A Nightmare Reborn: FVJ 02


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He hadn't moved an inch.

Michael was burning with fury.

"Kill them Michael..." Laurie taunted, her face contorted into a hateful laugh.

Then, Michael saw another man enter.

He was over seven feet tall and seemed to be impossibly broad. His clothes were tattered and stained, ruined beyond repair. A stained white hockey mask hid the man's face. Michael watched this hulking figure tower above his sister and her lover, quietly observing them. He slowly unsheathed a long, broad machete from his worn belt. This newcomer held his stance for a moment, as if though daring Michael to claim his prey.

The masked stranger looked directly at him, challenging him.

Then the blade came down hard.

The machete plunged into the man's back and through the other side. He sunk down and was pinned to Judith. The blade punctured her sternum and exploded out her backside into the mattress. They both screamed as the tip of the machete poked out through the bottom of the bed and touched the floor. Blood was spurting into the air in a geyser as the two convulsed. The newcomer withdrew his machete as quickly as he had planted it into them, the blade sliding out with a sick slurping sound.

Michael stopped, glaring at the masked intruder.

The stranger lifted the bloody blade and pulled his arm back over his shoulder, ready to throw.

Michael remained still.

"Jason's trying to take what's yours, Michael," the ghost hissed, her eyes glowing red, "Go to Springwood! Go!"

The machete rocketed across the room and caught Michael in the chest, sending him flying backwards. Michael hit the wall and was pinned there, his feet dangling a few feet above the floor. The ceramic tile behind him cracked and splintered from the force of the hit. He looked down at his impaled body, the blood steadily flowing from the wound. Michael grasped the handle of the machete and pulled.

And then he woke up.

"Go to Springwood, Michael!" the wind echoed his dream.

Michael rose to his feet and was grounded in reality again.

It was not safe to leave yet.

Michael knew he would wait until night came. Then he would find a car and steal it. He would go to this place called Springwood and kill the son of the doctor. But he would also find the stranger named Jason and kill him. He did not know how this man had entered his dreams, but it was a violation he could not let go of. He would find him and kill him as he had all the others.

It was his destiny.

Michael Myers reached over to his right and felt around in the dark for a moment. His fingers slide across wet, slimy concrete before grasping his mask. He felt the smooth rubber latex skin and traced the eyeholes with his index finger. The mask had become part of who he was, part of his very being. It was his second skin.

He pulled it on, inhaling the rotted rubber smell and feeling right again.

Not at peace, but simply right.




Saturday, May 14th, 2005

Springwood, Ohio

The long stretch of back road that connected Springwood and Elm Grove was narrow, neglected and surrounded by cornfields on both sides for about sixteen of the seventeen miles that composed its length. It was not used all that often, especially in the last few years since the incident out at the old silo that saw over twenty kids butchered. The road, once a busy side highway had been renamed many times over the years since the freeway was built back in the early forties that made it obsolete. The one name that stuck despite the changes was Saxon Avenue, and that was what Mike Terrell had always known it as and probably always would.

He wasn't afraid of the stories that people spun about this road, and he figured that if some lunatic was out there with a hockey mask and machete waiting to hack people up, then as long as he was on the blacktop doing sixty-five he'd be fine. It was going on eight o'clock, and the nine kids he was transporting in the large blue Dodge van were either asleep already or getting close to it. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw them all, each kid resting in positions ranging from comfortable to pain inducing.

"Fucking chess team," he muttered under his breath and shook his head. Mike had hoped to land the job of transporting the basketball team to their all-state tournament in Dayton, but had lost the coin flip to the other driver. Now, he was babysitting a group of nerds that represented the smartest strategists in the Springwood High senior class of 2005.

"Damn coin toss. What the hell was I thinking?" He wanted to smoke a cigarette, but knew if he pulled over they'd be late and he'd get it from the principal the next morning.

In the back seat of the van, hidden by the tall seat backs and the shadows of the interior, Mickey Selleck and Nicole Hanes were comfortably snuggled together under her colorful plaid blanket. Mickey looked over at Tom Sims, who sat peacefully asleep on the outer part of their bench seat. His head was tilted back and his mouth open, snoring softly and bouncing along with the van as they sped down the old highway. Mickey fought the urge to take a wad of paper and drop it in Tom's mouth. Besides, he had more pressing matters to attend to than messing with him.

"He sleeping?" Nicole whispered in his ear, her fingers slowly massaging his crotch as her lips pressed against his ear.

Mickey nodded discreetly and turned back to face her as best he could, trying to keep himself as flat as he could to get the full effect of her sensual motions.

"Out like a light," he said and returned to sliding his hands up under her t-shirt, a journey Mickey had been planning on making ever since they started dating. Nicole smiled, her thin lips almost disappearing in her grin as her rapid breathing fogged up his thick glasses. Mickey licked his lips as he felt her smooth stomach with his finger tips and then finally found the lace of her bra. He shivered, his heart racing as he ran his fingers over the cups and then gently cupped her.

"I like that," she smiled and suppressed a giggle.

"We're eighteen year old virgins," Mickey massaged her breasts through the bra, "I think anything we do to each other is going to be the best we ever had."

Tom jerked in his sleep and absently elbowed Mickey.

"Moron," he laughed silently and then heard Tom moaning slightly.

Mickey looked to Nicole, his blue eyes wide with amusement. Tom shifted his weight a little, and from the throaty sounds he was making it seemed he was in the middle of very good dream. Nicole squeezed the bulbous head of Mickey's cock slightly through his jeans, making him groan under his breath.

"Sounds like we're not only ones getting fresh," he kissed Nicole.

Nicole looked at Tom's face and smiled, "Must be a great dream."


Tom knew he was dreaming.

He had to be.

He was behind the podium on stage at graduation, dressed in his cap and gown with his classmates. The stage lights were bright and hot on his face, making him sweat a little as he gave his valedictorian speech to a massive crowd of family, friends and townsfolk. They loved his witty remarks, thrown in like a little salt to a fine meal. His words were moving and true, touching the parents of his classmates in ways they had never known. Even the jocks, who had taken such great pleasure in giving him double-jock blocks and atomic wedgies were nodding their heads in agreement.

He was entertaining them and summing up the importance of the last year in words so succinct and accurate that people doubted his speech would ever be topped. But more importantly, he had their respect. He smiled broadly as they applauded the end of his speech, rising and giving him the standing ovation he so desperately wanted and deserved. He raised his hand in gratitude, feeling like a king calming his subjects.

"Thank you," he smiled and bowed, the applause almost deafening in his ears, "To the class of two-thousand-five!"

Down in the front row, he spied an attractive woman looking at him and smiling. Tom felt his stomach jump as she waved to him discreetly in a small motion with her fingers. The woman's red dress was sexy and form-fitted to her tight body, and Tom took great pleasure in looking at her sizable cleavage. She sat there in complete contrast to the rest of the crowd, reclined back with her shapely legs crossed in a tantalizing tease. Her perfect red lips mouthed something to him. Tom strained to see what she was saying as the audience continued their exaltation of him. He shook his head to her.

'I want to fuck you,' the mystery woman mouthed and licked her lips slowly.

Tom pointed to himself hesitantly.

The blonde nodded and winked.

"Holy shit," Tom smiled nervously and then covered the microphone blushing.

Then, from the back of the huge gymnasium, somehow carrying over the heavy clapping came a guffawing laughter. Tom strained to hear it better, and realized it was getting louder. Someone was having one hell of a belly laugh out there, his voice echoing through the gym and nearly competing with the applause for sound. Tom felt a twinge of anger cross his face as he looked out into the audience, trying to see the inconsiderate asshole pissing on his moment.

"What do you think this is, the academy awards?" the heckler bellowed and roared.

"Who the fuck is that?" Tom shouted into the microphone. The busty blonde suppressed a laugh by covering her mouth.

"It's your Aunty Em!" the heckler shouted back, this time much closer in the crowd, but still out of his sight, "It's your Momma Cass, your fucking Father Knows Best!"

Tom stood back, the tassel from his cap swaying beside his ear. In the crowd of nicely dressed people there was a man walking, no he was almost elegantly dancing his way towards the stage. He was a dark man, hidden in shadows that seemed to follow him despite the stage lighting. Tom looked to his classmates, eyes wide and found them equally focused on the jerk. He looked to the blonde, who had suddenly lost interest in him. She was looking to the heckler.

"You need to sit down!" Tom cried out. 'Don't ruin this for me, please,' he thought desperately. He noticed the gym had gone silent save for the footsteps of the heckler as he finally made it to the center aisle created by the hundreds of fold out chairs. He stood defiantly in the middle, one hand behind his back and his face hidden by a dark fedora. Tom squinted to see him better, but found he couldn't see much more than that.

"I'll sit down when I'm goddam good and ready, fancy pants," the heckler growled, his voice rumbling the walls of the gym and making Tom's teeth chatter.

"Who are you?" Tom asked quietly into the microphone as it hissed and popped a distorting feedback that overloaded the speakers.

The stranger walked towards him, head cocked quizzically, "I'm the guy they all forgot. I'm the guy they all killed. But when it came time to pay the piper, I'm the guy they all had to reckon with."

"What?" Tom stood back a little. He could feel the heckler coming towards him like a cold, brutal draft of wind that chilled him to the bone.

"Don't worry, Tommy Boy," the heckler laughed sympathetically and jumped the remaining fifteen feet to the stage, soaring in the air as though gravity meant nothing to him. His boots landed with a heavy thud on the wooden floor that echoed through the gym and shook Tom. The heckler still had his face turned downward, hidden by a dusty fedora and a sinister purpose. He said, "It'll all be over so very soon."

The man looked up and Tom's voice hitched in his throat. Burnt flesh, oily and scarred stretched in a deadly leer around the heckler's mouth, revealing misshapen yellow and brown teeth. Cold, gray eyes regarded him with impish amusement as the man withdrew his right hand from behind his back. He wore a glove tipped with razor sharp knives. They gleamed in the multicolored stage lights, reflecting light all around him and his classmates.

Freddy Krueger pointed at Tom and his classmates with one sharp index finger, singling them out and said, "Boo."

They screamed and startled back a bit.

Tom looked into the audience and instead of seeing the happy faces of Springwood, he saw decayed corpses and rotted zombies. The cadavers were obscenely propped in their chairs, watching the proceedings with milky eyes and hollowed sockets that dribbled an unspeakable black fluid. He could smell the rotting flesh, a powerful mix of sour gases and rank odors. The blonde was still there, but she was a skeletal representation of her former beauty. She raised one bony hand, the tips of her fingers gone to reveal gleaming white bone. She pointed at Tom and laughed. The rest of her dead companions followed suit, pointing and laughing as Krueger stood in front of them, his arms raised high like a conductor to an orchestra of the undead.

Tom screamed.


Mickey had managed to slip his hand into Nicole's bra, pushing aside the cup and finally putting his fingers to her silky warm flesh. His belt buckle came loose and her hand was in his underwear. He felt her hard nipple against his palm as she vigorously stroked his cock. He could feel his orgasm building up far too fast and powerfully for him to control. He looked at the rearview mirror up front and saw Mike's eyes firmly focused on the road as he drove. Mickey looked at Nicole and whispered, "You're to make me cum."

"Good," Nicole licked his lips and squeezed his penis a little harder.

"I'll make a mess," he moaned into her ear, pinching her nipple slightly.

"I'll clean it up for you," she swirled her tongue around the ridges of his ear as she broke a sweat from their combined body heat trapped under the blanket. Mickey buried his face in her neck as she gazed up at the ceiling. She marveled at the hot radiance in deep inside her, glowing like a fire and heating her up in preparation for something she didn't know if she was ready for.

A small, worried groan from in front of the van caught her attention, and she noticed that not only was Tom having a whopper of a dream, but so was everyone else on the van. She saw her teammates rolling their heads from side to say and muttering incoherent babble under their breath. Someone was even crying, and that made her motion for Tom to stop suckling on her neck. She pulled her hand away from his dick and listened.

"What's wrong with them?" she whispered.


Tom fell over backwards on the stage, his head hitting the wall hard and making him see stars. He scrambled to get on his feet as the heckler walked towards him, bladed hand wide open and a sadistic grin contorting his face. The man grabbed him by the robe and hauled him up into the air with his left hand as though he weighed nothing. Tom screamed as the heckler drew his right arm back, the bladed fingers poised like the stinger on a scorpion's tail. He grabbed the musty ribbed sweater and pulled, fighting desperately to get loose.

"I'll make them remember," he laughed. Rancid spittle landed on Tom's face as the man glared at him, and he knew he was about to die. Tom felt hot urine run down his pant leg and splash to the floor. The heckler looked down at the puddle on the floor and frowned, "Oh, did old Rusty Zipper have an accident?"

Tom felt his mind slipping away, falling away into a dark mental abyss of fear. He screamed for help, but no one in the gym lifted a finger or batted an eye as they watched the stage intently.

"Tell them my name!" the man shouted and gestured to his horrified classmates.

"I don't know your name!" Tom cried, tears flooding down his cheeks.

The man jerked him down and he felt his feet touch the floor again. For a moment, he insanely thought that maybe he was going to be released, that maybe he was going to be okay. When the sharp pain of one of the man's bladed fingers pierced his left temple and drove into his skull, he realized the folly of his thinking. Tom tried to scream, but couldn't as the cold steel slid into the soft matter of his brain and froze there. Then, he heard the name of the man in his head, loud and horrible.

"Freddy Krueger!" he screamed.


Mike damn near ran the van off the road as someone in the back screamed, waking him from his sleepy thoughts.

"Freddy Krueger!"

The tires squealed and smoked on the blacktop as he struggled to regain control over the van. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw Tom convulsing. He had no time to react though as he fought the steering wheel for control speeding down the old highway at seventy miles an hour. The kids in back leaned and rolled with the tilt of the van, strangely enough not even waking up despite the squealing of the tires and the high-pitch screams of Tom Sims.

"Fuck me!" Mike shouted, "Holy fucking shit!"

Tom squealed a broken report of a pain and jerked left to right. Mickey frantically scooted himself against the window so that he was crushing Nicole. Blood was erupting from Tom's face in a geyser and splattering the ceiling. The boy flailed his arms about as gore erupted from his mouth, acidic smelling bile that spurted out in phlegmy chunks. He gurgled on the substance as he violently shook. His hand found Mickey's leg and held on so tight that Mickey though his bones were going to shatter.

"Get the fuck off me!" he yelled and kicked at Tom as blood rained down on them, "Get the fuck off, man!"

"What is going on?!" Mike called back as he regained control of the van. He flipped on the interior lights and was immediately sorry he had.


Freddy Krueger planted two blades deep into Tom's eyes, popping the soft gelatin of the orbs and punching into his skull once more. Tom howled, his hands beating against Krueger mercilessly as blood gorged from the wounds. He drew the blades back, leaving Tom blinded. Tom fell to the floor and convulsed, his tongue poking out of his mouth. Freddy kicked him square in the stomach and caused him to bite down hard enough that the last quarter of his tongue came off and landed wetly on the floor.

"My children!" he turned to the graduating class of 2005 and opened his arms, "Welcome home!"

Everyone scattered from the rows of chairs on the stage, so neatly arranged and now flipped over and abandoned. Screams filled the gym as Freddy went after his new flock, letting his name saturate them and his presence terrify them. He leapt across the stage and grabbed a young girl, pretty and blonde, by the hair and jerked her backwards as she ran. Her feet flew out from beneath her and she landed hard on her ass. Freddy raised his blades and sliced, his fury and rage unleashed on the children of Springwood once again.

"You're all mine!" he laughed manically, "You're not safe anywhere!"

Freddy chased after the children of Springwood, their shared dream powerful, deadly and ultimately fatal.


Blood was spouting up from the sleeping kids left and right as Mike watched in a horrified paralysis. Wounds were opening up on their faces as if though by magic, the skin splitting and gushing blood. He screamed, truly terrified for the first time in his life since he had been a teenager and found his father dead in bed. He felt his lips go numb as he saw them all kicking and screaming, their eyes not open but howling nonetheless. He turned around to look behind him and saw Billy Phelps, the star of the chess team sit straight up and rigid.


Billy opened his mouth as though trying to say something, but only seized suddenly and grabbed the back of the driver's seat. His knuckles turned white and his teeth grinded painfully, an animalistic growl escaped his throat that evolved into a full-fledged scream of agony. He fell back against the seat, as though some invisible hand had shoved him. His stomach exploded outwards, spraying blood all over Mike and the windshield.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" he screamed and found his hands weren't able to grasp the steering wheel anymore. Blood had soaked the console and wheel, making everything slick and dangerous. He turned and stupidly realized he needed to stop the van. He raised his foot and before he could depress the pedal, something caught his eye in the road about twenty feet ahead. Through the red spattered windshield, he saw that a man was standing there, his face white as snow, waiting for them.
