A New Life for Debbie Ch. 01

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Home invasion.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 02/26/2009
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From an idea proposed by Dee and modified to protect the innocents. May Dee contact me again for new developments

Chapter 1 Home invasion

The door bell rang and Debbie went to open the front door of Debbie's home. It was, as expected, her eldest daughter Janet. She was a teacher in grammar school in Guilford. She had just accompanied her husband Mark at the airport. He was leaving for four weeks on a business trip to California. His wife didn't want to remain in their isolated home on the outskirts of Guilford alone until the beginning of the new school year. It had been a fateful decision but she didn't know it at the time.

Debbie was 44, medium height for a woman, with a rather luscious hourglass body : 44DD 34 40. Despite her age, she still attracted the attention when walking in the street. Her husband Tony was usually somewhat annoyed by the lewd eyes that followed her everywhere. After so many years of marriage, his interest toward his wife was slowly fading down. He had also left for business to Florida. Debbie was thus in charge of her whole family including the younger twins Joan and Samantha, 22 at that time who were both students living at home.

Debbie's daughters were copies of their mother with buxom breasts, shoulder length light brown hair. Just Joan and Samantha wore theirs a bit shorter than their eldest sister and their mother.

Tony hadn't completed the house supplies before his departure. So, in less than a week, they had to go to the local upermarket to buy the groceries they needed. Four girls with no males with them couldn't repress their urgent need for shopping in the nearby commercial mall.

The weather was very hot, even for a summer afternoon. There would be probably storms during the evening. The girls had put on miniskirts and tee shirts, loose ones for the twins who were just beginning to be interested by their appearance. Janet, since her marriage with Tony had taken the habit of wearing sexier body hugging clothes like her mother. Many male eyes (and a few interested female ones) followed them when they visited the stores. Debbie and Janet had put on three inches heels pumps. With their hour glass figures, the heels made their hips sway in the most alluring way.

As they were about to leave the commercial mall, the group of girls crossed the way of four shady looking men, two white and two black, one of them was as large as a barrel : he could have been a Canadian logger, apart for his skin that was as dark as hell. Any of these men could make any woman in the mall drool with lust. They were really big, wide chested, with bulging muscles everywhere. Even Debbie felt her heart beat race up when the four men ogled her, clearly assessing her body and undressing her in their minds. Joan showed the black logger to her sister with a laugh.

- Look, it's Hulk. Just he isn't green but black!

The man had heard the comment. He loved terrorizing girls, especially one of these yummie ones. When he passed near them, he grabbed Joan's hand and drew her to him. She yelled in surprise and in fear as he jumped on the opportunity of letting one of his hands feel her bottom and her gorgeous proud breasts. . .

- Let me free, you bastard, or I call for the bobbies! Help!!!

- You can call, they have just left : I heard that there was an alarm at the Barclays bank on the opposite side of the town. They'll be back in one or two hours, I think. We have plenty of time, for some fun together, white trash!

His wandering hand cupped her chin to immobilize her. He bent to kiss her lips. Janet, always the teacher in authority, intervened to help her sister. Nobody else even tried to step forward to help the four women.

She had boasted of her self defense courses she attended in her school. The management had organized them following an attack in a classroom where the female teacher had been raped in front of her pupils by three hooded men who had taken her, one after the other quite quietly before leaving the school without being stopped. The police hadn't been able to retrieve the culprits although they had known the name of their victim. They were probably brothers or parents of one of the pupils but there were more than one thousand of them and the raped woman had been in post for ten years. They could even have been former students of her!

Janet moved forward to help her sister and in an almost perfect movement lunged at the offender. She touched him in the balls or at least near it as he had diverted the stroke sideways with his hand at the last moment. He must have practiced Judo, too! He accompanied her movement and fell to the floor. He immediately jumped up and started to inch toward the girls, with a murderous look in his eyes. Janet moved back hastily, unsure of what to do. At least, the bastard had left her sister free!

The second black man grabbed the shoulder of his friend and stopped him.

- Quiet, brother! There are too many witnesses hereby! We'll see them again, Tyrone. I promise it to you!

Abbie was smiling broadly. He had just found what he had been looking for, the reason why they had payed a visit to this mall : Their next shipment! He snapped his fingers to attract the attention of his whole gang. He prodded his forefinger toward one of the white men in his group.

- Al, follow these cunts! I want to know where they are living.

Debbie and her daughters had been so much frightened that they put an end to their shopping spree and hurried back to the parking area. Janet turned several times to watch whether they were followed but Al was more experienced than that. He had left his flashy jacket to Justin, the other white member of Abbie's gang. His instructors had been right : wear something flashy and the witnesses will just remember it and not your face. Discard it and you become again some innocent man in the crowd. It had helped him many times! The group of girls was making his job a pleasure. They went straight to their car less than one hundred feet from his own bike. He phoned to Abbie to tell him they were leaving.

Al was really lucky : there was not too much traffic, just enough to allow him to let a car between him and the girls' car. They would never discover they were followed. They drove more than ten miles until Debbie's car turned into a street with widely separated houses. Al thought that Abbie would really be pleased : the nearest neighbor was about a mile away from there, completely out of earshot. There was a long driveway leading to the garage and a close set hedge completely isolating the house from the street. Better and better : the girls could sunbathe in the nude without risks of prying eyes. They may soon frolick in the nude on the sundeck or in the grass but they would have little time to get a tan with a man always on top of them in the next weeks!

- Abbie, I'm to the west of Guilford in a small village named Warrington. You'll find a long straight street branching out just at the far end of the village. The sector is sparsely inhabited. It's the last house, surrounded by tall hedges. . . Yes, it's the perfect place for a home visit at night.

The weather was turning to really bad when Abbie's van arrived. A big storm with winds up to seventy mph and lightnings was scheduled. Abbie arrived with his big van and the rest of his troops. They pulled past Debbie's home. She had obligingly parked her car into the garage. The girls would have no way to escape if one of them broke free. Abbie ordered his companions to rest.

- We have two hours until the night falls down. Just wait and we'll pay these cute chicks a visit.

The weather got really bad outside and it became very dark. When the storm lightnings started, Abbie pulled the van into the drive to block it. No one saw or heard its approach with the noise of the thunders. The gang exited the van and looked for a way into the house starting by the back of the house. They had no difficulties finding a screen door open to let air in. They were in the kitchen and heard the four girls chatting while having their dinner. There was no male voices, just four girly ones, a real treat for such gruesome men.

Janet signaled that she wanted another bottle of Diet coke and asked if anyone needed anything from the kitchen. She entered but the lights seem not to function anymore.

- Shit. One of these lightnings may have blown a fuse or burnt out the lamp!

At this moment, she felt a hand grabbing her shoulder while the other covered tightly her mouth, silencing her quite effectively. She couldn't scream to warn her mother and sisters. The light was switched in soon after and she discovered to her horror that the man holding her so tightly was the horrible man she had tried to knee in the commercial mall, the man who had molested her sister. Behind him, she could see the other members of his gang. Burglars? Impossible, they were too far from town. These men had followed their car. They wanted to avenge themselves on four defenseless women. Janet was then pushed into the room where the family was gathered. They unbelievingly turned toward the kitchen door and froze when they saw Janet with them.

After a silence as their brains digested the totally unexpected visit, they all screamed in unison. They knew what burly dangerous looking men could do to poor white women. And just to compound their fright, the leader of the gang was black and his monstrous henchman who held Janet in his arms was a black tower of muscles.

- Stop screaming, cunts. If you behave, none of you will get hurt but if you try something funny, this fine piece of meat will have her throat slit open. So cross your hands in your back with no fuss and offer them to be tied like true obedient chicks!

Abbie had placed a big frightening knife against Janet's neck. The girls turned toward their mother whose mind was reeling from the stress. She couldn't find any way out, so she followed his instructions, crossing her wrists behind her back. She seemed unaware that the positions made her big tits jut forward in a very exciting way. She had kept her high heels and the non voluntary swaying of her hips combined with the offering of her proud melons to their view made the cocks of Abbie and his fellow gangsters, instantly erect. She advanced in his direction, slowly and quite reluctantly, then she turned her back to him and presented her wrists to be tied. The two younger girls followed their mother's example.

When the three of them had been secured, Abbie sheathed back his blade with a grinning smile. He had engineered that break in perfectly and told to the other black man :

- See, Tyrone, I told you that we would see them again! This was the girl who tried to hurt you. Hold her for me while I assess her. Afterward, you may have all the fun you want with her!

- OK, Abbie!

Debbie was transfixed with fear : they had openly announced their names. They couldn't let them free afterward. God! She pictured her three daughters and herself stabbed or having their throats slit open and bleeding to death on the floor! No! That couldn't be the end of their life. Anything but that!

Janet tried to break free when Abbie handed her to Tyrone. She wanted to bolt down to the kitchen and try to escape to the street. Someone could pass and save her. Little chances with the thunders all over their house, nobody would get out but Tyrone wanted to take his revenge from her. Tyrone had grabbed her arm and forced her to remain still. The pressure on her elbows was so great, she felt as if the bone had been broken. She moaned in anguish. Tyrone produced a pair of cuffs and in a moment, Janet was safely secured, too!

Abbie came to face her. He slapped her cheeks twice very hard. Her nose began to bleed but she had no way to protect herself.

- Never try to attempt something like that, white trash. Otherwise, I slice the face of your mother and cut off her nose! Understood, slut!

Janet nodded sheepishly. The threat on her mother had hit home! Abbie continued on the same menacing tone.

- The same is valid for any of you, If someone tries something funny, your mother will suffer dearly and if your mother misbehaves, it's the girl with a blue Tee shirt that will pay for it!

- My name is Joan!

She was rewarded by two ringing slaps on her cheeks. Abbie made her then bent down and he kneed her on her stomach.

- I don't care for your names! Sluts have no names. From now on, your mother will be slut A, your sister that Tyrone holds is slut B, your sister is slut C and you're slut D. If I call one of you, you must reply : "Slut D, to your orders, master!" in a loud voice. If you fail answering in the proper way with a sufficiently submissive voice, you may have an appointment with my belt and I won't limit myself to your pretty bottom. In fact, the thrashing may include your belly and your tits. Understood, slut? What's your name?

- Oh, I'm J. . ., no, I'm slut D, to your orders, Master!

The girls seemed really tamed now. The real challenge would be to obtain their mother's acceptance of their new roles in life.

- Good, slut, I love having obedient sluts on hand! Where was I?

- You wanted to assess our captives!

- Ah, yes, thank you, Al! Relax girls, I'll just push my forefinger into your twats and ass holes to see whether or not you're a virgin and how loose you are, back and front. As I'm caring for you, I'll push my finger into your mouth, cover it with saliva. It's a treat for you, otherwise, it may hurt a lot, especially up the ass. Remember the consequences if you try to bite my finger! Ready, slut?

- Slut B, to your orders, Master.

The girl who was to be the first to be raped seemed quite calm now! Abbie lifted her skirt in front and plunged his forefinger into her mouth and let her smear her saliva over it with her tongue. He pushed it into her gash. It was dry and the saliva would be a much needed lubricant! God this girl was no virgin and her husband (he had seen her wedding and engagement rings on her fingers) seemed to be very well hung as she was very loose. He was able to enter three fingers into her twat and make them see saw into her. He took his fingers out and wiped them on her tee shirt.

- You're married, slut?

- Yes, master!

- And he seems to be reasonnably well hung! Your cunt is rather loose. No children, yet?

- No, Master, we had planned for one, next year!

- You may have to change your planning! Are you on the pill and when is your fertile time due?

- I'm on the pill and my fertile time should start in three days!

- Good, we'll still be there for discovering who among the four of us will have the privilege of breeding you!

Janet's head fell down and she began sobbing and crying. Her husband and she had for so long expected that baby! This much desired testimony of their love would never come to life.

- Now grease again my fingers and turn around, slut. It's time to assess your ass hole. Humphhhh, quite tight, you're a virgin there, aren't you?

- Yes, Master. My husband and I have never gone anal. It's dirty and it hurts! Please, pull off your finger!

- When you'll have had our dear Tyrone's gigantic dong reaming it a couple of times, you may dance on another rhythm! I bet twenty bucks with you that, before we leave your house, you'll beg for it on your knees in front of your sisters and your mother.

- Oh no, I prefer dying than being faced to such a shame.

- Don't be theatrical. After a few days of accommodation, you'll find plenty of pleasure in what we intend to do to you!

Janet sobbed again as she realized her fate had just been sealed and her opinion had just not been asked. In the eyes of Abbie and his gang, she was no longer a human being, but just a piece of property, to be used and abused as her owner would deem it fit! She had no control on her life any more. Was there a lower status for a woman on earth?

- Tyrone. You may use her cunt immediately, just don't be too brutal with her. Let her time enough to stretch out to accommodate your donkey like cock. If you damage her, I may kill you! For her ass, I'll clear the way myself this evening or tomorrow and you'll be able to ream her ass too. It'll be her punishment for trying to hurt you. We'll make the formal ownership formalities immediately afterward.

- Come, slut and don't forget the sentences of allegiance.

- Yes, Master, I'm slut B, at your orders, Master

Tyrone sported a huge smile as he pulled Janet to the door of one of the bedrooms. The poor girl was desperate and turned toward her mother and sister in misery. They couldn't do anything to help her. Tyrone let the door ajar and soon after, they hear muffled screams as her new Master used her. Initially, there was much fear in her voice, as she was stripped down and her tee shirt was shredded into pieces by the huge hands that prodded ruthlessly her most sensitive and intimate places in her body. Tyrone hadn't untied her wrists. He had peeled down her skirt, her panties and bra, leaving her in her shoes and tee shirt. Then he had grabbed the collar of her last garment and had ripped it off without any visible effort. When she was naked, he threw her on her back on the bed. In departure from his wild man appearance, he was not a beast and began to caress her breasts, sliding his hands along her shapely legs, insisting on the back of her knees and the interior of her thighs. In no time, she found herself panting and whispering :

- Oooh, it's so good, go on, Master, please, do it harder! Again Master!

All these caresses weren't loving care of his partner but steps on her way to reeducation. Her wrists crushed under her back were a constant reminder of her slavish situation. He pushed her to the edge of a climax and stopped abruptly, nibbling his earlobes. He made a searing remark :

- Do you think that your husband would approve how you react?

Quite evidently, that sneering comment made her fall from her trance. She was ashamed by her own reactions but Tyrone was patient. He started again nibbling at her clit and caressing her most sensitive zones. In a few minutes, she was back at the brink and again he stopped his ministrations. She begged to him to obtain a much needed release. He denied it to her once more.

- No I want you to cum with my cock pounding at your cervix in front of your sisters and mother!

- Ohhh, please, no, master, it would be so shameful!

- And I want to make you into a shameless whore. We'll see in a few minutes who will win!

Tyrone positioned himself between her legs she had invitingly, you could say wantonly, parted to offer herself to his penetration. He nudged the tip of his cock against her clit and began to ease it in slowly. From time to time he unsheathed carefully his tumescent cock from her engorged twat to grease it with her now liberally flowing cunt juices. When he felt it was greased enough, he just pushed his cock forward by one inch, then he pulled back by one half of an inch before pushing back in by a full inch and so on. His cock was really monsterous : about thirteen inches long, four inches and a half in diameter. It was considerably bigger than a big beer bottle and he had the wits of entering the little Janet to her cervix!

Entry was rather painful for her as her husband, although well hung, have never stretched her to that terrible size. Tyrone was doing his job quite carefully, avoiding to cause any real damages. He had a fleeting thought that he was ruining this pretty wench for her husband and the other more normal members of the human race. Resizing to normal dimensions would take months and Tyrone meant to use regularly that pretty woman until she had been delivered to her final destination. If her future owner decided to have her fucked by dogs, donkeys or stallions, she should blame fate and not him.