ring, which one depends on whether the gem can withstand extreme heat or cold better. But if I've not seen anything this well stuck, it's like the gold has been melded with the gem. Remarkable really..." Despite his words he had the decency to give me a sympathetic look.

Taking the ring from him I put it back on and left the shop to find Estelle who after deciding to come with me had found herself more interested in a nearby fashion store.

"No luck?" She asked once I had found her by the summer dress collection.

"Nope and I've given up. I'm just going to have to hope no one notices its gone."

"I was going to do that anyway!" Estelle laughed, "Besides I've grown used to medallion and weirdly I feel empty without it around my neck." She said pulling the medallion from underneath her shirt.

"That's not weird at all. I was going to say the same thing with my ring. It felt weird if I didn't have my ring on but now that the it has the gem there if I don't wear it I get an itch that won't stop until its back on."

We were both looking at my ring now before my sister scoffed and went back to browsing. I however couldn't shake the feeling that the gem was starting to have some sort of power over me. I vowed to do some research on the mysterious medallion when I got home to see what I could learn.

Leaving my sister I went to do some shopping for a new phone which was to be an early Christmas present from my parents.

An hour later and I was back in the same fashion store looking for Estelle. I found her heading to the changing rooms with an armful of clothes.

"Hey Estelle, how's the saving going for New York going?" I teased

"Shut up, I'm not going to buy them all you idiot." She scoffed as laid down the clothes for the shop assistant to inspect.

"Sorry Sir you have to sit there and wait for your partner to come out."

"Blergh she's... whoa." I was about to correct the dressing room assistant when I saw her hold up a leather catsuit before laying it down with my sister's collection of clothes.

"You sit there and wait for me...Lover" My sister grinned. She had seen me stare at the catsuit and was trying not to laugh as she took the clothes and strode to the dressing room before pulling the curtain shut.

"I want to see how that looks on you!" I called after her, trying to make it sound more light hearted than pervy but I didn't get any response except a frown from the shop assistant.

As I took a seat all I could think about was that full body catsuit. I had it pictured in my mind and was starting to imagine my sister in it. It was a silky black with a golden zip going from the neck to the crotch. It would look amazing on her, clinging to her sexy body emphasising the curves of her mouth watering figure.

I was desperate to see her in it to the extent that I was trying to think of a reasonable explanation for pulling back the curtain but nothing came to mind.

My sister still hadn't made an appearance after a couple of minutes which was slightly unusual. It wasn't that she trusted my opinion but she did like to see what I thought especially for her more eccentric choices.

As I was about to call out to her the curtain was drawn back and Estelle stepped wearing the catsuit. Immediately I choked, she looked jaw-droppingly gorgeous and it took my breath away.

She didn't look nervous; in fact there was an air of confidence about her and for good reason. She looked stunning. The leather tightly hugged her body emphasising every curve, all she needed was a whip and stilettos and she would be the woman from the wet dream I've had since seeing the Catwoman film.

The assistant was busy chatting to a colleague so it was just me and my sister looking at each other inside the dressing rooms. She walked towards me, giving me a better view of how the leather gripped her body. The zip could only be fastened to just under her tits causing them to be pushed up and out giving her amazing cleavage that I could only dream of touching.

"Are you satisfied?" Estelle asked me.

I didn't know how to respond, part of me was stunned stupid and the other part of me was trying hard not to stand up and rip the leather off her body. The more sensible side of my brain won out and I sat gaping.

Estelle took another step closer and repeated the question, "Are you satisfied? Sir"

"Yes..." I croaked and as soon as the words were out of my mouth she had spun on her heel and walked back to the dressing room whipping the curtain shut.

Needless to say I was bewildered. I had no idea what to think. I had no idea why she would want to show me her gorgeous body encased in the catsuit and thought obviously I was grateful the weird question she kept asking was very odd. It didn't make sense to me. Did I have some sort of control over my sister? Or was it all just a coincidence?

She might have brought me ice cream because I was pissed off and it was common for her to ask for my opinion on her new clothes so I had no real answers to my questions. The other clothes she had left to try on were just work outfits and obviously she looked great in them but after seeing her in a skin tight catsuit my mind kept on wandering back to that incredible image.

We had stayed out to have lunch in one of London's parks before we decided to call it a day and head home. Back in the flat we had a pizza in the oven and beers in our hands as I was busy researching the medallion and gem whilst Estelle was on her Facebook.

The research was proving to be frustrating with a lot of the information vague and often contradictory. The one universal thing that several of the historical websites could agree on was that the medallion was a status piece. The wife was meant to wear the medallion whilst the husband was to have the gem, therefore showing that they were a couple.

It was only seven when we had finished our pizza and beer so we decided to go to the local pub for the happy hour and as usual we stayed out far longer and got a lot more drunk that we anticipated.

"That guy totally wanted to fuck you!" Estelle said bursting out laughing.

"You were the one egging him on, he thought I was gay. It's not funny I can still feel his hand stroking my back!"

My sister burst out laughing, nearly dropping her kebab in the process.

Together we landed on the couch and started to wolf down our food. At one point my sister got up to use the toilet and instead of coming back she headed to the bedroom to change. Feeling the alcohol emboldening me I decided to see whether I did actually have some control over her. Knowing she usually wore a top and trousers to bed I yelled out to her. "You know what? I want you to leave your pyjamas in there. It's too warm for them."

The seconds ticked by and my initial confidence was replaced with fear of what Estelle would say when she came back. Then I heard the door open and feet approach me.

"Are you satisfied, Sir?" She asked. My sister was standing in front of me only wearing a white sports bra and cream knickers, her chest swelled slightly with each breath but other than that she wasn't moving.

I bit my lip to stop a moan escaping, now granted when I thought about it the outfit wasn't the sexiest thing I'd seen her in. I had seen her sunbathing in a flimsier bikini over the summer but at that precise time I was close to erupting in my pants.

"I'm satisfied," I groaned and with that she sat down next to me and finished eating her kebab.

We sat in silence. I didn't quite know what to do next. It seemed like she was following my commands but I didn't put it past her to be an over elaborate prank. I had to tread carefully, if I went and asked her to do something sexual that could ruin our relationship and most likely end with me being ostracised from the family.